Mason Tsuji Fitness Videos

Videos by Mason Tsuji Fitness. Personal training. Fitness and nutritional guidance

Some weight for some reps.. feels good to be back under the bar!! #workout #finally #woot

Other Mason Tsuji Fitness videos

Some weight for some reps.. feels good to be back under the bar!! #workout #finally #woot

“Motivational saying” #bench #250x12 #itwaagreat @bethanygreer @ltd_fitness @badcompany_powerlifting @jnewby_5593 @alwayssummer4746 @arielbarkley @isabarbell_ @the_whitetree @mike_priest1 @gunnarschwarzenegger @rachaelerin90 @yung_duckling

Nothing crazy fancy or stupid heavy, working back into heavy squats! #325 #fitfam #feelsgood #strong #power

Lunch break!! So I found myself in a situation where I had let a lot of the things i love doing slip away. I got to focused on more “important” things and for awhile there lost who I was. Since having this brought to my attention I have started back Into the things that I just find joy in... and this is one of them! A small clip from a great song that I just learned! Enjoy the things in life that make you happy friends... life is to short (take it from a guy that shouldn’t be here right now)... focus on the important things.... relationships, children, hobbies, work, not in any particular order...

Time to #beaboutit.... Demo testing this #protocol2 programming and let me tell ya somethin... I’m typing this from my side barley able to see the screen through the stars.... #fit24hrfitness #navarrehighschool #navarre #navarreathletics #masontsujifitness #work #onlytimewilltell #navarreraiders #staystrong #dowork #fitness #workout #gym #fitfam #gains #navarreweightlifting #navarrevolleyball #bodybuilding #prepstartsnow #letsgo #fitness #fitnessmotivation #sprints #weightvest #whats20extra

#protocol1 get on board or go home!!!! Week 2 in the book feeling strong and lean!!! Some spots left, shoot me a DM to claim your spot!!!

If you want the gains you gotta put in the work!!!! Accepting new clients, pm for info!


Kyle down here puttin in work! New deadlift PR for this kid! 435!! When he started with me he was maybe pulling 135... GOOD JOB KYLE!!! Keep up the hard work! #killedit #deadlift #deadlifts #pr #personalrecord #lift #liftingweights #bigweight

#Repost @fitsmisfitz with @repostapp ・・・ Today... We SQUAT!!!!! Another great session with @stevenray3910 and @newdadbod. #squats #legday #leggings #flagnorfail #bodybuilder #bodybuilding #npc #mensphysique #liftingweights #lifting #lift #destroyed #killedit #competition #competitionprep #legs #sbd #strong #feelingood #fitfam #fitpowerhouse #misfitz

Today... We SQUAT!!!!! Another great session with @stevenray3910 and @newdadbod. #squats #legday #leggings #flagnorfail #bodybuilder #bodybuilding #npc #mensphysique #liftingweights #lifting #lift #destroyed #killedit #competition #competitionprep #legs #sbd #strong #feelingood #fitfam #fitpowerhouse #misfitz

Had a good solid lift last night at FIT @ 5!!! Hit my still standing pause PR at 315, tried 325 but my last tricep workout was still lingering and missed... I'll crush it in 3 months when we do them again!! #chest #benchpress #bench #gettingheavy #lifting #lift #power #powerlifting #flagnorfail #alphaasf**k #fitness #gym #workout #fitpowerhouse

find the one thing!! Motivational Video 2!

The cats out of the bag!!!