Paumanok Island Protogrove ADF

Paumanok Island Protogrove ADF

Welcome! Greetings in the bounty of the Earth Mother, the blessings of the Gods, and the Way of the Wise.

Ar nDraiocht Fein: A Druid Fellowship (ADF) is an international fellowship devoted to creating a public tradition of Neopagan Druidism. This is the Facebook home for discussions regarding the activities of the Paumanok Island Protogrove based in Long Island, NY. The Protogrove follows the Norse tradition, and includes rituals from other traditions (Celtic, for example) for some High Days. We meet


Well done Ceisiwr Serith


Today I prayed to Liberty . The photo is of her statue in my shrine, in front of which is a bowl into which I offered a nickel, a quarter, a penny, and a dime, to represent those who established the Temple of Liberty which is our nation, and those who have defended it.
I prayed as well to Democracy, asking that in this election year people vote for her preservation.
This was my prayer to Liberty:

Liberty, your torch shines undimmed by the years.
If our eyes have lost sight of you, it is our fault and not yours.
We have turned our vision away from the heights from which your flames inkishine,
and seen only that which divides.
Be our beacon, Mother of Our Nation,
and show us the way again.
Mother of Peoples,
unite your scattered children into one tribe,
one people, one country.


Thanks for the support Long Island Heathen & Norse Pagan Community .

They are a Druid and Norse Pagan/ Heathen group on the island and are hosting a 4th of July picnic.


Happy Birthday, USA! Blessings of Libertas, Goddess of Freedom! Celebrate the Fourth of July by learning about the Pagan Goddess origins of Lady Liberty & Her evolution as an American & global Icon:


Good morning from Robeet Moaes Field 5


Hello my friends! House Concert 50 is this coming Saturday 25th May at 8pm UK time. Join me for an hour or so of music, chat and community. This one will be a request show so pop the songs you’d like to hear in the comments and let me know if it’s your birthday in May. See you Saturday!

The Troth suspends Diana Paxson from duties 14/05/2024

For your review

The Troth suspends Diana Paxson from duties The Inclusive Heathen organization, The Troth, suspends Pagan Elder Diana Paxson after a clergy candidate raises concerns about Paxon's judgement regarding reported abuse.


Learn more about Vision and why it's an ADF Virtue:


"ADF defines Piety as: correct observance of ritual and social traditions, the maintenance of the agreements, both personal and societal, that we humans have with the Gods and Spirits. Keeping the Old Ways through ceremony and duty."

Learn more about piety and why it's an ADF Virtue:




Brightest of blessings on this equinox!

Saint Patrick, Druids, and Snakes | Morgan Daimler 03/03/2024

For your review.

Saint Patrick, Druids, and Snakes | Morgan Daimler Get more from Morgan Daimler on Patreon

Trillium Spring Gathering, ADF – Start festival season with one of ADF's longest running pagan festivals 11/02/2024

Trillium Spring Gathering, ADF – Start festival season with one of ADF's longest running pagan festivals Fun and Educational Children’s programming and a fun Children’s play area near all workshops and meals for ease of parents!


'Most of us live in a world where more and more places and things are signposted, labelled, and officially ‘interpreted’. There is something about all this that is turning the reality of things into virtual reality. It is the reason why walking, cycling and swimming will always be subversive activities. They allow us to regain a sense of what is old and wild in these islands, by getting off the beaten track and breaking free of the official version of things. A swimming journey would give me access to that part of our world which, like darkness, mist, woods or high mountains, still retains most mystery. It would afford me a different perspective on the rest of land-locked humanity.'
~ Roger Deakin, 'Waterlog: A Swimmers Journey Through Britain'

Where was the most memorable swim you had in the wild?

A Service of Worship & Celebration of Voices of Faith for Peace 2/3724 09/02/2024

Here's the Entire Event.
Neo-pagan chanting begins 31 minutes into the video

A Service of Worship & Celebration of Voices of Faith for Peace 2/3724 2/3/24


Opening prayers from Voices of Faith for Peace last Saturday.

Tom Dikeman did thecopening prayer for "neo-pagan"


Opening of Voices of Faith for Peace.
Tom Dikeman did the opening prayer for "neo-pagan" path


The Gaelic Festival of Imbolc marks the faintest and earliest movements of the coming spring. It is also a day to honor Brigid, Hearth Mother and Triple Power of Inspiration. The ADF website includes many variations of Imbolc rituals. Learn more at:

Hello 2024! - Damh the Bard 04/01/2024

Hello 2024! - Damh the Bard 2023 has been and gone.


To all this season
Health, peace, and safety as you celebrate at this time.


Blessed Solstice Eve & Mothers Night! Circle ritual tonight. Listen when it debuts at 7pm central or later:
