Generations United

Generations United

Generations United is a group of individuals uniting to provide Christian outreach and events whereve We are from a diverse group of churches and denominations.

Generations United is a group of individuals uniting to provide Christian outreach events to the Southwest Virginia and Eastern Kentucky region. Established in 2014 by Eric Estep and Chad Cooper, Jackie Pruitt, Chad's wife Letisha,and Jerry Ward produced the first Generations United on June 21, 2014. We believe we have more in common as believers in Jesus Christ than in what makes us different. In

Photos from Generations United's post 07/08/2023

You don't want to miss the Council VA, Brush Arbor Revival which is set to begin Aug 13, with services starting at 7 PM nightly. The address is 1655 Old Grissom Creek RD, Honaker, 1/2 mile off RT 80 on old Grissom Creek Rd (Rt. 620). Rev. Wendell Harris and Dennis McGlothlin will be in charge of the services. Come and receive what the Lord has in store for you!


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Photos from Generations United's post 02/05/2019

Here are some of the door prizes for Saturday's event!!! There will be a TV, sound bars, scooters, fishing poles, gifts baskets and much more!!! Thank God for all those who have donated time, items, and finances to make this happen!!! Most of all thank God for all those who are praying for souls to be saved and chains to be broken!!! God is moving!!!

May 4th- 4pm
The Connection- Hurley, VA


This is what Jesus can do!!! Come this Saturday to hear what Jesus has done and is still doing!!! Expect to be radically changed by the power of God!!!

May 4th 4pm
The Connection in Hurley, VA


Please Share. If anyone can come out and help set the tent up Wednesday at 5 and Thursday at 8 it would be greatly appreciated. It will be in the bottom besides Magic Mart. Thanks and God Bless!


It's time to come together and pray for our community, lost loved ones, nation, and more!!!


“Sin is the second most powerful force in the universe, for it sent Jesus to the cross. Only one force is greater—the love of God.” Billy Graham. The world lost an amazing man of God today in Billy Graham at the age of 99. Almost every message I ever heard him give, he talked about the importance of Christ on the Cross and how that was God's proof of His unconditional agape love that He has for ALL of us. He once said and I never will forget it that “My home is in Heaven. I'm just traveling through this world.” No matter what we may go through as long as we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and we strive to be Christ like then no matter how lost we fill on this earth we will one day make our way back home.


God said we’re healed and blessed, that means He’s already DONE the thing. Everything is going to be okay. It’s going to work out. He’s in front of you, behind you, beside you, above you, beneath you.


Don't act like a baptist, a Pentecostal, Presbyterian, or Church of Christ, act like Jesus. .


This is going to be an awesome event. You don't want to miss this amazing meeting. Zeke Pike was a McDonald's All American and after leaving high school was recruited by Auburn and was the #2 ranked QB in the nation. He has such an amazing story. Come out and join us Tuesday February 20 at 6 pm at Riverview Elementary/Middle School.


Hey Everyone, looking forward to singing at the Connection this Friday night! If you don't have plans, you do now!!! I will be joined with my better half on the keys! New songs and more!


When you are tired of the things that this world throws at you and you think you can't keep going, don't quit. Just Rest!!!! "Jesus is Coming!!!! "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:3


Jesus chased Death through the moth and dust and rust, took the keys of Hell and the grave, put one foot on Satan’s head and the other on the crumbling empire of death, raised His face toward the Father and declared: I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA, THE BEGINNING AND THE END.


Great moves of God are usually preceded by simple acts of obedience. God “will repay each person according to what they have done.”To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.Romans 2:6-7


Stop running away from what God has saved you out of, and start running toward what He has saved you FOR. Let your past be your past . Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 :20 :18


You make the day happen; don’t let the day happen to you. Take control and authority of your day before you get out of that bed, before your feet hit the ground. You declare and decree what the day is going to be! Have a Kingdom Mindset today. Say today I am going to serve the Lord!!!


If the devil can’t keep you bound in failure, he'll try to keep you from enjoying your success.


