Roesle Sports Consulting

Roesle Sports Consulting

Are you ready for the next level? RSC can help!


Roesle Sports Consulting client, Southern Steal softball player and University of West Florida commit Meg Fountain (2025 TR Miller HS) is selected as Alabama Female athlete of the year. And no one and I mean no one deserves it more! Congratulations Meg!


Thank you Dennis for everything!!

Sometimes you meet people in this life that are true “difference makers”. Dennis Roesle is one of those people. My daughter was undecided about pursuing college athletics and began her recruitment journey her senior year which was very late in the game. Mr. Roesle was amazing! Although the timing was not ideal, he dove into his contacts to find her a volleyball home. He introduced her to coaches at club tournaments, made phone calls, and did the necessary research to see who needed an athlete with her credentials.

Above all of his hard work, the quality in Dennis that is the most impactful is his kindness. In this turbulent world, true kindness is a rare quality. Mr. Roesle is the epitome of kindness. His character is above reproach. I just cannot say enough about what an amazing human he is! He’s not just another recruiter…. he’s a well-connected, hard-working, honest, intelligent, caring and generous man. I trust him completely and recommend him to every parent that would like their child to play at the next level. The Quinnelly family loves Dennis Roesle!

Tasha Quinnelly




Letter of Recommendation

Thank you Dennis for everything!!

Sometimes you meet people in this life that are true “difference makers”. Dennis Roesle is one of those people. My daughter was undecided about pursuing college athletics and began her recruitment journey her senior year which was very late in the game. Mr. Roesle was amazing! Although the timing was not ideal, he dove into his contacts to find her a volleyball home. He introduced her to coaches at club tournaments, made phone calls, and did the necessary research to see who needed an athlete with her credentials.
Above all of his hard work, the quality in Dennis that is the most impactful is his kindness. In this turbulent world, true kindness is a rare quality. Mr. Roesle is the epitome of kindness. His character is above reproach. I just cannot say enough about what an amazing human he is! He’s not just another recruiter…. he’s a well-connected, hard-working, honest, intelligent, caring and generous man. I trust him completely and recommend him to every parent that would like their child to play at the next level. The Quinnelly family loves Dennis Roesle!


Tasha Quinnely


I have a list of 150-175 emails and texts from college coaches letting me know their future recruiting needs that I will forward to my volleyball clients in the next couple of days to use to determine which of these schools they might want to reach out to before AAU or Nationals in Vegas. I will also be traveling to AAU to support my clients and talk to coaches about my clients. No other service provides this type of information for its clients. I’ll will also be traveling to Gainesville this week to support many of my softball clients playing there at the Show Me the Money showcase!

So what is your recruiting service doing for you?? Quit dealing with these national services that charge huge fees but sit on their butts in an office doing nothing and call it being recruited. Roesle Sports Consulting has 25 years experience in recruiting and have helped well over 700 student athelted get to college. We believe in the personal approach to recruiting and have earned the trust of college coaches nation wide. And we are based in Pensacola so we can see our clients on a regular basis.

So don’t be fooled. We aren’t the biggest but we are the best!
Please contact my office for more information!

Dennis Roesle
Roesle Sports Consulting

ROESLE SPORTS CONSULTING Welcome to the website of Roesle Sports Consulting. I am based in Pensacola, Florida and for over 20 years have helped local high school athletes in the college recruiting process. In that time I...


Wanted to share this that I just got from a parent of Bailey Gable a 2024 graduate from Choctawhatchee HS in Ft Walton.
Bailey was a volleyball client that has been chosen to attend the Naval Academy although not playing volleyball. I can honestly say Bailey is one of the best people I have ever met and I have absolutely no doubt she will be very successful at Annapolis and in life afterwards. I can not say enough good things about Bailey. I am so damn proud of her! What a great person and role model!

In her dads words:

Hey Dennis. Hope you are doing great. I wanted to share this with you. While not an offer to continue playing ball still very much a scholarship with a commitment to serve. And while a different path than she started down when she first started working with you she told me she used many of the skills and techniques you shared with her over the years. She navigated the nomination/appointment entirely on her own and I am confident it wouldn’t have been possible without your techniques.

I thought you should know you bring value to your clients beyond the court and really offer life skills and guidance outside of sports.

Thank you! Bailey is a better person because of people like you in her life as a mentor.

