The Original Stress Busters

The Original Stress Busters

A comprehensive and science backed relaxation technique designed and used by the U.S. Military sinc

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And cat and his friend


Sleepy cat assisting me with online work!


Excited about the website.


This is an amazing read!


Working with the amazing Colleen C. to get up and running!

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Not to seem woo woo and fluffy by leaving the science out of this, might I suggest that movement of all and any sort is vital to full and healthy functioning of the human body all throughout life? The quality of movement is related to the quality of life in many ways both subtle and obvious.

A simple example of this is if you spend a lot of time at a computer keyboard, as it seems most of us do all too often now. It is suggested that if we cannot or do not have access to a stand up desk set up, we benefit greatly by standing up and moving away from our desks for at least 5 minutes every hour.

Give this a try and let me know what changes happen for you.




So I just listened to The Six Bridges audio that Stephen Elliott and I created. And what occurs to me is that I have not been congruent in my use of this amazing resource. And that there is so much more that can be done with this tool. And of course other tools in conjunction with this. I am going to begin the first 21 days of listening to Track 3 twice daily tomorrow. Meanwhile if anyone is interested in The Six Bridges I will have up and running soon! Watch this space! Cheers, Stephen

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After doing at least 5 minutes of Heart Rate Variability Breathing, which can be 6 seconds on the inhale and 6 seconds on the exhale to start with, follow that up with slowly and enjoyably walking backwards for about 5 minutes. When you are finished walking backwards take a few moments to simply enjoy the feelings in your body. Then walk forwards and notice any differences. Enjoy!


It's been far too long since I have written anything here. That ends now. A lot has happened lately and I am working on wrapping my head around things. For instance I almost died at the end of April and spent 8 days in the hospital. Then my father passed away in early May. I am working on leaning how to make a full-time living online now due to health concerns and a curiosity to see who I can help in this medium. Looking forward to seeing how fast I can create this new life. Cheers all!


It’s always you


I’ve decided to start teaching two of my favorite classes again: Autogenics for erasing stress and building joy. And Kirtan Kriya Memory Meditation for enjoying and increasing ability for learning.

I will travel as far north as Brick, NJ. As far south as Cape May. And as far west as Princeton.

I’m starting small and doing classes at your home or business. Minimum of 5 people per class at $125 including cd and handout.

Any group of 5 or more that signs up for both classes scheduled at the same time and place pays only $200 materials included.

Each class runs approximately 90 minutes and includes free guided meditations for personal and professional change.

Feel free to contact me ASAP at 1-609-382-2403

Looking forward to working with you!

Stephen Hawley


It’s remarkably easy to be mediocre. I speak for myself. It’s why I chose to maintain this fast until I have accomplished my first set of goals. Many reasons to quit. But I am building this vehicle to explore the Mystery better. Can’t do it while I’m sick and in pain. Plus, you know, the babes dig a lean and muscular man. 😈


An easy way to start your day. Thanks and Love, stephen michael HAWLEY


Walking up Bolton


The beginning of the fast


So I am pursuing what I’d like to call the Yoga of the Six Bridges. While I do this I am using the Six Bridges with the Inner Balance app from HeartMath. Getting closer daily to getting into higher levels of heart-brain sync up. Soon I will press the Level 3 star button on the app which makes it harder to stay in a highly synced up state. And daily I am enjoying the benefits of being coherent. There is a whole worldwide community of folks doing what I am doing every single day. Directly affecting the world towards being synced up. This is power. And an opportunity to find people who have the same mission. And there are a lot of us. The community grows daily. Which gives me hope because coherence becomes inevitable once enough people work for it. Peace and Love, stephen michael HAWLEY


Decisions, decisions... Yes. I am coming to understand through taking consistent actions that we can train our nervous systems to develop ourselves in ways that seem impossible. What I am doing through breathing, the Yoga of the Six Bridges and the Reversal of Suffering I am showing myself and the world, in my own way, what Victor Frankl showed us in Man’s Search for Meaning. Please consider that even if your life is perfect, hahahahaha, you will become a light to others when you train your nervous system properly. I am of the opinion that it is our responsibility to be proactive in the endeavor of building a Heart for ourselves. It’s a duty. And a pleasure. Everything good is made fantastic. And there is a world that lies hidden in front of you. Unless you develop a Heart you cannot feel what you are truly able to feel. Let that sink in. Please. I love you. Go forth and frolic my sisters and brothers! It’s lonely waking up amongst the sleepers. Join us. Lol Peace.


Much earlier today I was in my backyard listening and saw the Moon following me through the trees. It was a Ruthie moment. Thought I’d share. Love, Stephen


A Cat and His Boy. The purring helps me think. And the iAwake audios train my brain. Happy Summer Solstice everyone! Peace and Love.


Happy Father’s Day! And in this vein I point you to Fine Art of the Six Bridges on my page.

Love is feeling, action, forgiveness and proactive skill building to name a few ways of taking about it.

So build your ability to be a better father daily with some help from our 6 Bridges.

Love to one and all. Nourish and nurture one another. Be strong with feeling!


