Word To The World International Prophetic Ministries

Word To The World International Prophetic Ministries

WTTWIPM is a prophetic ministry, our kingdom assignment is to teach and train God's people.


Our live stream "Resurrection Service" will be tomorrow early morning
"The Sun Of Righteousness Will Fill The Sky"
(Jesus Is The Sunrise)


We are live streaming for service on tomorrow Sunday, at 10am. A Prophetic word for these prophetic times.


Do not touch touch My anointed ones, and do My prophets no harm.
Psalms 105:15
God is manifesting more Prophets in this earth more then ever before, because of the times, and the world better watch how they treat them.


We are making declarations against the mountains in your life on today. Mark 11:23


Bless God powerful


January FAST 2024

But I would like to explain the Doctrine of Fasting: Which means "Abstaining from Food", the Hebrew term means" to prevent from intake, or to put a muzzle over the mouth spiritually.

The Doctrine of Fasting: Fasting and Prayer"The Cure for Unbelief (Ps. 69:10) The disciples asked the Lord why they could not heal a lunatic boy. Jesus said, "Because of your unbelief...However this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting" (Matthew 17:14-21). Faith need prayer for its development and full growth, and prayer needs fasting for the same reason. Fasting has done wonders when used in combination with prayer and faith. This is a biblical doctrine. To fast means to aststain from food, that which caused the fall of man. Fasting humbles the soul before God (Ps. 35:13); chastens the soul (Ps. 69:10); and crucifies the appetites and denies them so as to give the entire time to prayer (2 Samuel 12:16-23, Matthew 4:1-11). It manifests earnestness before God to the exclusion of all else (I Cor 7:5); shows obedience; gives the digestive system a rest (Mt 6:16,18,9:15; Luke 5:33); demonstrates the mastery of man over appetites; aid in victory over temptation; helps to attain power over demons, develops faith; crucifies unbelief; and aids in prayer (Mt 4:1-11;17:14-21). All believers are supposed to fast, but no regulations or set rules are given as to how long or how often. That is determined by the indiviluals desire and needs (Mt 9:14-15,1 Cor.7:5; Acts 13:1-5). Men should fast when under chastening (2 Sam 12:16-23); under judgment (1kings21:27); in need (Ezra 8:21); in danger (Esther 4); when worried (Daniel 6:18); in trouble (Acts 27:9,33) in spiritual conflict (Mt 4:1-11; and when desperate in prayer Acts 9.

*Absolute Fast* means No Food or Water it all.
*Normal Fast* means Just Water or 100% Juice, or herbal tea, mainly water no food.
*Partial Fast* means 1 meal a day or just vegetables or just fruits you can interchange this one, but no more than 1 meal a day. And also from 6 am to 6 pm everyday.

We here at "WTTWIPM" Fast for 21 days in what is called a "Normal Fast", which means we go 21 days without food, just water, herbal tea, or 100% juice, but mainly water. We do not eat any food for 21 whole days, most people or even churches do not fast this way, but this is how Jesus, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Danial, Paul and many others in the Word of God fasted praise God. We have been trained for years to fast in this way. So be wise if you attemp to fast in this way God bless.

Bishop Carlton Pearson's Last Sermon @ GMCHC (2002) 20/11/2023

Bishop Carlton Pearson has passed at the age of 70 years old. I would be remiss of my duties as a minister not to acknowledge the Bishop,. When I use to live in Tulsa OK, I was apart of the "Higher Dimensions" church, he and his wife Gina, at the time became precious souls to my family, Bishop Carlton and Gina spoke blessings over my oldest daughter Naomi. His heart for people was massive, he would put his hands on me every time he would engage in a conversation with me, and you could feel the love and anointing on his life. I never stop praying for him, even after his change with preaching his gospel of Inconclusion. My hope and prayer is that Jesus the Christ the one that holds the keys of death, hell and the grave in his hands, met him face to face. We are praying for his family during this time.

Bishop Carlton Pearson's Last Sermon @ GMCHC (2002) was a crucial year for Bishop Carlton Pearson. Many would say that this was the final...


Preparing to have communion and talk about "Benefits Of The Blood" Today Saturday morning, at 10:30am. Location 1731 Trawick Road, Raleigh NC 27604


Part 3, Final Teaching 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 " The Wisdom Of God In A Mystery"


Part 2 Teaching 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 " The Wisdom OF God In A Mystery"


Prayer of encouragement: Teaching 1 Corinthains 2:1-16 "Title "The Wisdom Of God In A Myster"


I have reached 100 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉


I follow "Prophet Ed Citronnelli" A true Prophet of God, a man of aggressive authority in the Spirit.


Part 4, ROMANS 10:1-21 Teaching


Part 2, ROMANS 10:1-21 Teaching


Part 3, ROMANS 10:1-21 Teaching


Romans 10:1-21 Prayer Teaching


Awesome teaching "Romans 9:1-33"


Prayer, and encourage."Reading of Psalm 145 to 150, Praise Chapters"


Awesome teaching "Romans Chapter 7:1-25"


Teaching "Romans Chapter 7:1-25"


Awesome teaching "Romans Chapter 5:-21" The Benefits Of Justification"


Powerful teaching "Romans 4:1-25" Walking In The Steps Of Abraham's Faith


AWESOME Teaching "Romans Chapter 4:1-25" The Faith Of Abraham


Teaching "Romans Chapter 3:1-31"


Teaching "Romans Chapter 2:1-29" Great Teaching of the Scripture.


In the message, there is a prophetic word about the homosexual, the lesbien and the transvestites, and any one that is in that life style. God is going to pull them out, and clean them up and use them for HIS GLORY. To draw others out of that life style praise God.


Powerful teaching "The Book Of Romans Chapter 1 -32"

Videos (show all)

Part 3, Final Teaching 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 " The Wisdom Of God In A Mystery"
Part 2 Teaching 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 " The Wisdom OF God In A Mystery"
Prayer of encouragement: Teaching 1 Corinthains 2:1-16 "Title "The Wisdom Of God In A Myster"
Part 4, ROMANS 10:1-21 Teaching
Part 3, ROMANS 10:1-21 Teaching
Part 2, ROMANS 10:1-21 Teaching
Romans 10:1-21 Prayer Teaching
Awesome teaching "Romans 9:1-33"
Prayer, and encourage."Reading of Psalm 145 to 150, Praise Chapters"
Teaching "Romans Chapter 7:1-25"
Awesome teaching "Romans Chapter 5:-21" The Benefits Of Justification"

