Financial Chef

Financial Chef

The Financial Chef is a full-service financial planning firm that aims to showcase the symbiotic relationship between food and finance.

We use food to ease the stress of the financial planning process, and to open up communication on a deeper level. David Ortiz has three major passions: gourmet cooking, financial management and charity work. As a classically trained chef from the Culinary Institute of America, David delights in creating dishes that reveal flavor combinations only a specialist could create. David's passion for fina


How does your strategy look for retirement and your finances? Are you in need of a second opinion to ensure your goals are being met?


Not sure if you can retire? You might be closer to retirement than you think. Get a second opinion at your current strategy to see if we can help.


Have you made it to your retirement years yet? Let's hear how you spend your "9-5" now!


Retirement isn't just a destination - but an enjoyable journey for years to come!


We hope retirement isn't causing too many ailments!


Here is some motivation for today!


Taxes! Everyone's FAVORITE financial topic... If you would like to learn more on whether you could be paying less in taxes, contact us today for a complimentary consultation!


Before you enter into the next stage of life with retirement, ensure you are fully educated on the options available to you.


Retirement doesn't mean you stop doing what you love. Now is the time to get out there and continue seeking your passions!


GREAT motivation for today! We hope all of our retirees out there are crushing it today!


Skip on out of work on your last day! If you can envision leaving your employer this way, then contact us to see how we can make it possible.


A golf cart, a scooter, maybe even a boat! What does your retirement vehicle look like?


Making the adjustment from working countless hours to none at all can be a difficult transition. But it doesn't have to be. We are here to help.


If you're approaching your retirement age, think of all the good times you get to enjoy.


Medical expenses can spring upon many. But, you can plan for them. Contact us today to learn more how you can prepare for unexpected medical expenses.


Have you thought about taking on a new challenge once you hit your retirement stage?


Show some love for Mom today!


So many of our clients find new things that are amazing once they have more time. Consider your options for retirement, and learn what your hidden passion is.


Hope you have a lovely day on this, the fifth of May!


We asked our clients what are some of their retirement goals and here is just one of the awesome answers we received!


Celebrate the teachers in your life and all the hard work they do, as well as all the retired teachers out there!


Okay, you've made it to retirement! Now what? Is your current financial and retirement strategy setup to maintain your lifestyle through retirement?


Enjoying a comfortable lifestyle now? Can you enjoy that same lifestyle into retirement? Having a sound financial and retirement strategy is key to this. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation to learn more.


Is your retirement income setup to fit your lifestyle? To ensure you are on the right path, reach out to our office today!


Retirement isn't an excuse to not do anything. It's a time to get out there and have some fun!


Today we are discussing the importance of knowing the specific requirements that your financial institutions have regarding crucial Power of Attorney documents.


Nature can be appreciated anywhere - get out and enjoy it!


Is your best still out there waiting for you? Here is some inspiration for the day!


Your lifestyle choices play a role in the amount you need. To learn if your current financial and retirement strategy is setup with your best interest in mind, contact our office today.


Looking to preserve your assets? We can assist with your strategy to protect the assets you currently have!


Don't let opportunities pass you by. Your next opportunity could be behind the next door...


Picture it - you're finally retired. Where are you traveling to first?!


With your schedule now wide open, what are you doing on all those days off?

3 Ways to Surf Market Waves and NOT Drown - FREE Guide 15/04/2022

3 Ways to Surf Market Waves and NOT Drown - FREE Guide Turn panic into confidence every time the market dips.


Some retirement funnies to get you through the day!


Relax...take it slow! Enjoy your retirement to the fullest.


If your retirement has allowed you all the time in world, take advantage of it!

Your Tax-Saving Opportunities — Threatened? FREE Guide 12/04/2022

Your Tax-Saving Opportunities — Threatened? FREE Guide Discover opportunities hiding inside new (and old) rules


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00