The most Refreshing Water on earth! Therefore encouraging β€œWhoever” to follow Jesus!

DRINK414 is covering the earth with the living words of Jesus Christ through media and creative advertising.


Jesus through all the twists & turns we have been through this year, we still trust in you that everything will work out πŸ™ Amen!


God please continue to cleanse each of our hearts and minds everyday. In Jesus name we pray πŸ™ Amen!


Jesus thank you that your presence in our life gives us courage through any difficulties we may go through each day πŸ™ Amen!


God thank you for calming our fears today and reminding us that all things are possible with you. In Jesus name we pray πŸ™ Amen!


β€œJesus realized at once that healing power had gone out from him, so he turned around in the crowd and asked, β€œWho touched my robe?” His disciples said to him, β€œLook at this crowd pressing around you. How can you ask, β€˜Who touched me?’” But he kept on looking around to see who had done it. Then the frightened woman, trembling at the realization of what had happened to her, came and fell to her knees in front of him and told him what she had done. And he said to her,


God please keep us in close Relationship with you listening to your every word. In Jesus name we pray πŸ™ Amen!


God help us to continue obeying your will for our lives everyday. In Jesus name we pray πŸ™ Amen!


God we know we are sinners and need your forgiveness everyday in our lives. In Jesus name we pray πŸ™ Amen!


God please forgive us of all of our sins today and forever! We believe in the good news of your son Jesus πŸ™ Amen!


God help us to obey your commands and stay in close Relationship with you everyday. In Jesus name we pray πŸ™ Amen!


God help us to keep watch and pray to you everyday in jesus name πŸ™ Amen!


God if you can’t change our circumstances please strengthen us to continue obeying your will. In Jesus name we pray πŸ™ Amen!


God help us to keep our hearts and minds devoted to your truth and prepared for your return. In Jesus name we pray πŸ™ Amen!


God may we continue to be wise and stay in Relationship with you everyday. In Jesus name we pray πŸ™ Amen!


God please help us keep our hearts ready for your return at anytime. In Jesus name we pray πŸ™ Amen!


God help us to remain faithful obeying your word and prepared for your return at anytime. In Jesus name we pray πŸ™ Amen!


Thank you Jesus that we can trust your words into eternity πŸ™ Amen!


What will the world 🌎 begin to look like before King πŸ‘‘ Jesus returns to earth?


β€œLater, Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives. His disciples came to him privately and said, β€œTell us, when will all this happen? What sign will signal your return and the end of the world?” Jesus told them,


God help us to humbly serve all those around us. In Jesus name we pray πŸ™ Amen!


Your teaching Jesus is all we need πŸ™ Amen!


β€œβ€œTeacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” Jesus replied,


God today we pray πŸ™ for all our lost sons and daughters to be saved and come home. In Jesus name πŸ™ Amen!


God please hear and answer all our prayers and requests today in jesus name πŸ™ Amen!


God please hear and answer all our prayers and requests today in Jesus name πŸ™ Amen!


God please search and bring home all of our lost sons and daughters. In Jesus name we pray πŸ™ Amen!


God please forgive us if our actions have caused anyone around us to sin. In Jesus name we pray πŸ™ Amen!


God thank you that we have found true life in Jesus πŸ™ Amen!


God thank you that you are with us through every storm in our lives. In Jesus name we pray πŸ™ Amen!

Who We Are

Our Mission:

To share the Living Words of Jesus Christ by reaching the ends of the earth through the Drink414 fellowship app, social media, and creative advertising.

Our Vision:

A community of believers who DRINK God’s Word, GATHER virtually to fellowship, and SHARE the Living Words of Jesus Christ to a watching world.

Videos (show all)

Matthew 12:50
93 years old. Obedience is the very best way to show that you believe!
I am Sober now! Matthew 19:26
John 8:36 β€œSo if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”‭‭ -Jesus
John 16:33 Jesus has overcome the world!
93 year old says… Jesus is our problem solver! Matthew 11:28
Jesus will take care of me!
Have You touched Jesus?
Matthew 6:33
Matthew 7:7-8
