Johanna's Raw Foods

Johanna's Raw Foods

Crunch your cracker by itself or dip it into our Cashew Dream Cheeze or our Kale & Parsley Pesto. VEGGIE BURGER BITES
this is our snack-time IMMUNE BOOSTER.

Professor Johanna Sophia, global speaker, Coach and Author, expert consultant in matters of Self-Healing using food, sustainability and empowering women over fifty. CRACKERS
open the box and smell sweet onion rings and candied carrots with a whiff of orange and Asia... but it's all done without the frying, baking or the sugar! Spread both on it, add a slice of tomato or cucumber and a leaf of let


I'm Homeless! ..that's the title of this piece.
Am I really homeless and dreaming of a sandwich? They don't have my kind of sandwich here where I'm sitting, hiding out...

First thing I notice is that there are two young people ahead of me, a man and a woman with big belts and gun holders. Then I see the woman has a bog metal medallion on her chest and the man has handcuffs hanging from his belt in the back. They're not in uniform. From a distance, you could mistake them for regular folks getting a coffee at Starbucks.

I'm trying to imagine the anticipation, anxiety, the fear for my life I would feel if I were truly homeless and hiding out at this Starbucks pretending to be working...

But I AM working.

There aren't many people sitting down. Just a couple who look like they're on their first or second date. She is voluptuous, squeezing her deep decollete with her soft fleshy upper arms. The man looks a little shy and his leg is wabbling up and down rapidly, you know how some people do, and non-stop for the last 30 minutes that I am here. The woman does all the talking. For them, everything is just beginning, I think.

Then there is a young student, I imagine, who is focused on writing her paper.

Now another short, overweight woman drinks her coffee while gazing out the window. She looks upset.

I wonder what people think of me sitting here in the corner with my large mint tea and furiously writing this email as though my life depended on it.

Do they think I'm homeless? I have shopping bags with me tht I can't leave in the car because of the heat. Why do I even think about being homeless?
Because the garden cottage gets soo hot that I can't be there during the day, especially in the afternoons: it is 98 F outside and in the cottage, it gets even hotter. And there's not enough electricity to connect a cooling device. So I have to "flee."

Of course, I could stay with other friends until my house purchase has closed and I am moved in. But... there are so many "buts." I have my important stuff at the cottage, I have some space for myself, I have to function. I have to keep up with my obligations like making food products for my clients. It's hard to fit into someone else's household.

But there is another reason why I am thinking of being homeless. It has become such a huge problem in our country and in the entire so-called Western world. The economy works for the super-rich but for many it no longer works at all. Housing is crazy expensive -- I was just very lucky with the house I am buying -- and the world is moving toward a 2-tier society: the rich and the poor.

Even for those who thought they were "safe" working in tech or in the offices of corporations, or even in administration. The number of jobs is declining daily. Secretaries, bank tellers, cashiers, even telemarketers are no longer needed as AI takes over.

California may be worst, but New York is not far behind. I'm seeing it everywhere.

Is it time to create altogether new forms of society?
Is it time to get out of the rat race and take responsibility for our own body and for the wellbeing of society and the planet?

Here's one approach for such a new society that I find very beautiful:
Look into it. Isn't it a beautiful system?

Where do you see yourself in the creation of a better, healthier and fairer society?

In case you want to start with your health, that's where I can help. If you want to take responsibility for your body and your health, you can become "independently healthy."
(Health is another sector that is rapidly declining in the West. Yes, we are now the sickest people on the planet here in the US.)

Luckily, we can also decide to be the healthiest.
Do you want to make that decision for yourself?

Then I promise we will make that a reality.

Respond to this email or go book a time on my calendar at

You can do this!

It's intense, but you don't have to take time off work to do it.

Yes, it's gonna be hot but you can make it the BEST SUMMER ever!

I look forward to hearing from you!
Much love,

PS: Hit REPLY and we'll set up the initial consultation
or book here:


Ready to start STYLING?
I mean Life-Styling!

And you don't have to do a split to reverse your aches and pains, your arthritis, your diabetes, or your allergies...

Instead, you can quickly get into a delicious new lifestyle that will work wonders, guaranteed! I am offering 5 to 10 one-on-one INTENSIVES.

You will get there in just a few weeks! That's what INTENSIVEs do for you: they deliciously guide you into a new lifestyle that effortlessly reverses chronic diseases without you ever feeling hungry or lacking!

