Lonoke Lions Club
Internationally referred to as “ Knights of the Blind”. We are also the largest service organiza
Please come out and support our local Museum….
President Lion April making a donation to the Lonoke Food Pantry
Happy Father’s Day❤️. Stole this from another club as you can see but Lonoke Lions Club wishes all the Dads out there a very Happy Father’s Day.
Rest in peace Lion Diane Bailey🙏
We will miss you but never forget what a kind and giving soul you have❤️❤️❤️Prayers for Lion Jim Bailey and his family during this time of loss and grief🙏💔🙏
We meet every third Tuesday at the Lonoke Masonic Lodge at 6pm. Please join us
Happy Valentine’s Day from the Lonoke Lions Club
left my phone at a business yesterday so I will be unable to access it till tomorrow. they found it and put it in their safe. will not be at work tomorrow either because I am feeling under the weather. Did not want family and friends to be worried.....
Please come join us. Third Tuesday every month at the Lonoke Masonic Lodge @ 6pm
Want to make a difference in your community?
New year, don’t forget to ask everyone you know to be a Lonoke Lion….❤️❤️❤️❤️
Had a great time tonight at our clubs Christmas Party. We missed all our Lions that had conflicts and were unable to attend. Everyone brought wrapped gifts that contained socks. Great food, lots of fun but most importantly enjoyed fellowship among our members and guest. Merry Christmas from Lonoke Lions Club
Thank you to all who made time to help with the artwork on float, assembling the float, pulling the float and riding on the float. I hope someone got a picture of the float during the parade. Special thank you to April Anderson who spent countless hours on painting ornaments and making signs and Jim Bailey for letting us use his carport and Robbie Hazeslip for pulling the float and Steve Rich for loaning us the trailer ❤️❤️
Christmas Parade on Sunday❤️
Had a great time at our Lonoke Lions Thanksgiving Potluck. Thank you DG Glen Beedle and Jackie Mahoney for attending tonight. Thank you to all the members who cooked and brought dishes tonight. We took in 4 perspective new members from tonight’s meeting. Great food, great fellowship, and new members…..Life as it should be❤️❤️❤️❤️
Happy Veterans Day