Mindful Decluttering & Organizing, LLC

Mindful Decluttering & Organizing, LLC

Offering hands-on and virtual organizing & decluttering support in the safety of your home. If so, call us at 301-270-0969 today!

Mindful Decluttering & Organizing, LLC is a professional organizing business that supports people in freeing themselves from clutter in order to make room for their passions to flourish. We delight in supporting folks no matter where they are located through virtual organizing and decluttering support. Since 2005, we have guided hundreds of clients from all walks of life in creating clutter-free,


Do you find yourself saying "I have to do this..." or feeling overburdened by the fact that you HAVE to check certain things off your to-do list?

If so, this is for you...

You don't HAVE to do anything.

No, really.

There is nobody forcing you to fold that pile of laundry, sweep the floor, donate some things you no longer need, or anything else you don't want to do.

While there may be consequences if you don't do these things, you still don't HAVE to do them.

An important mindset shift I learned is that instead of saying, "I have to," think of it more like, "I GET to."

I GET to fold these clothes. Because I want to, and I feel fortunate to have them, so I want to take care of them.

I GET to sweep the floor, because I want my guests to feel comfortable, and it makes my happy to have a clean floor.

I GET to donate some things I no longer need, so that other people can get use and love out of them just like I did.

When you make that important mindset shift, the way you view the world around you slowly starts to change as you develop a more positive and optimistic outlook.

Give this a try the next time you're feeling overburdened or overwhelmed!


Fast track your decluttering efforts with this SPECIAL offer: my Decluttering Success Bundle includes community support and 2 hours of personalized virtual organizing with me.

Did I mention this offer ends today? You hold the key to your happiness: Why not unlock the door?



It really blows my mind when I put a before and after picture of a decluttering project together. I don’t think that either my client or I realized what a transformation she had made. :-)

If you have a space in your home that you just KNOW is keeping you stuck and draining your energy, message me and let's talk!

But tell me, how do each of these these 2 pictures make you FEEL?


If you wonder where your whacky (or sane!) ideas about stuff came from, you don't usually have to look too far!

Answer this question: How did your parents or caregivers handle clutter and disorganization?

Think back to your home when you were growing up. Who was responsible for keeping things organized? Did he or she find the process stressful or enjoyable?

What was your role? Did you have to keep your room clean and your bed made? Or did you yearn for more rules and structure?

Thich Nhat Hanh writes “Many seeds of suffering have been handed down to us by our ancestors, our parents, and our society. We have to recognize those seeds.”

Think back with gentle curiosity: just notice what you observe. No need to judge your upbringing as “good” or “bad,” simply notice what your upbringing was like.

It can be helpful to observe your beliefs and thought patterns regarding clutter and disorganization. What did you learn from the way your caretakers managed the house?

Begin to notice your self-talk and any beliefs that affect the way you operate. You may be surprised at what you discover about yourself!

Do any limiting beliefs such as these come up as you work with the clutter in your life?

~ It will take too long to create order, so I’ll just tune it out.

~ If I put this out of sight, I will forget about it

~ This clutter doesn’t affect me at all

~ Order will stifle my creativity

~ I’ll create order after __ (fill in the blank)


If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.

Planning allows you to be more mindful of how you spend your time. It can also keep you from going off on tangents (if you follow the plan!)

When you plan your tasks for the week, you create a structure that you can easily follow or adjust.

If you plan for a monthly budget, you create clarity about how you can spend your money without guilt or questioning..

If you plan times to clean your house, you are ensuring that you are taking care of your space, and consequently your mind.

Do you feel like your life is better when you plan ahead or are you a "go with the flow" person? Please let us know in the comments below!


Organizing is like fitness. Unless you get your reps in and are consistent in doing the thing that you've committed to then you will not be successful in your goals.

I want to invite you to create some accountability for yourself, whether that's a friend or a group.

I have a wonderful product available for limited time where you can get personal accountability with me in 2 virtual organizing sessions PLUS community support and encouragement through February of 2025! In your individual sessions, we will talk about your challenges, your struggles, your goals, and your vision and make an action plan that you can follow step-by-step! But the very the best part being a part of a community of support - my Declutter and Discover community! We have monthly declutter power hours to keep you getting those reps in and to give you that gentle loving accountability that you deserve and need.

So, check out my Decluttering Success Bundle, 2 hours of virtual organizing with me, and then group support until February of 2025 for an investment of only $278. Special ends July 31st so no dilly dallying!

Comment success in the comments if you want to know more!!


Get your organizing reps in and crush your goals with our Decluttering Success Bundle!

Invest in two virtual organizing sessions with me and join a community of supportive individuals committed to decluttering and discovering their best selves.

