Mindful Nutrition Coaching, LLC

Mindful Nutrition Coaching, LLC

Helping overwhelmed women lose belly fat and increase energy without giving up carbs and chocolate 🤩 Welcome to Holy Fit Mrs!!!!

This is a place for you to get inspired and encouraged in your daily life. I love Jesus, cooking, fitness and being a wife and mom!! Life has it's ups and downs, but I believe it is possible to find YOUR BEST and BALANCED SELF!!


Did you know you are wreaking havoc on your hormones, ability to lose fat, depleting energy availability and increasing stress by NOT EATING around your training??

Women NEED to fuel.

So often my clients that want weight loss think less is better, but actually appropriate fueling is better. One of the ways to support hormones and lose fat simultaneously is to FUEL pre and post workout.

If I created a guide to help you with FAT loss, hormone regulation and stress management would you be interested?


There are 6 weeks until I turn 41!! 🤩🍾🥳

And I refuse to just let life and age just happen to me.

I am NOT a believer that life gets harder as you age, I believe it only gets better!!

You gain understanding, empathy, compassion, endurance, clarity and confidence as you age… if you want to.

Age is just a number… you are as old as you act and the habits you choose. It doesn’t get harder you just get more complacent and comfortable.

While I don’t feel the need to overhaul my entire life, I am feeling the transition of my kids going back to school and the seasons shifting which is a great time for a glow up!!

So for the next 6 weeks I am focusing on my daily 5-> faith, framing, family, fitness and food. These are the key areas I KNOW will help me feel my best and keep me focused on glowing up!

I’m putting together a guide with tools, recipes and tips… Would you be interested in joining me in this gentle glow up reset?

Here’s to 41 years young!! 🥂


Such a fun day filming content for !! Give him a follow for tips, events and NEW offerings to help you live your best healthy and fit life! And keep your eye out for nutrition tips from your truly 😉.

Identity: The key to change 16/07/2024

Stories and Identity: The dynamic combo of change -

Identity: The key to change As I make and sustain changes, I repeatedly ask myself, 'is this true?'. This is something that has helped me move past old stories and false narratives that stop me from making progress. Old stories can kill new habits and if you want to make change you have to question thoughts that creep in and s...


Anyone else feeling the need to RESET after 4th of July??

Since summer is halfway over I am hosting a FREE 5 day

Starting July 18th we are going to work together to reset your habits so you can feel confident, drop a few pounds and redirect your priorities

All you have to do is send me your email address and join my private FB group! I will send you a free guide so you know exactly what steps to take to RESET!


If you could radically change anything about your health, wellness or fitness in the. next 90 days what would it be??

Photos from Mindful Nutrition Coaching, LLC's post 21/06/2024

👇🏻Tell me which quite you relate to the most👇🏻


Excited for my new business cards! What do you think??


More intensity and restriction will almost always lead to weight gain
👇🏻see comments👇🏻


MONDAY Mindset-

Spend more time feeding your character than you do feeding your body

Here’s the thing…

Neglecting your character will leave you WANTING.

Even if you hit a milestone in weight loss or a physical goal if your character hasn’t been fed, nourished and exercised, no physical transformation will satisfy your need for love, connection, and confidence.

What you eat is important but don’t get distracted by thinking you can avoid addressing your internal dialogue about WHO YOU ARE

What does this look like?
-journalling-giving thanks, prayer, questioning what is going well or not
-addressing feelings-face the good and bad head on
-forgiving others-this is about YOUR healing not what has been done, it doesn’t excuse behavior but FREEs you to move on
-serving others-
-giving your time, money or talents
-encourage yourself so you can encourage others-stop calling yourself names or speaking negatively about yourself
-have a neutral mindset-most of life isn’t terrible or fantastic, learn to live in the middle
-curate your social media-be very specific about the content you see

What is something you can do today to FEED your character?


Coaching my clients is a balance of push and pull.

They so often need to toe the line of letting go of excuses but also giving themselves grace to be imperfect.

How can you decipher between grace and excuses??



