Real Food U

Real Food U

Empowering others to make healthy food choices supporting themselves and the planet. Creating plant medicine with intuition and ancestral magic.

Spreading the love for real food and the power it has to change lives. Empowering you to live your best life through eating real food. Educating you about real food and the benefits to you, your family and the planet.



Credit: (on Twitter)


As many people are into eating healthier these days, let me know what products you're interested in (food, body/skin care, maybe something to cut your caffeine usage or reduce stress)and I'll post my faves! I can assist you in your quest to eat healthier 😋

For those of you who don't know about me, I'm a certified holistic nutrition consultant with a passion for real food and all things from the Earth. I've been into healthy products for years and am am avid label reader. It was my pastime for many years to go to the grocery and just scout out new products.. it's like I'm a kid in a candy store!

Once I'm able to talk better I'd love to post a series of videos around healthy products and companies who are doing the right thing.

It's my passion to help you navigate this journey of so many choices when it comes to food, etc. and I'd love to help in any way I can be of service 💜


Making marshmallows for the 1st time ever... so easy, so joyful! Thanks to for the amazing recipe!


Here's an idea💡 Let's focus on something else other than the virus!

Ever heard that we focus on grows? That's the way that it is on this planet!

I'm referring mainly to someone who doesn't have it or is living with someone who has been diagnosed with it, as I am very aware how challenging it is not to focus on something that you have been diagnosed with and or are experiencing symptoms of!

What if we all focused on something beautiful. Whatever that is to you. Your bright future or a tree in your neighborhood or your mother's face or any of the beauty all around us in nature. Just pick something else to focus on!

Instead of focusing on getting rid of the virus, just change your focus and then the virus will just fade into the background.

What a loving thought for today 💗


Honoring our ancestors today... and every day. Blessed to be a part of their lineage 💙🙏💕


Plant ally magic!!! I feel so blessed to know deep in my soul the magic of our plant allies. Enter ELDERBERRY 🫐 and CHAMOMILE 🌼.

I woke up several times last night coughing a really deep cough and when I woke up this morning, I was thinking I need to call the doctor's office to report this symptom. One steam with chamomile and 3 doses of my elderberry syrup (with ceylon cinnamon, cloves and ginger), and the cough is literally non existent. I feel my chest opened up and I can breathe. 🌬

Thank you G-d for this blessed gift! 🎁💝🎁


Letting go of the past. Sometimes the past hits you like a slap in the face. It's so present that you can't ignore it, even if you tried.⁣

Today it presented itself as a huge tightening to the point of physical pain in my gut, my solar plexus. It hit me like a slap in the face and in the gut all at the same time.⁣

What led to this pain, this tightness, was a man who was so into himself that he couldn't even see the beautiful, caring, kind, loving compassionate woman before him. He couldn't see the warrior. He couldn't see any of it, he couldn't see me. It was all about him. The conversation. It was like I wasn't even there. ⁣

I felt myself doubting, questioning and then actually defending my actions in the last year and a half. I felt embarrassed to doubt myself in this way. After all the work I have done to heal, after all I have been through and there it is again. Showing up so strong that this time I could not ignore it. I CHOSE to pay attention to it. ⁣

To actually feel the pain of how I have allowed myself to be treated in the past, primarily by older men. I have allowed them to call me names, to use humor that is demeaning, degrading, and not at all funny (just to be told I don't have a sense of humor), to tell me "who I am or am not", to offer to "save" me, to attempt to CONTROL me by telling me things like "Don't Cry".⁣

Potent medicine. The kind that doesn't feel good, that hurts, that requires action, although in the past I have not taken that action. Today is the day that I took action, therefore changing my story going forward and letting the Universe know that I will not stand for this anymore in my life.⁣

I was fearful, uncomfortable and did it anyways because I knew it was for my best and highest good. I told this man that his visit didn't feel good to me and that I don't want to see him again. A dear friend of mine told me I had to be that clear, even though it felt sooooo uncomfortable for me. Took a deep breath and I did it anyways. ⁣

🌟Continued in comments below 🌟

Thanks to for her perfect video for this post with her son Montana ❤


This. Be brave. Be yourself. The price is too high for being someone else, someone who you think you should be or who others expect you to be. The time is NOW to give all of that up and show yourself and the world who you really are.