With monthly declutter power hours and gentle accountability, you'll be set up for success until February 2025!

Don't wait - invest in your success and grab this limited-time special for only $278 before July 31st.

Comment 'success' below if you're ready to take the first step.

Remember, each step you take towards a lighter, clutter-free space is a step towards nurturing your soul. 🌿


Now I won’t lie! This one took some time and creativity. But my client Kathy and I really wanted to spruce things up in order to rent out the bedroom next to this sitting area. If you have spaces that don’t serve your needs, remember that you are not alone in this journey, and there are resources available for you.

Together, we can navigate the challenges and create spaces that bring peace and serenity into your life.

What do you think of the transformation?


Summer has a unique energy, thanks to long days of sunshine, free time, and relaxing vacations.

If you want to put some of that summer energy towards decluttering, read our blog 'How to Use the Energy of the Summer to Declutter.'



Plants in the home do so much more for us than just beautify our spaces. They can actually improve our moods, reduce stress, increase our creativity, and even purify the air – making it incredibly beneficial to our minds, as well as our bodies, to keep live plants in the home.

What are some of your favorite house plants to keep? Mine are pothos, cactus, and snake plants. Share yours in the comments!


As you wind down your work period, why not take a few minutes every day to tidy your work space?

Clutter can inhibit productivity and may create anxiety. Although you may not be conscious of it, a messy desk or office makes it hard to find what you're looking for, which can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety.

Make it easy on yourself by taking five minutes at the end of your work day to put things in order.

Is this something that you already do? Share in the comments!


Damaris says, “Working with Pam was a truly positive experience. Her energy is calming and she is easy to work with. I employed her help in trying to declutter my bedroom. She helped me come up with good solutions while also looking toward future goals. I appreciated our session and look forward to working with her again! I recommend utilizing Mindful Decluttering & Organizing if you are in need of some guidance or support in your organizational efforts.

If you’d like to declutter your bedroom, read my blog 7 Steps to Organize Your Bedroom: Bedroom Organizing Before and After



This young man was pretty OK with his room but his parent's weren't! And he was happier after the organizing as well. :-)

He is the sweetest person ever and is, like many of my clients, a neurodiverse individual for whom traditional organizing does not come easily.

We worked together for just a few hours in his bedroom and well, you can see the results!


Moving can be very stressful. I love helping my virtual organizing clients as they make mindful decisions about what to leave behind and what to carry with them to their new homes.

My friend and client Eva Jannotta, Thought Leadership Advisor and Strategist made some tough decisions before moving. She made many wise choices about sentimental items with grace and clarity.

Are there areas where decluttering and organizing are stressful for you and your home or life ?

Tag me and let me know where you’re struggling and I’ll be happy to offer some suggestions 🦋


Science has begun to study the effects of clutter on happiness and the findings are clear: mess causes stress!

Psychologist Sherrie Bourg Carter writes in “Psychology Today” that “clutter can play a significant role in how we feel about our homes, our workplaces, and ourselves. Messy homes and workspaces leave us feeling anxious, helpless, and overwhelmed. Yet, rarely is clutter recognized as a significant source of stress in our lives.”

Many folks find it difficult to feel relaxed and rejuvenated in a cluttered room. How about you? Do you ever feel anxious and overwhelmed by your clutter? If you do, you are not alone!

What do you think? Is this hogwash or do you notice a negative effect from having too much stuff around you?

Virtual Organizing ~ Transforming A Musician's Home Office 13/06/2024

This musician felt stuck and overwhelmed in her home office. With two housemates, things had collected in her office that were not there before and did not belong there.

In this fun organizing session, our client discovers for herself a perfect place to store her CD collection and frees up space in two large areas of her office. See a short clip from the actual organizing session here:


Virtual Organizing ~ Transforming A Musician's Home Office See virtual organizing in action! Ruthie Logsdon, premiere graphic designer and lead singer with the fabulous Ruthie and the Wranglers, began to feel stuck a...


Ready to transform your space? Here are some tried-and-true questions to guide your decluttering journey:

🗝️ Keep what represents who you are today and supports your current lifestyle.

🗝️ Let go of items from your past that no longer serve you.

🗝️ Save things that spark joy and bring a smile to your face.

🗝️ Release anything that causes sadness, guilt, or unhappiness.

And yes, keeping useful items is totally fine!

While decluttering, notice:

🔹 The emotions that arise and how you deal with them.

🔹 Any resistance or excuses that pop up and your response to them.

Pro tip! Try keeping a “decluttering journal” to track your feelings. If journaling isn’t for you, take a moment to vocalize your feelings and observe where you feel them in your body.