The story you tell yourself will become your reality…

👇🏻Stories that kept me stuck for a long time 👇🏻

1-you are a failure
2-you’re ugly
3-you’re fat and awkward and dumb
4-you can’t figure it out
5-why even try

I could go on but I want to let you know that you have the power and ability to change your story.

Believe you can figure it out, believe in process and possibilities, know that you are worth the time, money and effort, put your blinders on and stay on your path for your purpose.


Do you think comparison is a hindrance to your progress??



There is no such thing as FAILURE

You are either learning what works or what doesn't

So, if you can't fail... what do you want to TRY??

Even if you have tried it before you can TRY AGAIN!!!

Don't give up on growth, change and possibility

Comment below what you are committed to TRY (or try AGAIN!)


True or false
You need supplements in order to achieve your physical goals…
Comment 👇🏻👇🏻


MONDAY MINDSET-> Language creates reality

My clients that struggle with weight loss often have the BELIEF that there are good and bad foods and thus they are good or bad based on what they eat.

It sounds like this: “Well, I was pretty good this weekend, I had a healthy breakfast and lunch” or “I know I was bad at the party-I ate dessert, chips and had drinks.”

And who gets to decide what is good and bad anyways???

You are not good because you eat kale or bad because you ate a cookie.

This is one of the biggest barriers to being successful on your health journey-the constant battle of good vs. bad, the do eat and don’t eat lists, allowed ingredients vs. avoiding ingredients…

You are fighting a battle that can never be won. There are too many people with too many opinions that don’t know ANYTHING about you, your history, your goals, your life, or what you really want.

When you learn and actually practice “all foods fit” in a way that is sustainable and habitual you find yourself changing over time and becoming the healthiest version of YOU.

THIS IS WHERE THE REAL TRANSFORMATION COMES IN-you LEARN to eat FOR YOU, YOUR life and YOUR goals while listening to YOUR own expertise about what you like and will work for you LONG TERM.


You learn by practicing. I teach my clients the Mindful PLATE method in order to have light structure with purpose for them to take action on what will work for them LONG TERM.

I’d love to send you my PLATE resource to help you start the process of real TRANSFORMATION!!

Comment YES or send me a DM :)


Hard truth… It's not your hormones keeping you from losing weight

While it SEEMS like all the buzz right now is to talk about hormones… the outcome (your body) you are CURRENTLY in has only happened because of all the choices you have made DAILY for the past several weeks, months, and years.

Your hormones play a role in your health-but think of them more like the car you drive than the destination you want to get to. And YOU ARE IN the DRIVER’S seat.

If you don’t fill your car with gas, maintain it regularly, clean it out, change the oil, turn it on, push the pedal and turn the wheel it won’t run correctly and you’ll never reach your destination!!

The same goes for TURNING on healthy hormones-you truly don’t need to do anything other than focus on some very simple strategies to MAINTAIN and RUN your body efficiently in order to reach your physical goals-repeat this consistently and you will reach your destination

The biggest problem isn’t hormones… It’s your focus on the current destination and believing that a new car or upgrades will get you to where you want to go. You have to learn to work with what you have and to maintain and maneuver your vehicle in a way that takes you to where you want to go.

The truth is you don’t need a new diet plan, pills, a “6 week protocol”, a detox or a cleanse-you don’t need to eliminate carbs, sugar or processed foods and you DEFINITELY DO NOT NEED TO EAT LESS and MOVE MORE…

What you need is to learn the proper way to MAINTAIN, FUEL, and CARE for your body on a daily basis that fits into your current life and pushes you toward your goals without added stress.

I know it’s not sexy or even super appealing, but neither is filling your car with gas and getting the oil changed. But you do it because you know you need your car to function at its best.

Here are some boring things to work on…

Drink water, eliminate alcohol, walk, lift weights (or resistance train), connect with other people that have the same goals but are a few steps ahead of you, go to bed early, read instead of scrolling, practice gratitude, stop judging yourself and others, and take FULL responsibility for your physical health

***SIDE NOTE... be an advocate for yourself!! You may need additional hormonal support from your doctor so ASK. But do EVERYTHING in YOUR power to take care of yourself daily to make the biggest difference NOW***

Photos from Mindful Nutrition Coaching, LLC's post 27/05/2024

Blessings to all who serve!!