I've paid the price for way too long, living my past over and over, creating my future from my past and not even being aware of it. I declare that part of my life is now over as I'm creating a whole new beautiful future.

Get to know yourself. Easy? NO. You'll be confronted with all of it (the parts you love and the parts you won't even want to admit exist inside of you) as you'll be required to notice every negative thought in your head and then deal with it.

Worth it? YES, YES, YES!!! There aren't enough yesses in the world to describe the FREEDOM that comes from being who you truly are 😁 And the challenges never stop coming 🙏 That's what's exciting is you never know what's around the corner!

Know that once you make the decision to truly let go, change, and start down this path there's no going back. You will start to notice synchronicities (coincidences) in your daily life. You will start to "hear" or notice messages from Spirit, G-d, Goddess, whoever your Divine is. Your intuition will grow. You will FEEL more. Be more aware of those around you and the world around you.

Your Divine will start "speaking" to you in many possible ways (lol your Divine has always been "speaking" to you, you just haven't noticed).

You begin to see how unlimited you truly are. Exciting? YES! Scary? YES! And ALL the other emotions in between. Get ready to be rocked to your core as all of your limiting beliefs, ancestral wounds come up right before your eyes and in your head.

Make the decision to save yourself from a life not fully lived and join me on this quest to an absolutely beautiful and super fun future 💕💃🎵🍁🌳🦋


I feel so inspired today so I'm sharing this feeling with you! 🌺 Thanks to my new friend I'm having a daily dance party with myself and I'd love to share it with you! It usually doesn't last more than 5 minutes or so, but it brings me SO MUCH JOY! And that's the name of the game. The more joy I can bring into my life on a daily basis the better I feel and the more healing energy I connect with. It's a beautiful experience.

Even if I don't have the energy to get up and dance, I do it from my bed. That's right. Lying down just like Kate Winslet in The Holiday. It's great, just get those energies flowing.

I'm going to figure this thing out starting tomorrow on FB live and I'll go from there. My FB name is Amy Green. If you can't find me, let me know!

Even if you don't catch me live, any time you need a few minutes of joy throughout the day, watch it and dance! 💃

Photos from Real Food U's post 17/10/2020

Another beautiful fall day in Kentucky. Enjoy every moment 🍁🌳🍂🐛🕷💕


Cutest guy ever. Saw this tiny wooly worm crossing my path today. Wanted to take him home with me, but knew better... how place is right in the forest where I left him 🐛🌳🦋🍁🕷🐦

Photos from Real Food U's post 11/10/2020

Ahhhh...these colors. Nature's beauty 🍁🌳🍂🕷 Enjoy Fall 💗

Photos from Real Food U's post 09/10/2020

Today's message is just how short of a time we're all here for on this planet. 🌎 Looking at the tall trees 🌳, I feel like such an infant 👶 on this Earth, and I've had 47 blessed years so far.

Then I look at a butterfly 🦋, a bird 🐦 and bugs 🐛 and how short most of their life spans are.

As humans, most of us are here for less than 100 years. Even though I'm aware that time is an illusion, it still tends to go by in the blink of an eye. 👁 So freakin fast.

I look at all of the time wasted on petty things, such as trying to get your cellphone bill lowered or corrected and think "what are we doing wasting such precious time".

Imagine what kind of world we could create if we cared less about things like money, getting our cellphone bill lowered and actually played more, worked less, truly helped each other with our daily tasks and connected with each other and the Earth more.

What if we danced more, had more fun, laughed more, cooked and ate together, spent daily time in the forest or in the beach, truly moved our emotions through our bodies so we could be free. Free of stress, pressure to succeed, to work hard. These are my musings today as I'm realizing more and more that what we focus on grows and this is something I'd like to grow in the world.

I'd love to see some of your wild imaginings as we're all creating the world day by day. Let's create a beautiful, fun world where there's room for all to shine their heart ❤


A little reminder found on my walk that love is everywhere and all there is 💕💗💕💗 What are you loving today?
# love


How glorious is nature! Found this beauty on my walk yesterday, it just popped out at me to say hi 👋 What beautiful colors, what glorious medicine and food to nourish our bodies and souls. I'm in love 😍 🥰 💗

Photos from Real Food U's post 05/10/2020

Such a gift to have a fall day like this one. The sun is bright and warm, I bask in it's glow. The sun has such gorgeous healing, warming, bright energy 🌞

Giving myself some good earthly loving while listening to healing music and helping a dear friend.