These mindful steps can help you navigate through uncomfortable emotions and let go of that which no longer serves you.

Ready to give it a try? What might be your first small step?


You. ALWAYS. Have. A. Choice.

If not in the activity, then at least in how you show up for that activity, and for yourself.


When you do a Google search for closet organizing, you will find many companies wanting to sell you costly closet organizing services.

But you do need to spend a penny to create more order in your bedroom closets.

The truth is, you must make time (no you will not find it!) to create systems that can be used to save time in the future.

Are you going to make time to declutter and organize your closet? Drop any emoji in the comments if you are!


Words have the power to change the energy in and around you.

Next time you're feeling stressed out or overwhelmed, try saying "I GET to" instead of, "I have to."

You GET to fold your laundry, do your taxes, do the dishes, go through that seemingly endless pile of clutter.

You always have a choice.


A clutter-free life involves more than clearing your space of physical clutter; it includes freeing your mind of limiting beliefs and other mental clutter and liberating yourself from commitments that do not bring you joy or move you towards your goals. It involves embracing new, more productive habits and being patient with yourself as you establish them.

The first step to decluttering and breaking the cycle of endless clutter is to notice where clutter accumulates. Where are your “hot spots?”

Sometimes we become so accustomed to seeing an untidy collection of objects that we actually no longer “see” it. One of my clients shared that she believes that when objects sit untended for a long period of time, an energetic film grows over them which makes them difficult to see.

Begin seeing where clutter collects by pretending that someone is about to come visit for the first time. Walk around and look at your things through the eyes of this real or imaginary visitor. Suddenly, spaces and areas of clutter come into view that you may have passed many times!


Reframe the way you see procrastination: It’s not always a bad thing!

Sometimes, it's a sign to reassess, delegate, or even discard tasks that don't align with your mission.

What task could you look at differently today?



Releasing things that no longer serve you is an act of self-love, an affirmation that you deserve to live in a sacred space.

Here’s the deal! Tiny invisible strands of energy connect you to every object you own...

And, as you release things you no longer need or love, you reclaim energy that can be used to support your current goals and visions. That's why it feels so good to clear things out!

By the way, that first line comes from Denise Linn. I paraphrased what she wrote in her book “Feng Shui for the Soul.”>>>

As you release items that are no longer important in your life, you reclaim oodles and oodles of energy. If you have ever taken unneeded stuff to a thrift store or given it away to someone else, you know how good it feels to reclaim some of your energy!

Do you believe that you deserve to live in a sacred space???? If so, how will you prove this to yourself today?


Busyness is often seen as a badge of honor among workaholics and others who measure their value by how busy they are.

Staying busy can often be a way to avoid noticing how you feel or keep you from addressing things that are important but not urgent. This week, look for ways to streamline repetitive tasks.

Can you work towards excellence rather than perfection, and shorten the time it takes to do a recurring task by stopping when it is ”good enough?”

Notice small ways you can work smarter, not harder and be productive rather than busy.


A clutter-free life involves more than clearing your space of physical clutter; it includes freeing your mind of limiting beliefs and other mental clutter and liberating yourself from commitments that do not bring you joy or move you towards your goals. It involves embracing new, more productive habits and being patient with yourself as you establish them.

The first step to decluttering and breaking the cycle of endless clutter is to notice where clutter accumulates. Where are your “hot spots?”

Sometimes we become so accustomed to seeing an untidy collection of objects that we actually no longer “see” it. One of my clients shared that she believes that when objects sit untended for a long period of time, an energetic film grows over them which makes them difficult to see.

Begin seeing where clutter collects by pretending that someone is about to come visit for the first time. Walk around and look at your things through the eyes of this real or imaginary visitor. Suddenly, spaces and areas of clutter come into view that you may have passed many times!


Have you ever thought that you would finally be able to get your home organized when you found the “right” way to do it?

No wonder you feel that way! Books, TV shows, Pinterest, and “experts” will imply that there is a “right” way to organize your home.

I respectfully disagree.

Though there are certainly some systems of organizing that are repeatable and helpful to know about, I believe that just as no two people are alike. No two organizing systems will be alike. In fact, an organizing system that works for one person may annoy or frustrate another person.

Let me share an example.

Many years ago, I worked with a client to declutter and organize her basement. She had a number of containers on a basement shelf that had no lids. Now, I have always been a fan of boxes with lids, as they can be stacked and are protected from dust, etc. When I observed that the bins had no lids, my client replied, “Yes! Aren’t they great? I can just toss things into them without having to take off a lid.”

Wow! Mind blown. Suddenly, I saw the value of using open containers for certain organizing projects. Now I am able to take that knowledge and better serve my clients.


