CORD Ministries Training Center SoCal

CORD Ministries Training Center SoCal

The National Training Center for CORD Ministries in Greater Los Angeles provides training, discipleship and mobilizes students to share their faith.

CORD Ministries SoCal Training Center led by Rev. JoAnn Riley, US Missionary

Samuel Marmol’s Funeral Expenses, organized by Sabrina Manzo 21/02/2024

A dear brother in Christ needs your prayers and help with the funeral costs for his father. Please read his GoFundMe page as you pray for this dear family of God and consider giving or SHARING. This family has been such a blessing to me with timely words of encouragement and great prayer warriors…Thank you, Friends!

Samuel Marmol’s Funeral Expenses, organized by Sabrina Manzo Hello, my name is Alberto Marmol. It is with a heavy heart that I am writing this, I am… Sabrina Manzo needs your support for Samuel Marmol’s Funeral Expenses


Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors! As we close out 2023, I hesitate to ask, but I need to start the New Year with all my expenses covered. My Nat’l Missions Office wants me to be fully-funded in 2024. For the past 2 years, I received $20,000/annually LESS in donations than the previous 3 years…that’s $1,666.66/monthly. SERIOUSLY!

Plus, I need $1,550/monthly to cover travel expenses for my new Mission Assignment in 2024 to utilize my RV to come alongside other US Missionaries, RV Volunteers, and Churches to RECRUIT and EQUIP MISSION TEAMS for outreach events…that’s $3,216 more in monthly support. Please consider partnering with me and SHARE this post:

AG Giving


As I continue to travel across our nation as a U.S. Missionary…it’s so amazing how the Lord places me in the right place at the right time. Last time I passed through Gallup, NM, I stopped at Navajo City and prayed with Shirley after she made me FRY BREAD because she lost her father, uncle, husband, and cousin in the last 6-8 months.

I stopped there today on my way to Missouri and spoke with Bernie (she’s in the same clan as Shirley and serves on the worship team of the non-denominational church). She’s working extra shifts because Shirley lost her daughter who just graduated from high school, and the funeral was this weekend. Please pray for Shirley’s family and for the pastor of this small church as he ministers to her family. 🙏😢


Please pray for Bonita Rowden, a Missionary who needs a supernatural miracle.

2023 JoAnn Riley Missions Update 16/07/2023

Just a little bit closer to reaching my 2023 goal for travel expenses…I only need $2,000/month in additional monthly support to cover hotels, gasoline, meals, and vehicle maintenance. (This just barely covers the funds I’ve lost in monthly donations over the last 2 years.) Please use the following link or SHARE it with someone who understands the need of caring for our U.S. Missionaries who serve on the frontline of the enemy’s territory:

Below is an update on my 2023 Missionary Travels (video credit and sincere appreciation to: Mac and Barbara Mandley)

2023 JoAnn Riley Missions Update Rev. JoAnn Riley is a U.S. Missionary with the Assemblies of God. She is the Missionary CARE Coordinator for 59 U.S. Missionaries in Church Mobilization (one...


AG Giving


Such a blessing to see a mighty team of King’s Castle Warriors being trained and equipped to reach the Philippines!!


This Sunday, June 5, U.S. Missions will begin 30 days of focused prayer for the United States. We invite and encourage you to join us! Read AGUSM Executive Director Malcolm Burleigh's heart below, and download the Pray for America pack — including one prayer request for each day — from the Printed Resources section of our website:

"So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer" (Ezra 8:23, NIV).


Whatever your talent, or interest, or perhaps a “life skill” may be…use it to share the Gospel and God’s love with those you may encounter along life’s journey. If Jesus is truly the Lord of YOUR life, then don’t hide the knowledge of His saving grace and eternal salvation from a lost and dying world. Tell someone that “JESUS LOVES YOU” in your most creative way…by sharing your time, talent and treasures with anyone and everyone along your journey today…to guide them to heaven for JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY!!!


Will you agree with us in prayer for a mighty outpouring of God’s blessings, anointing and provision?

