Cincinnati Friends Meeting Videos

Videos by Cincinnati Friends Meeting. Worship in the Manner of Friends (Quaker) ~ Silent, expectant worship & spiritual community

Centering Down and Message (video) from Jim Newby on July 9, 2023

"Which commandment is the first of all?"
-Mark 12:28
I love the story about the little girl going into her newborn brother's room, walking up to his cradle and asking, "Tell me about God. I've almost forgotten." The words touch our hearts because they speak of the truth about how we grow and develop in this world. As we mature, we learn through cultural, societal and familial experiences more and more about this physical world, slowly forgetting from where we came and from whom we have been given life...I've almost forgotten.

How do our hearts close to God's love and passion for justice? In short, in what ways do we forget?

First, we forget about God when our hearts become insensitive to the suffering in our world. When we become more and more self-centered and less and less centered on God's love and passion for justice, we distance ourselves from our spiritual roots. Example: Recently our Supreme Court expanded the rights of those who discriminate against others, and limited the rights of those who are discriminated against. Making discrimination a part of public policy threatens us all, and increases our insensitivity to the injustice and pain and suffering in our world.

Second, we forget about God when our hearts harden, our egos take over and we lose a sense of humility. Amidst the cacophony of loud egotistical voices in our world, from shouting politicians to self-righteous and judgmental preachers, we need to hear the word humility. We grow more spiritually in humility and reverence than through certainty and judgment.

Are there other ways we lose touch with our spiritual roots?

Other Cincinnati Friends Meeting videos

Centering Down and Message (video) from Jim Newby on July 9, 2023 "Which commandment is the first of all?" -Mark 12:28 I love the story about the little girl going into her newborn brother's room, walking up to his cradle and asking, "Tell me about God. I've almost forgotten." The words touch our hearts because they speak of the truth about how we grow and develop in this world. As we mature, we learn through cultural, societal and familial experiences more and more about this physical world, slowly forgetting from where we came and from whom we have been given life...I've almost forgotten. How do our hearts close to God's love and passion for justice? In short, in what ways do we forget? First, we forget about God when our hearts become insensitive to the suffering in our world. When we become more and more self-centered and less and less centered on God's love and passion for justice, we distance ourselves from our spiritual roots. Example: Recently our Supreme Court expanded the rights of those who discriminate against others, and limited the rights of those who are discriminated against. Making discrimination a part of public policy threatens us all, and increases our insensitivity to the injustice and pain and suffering in our world. Second, we forget about God when our hearts harden, our egos take over and we lose a sense of humility. Amidst the cacophony of loud egotistical voices in our world, from shouting politicians to self-righteous and judgmental preachers, we need to hear the word humility. We grow more spiritually in humility and reverence than through certainty and judgment. Are there other ways we lose touch with our spiritual roots?

A Testament of Devotion
Originally recorded 05_07_2023 by Jim Newby

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Courage and Vulnerability
Originally recorded 04_16_2023 by Jim Newby

Developing a Density of Readiness
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Becoming Authentic
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To Pray Without Ceasing
Rejoice always, pray constantly... -1st Thessalonians 5:16-17

Life is Difficult
Blessed be the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the God of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction... -II Corinthians 1:3-4

Awakening the Heart
I pray that God...may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit. -Ephesians 3:14-16 Originally recorded, 01-01-2023 by Jim Newby

Love Was Born at Christmas
Love came down at Christmas, love all lovely, love divine. Love was born at Christmas. Stars and angels gave the sign. -John Rutter

A Wonderful Season
Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God. -Luke 18:16

A Time of Preparation
And what I say to you I say to all: Watch. -Mark 13:37

The Search for Meaning
Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances... -1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Loving God With Our Hearts

Message for Worship

The Good Book


It Shall Not be so Among You
But it shall not be so among you... -Mark 10:43 Originally Recorded: 09-25-2022 with Jim Newby

Knowing Who We Are
Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them. -Matthew 18:20 Originally RecordedL September 4, 2022, Jim Newby

Who Are You Going To Be Tomorrow
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. -Matthew 11:28 Originally Recorded: August 28, 2022, Jim Newby