It is so important that your bedroom supports your energy, rest, and joy, especially during times of stress. Don’t you want your bedroom to be relaxing and filled with art, mementos and decor that lift your spirits?

Here’s the problem with bedrooms! Because visitors don’t usually see bedrooms and closets, they can become repositories for stuff that doesn’t have a home elsewhere. Even though your bedroom is important to your wellbeing, it can get cluttered and disorganized without you even noticing it. If you don’t believe me, take a look around. :-)

Many clients turn to us for professional home organizing when they are not sleeping well, having a surgical procedure, or are simply fed up with their bedrooms. If you are fed up with your bedroom, first take a deep breath – it’s okay! There is nothing wrong with you or your bedroom!

And if you want to live and rest in a space that reflects and supports YOU, it’s time to assess whether it is time to declutter and organize. For a step by step guide for how to spark more joy in your bedroom, check out our post which outlines the 7 expert steps I recommend to organize this very special room (before and afters included!)


Banish Paper Piles with Virtual Organizing 11/05/2024

Do you have notes in notebooks, in folders, and in digital form?

In this short snippet from a virtual organizing session, my client makes important decisions about both her digital and paper systems.

As her business grows, this business woman realizes that she will benefit from consistent paper management systems.


Banish Paper Piles with Virtual Organizing Virtual Organizing in Action!This busy client has notes in notebooks, in folders, and in digital form. As her business grows, she realizes that she will ben...


You know by now that more stuff does not equal more happiness. And yet your stuff does have a profound effect on your happiness.

Every single item in your life affects you, your happiness, health, and productivity—either consciously or subconsciously. Excess stuff (clutter) weighs you down, holds you back, and can prevent you from reaching your highest potential.

As clutter accumulates, energy stagnates. As energy stagnates, more clutter accumulates. This is why sometimes even thinking of clearing clutter can make you feel tired or overwhelmed!

Have you ever noticed feeling lighter after letting go of things? It is a great feeling.

Let us know in the comments if you have ever felt the positive OR negative effects of stuff in your life. :-)


It’s National Password Day. 🔑🌟

Today isn't just about remembering tricky combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols that keep our digital lives secure—it's also an opportunity to declutter and organize our online security practices! Today, I'm excited to share some tips to help you tidy up your passwords and keep your digital world neat and secure.

‌⭐Streamline Your Passwords: Just like decluttering your physical space, simplifying your passwords can make your digital life more manageable. Instead of using a different password for every account, consider using a secure password manager to store and generate unique passwords for each site.

⭐Clear Out the Clutter: Take some time today to review your list of saved passwords. Delete any old or unused accounts to reduce clutter and minimize the risk of a security breach. Remember, less clutter means less to worry about!

⭐Organize for Efficiency: Group your accounts by category in your password manager to make them easier to find and manage. Whether it's social media, banking, or shopping, keeping things organized will save you time and frustration in the long run.

⭐Refresh and Renew: National Password Day is the perfect reminder to refresh your passwords regularly. Set aside some time to update any passwords that haven't been changed in a while, and consider enabling two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security.

Remember, just like decluttering your physical space, organizing your digital life takes time and effort. But the peace of mind that comes with knowing your online accounts are secure is well worth it. Happy National Password Day!

For more decluttering and organizing tips, subscribe to my newsletter here:


Videos (show all)

Do you find yourself saying "I have to do this..." or feeling overburdened by the fact that you HAVE to check certain th...
🚀 Struggling with piles of paper? Join me as I share tips to conquer paper clutter in just five minutes! 🗂️✨#DeclutterYo...
Fast track your decluttering efforts with this SPECIAL offer: my Decluttering Success Bundle includes community support ...
🌟 Hey there, friend! 🌟Have you ever thought about decluttering as a workout for your home and heart? Just like we work o...
Deep within you, you have all the knowledge you need to do declutter by yourself. But It's hard to do something that you...
Witness Nancy's excitement about the transformation of her home office! As a successful realtor, reiki practitioner, and...
Ever notice how a new environment can make you feel more focused and less stressed? Here, I share why stepping out of yo...
Hey there! 👋 Look around the room you're in right now or imagine being in the room where you spend the most time. Take a...
What does decluttering have to do with love and with perfectionism?The love that you give to others in your home and in ...
You. ALWAYS. Have. A. Choice. If not in the activity, then at least in how you show up for that activity, and for yourse...
Words have the power to change the energy in and around you. Next time you're feeling stressed out or overwhelmed, try s...
Things get messy at my place, just like they do at your house and at everybody's house.The important thing is to try not...


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday 09:00 - 18:00