Intensives are also wonderful for losing weight without ever feeling hungry. In fact, my clients have often told me that they can't finish the delicious dishes we make because they're so nutrient-dense and so filling that they're "just full and satiated."

When your food is delicious, you don't feel deprived and you don't feel like "cheating." In fact, cheating seems silly as your food is so much more delicious than the "treats" that others think you should be missing.

Furthermore, in my INTENSIVE, you don't just change your food. There's breathing, sorting out chemicals, exercise, deep relaxation, good sleep, and overcoming rifts with family and friends that all lead to more peace and happiness...

In other words, in my INTENSIVE you create a lifestyle that has you loving your life.

Some clients have also considered their financial and professional situation and we made effective changes, some have created a different professional life altogether. That's very possible but not necessarily the norm.

Getting rid of aches and pains and so-called chronic dis-eases (and therefore the need for medications) is indeed the norm.

To get an INTENSIVE one-on-one program with me, please respond to this email with your phone number so we can talk.

Want to start with some super healthy super-foods?
Then hurry up before they go away. You can still get cases of:
Veggie Burger Bites - $65
Ginger Brownies - $65
Carrot Crackers - $60

Shipping is free.
Hit Reply here and let me know what you want.
(These are dehydrated products that have a shelf life of 9 months if kept cool and dry.)

Now to the FITNESS over FIFTY program that I will start LIVE, in person, in Poughkeepsie NY, at the Hudson Valley Health and Healing Center, HVHHC.


Every Wednesday and Friday at 11:00 am I will teach this class and guide you in my whole-body fitness routine according to your abilities. You will do mild to challenging exercises in a small group and get personal attention.

This class will be followed by Easy Fun Raw sessions in which I introduce delicious raw dishes and the benefits of the respective ingredients.

Call the center and have yourself put on the waitlist.

These in-person classes are NOT connected to the INTENSIVES which are done with me via Zoom.

Yes, I am still at the cottage, but life and work continue. It's all beautiful.

Wishing you the BEST SUMMER ever!

Much love,


INVITATION to a FREE Mastermind

Today, I'm here to invite you to tomorrow's FREE Mastermind on "Making the Best of What You've Got"

We're discussing the acknowledgment of our shortcomings and how to work with them, work around them, or even use them as challenges that drive us to do MORE with our lives, because!!

I'll tell you of some extraordinary people with enormous "defects" who attained greatness despite or even because of those defects they were born with.

Here is your FREE ticket for tomorrow.

Share YOUR story or just listen to others.

Once we realize that "no body is born perfect," we take what we are given for this lifetime and SHINE with our talents!

I will tell and show you some stories.
And I can't wait to hear of YOUR achievements and future dreams!

TOMORROW: A FREE Mastermind about
"Making the Best of What We Have"
Sunday, June 16, at 3:00 pm here:

COME tell your story.

See you there and share your thoughts - you can always respond to this email, too.

Much love,
Johanna ..just click and register


When the deer are this close to my cabin, I feel like they know they are safe... (I won't eat them). And I realize the schizophrenia of dog lovers... who have no problem torturing and eating other sentient friends of humans... How do you feel?


You haven't heard from me in a while...
Buying and renovating a little house... but in the meantime...


Hi Smoothie-Lovers,

This is just a quick email to let you know that you are not forgotten.
Thank you for stopping by my table under the Holistic Health and Happiness banner.
Want to see all your aches and pains melt away??

As of June 8, I will offer my tried and tested 21-Days ON RAW program with live classes at the HHH center on
Saturdays at 3:00 pm
Thursdays at 7:30 pm

To register, call Holistic Health & Happiness in Highland NY 12528.
Phone: 845-668-4448

Or sign up for a free 30-min Discovery call at

I have just decided that I will also offer ONLINE participation in this program on Zoom!
The application process is the same.

We have made the pricing extra-extra affordable (I have never done it for less than $497 before) and it will be:

ONLY $297 for the entire 3 weeks with 6 sessions, email materials, recipes, follow-ups, and special discount 1-on-1 sessions.

For private coaching or other intensive self-healing programs, respond to this email (NOT to all but just to [email protected]) or sign up for a discovery call at .

I look forward to having fun together and creating great food and great health!!

With love,


I ran past the PEACE POLE again, today.

And I thought: what irony! We are the most war-mongering country on Earth and have never stopped for the last 70 years (or should I say the last 400 years?)

And still, we love presenting ourselves as the keepers of peace.