Missionaries are praying for guidance and wisdom with their finances due to the increased cost of fuel and food, shares AGUSM's . They are seeking creative ways to continue ministering in Jesus' name without breaking the bank! The cost of materials for projects can be overwhelming to pastors, and RV Volunteers are especially struggling to keep up as they travel nationwide to work on projects. Pray with us for peace of spirit, wise strategies, and divine provision for each missionary and leader!

Can You Hear the Difference Between One Million Dollar & $5000 Cello? | Bach Cello Suite No. 1 19/05/2022

Our training center has been locked up and collecting dust since 2020…I’m praying for this season of change in my life to open doors for it to be used again to transform lives in the supernatural as they enter into God’s presence. Much like a $1 million dollar cello vs. a $5,000 cello…neither one is useful if unplayed and unused by a master artist...or even a child who has so much potential, but no opportunity to learn.

Can You Hear the Difference Between One Million Dollar & $5000 Cello? | Bach Cello Suite No. 1 Today I am comparing three different cellos in Julie Reed Yeboah's violin shop playing the famous Bach Cello Suite No 1. The first cello is $5000 by Jay Hai...


Praise the Lord for open doors that are being finalized and approved by AG US missions in the coming weeks for this next season of my life! The past 2 years have been filled with transition and uncertainty for all of us...
...but each lesson that we’ve learned...
..and each wall that we’ve had to overcome....
..will be a life-lesson that God can use to help others who are facing similar battles.

It is with a heavy heart that I share the recent decision that as a US Missionary, I will no longer have be able to serve with King’s Castle USA. This U.S. branch of a dynamic global ministry (now in 40 other countries) has been transferred under the umbrella of A/G World Missions.

As a US Missionary, I'd need to transfer to World Missions to continue serving with KCUSA. But Rev. Michelle Wellborn is now the US Nat'l Director (as well as her role in Argentina) and Rev. Donald Triplett is the Asst. Nat'l Director (as well as his role in El Salvador).

So as I march forward and wait on God's timing, IS IT OKAY to look back?

It's easy to get stuck in the past and continue grieving over what has been lost...but meanwhile, I believe it's good to recall what God has done over the past 18 years in US Missions.

SO WHAT'S NEXT? I'd love to share the GOOD NEWS, but you'll need to wait until everything has been finalized and approved!

Meanwhile, I'd love to meet with you (I'll be in Phoenix next week for a Missions Conference and then in California next month to sort through old files and at the SoCal Network Conference on May 3-5).

And I'd love to speak in a mission service to share some of the supernatural miracles, divine appointments, and testimonies of lives that were transformed by the endless hours on the mission field and relentless spiritual warfare that YOUR PRAYERS empowered me to overcome.

Your investment in my life and ministry has allowed me to invest in the lives of others!!

The CastiShow Ep 56 - I Came to Worship You, Jesus! 25/12/2021

Be sure to SHARE some Christmas cheer. Open your YouTube acct and 👍🏽…then share this video with your friends. It’s available in English and Spanish.

The CastiShow Ep 56 - I Came to Worship You, Jesus! "I came to worship You, Jesus!" Together today we continued to learn about the importance of worship in our lives.We are living the days leading up to Christ...

The CastiShow Ep 54 - My Song Reaches Heaven! 11/12/2021

Have you SUBSCRIBED on your YouTube account to Club CastiShow? Receive email notifications every Saturday for this amazing series for children. The Holy Spirit gives us a NEW SONG as we trust in Him.

The CastiShow Ep 54 - My Song Reaches Heaven! "My Song Reaches Heaven!" Together today we continue to learn about the importance of worship in our lives.How nice it is to know that our adoration and what...


Second snowfall in Minot! Praying for covering over family, friends, and KCUSA Castle teams all across the US as we mobilize students to reach the nations in 2022!!!

The CastiShow Ep 53 - I Have the Key of Praise! 04/12/2021

Check out this week’s episode of Club CastiShow: I have the Key of Praise!

