Rainbow Acres LLC Equine Wellness Center

Rainbow Acres LLC Equine Wellness Center

Holistic Animal Wellness & Retirement Center. Animal Nutrition and Energy Healing. Equine boarding Holistic Animal Wellness & Equine Retirement Center.

Animal Nutrition Consulting, Energy Healing, Massage. Customized horse boarding, retirement boarding, riding lessons, birthday parties.


Congratulations to William Shatner for being inducted into American Road Horse & Pony Association Raymond E. Shively Hall of Fame tonight!


Have a safe and enjoyable July 4th.
Available for emergencies because we love ‘em too!

10 Things Veterinarians Want Horse Owners To Know About Banamine - The Horseaholic 10/05/2023

10 Things Veterinarians Want Horse Owners To Know About Banamine - The Horseaholic Here's a list of 10 things Veterinarians want you to know about Banamine. How to use it, how NOT to use it, whether you can stack it with other medications, different options as far as how to administer it, some of the risks involved in giving Banamine to your horse, and more. 10 things veterinarian...


Canine Cookies are on sale! Fill your pups' Easter Baskets, they'll be so happy!

Timeline photos 05/08/2020



Dynamite Specialty Products


Dynamite Specialty Products

Happy Halloween! Keep your pets calm and safe tonight!


Horse Talk

“Tigresa Dash” is the newest brindle in the registry. She lives in Brazil. She has the bloodlines of Dash For Cash, Hempen, Ichibon, and Mr Jet Moore; to name a few.

Owned by Hiago Moraes.

Photography: Ana Clark.


Essential Oils for Animals & People

Fall will be here before we know it! And nothing says fall like Young Living's Fall Festival and Draft Horse Show. Commemorate Young Living's 25th Anniversary at an event that's sure to be unforgettable! Registration is open now!


Thinking About Mounting from the Ground? Think Again

horsenetwork.com The equine biomechanic experts at Centaur Biomechanics in the UK captured the impact of mounting from the ground on the horse’s saddle and back in this high speed camera footage. The video is only 59 seconds long, but by the 27 second mark, you’ll be screaming, “OMG, SWING YOUR LEG OVER ALREAD...


Cargill Recalls Southern States Horse Feed Due to Aflatoxins [RECALL EXPANDED: UPDATE] | Horse Authority

horseauthority.co Cargill recalls Southern States horse feed due to elevated aflatoxins which can poison your horse resulting in sickness and death, according .


The Divine Horse

Here’s to the weekend! Happy Friday!!!


My words exactly!!

😂 If your deciding whether or not you can do it yourself, just don't..🙈


Dynamite Specialty Products

As if we need an excuse 🙄... Today is ! Post a pic of your pet today (use in your post) and we'll choose one lucky winner to get a FREE 4 oz ready-to-use (for the less lovable aspects of having a pet). https://buff.ly/2TWxhNp


Hidden Valley Equine Sanctuary and Therapy Center

It is with sadness that we must announce that hidden Valley Equine Sanctuary must soon close its doors. It was a near death blow when Jennifer broke her neck in an auto accident in 2017 and had emergency spinal surgery. By the grace of Providence she survived and after a long recovery continued her work caring for these beautiful beings.

We made a plan to keep going forward. But fate always has her way with us. They say that “if you want to give God a laugh, tell him your plans”. Jennifer has just been diagnosed with skin cancer, malignant melanoma, and must soon begin treatment.

As we are almost single-handedly caring for 9 horses ourselves, that will no longer be possible. As I am 66 and Jennifer 63 years of age, we knew that the day we had to relinquish this lifestyle that we love so much couldn’t be too far off. But our love for these horses, all of whom have been with us between 7 and 20 years, kept us stubbornly working harder than many half our age would find sustainable.

At this time we are looking for homes for our equine family. All are the picture of health and extremely well cared for. Shyamie, our 29 year old Tennessee Walker and his 28 year old lifelong buddy Chandra, a New Mexican quarter horse, have never been separated since we took them in and must stay together.

Maadri, our 30 year old ex-winning OTB and broad mare, is the only horse we have that cannot be ridden, but she’s so sweet and makes an excellent companion horse.

Rosie, a 20 year old salt n’pepper, half thoroughbred/half quarter horse, now has only one eye after her recent operation, but is the gentlest horse we have ever known. She loves everybody, is an avid talker and has always been our “bomb-proof” horse for riding. She has always been my friend and I have personally ridden her so many times.

Chitra, a 14 year old bay OTB, is also extremely gentle and loves everybody, too. She needs some retraining to strengthen her back, after which she will make an excellent trail horse.

Bhakti, our gorgeous big buckskin quarter horse, who we’ve had since a few weeks after her birth in 2010, is going to be 9 this year. She was slated to be put down due to “rolling over” on her front feet, but we saved her. She took much patience and therapy for over a year, but now is a strong and graceful beauty, wanting to please. She’d make an excellent trail horse, but cannot be over worked, as she’s subject to weakness in her two front “ankles” and hocks. She truly is breath taking to see and would love being trained and having a “job” to do. We Have papers on her, so she can be registered.

Lastly, our two precious minis, Star, about 26 years old and Peanut, about 14 years old and Star’s constant companion, need a good home together. Star is partially blind, as well as hard of hearing, so Peanut is his auxiliary eyes and ears. They stay in the same stall at night and when grazing are never more than a few feet from each other. She is a deva, and loves being washed, shampooed and conditioner please! Groomed, don’t forget to rub her tummy in the process.

If anyone can provide a good home for any of these lovely souls, we, and they, will be eternally grateful. Even if not, we would ask if all of our followers on FB would be kind enough to share our plea. Thank you so much.


What's ahead for you this year? No matter what changes 2019 brings, remember this:


Connecting with nature is good for your mental health. But don't worry! You don't need to spend a week camping in the forest to see the benefits. Just take the time to notice nature around you, a bird in the sky or a flower by the sidewalk. https://goto.sc/7tr


After a long day, you deserve a special treat. Both the Lavender Calming Bath Bomb and the Stress Relaxing Bath Bomb are great ways to help you unwind. Pamper yourself! You deserve it. https://goto.sc/Gm


Wrinkles can be cute, but they're not for everyone. Young Living’s skin care products bring together premium botanical and essential oil ingredients to support and improve the appearance of your skin.


Ewww... what's that smell? Whether it's your teenager's socks, a wet dog or lingering cooking odors, Young Living’s Purification® essential oil will help you keep your home smelling fresh.


It's that time of year when our bodies can use a little extra protection! If your immune system could talk, it would say thank you for Young Living's Inner Defense™. https://goto.sc/Gm


Romance is in the air! Jasmine, Rose, Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang earn top spots when it comes to essential oils that can help promote a more romantic mood. (Remember: They're not just for Valentine's Day!)


Add a little pep to your morning by adding a few drops of Lemon Vitality™ Essential Oil to your morning glass of water. https://goto.sc/674


The Farm House Tack Shop

True story... 😂


Dynamite Specialty Products

Get ready... get set... TOMORROW IS CYBER MONDAY!


Learning to Give Thanks

horsenetwork.com With Thanksgiving upon us, we pause to give thanks for the people, animals and things in our lives for which we are grateful. As time goes on, I find myself asking the question, “Am I grateful for the things that I’ve been given, or have many things been given to me because I’m grateful?” As...