Choctawhatchee High School student athlete Bailey Gable earns Naval Academy appointment 23/05/2024

Wanted to share this that I just got from a parent of Bailey Gable a 2024 graduate from Choctawhatchee HS in Ft Walton.
Bailey was a volleyball client that has been chosen to attend the Naval Academy although not playing volleyball. I can honestly say Bailey is one of the best people I have ever met and I have absolutely no doubt she will be very successful at Annapolis and in life afterwards. I can not say enough good things about Bailey. I am so damn proud of her! What a great person and role model!

In her dads words:

Hey Dennis. Hope you are doing great. I wanted to share this with you. While not an offer to continue playing ball still very much a scholarship with a commitment to serve. And while a different path than she started down when she first started working with you she told me she used many of the skills and techniques you shared with her over the years. She navigated the nomination/appointment entirely on her own and I am confident it wouldn’t have been possible without your techniques.

I thought you should know you bring value to your clients beyond the court and really offer life skills and guidance outside of sports.

Thank you! Bailey is a better person because of people like you in her life as a mentor.

Choctawhatchee High School student athlete Bailey Gable earns Naval Academy appointment Naval Academy-bound Bailey Gable reflects on lessons learned at Choctawhatchee High School

Photos from Roesle Sports Consulting's post 02/05/2024

Roesle Sports Consulting client and University of West Florida commit Meg Fountain at TR Miller HS is leading the state of Alabama in home runs (list on right) and ranked nationally as well (list on left). She is an absolute stud!


Congratulations to all the teams and players who qualified for USAV Nationals! If your a player or parent going to Las Vegas or AAU Nationals in Orlando or both and need help getting your resume and video to college coaches before these events please contact my office. We offer a full recruiting service that will help prospects maximize their exposure to colleges. If you just want a recruiting video we do those separately and have several dates coming up in May in to get them done. Roesle Sports Consulting for the past 25 years has helped hundreds of local volleyball players in the recruiting process and has a very strong relationship with college coaches. Unlike those big national recruiting services that take anyone that will pay them we only work with serious players that have good grades, high moral character and a strong work ethic. So of that sounds like you please contact my office for more information.

Dennis Roesle
Roesle Sports Consulting
(850) 723-2936
[email protected]

ROESLE SPORTS CONSULTING Welcome to the website of Roesle Sports Consulting. I am based in Pensacola, Florida and for over 20 years have helped local high school athletes in the college recruiting process. In that time I...


One of my clients recently committed to a college and was very pleased in her decision. She got a very good athletic scholarship, and the school was fairly close to home which is what the family was looking for so this college was a good fit for this girl. Her mom called me this morning upset because people have been telling her daughter that she should have held out for a "bigger school" and that she made a mistake. God this pi**es me off. People so shallow and jealous that they have to interject their negativity when this girl has worked her ass off to earn a chance to play college ball and further her education. Who are any of us to question her decision? Its petty, childish and just hateful. I told the mom that these types of people are as****es and probably jealous of her daughter's accomplishments. So for any parent or player that wants to mock or bring down a player for what school they sign at I say Shut the f--- up. Do us all a favor and go worry about your own miserable life and keep your worthless opinions to yourself.

Dennis Roesle
Roesle Sports Consulting
(850) 723-2936
[email protected]

ROESLE SPORTS CONSULTING Welcome to the website of Roesle Sports Consulting. I am based in Pensacola, Florida and for over 20 years have helped local high school athletes in the college recruiting process. In that time I...


Hey parents and student athletes
Wanted to get your guys feedback on this. Recently I was approached by one of my former clients now playing in college that told me her and a lot of her teammates were acting as mentors to student athletes in middle or high school in their sport. She explained in return for a fee you get a college player that will meet with a prospect via zoom that can go over what is needed to play in college and their personal journey and the ups and downs involved. This discussion would range from workouts to academics and even evaluating film from the prospect and what they might need to work on. This would be one on one and the fee could be in the $40.00 range for a half hour and you could meet as often as your schedules allow. I think this could be very beneficial to younger athletes to hear from college players about their experience and to get advice in numerous areas. You would be able to choose from athletes to zoom with so you can pick a player that plays the same position as the prospect and for those playing at a college that might be of interest to the prospect.

Of course we would need to abide by any NCAA rules on this but I would love to hear from families if this is something they would be interested in and any feedback you might have. If I get enough positive response I will reach out to local college players and ask if they would be interested in being a mentor. This would be sport specific and again you could pick the college player from a list to ensure getting a person best suited for your son or daughter. Thanks in advance for your response!

Dennis Roesle
Roesle Sports Consulting
(850) 723-2936
[email protected]

ROESLE SPORTS CONSULTING Welcome to the website of Roesle Sports Consulting. I am based in Pensacola, Florida and for over 20 years have helped local high school athletes in the college recruiting process. In that time I...


