Wind Horse Sanctuary

Wind Horse Sanctuary

The horses are powerful guides to help bring you to the present moment, release stress and find one’s center. Workshops and private sessions offered.

Tara Coyote
Best-selling author of 3 books

Grace, Grit & Gratitude: A Cancer Thriver's Journey from Hospice to Full Recovery with the Healing Power of Horses 🐴

Comanche the Wild Mustang & ocean conservation 📕

Equine Facilitated Learning/Coaching 🐴 Connect with the healing power of the horses to help balance your spiritual, mental and physical body through Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) and


I’ve published 4 books now! 🎉 📚 How did that happen? 🤣 I finally have a decent photo of me holding all of them‼️

📕 My first book is my memoir ‘Grace, Grit & Gratitude: A Cancer Thriver’s Journey from Hospice to Full Recovery with the Healing Power of Horses’. It tells the story of how my horses helped me heal stage 4 cancer & my cancer healing journey in general. It’s now 3 years since I published it and it’s been beautiful to see the how my book has impacted so many people in a positive manner! Available on audiobook & print. Part of the proceeds of the sales goes to The Wild Beauty Foundation 🐴

📕 Next is ‘Comanche the Wild Mustang’ children’s picture book. This is a wild horse conservation book & collaboration with the brilliant artist Nica Draws Nature It tells the story of my gorgeous wild horse Comanche & what a healing influence he is for me & many others. This book is also available as a coloring book! Both books have a resource guide about wild horses & why they are so important for the environment. Part of the profits of the sales goes to Wild Horse Protection Act for the support of wild horses & their environment. 🐎

📕 My most recent book is ‘Kaimana the Hawaiian Mermaid’, which is an ocean conservation kids picture book telling the true story of a rare s***m whale that washed up on the coast of Kaua’i, Hawaii in 2023. It’s main character is Kaimana, a Hawaiian mermaid who helps shift the world’s consciousness for ocean conservation. It has a thick resource guide in the back with information about whales, coral reefs & plastic reduction. It’s also illustrated by Nica 🐋 Part of the proceeds of the sales goes to Happywhale 🧜‍♀️

Please check them out & let me know what you think of them. Mahalo for the support! ♥️🙏🏽♥️

The next book I’m working on is a combination of the healing power of water, based on my own personal experience of being a mermaid, the importance of feeling JOY while on a healing journey, more about the healing power of horses & important concepts I’ve learned from my own inner and outer journey. Stay tuned! 🐚🧜‍♀️🐚

It’s such an incredible honor to share my creative vision with the world! 🌞


🎉 I want to share about something really exciting that happened to me recently that I never thought was possible! 🎉

I lost 15 pounds! 🎊

This may not seem like such a big deal to some of you, but believe me, for a post menopausal woman, THIS IS A BIG DEAL ‼️ (Those of you in my situation will understand.) 😉

After cancer treatment threw me into menopause, I seriously never thought I would lose the extra weight I was carrying. I pretty much made peace with the reality that I was close to 15 pounds heavier then my normal weight, even though I didn’t want to! 🤷‍♀️

When I went through a painful breakup this winter, I got into some lazy eating habits that I realized were not in my best interest. Due to my challenged psychological & sluggish physical state, when my friend told me about a metabolic cleanse that might help balance my body & help me lose weight, I thought I would give it a try! 🌺

I tried it and lo and behold, two months later, my mental state was better, my body had more energy and I had dropped 15 lbs I never thought I would lose! 🤠

I feel so much better in my body overall and am grateful for this shift! 🤸‍♀️

I now can swim much more effortlessly in the water with my 🧜‍♀️ tail and keep up with the whales I swim with! 🐋🤣

If you would like more info about what I did to achieve this change, please shoot me a PM with your email and I’m happy to share more! 🌹

May we all feel truly embodied, healthy and vibrant in our bodies! This is our birthright and what is truly optimal for full mind, body & spirit alignment. ❤️‍🔥


❤️‍🔥 I am offering an online presentation on Sunday, August 11 called ‘Tapping into the Infinite Potential of Healing’ in my friend Judea Lynch Patreon group!