In the same last 70 years, we have had many great human leaders making an effort toward peace, and it seems most of them were assassinated.

Nevertheless, we continue to promote peace. I've been talking a lot about peace lately. To me, health and peace and sanity belong together. How can you promote health and then go to war to kill and be killed? Isn't good health a means to live longer?? And to live your purpose?

That's why I want you to watch this:

and please SHARE!

You can still order your Johanna's Raw Foods. Just reply to this email with what you want.

Veggie Burger Bites
Ginger Brownies
(if need be I'll also make Carrot Crackers)

(Sorry, no Raspberry Brownies over the summer).

Let's all promote peace and health!

With much love,


Wow, I was young then! My daughter and I both got our hair braided and I loved the playful disorderliness of mine!
Sometimes, I'm still playful like that and wish I could have that again...
Can we maybe create our own lightness and playfulness in spite of challenging times?

I'm trying and constantly learning. How about you?

But let me not get too philosophical. This was supposed to be a very quick, short email:
Part of creating lightness and the energy, serotonin, and endorphins we need to be playful, is nourishing our brain with the right foods. That's where the Veggie Burger Bites come in.

I'm making a big order For Hippocrates Wellness (formerly Hippocrates Health Institute) and therefore, you can order some too.

I was able to save on some ingredients and packaging and am passing the savings along to you:
You can have the cases for $60.00/case this time! (as always: FREE shipping)

I want to give you some healthy sweetness as well (and my son LOVES them) so I'll be making Ginger Brownies as well. Those, however, will be $65.00/case. (as always: FREE shipping)

I have not written to you in a while because I have been working around the clock so I can get myself into a little house "for my retirement," LOL! (...when is she ever going to stop?)

I also may turn this newsletter into a membership group (yes, all 3500 of you, or those who want) so that I can speak more freely about what's going on in my mind.

For example, elections in South Africa are coming up. I think the outcome will have an impact on the entire globe. I want to tell you who I'm rooting for and why... and what it all means in the context of BRICS etc, but I will do that in the membership group - just haven't decided where to place the group.

But back to being short: to order your foods, just reply to this email with what you want.
REMINDER: I only sell cases of 6.

Reply to this email if you want
Veggie Burger Bites
Ginger Brownies
(if need be I'll also make Carrot Crackers)

(Sorry, no Raspberry Brownies over the summer).

Get playful and light!
With much love,

Photos from Johanna's Raw Foods's post 25/04/2024

Be fit and sexy in your sixties! Get rid of your back pains, your diabetes, your migraines, and even your IBS with this healthy and delicious foods.
Power at any age!
Start here:
Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to leave a comment.

Be Part of Creating PEACE 15/04/2024

Be Part of Creating PEACE -

Be Part of Creating PEACE (...yes, I took this picture during the eclipse) ...let's bring some light into the world, , Please send the text below - that I copied from our NY team - to all your Friends and Colleagues - so many people still don't even know they have a choice now to vote for a more peaceful, he...


We are so lucky to have peace. Peace with our families, even when we are divorced, peace with our friends, even if they have a different opinion on politics, and peace in our cities and towns even when our roads have potholes. We can choose to be at peace.

We aren't at risk.

Some people think striving for peace is "risky."

But if you lived in a warzone right now, you would think that seeking peace is less "risky" than remaining under the imminent threat of death.

If you were in that warzone, you'd want to support the only candidate willing to break up the war-machine and work toward peace.

And if you are living in peace, you might want to also choose peace over war for those who live in those warzones. You might want to participate in bringing the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings and the destruction of their homes and cities to an end. You might decide to stop and force others to stop making money from shares or stock in the weapons industries of the West.

You might opt for investing in peace.

This is your chance.

This is our moment to put a peace-maker in the White House.

Here's what we need to do:
WE NEED TO MAKE HISTORY! No one has ever gotten enough signatures to get an independent candidate on the ballot in NY State. If you are in NY State, you will be part of this historic moment.

We have 6 weeks starting April 16th to collect close to 100,000 signatures (need 45,000 "clean" signatures). We are hoping to get as many as we can in the first few weeks before people lose stamina in doing this, so please find a training now and obtain your petitions.

If not you, then who?
If not now, then when?

If you're not in NY state, let me connect you with the groups in your state - yes, we are everywhere - so you can participate there.

Bottom line: are you for PEACE? then you might want to participate in offering everyone the chance to choose peace. Many people don't even know yet that they have this choice. Peace is a threat to the money-making machine.

