Connection Church

Connection Church

"The multi-faceted wisdom of God is revealed through the church." Ephesians 3:10. It takes multiple facets on a diamond to reflect its true beauty.

Join us on Zoom, Sundays at 11:30am PDT, 1:30pm CDT We are currently not holding in-person meetings. Join us on Zoom, Sundays at 11:30am PDT, 1:30pm CDT, 2:30 EDT

New Creation Translation Galatians: Text and Commentary from a New Creation Perspective 06/07/2024

The long-awaited first installation of the New Creation Translation New Testament is finally here! The books will be published individually, beginning with the writings of the Apostle Paul, first up is Galatians. Eventually, several will be published together in one volume, and finally into the entire New Testament. We have quite a few books that are mostly completed, so further publications will be forthcoming.

Available now on Amazon:

What to expect with each New Creation Translation book:

Each book will contain two sections. Section one is "Text Only." This is nice for when you just want to read straight through the Bible text. The second section is "Text and Commentary," containing commentary and endnotes for further study. It is a Bible and Study Bible all in one. Additionally, there is a Basic Greek Grammar Key to explain basic important grammatical considerations in the translation.

The specific choices for various words and concepts are in the "range of meaning" from the original Greek text. This means that we are staying true to the original text and only translating what is provable in the original language. This word variation is seen throughout different Bible translations. The New Testament was originally written in the Koine Greek language, which was the dominant language used by both Jews and Gentiles in that region at that time. This made it possible for the Gentile believers to have the New Testament in their own language.

The New Creation Translation is written from a grace-filled, finished work perspective that seeks to empower believers to understand all that Jesus purchased on the cross for them.

Special thanks to our friends and family who have supported us in many ways on this exciting journey!

Thanks for your help in spreading the “Word!”

New Creation Translation Galatians: Text and Commentary from a New Creation Perspective Unshackle Your Faith: Discover True Freedom in Christ! Embark on a transformative journey with the Apostle Paul’s powerful letter to the Galatian churches. In the midst of a battle against legalism, Paul fervently champions the sufficiency of Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross. No longer bound ...

Obtain God's Promises: Romans 4:13-25 08/08/2023

Obtain God’s Promises: Rom. 4:13-25.
Looking at the story of Abraham and Sarah, and how it relates to obtaining God’s promises.

Obtain God's Promises: Romans 4:13-25 Obtain God's Promises: Romans 4:13-25Using the story of Abraham and Sarah we will look at how we can obtain God's promises.


As we celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus, let us pause to consider the magnitude of what appears to be a simple act of a baby being born into the world, but is really the most consequential event that has occurred in human history. Without His birth, there would be no opportunity for the cross, which was the bridge between fallen humanity and a loving God.

Unflinchingly, Jesus stepped into a frail, vulnerable human body and forever altered our destinies. He never faltered in His assignment, but was compelled by love to make a way back to Himself for every son and daughter. Let us rejoice with gratitude at the tremendous gift given to us by the Godhead, remembering the generous, unfathomable love of that precious baby in the manger.

God Bless you all this Christmas!
Teri & Brad

A New Creation Galatians Ch6 v11-18 20/01/2022

A New Creation Galatians Ch6 v11-18

We stand with apostle Paul and declare that works righteousness does not amount to anything, but we are brand new creations through faith righteousness, which is a gift.

Click on this link to check out this teaching:

A New Creation Galatians Ch6 v11-18 We stand with apostle Paul and declare that works righteousness does not amount to anything, but we are brand new creations through faith righteousness, whic...

Free From Legalism Galatians Ch 4 v1-10 24/11/2021

Free From Legalism Galatians Ch 4 v1-10

Let’s not turn our relationship with God into a set of rules and regulations and rituals to which we become enslaved. We will come under the pressure of living by rules, regulations and rituals, rather than living from our nature and being led by the Spirit. As sons and daughters of God, we are free from legalism.

Click on this link to check out this message:

Free From Legalism Galatians Ch 4 v1-10 Free From Legalism Galatians Ch 4 v1-10Let’s not turn our relationship with God into a set of rules and regulations and rituals to which we become enslav...

Source of Life Colossians Ch 2 v12-23 27/08/2021

As new creations we hold fast to Christ the head of the body of Christ who is the source of life for the body of Christ, enabling the growth of the body.

Source of Life Colossians Ch 2 v12-23 As new creations we hold fast to Christ the head of the body of Christ who is the source of life for the body of Christ, enabling the growth of the body. htt...