This is what it’s about:

Tara Coyote will share about her miraculous healing journey with stage 4 cancer after being recommend to Hospice in the winter of 2019 with cancer though out her body, the healing power of horses, the importance of feeling and releasing grief, facing fear around death, being a mermaid and finding the mental agility to find joy through the challenges that life brings us. 🐴 ✨🧜‍♀️

Sunday, August 11 at:

10 -12 HST
1-3 PST
4-6 EST

To join the presentation & chat, you must join my friends group Patreon group to get the link. There is a cost for this, but this group is highly fascinating, spiritual & full of fabulous topics & discussions. Check it out! 🌞

👉🏽 Link to group in comments 👈🏽

Here’s to all of us finding our own unique potential of healing! ✨❤️‍🔥✨


Micro-Plastics - sadly they are everywhere! I know y'all don't want to hear about this and most likely this post won't get much coverage, but I wanted to share this chilling reality:

1. You could be inhaling as many as 7,000 microplastic particles daily within the comfort of your own home.

These tiny plastics are prevalent in many household items, from carpets and curtains to packaging and clothing.

2. You Are Drinking Thousands of Microplastics in Your Daily Takeaway Coffee

Takeaway coffee cups are a major source of microplastics, releasing tens of thousands of these particles into your hot drinks within just 15 minutes. When you sip your coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, you're ingesting these particles along with your beverage.

3. Microplastics and Nanoplastics Are in Our Organs and Can Enter Our Cells

Microplastics, and their even smaller counterparts, nanoplastics, can travel through our organs, including the brain, and pe*****te our cells. Recent research has detected microplastics in placentas, breast milk, human blood, and our brains.

4. There’s a Potential Link Between Microplastic Exposure and Brain Illnesses Like Dementia

Emerging evidence suggests a connection between microplastic exposure and the rise in degenerative brain diseases like dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. The brain appears to be particularly sensitive to these environmental toxins, raising concerns among scientists.

5. Bottle-Fed Babies Could Be Ingesting Billions of Microplastics Every Year

Research indicates that infants fed with plastic bottles might be consuming millions of microplastics daily, amounting to billions each year. Most baby bottles are made from polypropylene plastic, which releases tiny plastic particles when heated during formula preparation.

6. 97% of Kids Have Microplastic Debris in Their Bodies

A study in Germany found that 97% of children aged 3 to 17 have plastic and microplastic particles in their bodies. These children are likely exposed through their environment, clothing, food, and household items.

7. We’re All Singing and Dancing in Plastic Rain

Scientists studying nitrogen pollution accidentally discovered that raindrops contain plastic particles. Subsequent research confirmed that microplastic rain is widespread, affecting crops, wildlife, rivers, oceans, and drinking water sources.

8. Microplastics Are Officially Everywhere on the Planet

Microplastics have been found in the most remote parts of the world, from Antarctic snow to the deepest ocean trenches, where they disrupt marine food webs and ecosystems.

9. Microplastics Carry Deadly Diseases Across the Planet

Recent studies have shown that microplastics can transport pathogens, which can then enter our bodies and cause health problems such as gastrointestinal issues. The effects are even more severe in young children.

10. Every Time We Do Laundry, We Unleash Over 9 Million Microfibers Into Our Waterways

Washing synthetic fabrics releases millions of microfibers into our water systems with each load of laundry. These fibers contribute to the growing problem of microplastic pollution in our rivers and oceans.

What Can We Do?

The scale of the microplastic pollution crisis is daunting, but there are steps we can take to mitigate its impact:

URGE the USA and UK to support the “Bridge to Busan” strategy outlined in the Global Plastics Treaty

This strategy calls for a 40% global reduction of primary plastic polymer production by 2050, starting in 2025. 29 nations support the strategy, but the USA and UK object to it, claiming that more focus should be put on “recycling” and “waste management instead of decreasing production.” But we like to ask: if your bathtub was overflowing, would you grab a mop, or turn off the faucet? We need to tell the Biden administration to turn off the faucet, and support the Bridge to Busan Strategy in the Global Plastics Treaty.