Looking for support to have a successful summer?? Come join us in the Mindful Nutrition FB group!!

Whether you want to lose weight, connect with your loved ones, eat healthier or just care for yourself this is for you!

Don't let the time just pass by... Learn to love routine, boundaries and intentionality as you reach your goals.

Starting on Tuesday, I am hosting a FREE 5 day challenge to get you SET up for SUCCESS!!

Each day we will cover a topic (creating a vision, mindset, nutrition, movement, and the 3 Ss) then you get to work on the action plan!!

All you have to do is join the group!! Videos will be available to watch later or you can choose to just do the worksheets.

Goals WITHOUT actions are just DREAMS...

Let's work on taking action and creating positive change this summer!!

Comment yes or send me a DM.

You can also click the link in the comments to join the group!


Throwback THURSDAY!


Would you rather eat 1,000 calories or 1,500-2,000?

Would you rather be afraid to eat anything or excited to eat everything?

Would you rather be obsessed with the scale weight OR the weight in your hand?

Would you rather weigh and measure every single drop of food OR learn to eat food in portions and amoounts that work for your goals and lifestyle?

Would you rather weigh 15 pounds less and never be able to enjoy dessert, eating out, drinks, or other social events OR weigh 15 pounds more, look lean and toned, eat what you want, be social, and have energy to do more?

See that girl on the left is valued as she is but she didn’t know it.

She was working her butt off-getting up at 5 before the both babies, prepping and planning every bite of food, she was anxious, lonely, and using food and exercise as punishment.

*She lost the weight AND her energy + ability to regulate her mood.
*She hit her goal weight, but hit the wall of burnout, fatigue, and tanked her willpower
*She lost her ability to keep up with the diet and exercise and gained it ALL back and THEN SOME!!!

That girl on the right??

She started building inner strength, praying + journaling daily, she was gentle and kind to herself, she allowed ALL foods in, she learned what worked for HER, she worked on relationships and healing, she built her confidence from within-> MIND and HEART.

She WEIGHS MORE than the left, but she has also GAINED more confidence, self-respect, clarity, vision, and even started her own business!!

She invested time, effort and money into becoming the best version of herself… and she is still working on it, because life isn’t over!

Would you rather choose the left or the right??


Habits create routine and routine creates change. If your current habits aren’t creating the life you want, it’s time to change your habits and routines. 🙌🏻💪🏼



My weight struggles led me to insecurity in myself, which led to doubt in my purpose and took me down a deep and dark path of TRYING to manipulate my body in order to gain some kind of confidence and direction in life.

I have tried alllllllll the diets-clean eating, keto, vegan, beachbody/shakeology, low calorie, low-carb, low-fat, high volume, fasting, high-fat, all in, etc...

I've tried countless supplements, shakes, powders, and plans.


Nothing made me FEEL MY BEST LONG TERM. READ that again. **LONG TERM***

The results were always temporary. I might lose 5, 10, 20 pounds and then gain it all back and then some... I might even "feel" better for a month or 2 then get knocked down by life. My anxiety and depression would subside and then out of nowhere I'd be hit with a tornado of emotions.

Can you relate??

A few years ago I decided I was done with all the BS. I was done with believing the marketing lies, the diet fads, the so called experts, the promises of programs...

And not just for weight loss but for anxiety, depression, my skin issues, my hormones, my age...

The principles of weight loss, being confident and secure in yourself, and finding purpose are simple but the WAR against being comfortable is HARD.

**I battle to be healthy and fit (mentally, physically and spiritually)
**I practice daily habits to maintain the outcome I desire in all facets of life
**I refuse to fall for fads, gimmicks, sales, or "expert" opinions in ALL areas
**I have a plan and I execute it DAILY regardless of whatever happens around me-this doesn't look like perfection but it is intentional action
**I don't BLAME anyone else, I am 100% responsible for my physical body, my mentality, and my soul

Why am I telling you all this??