Went to Big South last weekend to support around 40 of my volleyball clients playing there and got to speak to numerous coaches and watched some pretty decent volleyball. As I like to do at the end of events, I noted a few things:

1) I still hear players who attend events like these and don't send emails before the tournament. Believe me when I tell you that you will not get any or very few colleges at your court if you are not contacting them before these bigger tournaments. Keep in mind coaches don't go to these big events to FIND players but to look at prospects that have reached out to them via email with video so they can evaluate them before the tournament to determine if they want to watch them in person. BTW an email to a college coach without video included is pretty much worthless which is why I do all my clients videos.

2) Players quit making excuses!! To include "I don't play well in early games", I'm not getting good sets or passes etc, the coach is playing me out of position, my team is not very good so no one watches, are just that excuses. The only thing you can control is you so focus on doing your best. College coaches don't care about whose winning just the individuals they are scouting so play hard no matter the score. They also understand if your playing out of position or rotating with another player for the good of the team. If fact you will score points with them as they love team players.

3) One of things while talking to coaches is they love to hear about players who have good grades and are just good people in general. I can't tell you how many coaches talked about recruiting players that are a good fit for their program and will be a good representative of their school. Recruiting is so much more then just volleyball skills as you can be the best player in the state but a bad attitude will get you left off a lot of coaches lists.

4) Colleges want well players who are willing to put in the work and most of all are willing to compete! Read that last line again. You better learn now to compete because in college every day is another day someone is looking to take your spot. I tell my clients that from the moment you commit to a college they are looking to replace you with a better player. While that might sound harsh coaches are paid to win at the college level and will put the best players on the court as their job is on the line dependent on wins and losses.

5) This one is for the parents. Had a college coach tell me in Atlanta he will never recruit a player from one of the local clubs because when he watched one of their teams play he said the parents were yelling and screaming at the referees as well as yelling at the other team. Nothing turns a coach off more then unruly parents and their actions penalize their daughters' chances of being recruited. Parents, please watch the game, cheer for your daughter and her team but otherwise keep to yourself because no coach wants to recruit a player whose parents are psycho. And I saw a few last weekend for sure.

Dennis Roesle
Roesle Sports Consulting
(850) 723-2936
[email protected]

ROESLE SPORTS CONSULTING Welcome to the website of Roesle Sports Consulting. I am based in Pensacola, Florida and for over 20 years have helped local high school athletes in the college recruiting process. In that time I...


If you are in Biloxi this weekend for the Showcase on Friday and or the tournament this weekend, I am doing a recruiting talk for parents Friday night at 6:30 at the Biloxi Coliseum. Great opportunity to learn about how colleges recruit for volleyball and what prospects need to do to get on the radar of coaches. Best of all it's free so come by!

Please Share!!

Colleges attending Showcase!
Jacksonville State
Millsaps College
Jones College
Alcorn State
Lauren B Wallace-Andalusia
Coastal Alabama-Bay Minette
University of Southern Mississippi
Samford University
Christian Brothers University


Added a few colleges since last post
Jacksonville State University
Millsaps College
Jones College
Alcorn State
Lauren B Wallace-Andalusia
Coastal Alabama-Bay Minette
University of Southern Mississippi
Samford University
Christian Brothers University


Go Bre! I see you balling out!

Bre Clark (2025 - Uncommitted) with another dominant performance last night for Arnold HS to remain undefeated.
Bre is having a great start to her junior season, having pitched 44.1 innings, faced 161 hitters, 14 hits, 3 earned runs and 94 Strikeouts.
Great work Bre and keep spinning it!!!


The last two weekends I attended volleyball tournaments in Atlanta and Orlando. Saw some really good volleyball and some not so great volleyball which is on par with most tournaments. Some takeaways:

1) Can't tell you how many coaches tell me they came to watch a prospect because of an email they received from player. I have never had a coach tell me they came to watch because of a social media post. I am not saying social media is not helpful with recruiting but it does not replace personal emails or texts.
2) College coaches don't give a crap what the score is or who won a game or match. Colleges recruit individuals not teams so no matter what the score you need to play hard. And remember a lot of recruiting is done during warmups so make sure you give 100% at all times. You never know who is watching
3) Body language is still the number one killer for recruiting when watching a prospect. I'm not saying you have to do a somersault after a good play but playing with enthusiasm, having fun and being a good teammate are all things colleges are looking for in a player. Shoulders slumping, cursing or acting like you are miserable is not helping you with coaches.
4) I have numerous college coaches tell me to make sure player's University Athlete accounts are current. Especially if you have committed make sure that's noted on your account.
5) And I'll end with this. One of the teams I follow has been absolutely decimated by injuries and have lost several key players. This team was already short handed going into Orlando and lost one of their outsides to a possible concussion during a match on the 2nd day. So their setter who had already been moved to libero had to hit. Now this player is all of 5'4" and I have never seen her hit so I wasn't expecting much. But instead of complaining or getting pi**ed she went out and played her butt off and more then held her own including blocking an opponent much taller then her. I was so impressed by her and wanted to give her a special shout out to Shaylee Frederick from West Florida Waves 17's. I can guarantee you when I talk to coaches about Shalyee in the future I will mention her unselfishness and how great a teammate she is!

Dennis Roesle
Roesle Sports Consulting
(850) 723-2936
[email protected]


On Friday March 22nd from 6:30-8:30 Extreme Volleyball and Pleasure Island Volleyball will host a Volleyball Recruiting Showcase from 6:30-8:30 at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention Center in Biloxi MS. College coaches will be in attendance as players perform various drills and scrimmaging. You can register here:

Roesle Sports Consulting will also be offering a free Recruiting Seminar from 6:30-7:15 to interested parents or other interested parties at the same location.

All questions concerning the Showcase should be directed to Shawn Weaver at (251) 609-3191


We can talk about skill all day long. You may be more skilled than anyone out there, but you also have to compete with a deep, innate drive & passion! The greats achieve a level of competitive spirit that very few can reach; you must BELIEVE that no one is going to out work you!

Dennis Roesle
Roesle Sports Consulting

ROESLE SPORTS CONSULTING Welcome to the website of Roesle Sports Consulting. I am based in Pensacola, Florida and for over 20 years have helped local high school athletes in the college recruiting process. In that time I...

Photos from Mississippi Matrix Volleyball's post 11/02/2024

Thank you for having me. Great organization and coaches!

Photos from Roesle Sports Consulting's post 02/02/2024

Last night we met with the athletes at Mobile Storm Volleyball Club with tons of recruiting 101 information and RSC! Great to see some of the Roesle athletes and to catch up!

Practice was a great atmosphere last night and we can’t wait to watch these girls this club season! 🔥🏐


You can buy your kids a phone; pay for college, a car. You can buy sporting equipment & uniforms, but you can’t buy their success. If they want it, they will have to work for it & earn it. Success isn’t easy. It’s gritty & hard. The price is a lot of extra work, trials & failure!

Dennis Roesle
Roesle Sports Consulting

ROESLE SPORTS CONSULTING Welcome to the website of Roesle Sports Consulting. I am based in Pensacola, Florida and for over 20 years have helped local high school athletes in the college recruiting process. In that time I...


Congratulations to Roesle Sports Consulting client Reece Varden (2024 Spanish Fort HS) on her commitment to play volleyball at Pensacola State college!


Below is a quote from Oklahoma’s football coach Brent Venables. I’m posting this because I’m constantly telling my clients they better get used to competing now for playing time because EVERY DAY in college is a competition. His words are for all high school players in any sport that are looking to play in college.

Coach Venables: “We’re not looking for backups. We’re looking for guys that come in here and make us better and make the guys in the locker room better. I tell the players all the time, you know, my job is to put together the most competitive roster I can; your job is to show up every day ready to compete, and if you don’t like to compete, good luck when you leave college because the real world gets even more competitive. That’s the expectation when we’re recruiting, signing these guys, and you’re going to get what you earn. You come in there, and I want you to get in the back of the line, show up with effort, toughness and competitiveness.”

Dennis Roesle
Roesle Sports Consulting

ROESLE SPORTS CONSULTING Welcome to the website of Roesle Sports Consulting. I am based in Pensacola, Florida and for over 20 years have helped local high school athletes in the college recruiting process. In that time I...


Good Luck to all Roesle Sports Consulting clients traveling to Big South Qualifier this weekend! Below is a list of some "TO-DO's" going into the event. If you are interested in our recruiting services, send us an email or fill out the form on our website:


Just added the University of West Alabama and Southern Union to this Exposure camp!! Don’t miss out on your chance to be seen! June 3rd in Dothan Alabama


Thanks for all you do, Sports Dads! You’re the BEST! ⭐️


Heads up, beach athletes! Check out the updated schedule for FSU Beach Camps in the link: #/selectSessions/2984142

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Thanks for all you do, Sports Dads! You’re the BEST! ⭐️