Reduce Microplastic Presence In Our Homes:

Buy a water and air filter for your home.
Swap all plastics for glass or natural materials–pay attention to plastic chopping blocks, plastic tupperware, and plastic cups/glasses.
Use cleaning products from glass containers, swap out plastic laundry jugs for laundry sheets. (recommended brands: Blueland, Greenargen)
Buy clothing that is synthetic free.
Buy food that isn’t packaged in plastic as often as you can.

This is taken from Oceanic Preservation Society (OPS) newsletter

📸 Underwater Transformation Erena Shimoda


A question I receive EVERY-TIME someone hears I have horses is, “How often do you ride?” 🐴

My answer, “Um, never” 🤣

Yes, believe it or not, it is possible to have a relationship with horses on the ground and not ride them‼️

Just because you have horses, does not mean you ride.

My answer is: I know how to ride, but I choose not to. My relationship with my boys is through being present with them through tending to them & doing self awareness exercises.

I was never a big rider. I learned how to, but I was drawn to be with the horses again years ago through the work of my teacher, friend & mentor Linda Kohanov & ended up being an Equine Facilitated Learning teacher through her organization Eponaquest. Re-establishing my relationship with the Equine Tribe brought me out of a traumatic depression, as you can read about in my book ‘Grace, Grit & Gratitude: A Cancer Thriver’s Journey from Hosoicd to full Recivery with the Heakkng Power of Horses’. 📕

If I feel like the person cares to listen, I will also share that I broke my left hip 4.5 years ago due to cancer bone metastasis and had to have emergency double hip surgery. 😳 By not riding, I am also choosing to not put myself in a situation of another serious bone break as I pride my independence more than anything. This is why I choose to do back flips in the ocean as a mermaid! 🧜‍♀️

I do not have anything against riding, I personally find great joy in BEING with my horses. They are my family, close allies, heart, love & life! ❤️‍🔥

My friend Marina Stormy May in her brilliant film and book The Path of the Horse talks about her decision to NOT ride after being a successful horse trainer. I recommend you check out her work and think she has some good points.

I don’t want to pass judgement on anyone for their decisions, but I do think it’s important to think about the welfare of the horse, correct saddle fit & tune into his/her comfort when riding. 🐎

I thought it was important to share this publicly as on my last trip when I told people I have horses I was asked this question over a dozen times!

What do you think, horse friends, what is your relationship like with your horses? Do you enjoy being with them on the ground as much as riding them? I would love to know! ♥️🐴♥️


Help ! Captain Paul Watson is a marine wildlife conservation and environmental activist. Watson was one of the founding members and directors of Greenpeace. In 1977, he left Greenpeace and founded the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society which he resigned in 2022 to cofound the Captain Paul Watson Foundation.

👉🏽 Please sign this petition! Link in comments 👈🏽

His life’s mission has been to protect and promote oceanic life. 🐋

The 73-year-old Canadian-American dual national was detained by police when his ship docked in the Greenland capital Nuuk to refuel, according to the Captain Paul Watson Foundation (CPWF) and Greenland police.

The ship John Paul DeJoria and a 25-member crew were en route from Dublin, Ireland to the North Pacific to intercept Japan’s newly launched $48 million factory whaling ship the Kangei Maru, CPWF said.

Captain Paul Watson is currently detained in Greenland based off an arrest warrant from Japan that is more than a decade old. If he gets extradited to Japan, he will face the rest of his life in prison. Why must someone who has dedicated their life to saving our oceans be put in jail?

That's why we need ALL HANDS ON DECK.

Quote from him:

“We go where others fear to go, no matter how hostile or remote the seas, no matter how formidable the opposition because if we don’t, life in the seas dies and if the ocean dies, we die.”

Mahalo for caring! 🐋🙏🏽🐋


Paul Watson is currently being detained and is facing a harsh sentence for trying to protect the whales. He is the co-founder of Greenpeace. Please check this out and help to spread the word. This is not okay. We humans MUST do better for the sake of our beautiful earth and all future generations!

Help !