I want you to know you are not alone.

I want you to know that no matter what has happened in your past, you can decide that today and tomorrow can be different.

I want to let you know that it's possible to reach your health goals without compromising the rest of your life (and will most likely improve ALL other areas!!).

You don't have to be extreme to get what you want, just consistent.


Maybe it's time for a new approach to getting the physical results you want??

What if today you make choices because you are WORTH it?

What if you were kind to yourself but also honest??



Restriction is necessary for results
Would you choose carbs, fats, calories, eating out, alcohol or sugar?
See comments for tips


🛑🛑🛑3 things to STOP doing if you want to create sustainable weight loss

(did you read that?? SUSTAINABLE, that means no crash dieting or limited time results!!!)

🛑STOP OBSESSING about ingredients. If you are focused on eating mostly whole foods then you don’t need to worry about a little sugar, processed oils, additives, or natural flavors.

The dose makes the poison. Are you DRINKING seed oils? No. ARE YOU eating doritos for breakfast lunch and dinner? Probably not. ARE you sniffing additives? I hope not!

If the only things you are eating are made up of less nutritious ingredients, then the best thing to do is to start ADDING more whole foods without feeling shame and guilt for what you are currently eating.

**Not all EXPERTS or STUDIES can be 100% trusted. (follow Layne Norton for more on this)

**Just because someone has a huge following and enough income to buy only organic, “clean”, whole foods and they are telling you you will be fat, sick and failing at life if you don’t do the same…. DOES NOT MEAN YOU NEED TO DO WHAT THEY ARE DOING!

**when a company is trying to sell a product or program or powders just walk away…

This is for you→ QUESTION EVERYONE, EVERY COMPANY, EVERYTHING online… YOU HAVE TO FILTER OUT THE BS. Would you tell your kids to believe ALL the “info” they find on tik tok, IG, or Youtube??

THEN STOP GETTING YOUR DIETING ADVICE from STRANGERS posting random advice!!!!!!!!!!!!


You DO NOT NEED greens powder, protein powder, pills, meal replacement shakes (or anything any MLM company is selling) to create results

I know it doesn’t seem possible that it could be so simple but focus on these for the next 2 months and you will change your body and your life

*get enough sleep
*workout in a way you like and for your goals
*get a long walk in (or 3 shorter walks)
*drink a gallon of water daily
*be mindful of what you are eating (track your intake-there’s no right way, just track)
*prioritize protein and fresh ingredients at each meal
*actively participate in stress reduction
*connect with others and serve them
*spend time daily becoming the best you on the inside
*romanticize your everyday life and give thanks for everything

🛑STOP CHANGING your plan based on how you are feeling or based on the scale ALONE

Look, even I deal with this. No one is immune to being a human. And ladies… There are monthly shifts for most of us that will not only affect our feelings and thoughts but also the scale.

The best thing you can do is decide which path you are taking, the steps you are taking and to do the work. Everyday you have to decide to show up regardless of the scale and your feelings. NOTHING happens in a straight line.


Comment below which one you are ready to STOP doing👇🏻👇🏻


It can feel SOOO hard to lose weight and FEEL like yourself again after having kids. But I am here to tell you it doesn’t have to be complicated!!

While it isn’t complicated it can take time. Whether your littles are babies or heading into their teen years YOU are going through a lot of changes TOO.

This acknowledgment is KEY to making lasting change.

In order to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF I beg you NOT TO run to a 6 week “total body transformation” or start taking pills, powders or shots to solve the deeper issue. I call this ‘desperate dieting'.

Your physical weight is the outcome of lifestyle choices, hormonal shifts and stress.

In order to CHANGE you need new habits that will lead to mental clarity, self-confidence, easy ways of eating to lose weight (not your mind!!), and a workout routine that fits your CURRENT schedule and preferences.


What you need is to SET UP A SYSTEM for SUCCESS Here are 5 ideas to get you started...