Life is beautiful. Even when you're moving through a cancer diagnosis. I'm not always appreciative of what I have, and today I choose to focus on the present. The here and now. The blessings of a loving soul family, beautiful earth 🌎, a wonderful energy practitioner , and being in my flow 🌊. Care to join me?


Ever find faces in inanimate objects? This was the top of my blackstrap molasses bottle right before it crashed to the ground and broke into pieces. Full moon anyone? 🌝


I feel so blessed to be able to assist people on their wellness path by making elderberry syrup 🙌 Infusing it with vibrational sound healing is just part of the alchemy that goes into making this blessed health tonic.

It's perfect for immune health, especially cold and flu viruses. I'm still in amazement that fall is here and we've entered into the season for going within. 🍂🍁

PM me if interested in the syrup and I'll direct you to my Etsy shop 💗🤗🙏

Photos from Real Food U's post 26/09/2020

The beauty of end of summer, beginning of fall 🍂🍁🌺 I feel so blessed to be alive to witness another beautiful changing of the seasons.

I love learning from nature how to slow down, when to go inside, when to shine, when to shed my layer of protection. Thank you Mother Earth for all of your bounty and gorgeous gifts 🌲🌼🌳🌸🐛🐞🐝🪱


Signs from my angels. Grateful they are accompanying me on my healing journey 🌟💗🙏


Finished pic! Vegan stuffed peppers. Super festive, super yum! 🌶🌶🌶

Happy New Year y'all!


Vegan stuffed peppers are some of my favorite special occasion foods (any stuffed vegetable or leaf really) 🍅🌶

They add festive color to any meal and these are stuffed with a mixture of rice, carrots, onions, celery, celery leaves, baharat and tomato paste. The sauce is tomato paste mixed with homemade veggie broth, real salt and a bit of olive oil.

I prefer more veggies than grain, so I load up the veggies in whatever I cook when I can. Don't ever be afraid to add more veggies than what a recipe calls for. It'll just make the flavor and nutrient profile so much better!

Gettin' ready for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. Happy new year y'all! 🍁🍂🦋🎶💜

Photos from Real Food U's post 31/08/2020

A gorgeous exhibit of creativity 🌳

Was blessed enough with the strength today to visit all 3 giants! Didn't realize how much I missed being out in nature. What a blessing!

This pic is the "baby" looking at his reflection in the water. Stunning. More pics to come 🦋

Timeline photos 07/08/2020

Thanks to I was able to create two amazing veggie burgers this week! They are both distinctively different and just as tasty (in my opinion), although right now my body craves the beet one more!

Here's the recipe for the beet one🍔:⁣⁣
Saute in olive oil 2 cloves garlic (minced), 1 medium onion and 1 tsp real salt until soft (about 5-10 minutes).⁣⁣
Add 1 cup diced carrot and 1 cup peeled, diced beet to the onion mixture and saute for 10-15 minutes more.⁣⁣
Put this mixture in a food processor and add:⁣⁣
1 1/2 cup black eyed peas (save cooking liquid or liquid from can)⁣⁣
1 cup cooked millet⁣⁣
1/2 cup oat flour⁣⁣
1/2 cup fresh basil leaves (packed)⁣⁣
1/2 cup roasted, unsalted sunflower seeds ⁣⁣
1 tsp Italian seasoning ⁣⁣
1/2 tsp real salt ⁣⁣
Pulse until combined. You will have to scrape the sides several times to get it good and mixed. If it's not holding together when you form a patty, add some of the bean liquid starting with 1 Tbsp at a time.⁣⁣
Form into 8 patties, put on parchment lined baking sheet and refrigerate for 30 minutes (do not skip this!)⁣⁣
Pan fry in batches in 1 Tbsp. Olive oil 3-4 minutes per side and voila!

I love to smother mine in tahini sauce (sesame paste, garlic powder, lemon juice, structured water and real salt) but there are so many other condiments... sky's the limit!

