Changing communities through the education of children. Veracruz & Pénjamo Mexico. We will establish community centers where programs can be conducted.
Follow us in Instagram: The organization’s goal is to provide support to children and families in Southern Mexico. The children are those who have been struggling economically; whose parents cannot provide adequate care for them temporarily or permanently. The support will include, but not be limited to, providing educational s
upport with homework, food, vitamins and nutritional supplements, blankets, clothing, school uniforms and supplies, medicine for ailments, recreational equipment, toys and books. The organization will make on-site visits to the centers to a) qualify the center, b) assess the support needs of the children, c) determine the means to provide the support (e.g., purchase items in the U.S. and ship or procure and deliver locally), d) support ongoing programs provided by local volunteers, and e) provide cultural excursions to children. In addition to the support of the centers, medical clinics are held twice a year in public schools at a minimal cost to the general public with free medicine. Work trips twice a year for the foreseeable future will create teams from the USA and local centers to provide intensified one week programs and to generate support for activities from donors. It is also planned that friendships and personal transformations will occur for all participants (local and international).