1-Focus on protein and eating mostly whole foods, and simply record what you eat and drink (you don’t need to weigh and measure but simply tracking can jump start your accountability to what you consume)

2-carve out time to THINK, journal and pray. For many of my clients they are wanting physical change but when they actually take time to THINK, what they really want is to feel like themselves again and weight loss can come when you lean into problem solving deeper issues

3-drink a gallon of water-dehydration can cause so many issues from digestion to cognitive impairment. Don’t miss this simple step

4-Speaking of steps, move around more throughout the day. Energy expenditure is actually HIGHER outside of the gym ;) And find other forms of exercise and movement that make you feel empowered.

5-Rest and sleep as much as possible. This may be difficult with littles, but sleep, along with stress, can be what is keeping those extra pounds to stay STUCK ON your frame… Your body needs to feel safe and secure to shed weight.

Comment below one way you will start your new SYSTEM


You can’t HATE yourself into HEALTH
See comments

Photos from Mindful Nutrition Coaching, LLC's post 12/05/2024

Happy Mother’s Day my friends ♥️

Photos from Mindful Nutrition Coaching, LLC's post 08/05/2024

Which one will you start with??



Several days ago, I asked “What do you find most challenging about eating healthy? ”.

The top three responses were time, effort, and ideas...

Let's start with the outcome you want. Most of you want to stay healthy, feed your family well, and not spend too much time in the kitchen. It can feel impossible to figure out how to get out of this PARALYZING situation!!

SO let me give you 7 tips to get you started and keep it UNCOMPLICATED (PLUS a bonus for parents!)

1-cook proteins and carbs ahead of time to consume throughout the week-you don’t need to PREP FULL MEALS, but think about what COMPONENTS of meals take the longest and cook extras when you do have time (protein-grilled chicken breast, pulled pork, baked eggs, veggies-roast veggies, steamed broccoli, saute peppers and onions, carbs-cooked oatmeal, rice, and bake regular and/or sweet potatoes)

2-have frozen meat that needs just 10-15mins in the oven or airfryer for quick protein options (ex: individual fish filets, frozen turkey burgers or meatballs, tyson blackened or rotisserie chicken, bare nuggets, etc.)

3-use canned veggies, frozen veggies and bagged salads for quick sides

4-Use the deli counter at the grocery store for pre-cooked or ready to cook meats, carbs, and veggies

5-Remember that a meal can be very simple- EX: Chicken, peppers and onions, and rice OR turkey burger, steamed broccoli, sweet potato OR salmon, roast zucchini and quinoa)

6-While enjoying a simple meal try to experiment with sauces, dips and other condiments-look for 60-100 calories per 2 TBSP. You can also use seasoning like Kinders or Mrs. Dash to change flavors

7-Don’t worry about certain ingredients or preservatives or gluten or seed oils…. You are doing the best you can and this has to work for the long term so 1 ingredient in 1 food isn’t going to make or break your health.

***BONUS for my moms and dad trying to make your kids happy??? It probably won’t happen!! I know that’s not what you want to hear… #1 you are IMPORTANT-make what you like first and foremost. Encourage kids to try new foods, but don't force them; encourage them to make their own meals (and clean up!) if they don't like what you are making; it's okay if they like the same things over and over.

Videos (show all)

Saturday full body @jordansathleticcenter #perimenopause #weightlifting #fitness #weightloss #transformation #elmhurstil
Snacking can not only help you on your weight loss journey, it can be beneficial to help overcome guilt, shame and anxie...
Who needs the meal and protein guide? 👇🏻
5 surprising weight training benefits! #transformation #weightloss #anxiety #health #perimenopause
Are you doomed because you’re aging?? #weigthloss #perimenopause
Bowls are my go-to, everyday way to get in plenty of nutrients, variety and use up leftovers!
Day 5 of uncommon ways to lose weight! #weightloss #transformation
Day 4! #weightloss
Day 3 of unique ways to help you lose weight and feel your best! #creativity #weightloss
Comment, like and share!! #community #weightloss
Day 1/5!! Uncommon ways to lose weight! Let me know your thoughts or questions in the comments 🙏🏻♥️✌🏻
Decision FATIGUE!! Is it keeping you from PROGRESS??