You already know my choice. How much he can actually get done against the global powers is a question. But we want to get him on the ballot so he can try - and you can help giving us all the choice, even if he's currently not your choice.


If yes, REPLY here with "I'm in" and we'll connect with you.

Johanna's Raw Foods & Coaching 08/04/2024

You can also follow on Instagram to see more.

Johanna's Raw Foods & Coaching


Welcome to the REAL HUMANS GREAT SOULS Podcast on Rumble! Are you curious about longevity and the secrets to living a longer, healthier life? 🌱💪 In this video, we delve into the truth behind longevity tricks, foods, supplements, workouts, and more. But what's the reality behind biological lifespans? Let's have a candid conversation about the science and logic behind biological cycles and the truth about our lifespans.

Watch it here:

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more insightful discussions on health, wellness, and longevity. Like this video if you found it informative, and share it with friends who are interested in living their best lives.

Join us as we uncover the facts, dispel myths, and explore practical strategies for promoting longevity and well-being. Whether you're seeking to optimize your health or simply intrigued by the science of aging, this video is for you!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more insightful discussions on health, wellness, and longevity. Like this video if you found it informative and share it with friends who are interested in living their best lives.

Here's the link:

Thanks for tuning in, and let's embark on this journey to better health together!


Power at any Age!
It's time to get HEALTHY!
Learn how to make fabulously healthy dishes.
Click here:


How to create brain cells?


YOU are the one to change the world.

When insiders and world-knowers tell it as it is, do we shrink back in dismissal or do we embrace the facts they are uniquely able to present?

And they tell us that we can step into our power! Maybe we can get inspired to join forces right now with those determined to create a better world!
Yes, I am challenging you to watch ALL of it.
Especially the Q&A part at the end.

If you want, I will help you find your own power and implement it.

Because when we do come into our own power - more and more - we realize how we are at once alone (for example among our family) and at the same time in the great group of the 'awakened' or as I prefer to call us, the 'knowing'. Of course, we are still learning all the time as none of us are all-knowing. But we then go out and find those colleagues and friends who can also handle more of the truth.

Now don't get me wrong: even the factual actual truth of what happened is still a matter of interpretation. I would be really curious to hear YOUR interpretation of the facts in this presentation.

Can you please respond here to tell me?

The presentation is also on YouTube but with some cuts and without the Q&A. That's why I'm sending you to Rumble. Here is the link.

(BTW I also have a channel on Rumble now, REAL HUMANS GREAT SOULS, just in case something happens to my YouTube podcast ;-) ).

Can't wait for your replies... don't be shy!



Today, I am sending you something to watch that will once again blow your mind.
Or, maybe you'll just laugh or cry and say, "Yeah, I knew it."

When insiders and world-knowers tell it as it is, do we shrink back in dismissal or do we embrace the facts they are uniquely able to present and step into our power? Maybe we even get inspired to join forces and create a better world?

Yes, I am challenging you to watch ALL of it!
Especially the Q&A part at the end.

When we do come into our own power - at least a little more - we realize how we are at once alone (for example among our family) and at the same time in a great group of the 'awakened' or as I prefer to call us, the 'knowing'. Of course, we are still learning all the time as none of us are all-knowing. But we then go out and find those colleagues and friends who can also handle more of the truth.

Now don't get me wrong: even the factual actual truth of what happened is still a matter of interpretation. I would be really curious to hear YOUR interpretation of the facts in this presentation.

Can you please respond here to tell me?

The presentation is also on YouTube but with some cuts and without the Q&A. That's why I'm sending you to Rumble. Here is the link.

(BTW I also have a channel on Rumble now, REAL HUMANS GREAT SOULS, just in case something happens to my YouTube podcast ;-) ).

Can't wait for your replies... don't be shy!


PS: You can still join my new SUPER HAPPY BODY class to get super healthy, overcome chronic dis-eases, or work toward your certificate as a coach yourself.
Most of my clients do both: the health and the business.

Text or call me at 518-795-5030 or respond to this email and you'll get to apply to be in the class.


Be fit and sexy in your sixties! Get rid of your back pains, your diabetes, your migraines, and even your IBS!
Power at any age!
Start here:


Ready to elevate your culinary game? 🍽️ Discover the best raw recipes yet with our app! 🌱 From vibrant salads to decadent desserts, we've got delicious dishes at your fingertips. 🥗🍰 Whether you're a seasoned chef or just starting your plant-based journey, our app has something for everyone.
Visit to unlock a world of flavor and nourishment!