Captain Paul Watson is currently detained in Greenland based off an arrest warrant from Japan that is more than a decade old. If he gets extradited to Japan, he will face the rest of his life in prison. Why must someone who has dedicated their life to saving our oceans be put in jail?

That's why we need ALL HANDS ON DECK.
Visit for more info


Kaimana the Hawaiian Mermaid Book Trailer! 🧜‍♀️ - Proud to share this 30 second book trailer for my new ocean conservation book! 🐋


Ocean lovers! There is a fabulous online film festival till the end of July put on by Pacific Whale Foundation in Maui with many fascinating films ranging in topics from artistically captured ocean films, why the mangroves are important, an inspiring man on Maui who teaches disadvantaged kids how to surf, a New Zealand film about sustainable fisheries, a film about blue whales, another about whale sharks, a few Hawaii based films and other excellent films from around the globe. Highly recommended! 🐋 LINK IN COMMENTS 🐋


Do you know I have a YouTube channel with 305 videos?! 😳 Yup, since I was diagnosed with late stage cancer almost 8 years ago (‼️‼️‼️‼️) I have been creatively making endless videos about healing cancer, grief, the healing power of horses, living in Kaua’i, Hawaii, goofy silly s**t, environmental videos, interviews with others, relationship discoveries and most recently TONS of mermaid videos and an interview with my brother about whales that I’m very proud about! ✨🧜‍♀️✨🐋✨

I just posted this today all about mindset & how it’s VITALLY IMPORTANT to pay attention to your thoughts with ANY HEALTH JOURNEY (just being alive really!) 🌺

I’ll post the video in the comments. Please check out my channel and subscribe, like, comment, etc as I’m trying to build my audience there. Thanks for the support friends! ✨🙏🏽✨


🐴 Horse lover friends! (I know you’re out there! 😉) Yes, I know I’ve been rather ocean/mermaid obsessed lately, BUT y’all know that my connection with my horses is near & dear to my heart & such an integral part of my life & healing from stage 4 cancer. I am so excited to share about this upcoming film Rescued Hearts Film that two dear friends are creating all about the healing power of horses! 🐎

From now until June 30 you can watch a heart touching inspiring 20 minute sneak peek preview of this soon to be released film! I watched it yesterday and was brought to tears with how accurately it nailed the WHY and HOW of the healing power of horses. (I get asked this all the time and struggle with explaining it as it’s such a profound topic.) ❤️‍🔥

Please check it out! It’s definitely worth seeing & I promise it will touch your heart too. Plus you’ll see glimpses of my beautiful horses Comanche & Blue here on Kaua’i, Hawaii! 🌺

You’ll also catch my beloved teacher/colleague Linda Kohanov in it explaining it in the profound manner she does. Plus, other friends & leaders in the healing horse world.

If inspired, please donate to the film too! It’s an expensive venture to create a ground breaking documentary & every dollar goes to the cause!

Extra extra: they are having a live zoom chat tomorrow (Thursday, June 27) at 5 pm pst with them & an inspiring woman who works with humans and horses with grief, a subject I am passionate about as well!

👉🏽 All in the info for these brilliant offerings is in the link in the comments 👈🏽

Btw, Krisanna is the filmmaker (on the left) and Dana (on the right of me) is the producer. They also created the stunning film LOVE HEALS Film which will blow your mind as well! 🌟

This is truly an inspiring preview and I know you will love it as I do! ❤️‍🔥🐴❤️‍🔥


🐴 Horse lover friends, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you check out this 20 minute sneak peek preview of a film about the power of healing horses that is available to watch till June 30. It nails the how and why of heart coherence and why being around horses is incredibly calming and healing.. If you feel called to donate, they would so appreciate it as this is a fundraiser as well! Rescued Hearts Film

Get your FREE ticket to watch this exclusive sneak preview between June 24 and June 30. Visit
In this preview, we explore some of the fascinating research and science behind why horses seem to have such a profound healing impact on humans. You will also see a few brand new heartfelt scenes from the film!
While this screening is free, we are offering it as a fundraiser to help us complete the film by this Fall. That said, we lovingly accept donations of any amount!
If you can’t donate, it’s perfectly ok! If you enjoy the sneak preview, please consider sharing it with your friends, family, and community!
Thank you for your support 🐴🩵


Get your FREE ticket to watch this exclusive sneak preview between June 24 and June 30. Visit

In this preview, we explore some of the fascinating research and science behind why horses seem to have such a profound healing impact on humans. You will also see a few brand new heartfelt scenes from the film!