Please Read
When people hear the word addiction the first thing we think about is drugs. The definition of addiction is the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. We are in process of having a program where anyone with life controlling problems to get the help that they need.Generations United Living Free will be a program that will help individuals overcome their vices and be set free from the bo***ge that is keeping them from being the man or woman that God has intended them to be. Not only will they be meetings weekly but also there will be a curriculum to teach individuals to overcome their life controlling issues. We will have a prayer team that will meet regularly to cover the individuals in prayer along with accountability partners if wanted, to talk to individuals weekly to give them biblical advice to help them get through tough situations that may cause someone to fail. Through this curriculum one will learn coping techniques to deal with things such as anger, depression, loss of love ones, loneliness,dealing with addiction or vices that may have someone bound. There is many different types of addiction. Also in this program one can monitor his or her own progress by completing progress reports if he or she feels compelled to. You can come to just listen or if felt lead to share openly with others in a safe environment. We do not want anyone to feel like they are alone. Jesus Christ will be the center of this program. It will be for the church and unchurched. Even the strongest Christian can benefit from these meetings. We are in process of getting dates times and meeting places set up.We also want everyone to understand and feel comfortable in knowing that what is said and who attends this program will be completely confidential. This will be a safe place for anyone that wants help or wants to come to get a closer relationship with our Christ and savior. Also they will be resources available if someone wants to get long term treatment in a facility but we know that not everyone can quit their jobs and leave their families for a long period of time so this would be a great option for that. If anyone is interested in this program or would like to be a part of this amazing ministry please get in contact with me. There is a lot of components to this program and many different ways to be involved in helping. We ask for you to pray about this with us. It's time for this Generation and community to Unite and come together to not only to save lives but see lives saved in Jesus name. Please pray for this program and contact us if you would like to be apart of this amazing program. Thanks and God bless.


‪We must have a teachable heart if we want the seed that God is planting in us to take root and bring forth heavenly fruit. Have ears to hear! Matt 13:1-23‬
"Chad Cooper"


Check this out.

Click here to support ZStrong organized by Patrick Wade 20/11/2017

Click here to support ZStrong organized by Patrick Wade Z just turned 21, and was diagnosed with Leukemia, after an appendectomy; Z will require treatment and an extended stay at UVA Hospital

The Holy Friendship Summit | Healing the Heart of Appalachia 18/11/2017

The Holy Friendship Summit | Healing the Heart of Appalachia A Gathering of Clergy, Clinicians, and Congregants to to produce networks and share resources regarding opioid addiction in Southern Appalachia. May 18-19, 2018 The Holy Friendship Summit is more than a conference or workshop. It is a long-term vision to produce networks, resource sharing opportunit...


6 years ago today I gave my life to Jesus Christ on the campus of Appalachian Teen Challenge. I was broken and miserable and had a horrible misunderstanding on life but over these years God has taught me so many wonderful things. I want to share them with you and hopefully someone that needs to hear this will and it will help. God created you in His image. There is no other person like you in this world. You must always be yourself and should strive to be the best you that you can possibly be. How do you do that? By learning from your mistakes, putting God first, striving to be Christ like and never settling and always improving. Never looking back and always pressing forward. Don't live in the past but always look at the future. Know that God loves you for who you are and be the person that always makes your Father proud. God forgives. Live every day according to His word so when you look into the mirror tomorrow, you will love who you see. You will never be perfect but that doesn't mean that you should ever stop trying. As long as you have a breath in your body, you have a chance to change what you don't like about yourself. Live, love and laugh. When you feel like you are drowning in what the world is throwing at you remember that your lifeguard walks on water. Trust in the Lord always, lean not on your own understanding be in all ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6. You are never alone, God is always with you. Don't look down but always look up. When you feel like you can't go one step further then don't give up just hit your knees and pray. When you don't know what else to do remember the answer is one prayer away. God is always on time. Be Thankful for what you got and not bitter for what you don't. You where created for a purpose. Let no one or nothing still your joy. Life is short but eternity is forever. PRAY. Make someone smile. Make a difference. You got this. Don't give up, Don't ever give up.
Tomorrow is a new day. God bless and Happy Holidays.

IAmFree wcyb 15/11/2017

IAmFree wcyb I Am Free live on WCYB! Enjoy Share and subscribe


5 years ago today I pulled up on a mountain in Athens WV and my life changed forever. I went there broken and miserable.For the first time in my life I felt the presence of God. It was the day that God allowed me to go to Appalachian Teen Challenge. Over my year there I gave my life to Jesus Christ. God transformed my life inside and out. Also on this day in 2013 I graduated Teen Challenge. I am forever grateful to ATC and the staff there. Gods plan for our lives are a plan of good and not of evil but of hope with a promise for an amazing father. Jerm.29:11. I will never forget what I received there and for the memories that I made at TC. Thank you Jesus for not giving up on me and directing my path to TC


Last year 31 days of grace.


Lay year 31 days of grace


God cannot fill you with Himself when you’re full of yourself.

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