Wendi Matt

Wendi Matt

Click Pro Elite
Click Pro Ambassador
Click Community Mentor


Is anyone in need of a road bike? I have one to donate if you are looking for one. It’s a trek, it’s old but in good shape.


A Spooky Portrait! I love Halloween


My monthly newsletter goes out tomorrow. Each one has a theme, a tutorial, journal prompts, and a challenge.

Can you guess June’s theme?

Sign up in my bio - and if you message me, I’ll send you the past month’s!


Each week of the month, I am writing about a specific topic. The last week of every month will be dedicated to the enneagram and specifically how understanding it can help you grow creatively. This is just an introduction, so look out for specific number in the coming months



It's that time of year again! It came so quick, I didn't realize it was so soon. It's time to submit images to the 2022 Voice Competition via Click Community Click Pro Photographers

The categories are

Blue Hour
From Above
Gesture & Expressions
Light Play
Real Life
Self Portrait
Young Photographers

Prizes include being published in Click Magazine as well as automatic entry as a Click Pro Elite (first place, best in category).

I added a link to the linktree in my bio if you want to go ahead and submit.


This composition was a happy mistake and you can’t tell me otherwise.


I’ve been wanting to try Elsa so here we are




This one took a few days


This was from - curly hair, gold, banana leaves

Photos from Wendi Matt's post 15/04/2022

Thursday prompt

Photos from Wendi Matt's post 12/04/2022

Today’s prompt was glasses, food, and pink

Photos from Wendi Matt's post 23/02/2022

Days 37-39

The last 2 was a picture of the same spot, day vs night (and a little double exposure

Photos from Wendi Matt's post 15/02/2022

31 and 32/365

Photos from Wendi Matt's post 12/02/2022

I’ve been playing with creative apps on my phone and it’s been a whole lot of fun!

The first one is distressfx & the second 2, I created in procreate on my iPad!



Yesterday, our homeschool day was just allowing a whole lot of creativity. The kids put one of those caterpillar tunnels in this tent and they had snacks and sleeping bags in there. Then we got to play outside bc it was 65 degrees. So overall = good day

Photos from Wendi Matt's post 07/02/2022

Days 22-25/365

I traveled to Chattanooga this weekend hence the lack of posts.

I am playing catch up today and posting photos for day 22-25.

It’s been an eventful few days, which included:

1. one of my kids coming down with a stomach bug
2. A wedding
3. A short trip to Chattanooga for said wedding with my mom
4. A trip to an art museum, some shopping downtown, and lots of good food

I didn’t take a ton of pictures, I mainly took double exposures, most of which didn’t turn out. But as I am navigating this 365, my goal is endurance so the less pictures each day, the better.


Last self portrait of January!




I forgot to post my daily image yesterday so I posted twice this morning to get caught up



We watched Sing 2 and honestly, that franchise is underrated. We loved it so much.


Can you guess her favorite color?


Photos from Wendi Matt's post 21/01/2022

Welp… I already missed a day.

Not technically. Technically, I took a picture of my dessert on Wednesday. And I will be counting it.

However, it was not intentional at all.

My goal was to post each image, each day, no matter how terrible, so I’m doing it by posting it as the second image here. 😂

So here is day 9 (the dessert image shot with my phone in low light and I didn’t even do it in raw 🙄)

And day 10 (the self portrait taken downtown which I actually love)


had their monthly photo contest with the theme “Capturing Family Connection”

won (because she’s amazing) and some of us others were featured on the blog! I’ll add the link to my stories so you can go see all of the beautiful images included. I am grateful mine was one of them

Photos from Wendi Matt's post 17/01/2022


Snow day - we had one of the biggest snows we’ve had in years & honestly, it’s been the best yet with the kids. We rode on the sled, made sugar cookies, and drank hot chocolate.

Even though I miss them as babies, it’s more fun as they get older bc we can actually do things together

Full disclosure - there were also lots of tears

Photos from Wendi Matt's post 15/01/2022

We took a trip to yesterday and it was just what we needed



I was inspired by where she put Vaseline on the edge of a filter.

Ellie has really been into doing her makeup like LOL dolls so she put red on her top lip and green on her bottom lip, like a watermelon, she said.

I asked Alex and he said another day. Le sigh.

This is also day 3/365

January Theme Newsletter 03/01/2022

My newsletter came out today and I wanted to share it here in case anyone would like to see the format. This will be the only one I share on my page as I want to keep this reserved for those that are subscribed.

As I mentioned before, there is a monthly theme that includes a tutorial and a photo challenge. January's theme is Authority. If you are interested, feel free to subscribe for future newsletters!


January Theme Newsletter


I forgot to post this yesterday 🤦🏻‍♀️

An unposted image from February. I’m not sure it translates well on Instagram bc the images are so small. But this is my main platform for sharing so here we are.

The high today is going to be 68 so I don’t know if we’re going to see snow this year.