At the risk of sounding too much like a poster child for adrenaline or the Active Ingredient of the day I am offering this: Be proactive. Don’t just pay attention to the decisions you make. Take delight in deliberate action. As an example when I get out of bed I step onto my Cellerciser and do what’s called the Health Bounce for 12 minutes. This does 101 really good things to set the direction for the day. It allows me to think, plan and review. Take a moment to be grateful and to remind myself that Time’s fleeting. So take advantage not for granted. Love and Peace, stephen michael HAWLEY


A little something from The Lazy Hypnotist aka Steve...

Four books to be read in order will randomly appear in my mind and I will walk to one of my book shelves or a Kindle app on some device or other...

The books for this 2nd of June are to be read in the following order. The sense of which is yours to make of you so please.

Being Logical - A Guide to Good Thinking by D. Q. McInerny
The Rainbow Machine - Tales from a Neurolinguist’s Journal by one of my favorite madmen Andrew T. Austin ( Don’t stop with just this book. Get everything he offers and take all of his classes. This is the tip of an adventure that you’ll thank me later for )
The Power Tactics of Jesus Christ and Other Essays Second Coming... Edition by Jay Haley
Do You Know How Another Knows To Be? Epiepistemology Neuro-Semantic Programming by Jennifer K. Smith Chong and Dennis K. Chong

Well there you have it first folks. Read a chapter a day. You’ll be done in no time. And in time I think you’ll want more of that certain something, that remembered wellness, that wholeness, that....

With love,
The Lazy Hypnotist aka Steve


Something to do when the power goes out and you’re with the one you love. Even if that means you’re by yourself. Get a mirror, maybe a makeup mirror or something that will fit on your coffee table. Put a couple of lit emergency candles behind the mirror so that you can see your reflection but not the flames. Using a metronome app from your phone set to 60 beats per minute or one beat per second simply sitting comfortably with your back straight, feet flat on the floor and hands palms down on thighs with thumbs not touching each other gaze into the mirror. You’ll be breathing in 6 seconds and exhaling 6 seconds. Look softly into your own eyes and feel the love that is there. Yes. It’s there somewhere for the naysayer. Keep breathing. In through the nose and out through the nose. Eyes relaxed. Relax your tongue through and through. Again and again return to breathing in through your nose 6 seconds and out through your nose 6 seconds. Feeling the love. Whatever love for whatever reason. It’s your love. Tongue relaxing. Eyes softening. Loving. Now...

If you happen to have a loved one who wants to be loved more, who wants to be able to feel love and reciprocate love more fully and completely in satisfying and sustaining ways you are in for a treat. For this you’ll want two chairs so that you can sit facing one another, sitting close enough to gently hold hands. Backs straight. Feet flat on the floor. A candle each behind you. Just enough light to see the eyes, the love and that something you’ll discover. You’ll use the metronome app set to one beat per second or 60bpm. You’ll both be breathing at the same time, through the nose, out the nose, 6 seconds in, 6 seconds out. Relaxing the eyes. Relaxing the tongue.

Enjoy this experience for 20 minutes at a time alone or together.

You don’t have to wait for the power to go out. And of course fully engage your attention and common safety sense with the candles.

Doing this once a month is a powerful way to rekindle, replenish and renew your love and interest in one another.

While this might seem simple, and it is in practice, it is by no means trivial. Start by loving someone. With love that is growing I leave you with many thanks and ask for your feedback when you do this experience.

Good night little bunny rabbits....


Once again I am humbled by the response to this new page. Currently at work on Rich’s Secret Bonus Track as an addition to the Six Bridges audio. Please feel free to take the steps to help become who you are and learn to be you, only better. That’s a goal of the Six Bridges.


Clearly I am going through something that is uncharted territory. Bear with me please. I have seemingly lost the love of my life and I am devastated. Lost. I am calling for the rest of the 64...


Pretty amazing that we have 100 plus likes already. There are big things being planned. The Mission here is to help people start where they stand and go from there. We are doing seminars, webinars, phone consults, private sessions, couples sessions and plenty of silly writings. Love you.


Just a quick thank you and aloha to everyone who has taken the time to stop by. This is a labor of love so that you, you and you can and will choose love more often than not. I wish you peace. I wish you joy. I love you.


The Original Stress Busters

Here is a couple of great tricks you can do with your tongue 🙂...

Firstly spend time daily a few minutes at a time somewhat relaxing your tongue. It does amazing things for and to your brains.

Secondly allow your tongue to rest on the roof of your mouth behind the ridge of your upper teeth.

The benefits of mental clarity, energy and well-being is something only practice reveals.

Love you,



Here is a couple of great tricks you can do with your tongue 🙂...

Firstly spend time daily a few minutes at a time somewhat relaxing your tongue. It does amazing things for and to your brains.

Secondly allow your tongue to rest on the roof of your mouth behind the ridge of your upper teeth.

The benefits of mental clarity, energy and well-being is something only practice reveals.

Love you,



I have seen the results of unchecked stress and the lack of cultivation of beauty and kindness which is why I’m single again. If you are in a relationship or looking to be please get the 6 Bridges. It takes two. Make your life great. Let us help. Love you!


The Original Stress Busters



Hello Friends! A tip for today is to purchase a Coregeous Ball from to help with the essential psoas muscles. The relaxation gained is worth thousands times more than the $20 or so you’ll spend. With love, Steve


The Six Bridges

The Six Bridges The Six Bridges


The Original Stress Busters's cover photo


The Original Stress Busters


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00