Questions? Leave 'em in the comments!


Photos from Real Food U's post 01/08/2020

2 homemade veggie burgers in the works!

The base of 1 is beet, carrot, onion, garlic and the other is sweet potato, kale, onion and garlic.

More to follow when we figure out the rest tomorrow 😋🥕🍠

Timeline photos 01/08/2020

So this is what it feels like to be called by Spirit. I woke up this morning with a huge smile on my face. I had energy to take a walk. I felt peace in my heart.

I knew somewhere deep down inside it was time. Time to be vulnerable. Time to be completely and totally honest and raw and fully myself. Embracing all of this, I knew what I had to do and I knew it wouldn't be easy.

To let you in. Those that I know and hold dear to my heart, and those who I don't yet know, but our hearts know each other.

Every day that passes it's becoming more and more clear to me what my purpose is in this life and I thank G-d that I am alive and able to write this post, and many more to come. 🙏🏼🦋💜

I have been hiding behind the mask of cancer. Not ready to share what's really been going on in my life. How challenging this journey has been. The ups, the downs, all of it. Fear has been a big part of my journey. Feeling the fear and learning to love myself through it. Looking death in the face and embracing all the feelings that come with that. Going to the deep, dark places in my thoughts and staying there, sometimes it seemed to last forever. Luckily, nothing is forever except love.

Know that I am sharing from a place of healing. I do not want your pity. I do not want to be seen as sick. I am done with that kind of attention in my life. I've been attracting that for too long now and I'm not interested in negative attention.

Mine is a journey of empowerment. Of pain. Of joy. Of loss. We each have our story and each one is important, as we affect others whether or not we are aware, just by being.

Helping others heal themselves is a big part of why I'm here and I really realized this morning that means sharing my journey so others can learn from my mistakes, from my triumphs, from me. I have so much to share. I am blessed to have the energy today to do so.

More in comments below...

Timeline photos 22/04/2020

Happy Earth Day 2020 y'all! 🌎❤🌻 We are so blessed to have this beautiful mother supporting us at all times. We are fed from the Earth. Physically, energetically, mentally. We were born from the Earth and will return to her one day.

We are all sharing our time on this wondrous planet together. The plants, animals, humans, birds, bees, insects, funghi, and much more that we have yet to discover 🙏🏼💜

Nature is filled with beauty, wonder, art, creativity, music, nourishment, love. Let's celebrate and treat her with respect, love and appreciation always. 🎶🌳🐝

Love you momma Earth and sending you love today and every day ❤

Timeline photos 19/04/2020

What makes you happy? What truly brings joy to your life? For me, food is such a joy! Especially when it's lettuce from my garden and homemade mayonnaise! It was soooo easy to make. And it's vinegar free, because so am I these days. Here's the recipe.

Homemade mayonnaise:
1/4 cup organic Kirkland extra virgin olive oil
1 cup avocado oil
1 egg
1/2 tsp real salt
1/2 tsp mustard powder
1 Tbsp lemon juice

I made it in my vitamix, didn't follow the instructions and it turned out perfect.

My directions: put egg, olive oil, salt, mustard powder and lemon juice in vitamix. Blend on 1 (low) until everything comes to room temperature (not very long) and scrape sides to make sure all powders are blended in. Then slowly add the avocado oil over 3 minutes. It actually took me longer than 3 minutes and voila! Mayonnaise! Keep in refrigerator and enjoy ❤


Timeline photos 11/04/2020

A beautiful reminder of love on my walk today. You are love ❤ Love is the highest vibration in existence.

We close ourselves off from love when we feel separated. Now that you are separated, it is the ideal time to open your heart. ❤

Feel the connection in the emptiness, in the separation. Feel your connection to Source. To Pachamama, Mother Earth. To yourself.

Now more than ever it is important to love yourself, love your neighbor, your community, your city, state, country and the world.

The more we are separated, the more we are being given the opportunity to discover our connection. Connection to Source, to ourselves, to the Earth, to love. The choice is yours. You can continue to suffer in the separation you feel or choose to open yourself up to connection and love ❤

Start slowly by loving yourself. Do something wonderful for yourself that you truly enjoy. Put on some music and dance, take a slow stroll in nature, look at the sky, the birds, the trees, the blooms. Enjoy being surrounded by song, sheer beauty. Breathe. Feel the love bubbling up from deep in your heart. ❤

You may experience tears, sadness or other emotions coming up as you start to open yourself up to love and that's all ok. It is sad sometimes to realize how long you've closed yourself off from the possibility and the feeling of love.