While this screening is free, we are offering it as a fundraiser to help us complete the film by this Fall. That said, we lovingly accept donations of any amount!

If you can’t donate, it’s perfectly ok! If you enjoy the sneak preview, please consider sharing it with your friends, family, and community!

Thank you for your support 🐴🩵


I recently had a pretty traumatic and enlightening (in the way it has spurred me to do some powerful inner growth) experience in a relationship with a covert narcissist. This experience has pushed me to the edge of my emotional comfort zone. I have shared about it here and there, but now, almost 7 months after ending the relationship, I have decided to share openly about it on my blog. I am sharing this in hopes that others will pay attention to the signs of this incredibly damaging experience and to know THAT YOU ARE WORTHY of someone who treats you well.

👉🏽 BLOG LINK IN COMMENTS - Living my best mermaid. life - a vulnerable share 👈🏽

It has always been my philosophy to dive into the shadows, do the inner work and find the gems in the darkness. This has been definitely one of these experiences. The amount of inner strength I have had to tap into to get through this and engage in inner healing has been equal to my journey facing my own death with stage 4 cancer. I am still finding my way through it.

May we all know how worthy of love we are! Mahalo for the love and support. ❤️‍🔥

The Ocean Is Talking, Are You Listening? Or how marine debris has co-opted my life 12/06/2024

I’m honored to be mentioned along with my latest ocean conservation kids book ‘Kaimana the Hawaiian Mermaid’ in this blog about the ‘Washed Up Marine Debris’ art show on Kaua’i, Hawaii which goes to June 28. Please check out the brilliant pieces of art work that revolve around the subject of ocean trash, conservation & the importance of a healthy ocean environment. Mahalo to Amanda Kaufman for the mention! 🤍🙏🏽🤍

The Ocean Is Talking, Are You Listening? Or how marine debris has co-opted my life Aloha from the middle of the Pacific Ocean, where I have been doing my best to not drown in my attempts to raise awareness about the issue…


Fiddle playing with my horses! 🎻 🐴

It’s always intriguing to play with them & see their reactions. Blue is often deeply engaged & likes to be close to me listening intently (as seen in this photo here). Comanche kind of hangs back & absorbs it all, but he’s always present with me from a distance. 🎶

Music is indeed a healing force & this was a joyful moment of interaction with my gorgeous boys! 🎶 🐎 🎶

👗 Fanciful Doll

Photos from Nica Draws Nature's post 04/06/2024

Nica Draws Nature nails it here! 🐴♥️🐴


🎉 Exciting news! 🎉 I was hanging out with Blue the other day after dancing with the horses in the round pen. ✨💃✨

I’ve got some fabulous news to share about the tumor around his eye that was diagnosed in the spring of 2020 with squamous cell carcinoma! 👁️

There’s been a miracle healing that’s been very similar to my healing with stage 4 cancer! In short, the tumor is TOTALLY GONE!! 😳

I’ll share photos of the before and after in another post soon.

Could it be that we both are connected through our mutual cancer healing experience? I do think so. My animals have always mirrored me. 🐎

We are so very close.

For example, my beloved Aussie dog Xaria has two titanium knees/hips and I have titanium in my both my hips/legs as well! 🐶

The human/animal connection can be powerfully potent. Have you experienced this too? Inquiring minds want to know. ✨🐴✨

Healing Breast Cancer in full Recovery, healing with Horses & the Innate Power of the Human Body. 31/05/2024

Recently the lovely Doc Tovah and I chatted from Israel to Hawaii about my journey with healing stage 4 cancer. We had a vibrant, fascinating conversation speaking about all of the layers of healing and what it means to embody true health. She is a wonderful being with lots of experience in the healing realm and I highly recommend you check out our chat! Please let us know what you think about it. Mahalo! ♥️🙏🏽♥️

Healing Breast Cancer in full Recovery, healing with Horses & the Innate Power of the Human Body. Tara Coyote ...was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in September 2016. Through many ups and downs, she was recommended to Hospice in the winter of 2019 w...