Colossians Ch 2 v1-11 "Complete in Christ" 05/08/2021

Complete in Christ Col Ch 2 v1-11

As new creations you can learn how to live out of your spirit, where you are complete, you will create neural pathways of completion in your brain that are in alignment with the completion in your spirit, and you will experience that beautiful sense of being complete in Christ in your thoughts, emotions, and body.

Colossians Ch 2 v1-11 "Complete in Christ" Complete in Christ Col Ch 2 v1-11As new creations you can learn how to live out of your spirit, where you are complete, you will create neural pathways of c...

Colossians Ch 1 vs21-29 "Perfect In Christ" 28/07/2021

Perfect In Christ
A new creation in Christ is created perfect. A new creation's spirit is holy and unblemished. Messes may happen, because of fleshly reactions, that you can clean up, but that they won't change your nature, which is perfect in Christ.

Colossians Ch1 v21-29 Perfect In Christ.

Colossians Ch 1 vs21-29 "Perfect In Christ" A new creation in Christ is created perfect. A new creation's spirit is holy and unblemished.Messes may happen, because of fleshly reactions, that you can c...

Colossians Ch1 v11-20 "Peace" 21/07/2021

Peace with God and one another. Colossians Ch 1 v11-20

As new Creations we can displace thoughts, emotions or reactions of the flesh that are not in alignment with peace and we can manifest peace with God and one another.

Click on this link to check out this message:

Colossians Ch1 v11-20 "Peace" Peace with God and one another. Colossians Ch 1 v11-20As new Creations we can displace thoughts emotions or reactions of the flesh that are not in alignme...

New Creation (Lyric Video) 21/07/2021

Check out Jeremy's new creation song.

By Jeremy & Louise Friedlander

Click on this link:

New Creation (Lyric Video) Performed by Jeremy and Louise FriedlanderWritten by Jeremy FriedlanderProduced by Jeremy and Louise Friedlander


Fruitful: Colossians Ch 1 v1-10

As you walk as a new creation you build neural pathways in your brain that are in alignment with your identity, which displace thoughts, emotions and fleshly reactions that are not. This enables you to be fruitful in every good work. Good works flow out of your nature, which is good, causing you to bear good fruit.

If you would like to donate:

Click on this link to check out the message:

Connection Church - The Secret of Contentment 08/07/2021

The Secret of Contentment Phil Ch 4:10-23

New Creations have the potential strength to remain content in all circumstances involving abundance or need. We are not dependent on circumstances for contentment, we are content in Christ, who empowers us regardless of the circumstances. Christ is our power source for contentment not circumstances.

Connection Church - The Secret of Contentment New Creations have the potential strength to remain content in all circumstances involving abundance or need. We are not dependent on circumstances for conte...

Connection Church - Philippians Ch 4 vs1-9 "Resolving Relational Conflict" 23/06/2021

Click on this link to learn about resolving relational conflict as a heavenly citizen:

Connection Church - Philippians Ch 4 vs1-9 "Resolving Relational Conflict" This teaching is about learning to resolve relational conflict as a heavenly citizen.Click on this link to donate and help support this ministry:https://www....

Connection Church - Philippians Ch3 vs13-21 "Citizens of Heaven" 16/06/2021

Greetings Heavenly Citizens,
As a citizen of Heaven Paul drew from the resources in Heaven, including his relationship with Jesus, whom he was seated with, to enable him to have joy on earth in the midst of difficult circumstances and we can too, as citizens of Heaven.
Click on this link to check out this message:

Connection Church - Philippians Ch3 vs13-21 "Citizens of Heaven" As a citizen of Heaven Paul drew from the resources in Heaven, including his relationship with Jesus, whom he was seated with, to enable him to have joy on e...

Connection Church - Philippians Ch3 vs1-12 - "Press On" 09/06/2021

As new creations it is our nature to be patient and press on to lay hold of the benefits that Jesus paid for.

To listen to this message click on this link:

Connection Church - Philippians Ch3 vs1-12 - "Press On" As new creations it is our nature to be patient and press on to lay hold of the benefits that Jesus paid for.Click on this link to support this ministry:http...

Connection Church - Philippians Ch2 vs16b-Ch3 vs1 "Rejoice In The Lord" 31/05/2021

Rejoice in the Lord Philippians Ch 2 v16b - Ch 3 v1

As new creations it is our nature to rejoice in the Lord, regardless of the circumstances. Whether we are experiencing emotional joy or sorrow, we can always rejoice in the Lord, because he is always with us.
Click on the link to watch this teaching:


Brad & Teri

Connection Church - Philippians Ch2 vs16b-Ch3 vs1 "Rejoice In The Lord" As new creations it is our nature to rejoice in the Lord, regardless of the circumstances. Whether we are experiencing emotional joy or sorrow, we can alway...

