Inner Fortune Coaching

Inner Fortune Coaching
True feelings inspire action for a healthy life. Claim the possibilities every day!

Karen Ribeiro, author and founder of Inner Fortune, supports individuals and leaders in the clarification and achievement of their inspired work in the world. This page is designed to inspire action for a sustainable, balanced life --where fearlessness is claimed each day as a critical tool for success. For details about life and business coaching visit


New guided journaling series! It’s always a good time to manifest positive energy in your life 🌟💃🏻🎶🧡

We hear a lot about self care and slowing the pace of our lives in order to connect with nature and spirit, and in order to be mindful and feel the true preciousness of this life we are living.

But how do we do this? What is discernment? How do we cultivate insight? What are the ways of emotional skill building that help us listen to our inner wisdom?

The process of building your InnerFortune can help!

InnerFortune journaling offers a carefully crafted process of reflection toward the ongoing realization of emotional skill building, creative insights, stress reduction, and personal resilience.

In this 8-week series you'll set intentions and activate your next right steps in the 8-gateways of life: family, body, adventure, livelihood, thought, spirit, dreams, and social relationships. Each week specific themes such as resistance, trust, and generosity will help us journal into our next right steps toward discovery.

Sign up here:

Moon Cycles 16/01/2023

Sensitivity is sensational!

Moon Cycles Moon Cycles I am sensational! Feeling so acutely the nuances, the implications, the essences Said, not said What a fine point I can put on this moment and that Which points toward deeper meaning. Understanding Borne. Or not.


Thinking about 2023 yet?

Instagram Photos 29/11/2022

Action feels good.

The White Mind 17/11/2021

A moment of reflection about the white mind ... as we experience the trials of white supremacy.

The White Mind The white mind is Christian and capitalist. The roots of white mind as we know it today are over a thousand years old and grew out of the merger of Christianity and capitalism. This merger began the spread of extractive and disrespectful practices of overpowering nature and the essential life power....

52 Days Reading One's Heart -- A Tribute to Spirit Wisdom 05/09/2021

52 Days Reading One's Heart -- A Tribute to Spirit Wisdom 52 Days ago I started a process of listening to my heart with an ... open heart. It has been amazing and I will continue this, ideally for 7 more cycles, to complete a full year. I am also 52 years old and on my birthday quipped that I'm now officially "a full deck" (and


What if...

Photos from Beyond Karen's post 31/03/2021

Beyond Karen is a new project of Inner Fortune. Please let me know if this cover art resonates with you if you know about the Karen meme!

December - Making Love 27/12/2020

2020 has been quite the year - facing realities and hard truths and redefining what matters.
Please enjoy my last post in this monthly Inner Fortune series: Making Love and the full year of posts:

December - Making Love This post is my final contribution to a year-long series: 2020: The Year of Truth. In January, I listened to my inner voice as it laid out twelve monthly topics for the year and I have posted a blog each month accordingly. And still, in retrospect, I much prefer this "Year of Truth" way


Here is the 4th of 12 monthly blog posts of the Year of Truth: Inside-Out Biology from Inner Fortune. It is chock full of earthiness - and the connections between our guts and nature.
Enjoy! Share! Feel Nourished! ‎ ‎

Global Dyad Meditation 23/04/2020

Check this out! I just signed up and am so excited about it. What a great find

Global Dyad Meditation Welcome to the Global Dyad Meditation Community! Open-hearted people around the world are gathering in a transformative free online meditation practice, called the Global Dyad Meditation.

Feminine Consciousness Rising 18/04/2020

Are you in tune with your ? When the body-mind is in harmony, our communication is easier and more enjoyable. Joy and happiness is the goal! Please share!

Feminine Consciousness Rising What is Feminine Consciousness and why is it rising dramatically? Feminine consciousness is inclusive and generous. “It” cares less about who said what when, and more about what is being done to whom - in the service of harmony and justice. It is the higher minded, long term, visionary side of u...

Seeds of Solidarity 17/04/2020

What a great time to be reading memoirs! I am currently reading making love while farming by Deb Habib in Ricky Baruch. What memoirs are you reading or want to read?

Seeds of Solidarity Authors Ricky Baruch and Deb Habib are the founders of Seeds of Solidarity Farm and Education Center. Please visit to learn more, take part in a tour or workshop, enjoy some …


Action of the Day:

Ask yourself, "On a scale of 1-5, What is my Body Awareness?"

Found in the Inner Fortune Journal in the Body section


Action of the Day:

Ask yourself, "On a scale of 1-5, what is my sense of purpose?"

Found in the Inner Fortune Journal in the thought section.


This morning's meditation: Grateful Smile of the Heart


A few sweet tips on savoring our time sheltering in place from the dear monk Thich Naht Hanh:


Can you feel the ways the world conspires for your benefit? This is called Pronoia - the opposite of paranoia.


Read every one of these messages, pause, then listen for your next right step.



Live from the heart


See beauty all around you!


Inner Fortune Journals
now on sale!


Inner Fortune journals now on sale! Great gift idea.

How to Extract White Mind from Your Mind 08/10/2018

If you need an emotional boost after the Kavanaugh situation, try this:

How to Extract White Mind from Your Mind So the old white privileged heterosexual Christian male "alleged" sexual assaulter, Kavanaugh, has been granted lifelong authority at the highest federal judicial post, the Supreme Court of the United States. What next? To all of the women, who were inspired to tell their story [read mine here] afte...


In light of the current inspiration beaming forth from Christine Blasey Ford, Lili Bernard and countless others, here is my survivor story: my voice back/

Gender Liberation and Patronizing 01/09/2018

What will you create today? Start with a reflection on what it means to support each other:

Gender Liberation and Patronizing I wrote an article about the sexual abuse crisis finally exposed on a grand scale in the Roman Catholic Church and pointed to the gender divide, along with other obvious-to-everyone-with-perspective observations, that helped set the stage for this crisis. That same week my husband was formally admon...

Inner Fortune "what if" video 18/08/2018

Watch the What IF video here: audio on this page's video is broken

Inner Fortune "what if" video This uplifting 3-minute video by Karen Ribeiro, founder of Inner Fortune, is set to Jack Johnson's awesome song, Better Together. So many of us ask these simple…


Timeline Photos

What is Inner Fortune?

Spaciousness. Lightness of Being. JOY! And the trust that all will be well.

How is it that these abundant resources elude us when we need them most? That’s the paradox of life. We need each other. In the process of sustaining Inner Fortune we cut ourselves on sharp edges and get surprised by the blunt force of conflicting truths. And we come through it just a bit wiser, a bit gentler. Enjoy all your bits.

If you long for someone to witness your beauty, visit

Videos (show all)

What if...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00