REAL HUMANS GREAT SOULS - Is Failure Inevitable? 14/03/2024

REAL HUMANS GREAT SOULS - Is Failure Inevitable? We're discussing the concept of failure and success. The perceptions and the effects on our well-being. Is it healthy to fail and start over? Or should we av...

TikTok · ProfJSophia 10/03/2024

TikTok · ProfJSophia Check out ProfJSophia's video.


Let's Make Delicious "Pills" that Heal

Here's where you register for a FREE spot this afternoon.

I'll teach you a FREE super-food recipe, too!

And we can talk about the aches and pains you want to get rid of.
Here is the link to the ZOOM meeting:

AGAIN: this is a RARE opportunity. I'll open the floor and we'll talk.

You get the opportunity to talk about your unfulfilled dreams, too.
Your worries and your obstacles.

Register to secure your FREE ticket NOW: #/registration

Join from wherever you are, Sat. 03/09/2024
3:00 pm EST
12:00 pm PST
21:00 h German time



PS: If we're "sold out" let's see if you can make the waitlist...


You're invited! Whether you're already part of the class or looking to join, this message is just for you. 🌟 Join us this SATURDAY at 3:00 pm EST / 12:00 pm PST / 21:00 h Central Europe time for an enriching meeting where you have the rare opportunity to ask me HOW I do it.

I'll share how I teach you to stay fit through "old age," reverse chronic dis-eases, aches, and pains, have high energy and fun, and pursue your dreams. But you can also ask me about my failures and my disappointments.

Your presence matters, and we can't wait to connect with you! ❤️

Register here: [Link to Zoom registration]

Looking forward to seeing you there!


WHAT? You're 70?? HOW?! - Just Ask me!

You have the rare opportunity to ask me HOW I do it.

And I'll tell you how I teach you to do it too!

How to stay fit through "old age."

How to reverse chronic dis-eases, aches, and pains.

How to have high energy and fun.

How to pursue your dreams.

But you can also ask me about my failures and my disappointments.

And of course, you can ask what I think about YOUR issues, plans, and pursuits. Here is the link to the ZOOM meeting:

AGAIN: this is a RARE opportunity. I'll open the floor and we'll talk.

You get the opportunity to talk about your unfulfilled dreams.
Your worries, your

And you can learn a little more about my next 12-month class,

the SUPER HAPPY BODY program that starts next week.

Register to secure your FREE ticket NOW: #/registration

Join from wherever you are, Sat. 03/09/2024
3:00 pm EST
12:00 pm PST
21:00 h German time




WHAT? You're 70?? HOW?! - Just Ask me!

You have the rare opportunity to ask me HOW I do it.

And I'll tell you how I teach you to do it too!

How to stay fit through "old age."

How to reverse chronic dis-eases, aches, and pains.

How to have high energy and fun.

How to pursue your dreams.

But you can also ask me about my failures and my disappointments.

And of course, you can ask what I think about YOUR issues, plans, and pursuits. Here is the link to the ZOOM meeting:

AGAIN: this is a RARE opportunity. I'll open the floor and we'll talk.

You get the opportunity to talk about your unfulfilled dreams.
Your worries, your

And you can learn a little more about my next 12-month class,

the SUPER HAPPY BODY program that starts next week.

Register to secure your FREE ticket NOW: #/registration

Join from wherever you are, Sat. 03/09/2024
3:00 pm EST
12:00 pm PST
21:00 h German time




Dear One,

You are personally invited to this meeting because you are either already in the class or you're trying to join.

This SATURDAY at 3:00 pm EST,
12:00 pm PST
21:00 h Central Europe time


Videos (show all)

When the deer are this close to my cabin, I feel  like they know they are safe... (I won't eat them). And I realize the ...
You haven't heard from me in a while...  Buying and renovating a little house... but in the meantime...
Do you agree?#helathylifestyle #humanlife #HumanBiology
Do you agree?#humanlife #humanbiology #ageisbeauty #helthylifestyle
Reposting my chocolate mousse mix!#chocolate #diabetesmanagement #smoothierecipes #plantbased
Create your LONGEVITY!To learn more, DM me 😊💖
How to create brain cells?#Rawfoods #brainhealth #anxietyrelief #realhumansgreatsouls #exercisebenefits
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