Go to YouTube, LIKE and SHARE!!

The CastiShow Ep 53 - I Have the Key of Praise! "I Have the Key to Praise!" Together today we will learn the importance of worship in our lives.Last month we were learning about prayer, how through it we c...


Praise the Lord for lives transformed and empowered by the Holy Spirit at CDDC Youth Convention! Great worship and powerful message to impact youth. Praying for 2-3 new Castle teams in 2022!

Thanksgiving Update on my latest adventures... 21/11/2021

Thanksgiving Update on my latest adventures... You don't want to miss this. U.S. Missions Thanksgiving Update... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Dear Pastors and Prayer Warriors, Can you believe Thanksgiving is this week? This time last year, many families

The CastiShow Ep 50 - I Conquer on My Knees! 14/11/2021

Love this week’s episode of CastiShow! Please SHARE with a friend…

The CastiShow Ep 50 - I Conquer on My Knees! "I conquer on my knees!" Together today we continue to learn about Prayer.Prayer is our powerful weapon to communicate with God, to see miracles and to exper...


First snowfall this season!!


Marta Alicia Pineda de Menendez (Nov 28, 1970 - Oct 24, 2021) 🙏🏽🌹🥲


Thank you for your continued prayers for Marta’s family. She has been completely healed with a resurrected eternal body with no more pain, or sorrow…King’s Castle USA is forever grateful for the love, sacrifice and dedication of the Menendez family for the last 7 years of serving on our mission team as we grieve the loss of Marta Pineda Menendez. Our prayers for comfort and guidance are with Felipe, Gerson and Josue Menendez. We have the assurance and peace knowing that Marta is rejoicing in heaven as she receives her eternal reward in the arms of our Lord and Savior!


King’s Castle USA is forever grateful for the love, sacrifice and dedication of the Menendez family as we grieve the loss of Marta Pineda Menendez. Our prayers for comfort and guidance are with Felipe, Gerson and Josue Menendez. We have the assurance and peace kowing that Marta is rejoicing in heaven as she receives her eternal reward in the arms of our Lord and Savior!


Goodbye, Atlanta! It was a blessing to stop during my travels to see the Gainesville Castle Team! ’sCastleTeam


God’s favor!! Someone named KIM changed her mind and didn’t even touch it! I don’t usually have the money for Starbucks, but I was waiting for a cup of water…. Thank you, Jesus for unexpected blessings as I continue to travel across the USA to train churches to REACH OUTSIDE THEIR WALLS. During COVID, we’ve been training churches to reach the lost through online platforms…but we’ve been blessed to provide in-person training in CO, KY, GA, AZ and CA! Thank you for praying for our team! ’sFavor

The CastiShow Ep 43 - The Consequence of My "Yes" 25/09/2021

Please share Club CastiShow with families who need to learn about Jesus!! Log into YouTube to give it a thumbs up!! 👍🏽

The CastiShow Ep 43 - The Consequence of My "Yes" Today we're talking about "The Consequence of My Yes!" and together we continued to learn about the importance of giving our Yes to God.Every decision that w...


Please DM me if your youth leaders are interested in joining this virtual training to disciple teenagers (Middle School - High School) with 16 hours of training through ZOOM for only $15/person. Teachers manuals are in Spanish and there are optional student devotionals in Spanish and English.

The CastiShow Ep 41 - I Say Yes! 12/09/2021

Will YOU say YES?? Check out this week’s episode of Club CastiShow and be sure to invite your friends. Thank you, Jonathan & Michelle Wellborn and family for your dedication to present these videos in Spanish and English!!! May the Lord continue to give you amazing creativity, passion to share the Gospel and abundant joy!!

The CastiShow Ep 41 - I Say Yes! "I say yes!" Together today we reviewed the best testimonies of Bella's Yes to God.Giving our Yes to God is one of the best decisions we can make. This will ...

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Testimony of Josh Wellborn, Nat'l Youth Director