Connection Church - Philippians Ch 2 vs9-16 "Lights In The World" 18/05/2021

Lights In The World Phil Ch 2 v9-16a

As you receive the word of life and hold fast to it, hearing and doing the word in union with Holy Spirit, you build neural pathways in your brain that are in alignment with your nature as a new creation and you manifest as a child of God and shine light into the world.

Click on the link for this message:

Connection Church - Philippians Ch 2 vs9-16 "Lights In The World" As you receive the word of life and hold fast to it, hearing and doing the word in union with Holy Spirit, you build neural pathways in your brain that are i...

Connection Church - Philippians Ch1 vs1-8 "Freedom From Independence" 10/05/2021

How to be a powerful individual without being independent.

Jesus was the most powerful individual that ever walked the earth, but he never responded from independence, he lived in union with the Holy Spirit, doing what the Father was doing. As new Creations we can do the same.

Click on this link and check out this message on the freedom from independence.

Connection Church - Philippians Ch1 vs1-8 "Freedom From Independence" Jesus was the most powerful individual who ever walked on the earth, but he never responded in independence. He lived in union with the Spirit, doing what t...

Connection Church - Philippians Ch 1 v11-20 "Hope In The Gospel" 21/04/2021

Hope In The Gospel Phil Ch1 v11-20

As new creations our true identity rejoices in the gospel because the gospel is our hope; confident expectation of good to come:

Connection Church - Philippians Ch 1 v11-20 "Hope In The Gospel" As new creations, our true identity rejoices in the gospel, because the gospel is our hope; confident expectation of good to come.Sermon from Pastor Brad Fri...

Philippians Ch1 v8-10 Unoffendable 14/04/2021

Philippians Ch1 v8-10 Unoffendable As a new creation your spirit is unoffendable and you can train your conscience to be unoffendable as well.

Ephesians Ch 2 v7-14 Oneness In Christ 03/11/2020

Oneness In Christ Eph Ch 2 v7-14

Oneness with the body of Christ is one of the spiritual benefits in the heavenlies that is available to all who are in Christ. If you look around from your seat in heaven you will notice that you are one with everyone there.

Click on the link and check it out.

Ephesians Ch 2 v7-14 Oneness In Christ Oneness with the body of Christ is one of the spiritual benefits in the heavenlies that is available to all who are in Christ. If you look around from your s...

Ephesians Ch2 v1-6 Seated in the Heavenlies 26/10/2020

In this teaching we will look at your seat with Christ in the spirit realm.

Ephesians Ch 2 v 1-6 Seated in the Heavenlies

Ephesians Ch2 v1-6 Seated in the Heavenlies As a new creation you are seated with Christ in the spirit realm.

Ephesians Ch 1 v19-23 Source for the Church 13/10/2020

Ephesians Ch 1 v19-23

Christ as the head of the Church is the source for all of the needs of the Church.

Ephesians Ch 1 v19-23 Source for the Church Christ as the head is the source for all of the needs of the Church.

Ephesians Ch 1 v12-18 Riches 06/10/2020

We will look at Ephesians Ch 1 v12-18 Spiritual Riches

Not only did Jesus purchase all spiritual riches in the heavenlies for us, but he purchased us as spiritual riches in the heavenlies for God the Father.

Ephesians Ch 1 v12-18 Riches Not only did Jesus purchase all spiritual riches in the heavenlies for us, but he purchased us as spiritual riches in the heavenlies for God the Father.

Ephesians Ch1v 9-12 The Mystery Unveiled 30/09/2020

The Mystery of the ages has been unveiled.

Ephesians Ch 1 v9-12

Ephesians Ch1v 9-12 The Mystery Unveiled The mystery of the ages has been unveiled.

Ephesians Ch1 v4-8 Paid For 22/09/2020

Paid For Ephesians Ch 1 v4-8

Ephesians Ch1 v4-8 Paid For Jesus paid for our redemption. He paid our ransom in full. He pardoned our sins, released us from captivity to sin, and made us new creations who have access...

Ephesians Ch 1 v1-3 Spiritual Benefits 14/09/2020

Spiritual Benefits Ephesians Ch1 v1-3

Ephesians Ch 1 v1-3 Spiritual Benefits As new creations we are seated with Christ in the spirit realm where we have access to all of the spiritual benefits that Christ paid for through his finishe...

Romans Ch 16 Established By The Gospel 01/09/2020

Check out this message from Romans Ch 16 on being established by the gospel:

Romans Ch 16 Established By The Gospel As we listen to the preaching of the Gospel and study and internalize the Gospel, God will establish us firmly in the finished work and faith righteousness.

Opening Hours

11:30 - 13:00
13:30 - 15:00