Let the tears flow💧Keep going. Don't give up. Pray. Ask your angels, ask Source for what you want. To be shown this deep connection that you want to feel. To Source, to love.

Deep within yourself you will find it. Don't give up. All you've ever dreamed of is within you. Connection to yourself, connection to Source. True love is on the way ❤

Timeline photos 03/04/2020

Fear. I keep getting the message that we feel fear because of our separation from Source, the Divine, G-d, Goddess, whichever word you connect to.

When we focus our energy on trusting and faith (in ourselves, in Source), then fear turns into love.

During this time when we are also separated from one another, it is an invitation to go inward and face your fears. See where you are separated, where you feel separated from Source, from yourself. Cry. Mourn. Grieve. Ho'oponopono. And then let go. BREATHE. Trust that all is in divine order.

Surround yourself with light, the universal energy from Source and really feel it entering your body. Filling you up from your head to your toes. Let yourself feel it fully. Realize that we each have exactly what we need within us to heal, to transmute this fear into love and that you are fully loved and supported always. You are not alone. ❤

Refer back to this post every time you feel fear as a reminder that you are only feeling separation and that you have a choice to continue to feel that way or to transmute it. Allow this to become a daily practice and it will change not only you're life, but the ripple effect to others will be huge.

Questions? Comments? I'm here for you. Sending you strength and love ❤

Timeline photos 01/04/2020

Grounding is a powerful practice. 👣

How do you connect with the one that feeds you, clothes you, nourishes you with beauty and song? 🌹🌺🌸🌼🌻🕊🦜🐦🦉🐓

Love her. Love the Earth. Talk to her. Give your troubles to her. Laugh with her. Cry with her. Give your thanks and gratitude to her and for her. She will continue to give you her gifts of sustaining your physical form as long as you respect her and give back to her.

Reciprocity is life. Giving and receiving. We need both to live a fully vibrant life. Enjoy the beauty of spring and be grateful to mother Earth. ❤🌳🌷🙏🏾🎶🌄🌞💧🌬

Timeline photos 25/03/2020

Last night I listened to an enlightened Rabbi as he spoke about what we're being called to do right now in these times. I was so moved not only by his message, but by his conviction that we're being called to go into the darkness and heal that which we came to this beautiful planet Earth to do. He said that G-d is bringing us into the darkness to give us the opportunity to create a new world.

Many of us are asking when we can "get back to our lives" and I'd like to invite you to look at your life as it was before the virus, before the separation and ask yourself if this was the life that you were brought here to lead. Are you truly joyful? Are you truly fulfilled? What really matters to you in this life? Your family? Your job? Money? Your connections to people? To the Earth?

I've been on a healing journey for several years now and am continuing to heal not only for myself, but for the planet. 🌍 I am on the path of healing, and it never ends. Once you embark on the path, there is no turning back. I don't want to go back. I am moving forward on a new path, to a new life filled with more good than I could ever imagine! Does that mean I don't experience darkness? Pain? Suffering? Sadness? Grief? Overwhelm? Anger? Fear? No. I am human and experience all of that. As an empath, I feel the collective experience as well and let me tell you it is not pretty. That's ok. I'm grateful that I feel it all. I would rather feel it all than feel nothing.

During this time, I invite you to go inward. To grieve. To ponder. To create. To really look at your life, as you have a choice. You can choose to go back to where you were (possibly, when we're done with this quarantine) or you can choose to move forward with love, creating a whole new beautiful life as you go. Me? I choose to create a beautiful new life ❤

Questions? Comments? I'm here for you 🦋🌷🎶

Timeline photos 19/03/2020

I went to the grocery store again and they were out of all frozen veggies except for corn, lima beans and chopped spinach. 🌽🌱🙄

While I am grateful there is some food, it is NOT OK to hoard food or supplies or anything really. Leave some for others. Get out of your survival head (only thinking about yourself) and realize that this is a huge wake up call for all of us who live this way day in day out. Feeling like we're all alone. You are not alone. If you're not feeling connected to Source or whoever you connect to on the inside, then reach out to someone you know to feel that you are not alone.

It might seem that we are all in our separate homes, living our separate lives, doing our separate thing... that is the farthest thing from the truth. The truth is that we are all one. Together. Together in this. Together on this beautiful planet Earth. Together as one.

Stop acting like you're all alone in this world. It's not serving you or anyone around you. Be loving. Be generous. Be giving. Open your heart, your eyes and your minds to those around you. Stop living in fear and notice what's going on around you. Bring a smile to the face of the cashier who is helping you get food in the midst of this craziness and had to deal with all the heaviness and fear that people are carrying around. Help a neighbor get food. Nourish your inner child and play. Choose something different for yourself, your family, the world. Set an example for others to follow.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. Thank you Ghandi for your wise words 🙏❤🙏❤

Timeline photos 08/03/2020

Happy International Women's Day y'all! 💖🌈🌻🎶🦋

It brings me up to witness women supporting other women! I've witnessed women putting other women down long enough... it's time for a change!

It's high time we ALL start supporting each other in a HUGE way as it's the only way we're going to live amazing lives, when we all come together in love and support and community.

I love dreaming about this beautiful world I'm creating... who's with me?!?!?! ❤💕❤💕

Timeline photos 25/02/2020

Every day that I am blessed to be on this planet Earth I learn something new. 🙏🌟🎶

Today I became aware of how many people do not know that they have a choice and a voice in this country. This rings true in so many areas, and today I'm specifically talking about your voice in our healthcare system.

I didn't know that I had a choice or a voice until my cancer diagnosis, one year ago. I intuitively knew that if I followed the path of my family (all Western medical doctors and dentists) and the surgeons, it wouldn't have ended well for me. I might not be alive today to use my voice and tell my story. I found my voice after many painful moments, days, weeks of feeling completely alone in my journey.

As I learned today, so many people blindly follow their doctors without even questioning if what is being suggested is the right plan of action for them. People believe their doctors when they tell them they only have 6 months to live. Or even worse... they are scared into taking a plan of action because their surgeon says "if you don't do what I'm telling you, you'll die a horrible, painful death." (Yes, this last one happened to me.)

People give their power away to someone else. It doesn't have to be that way! It's only a prognosis. Someone's words. That's all. No one can ever tell you how long you have to live. You have a choice to believe and feel that or not. You have a choice to put it in the circular file. Throw it away. Believe something different. Take your power back. You have more power than you might realize and I'm here to spread the word.

I'll be telling my story in bits and pieces, as there's so much I've learned in the past year that I'd like to share and I know this is just the beginning 🦋

Timeline photos 19/02/2020

How many times do you apologize for being yourself? So many. We all do it. Every single day. It's time to stop ✋

Yesterday on my way to an appointment, I connected for a moment with a friend of mine in the parking lot. The first thing she did was give me a funny look, touched her hair 👩‍🦱 and then apologized because she'd been at the gym🤸‍♀️

Why do we apologize for moving our bodies in a way that feels good and nourishes ourselves?

What this brief interaction told me is that my friend didn't feel comfortable with herself, she didn't feel perfect just the way she was, even after sweating at the gym and loving on herself.
It's become such a "normal" way of being in our society, to apologize for being ourselves, and it's time to shift. Right now. 💢🌺🎶🦋

Notice the way in which you apologize for yourself daily and correct it. It's really ok to be your imperfect, beautiful human self! Even if after you say sorry you realize you don't mean it, say that out loud! 🗣

I did last night. I heard myself say "I'm sorry" and then said "wait, no I'm not sorry!" and then continued the conversation. I love showing people that I'm human and that the process of loving myself more every day is worth every single minute.

Words are powerful creators and I am taking a stand for creating a beautiful, loving world where everyone is accepted for the beautiful light they truly are. It all starts with yourself. 🌟✨💖⭐

Comments are welcome as I love to connect with others on this path of beauty and love ❤💕🙏

Videos (show all)

Day 4 of 21. Third time writing this post... detoxing today, ugh. 16 oz of celery juice this morning and reiki yesterday...


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00