🚩 Listening to red flags 🚩 30/05/2024

Receiving red flags in a relationship? They are there for a reason and it's important to listen to them! Check me out in my blue mermaid make-up look! 😂

🚩 Listening to red flags 🚩 🚩 Listening to the red flags that present themselves at the beginning of a relationship is vitally important‼️🚩This was my experience of not trusting my in...


New Blog Post! I realized that I have not shared much lately about my journey with cancer, because as this title says, ‘cancer is a non-reality’ for me and I honestly don’t think about it that much! I thought I would share a piece I wrote recently about how it is not even something I really even think about much....WHERE YOUR ATTENTION GOES, YOUR ENERGY FLOWS! I've been focusing on other things, that bring joy (like being a mermaid and being with my animals) and ocean conservation. I hope you enjoy what I wrote! 🌺 LINK IN COMMENTS 🌺

Photos from Wind Horse Sanctuary's post 27/05/2024

🎉 2 more days of the Memorial Day Flash Sale 🎉 25% off all 🧜‍♀️ & 🐴 apparel & my four books! 📚

In honor of memorial day weekend, I am offering a spontaneous sale that goes till midnight, Tuesday, May 28 on 25% off all merchandise in my shop! This means all men, women’s & kids T-Shirts & Sweatshirts, plus all my books are on sale! 📚

Use code ‘FLASHSALE’ in checkout to get the discount! 🎊

👉🏽 Link in comments 👈🏽

I love these shirts and live in them! Both designs are created by the talented Nica Draws Nature , who illustrated all the kids books I published. The mermaid shirt has my favorite saying ‘Choose Love Over Fear’ which has gotten me through the rough, crazy tumbles of life. There’s always a choice what you choose to do with your challenging circumstances! 🧜‍♀️

The horse designs are based off the bestselling Comanche kids book & coloring book by Nica and me. This books is all about my wild horse Comanche and tells the tale of him being a wild horse in Nevada, becoming a therapy horse, traveling to Hawaii and all of his adventures along the way! 🐎

📚 All my books are on sale too, you can get a signed copy!

📕 Grace, Grit & Gratitude: A Cancer Thriver’s Journey from Hospice to Full Recovery with the Healing Power of Horses
📕 Comanche the Wild Mustang book & coloring book 🐴

📕 Kaimana the Hawaiian Mermaid 🧜‍♀️

Part of the proceeds from the horse T-Shirts & Comanche books goes to the wonderful organization Wild Horse Protection Act Proceeds for the sale of my book, ‘Grace, Grit & Gratitude’ goes to The Wild Beauty Foundation for the preservation of the wild horses. I support my brothers brilliant organization Happywhale with the sales of my newest kids ocean conservation book, Kaimana the Hawaiian Mermaid.

All the shirts are created by the eco-company (made in the USA) BELLA+CANVAS & are screen printed by a local family here on Kaua’i, Hawaii. They are extremely soft, flattering & comfortable to wear!

Check them out! 🧜‍♀️🤍🐴


🎉 Memorial Day Flash Sale 🎉 25% off all 🧜‍♀️ & 🐴 apparel & my four books! 📚

In honor of memorial day weekend, I am offering a spontaneous sale that goes till midnight, Tuesday, May 28 on 25% off all merchandise in my shop! This means all men, women’s & kids T-Shirts & Sweatshirts, plus all my books are on sale! 📚

Use code ‘FLASHSALE’ in checkout to get the discount! 🎊

👉🏽 Link in comments 👈🏽

I love these shirts and live in them! Both designs are created by the talented Nica Draws Nature , who illustrated all the kids books I published. The mermaid shirt has my favorite saying ‘Choose Love Over Fear’ which has gotten me through the rough, crazy tumbles of life. There’s always a choice what you choose to do with your challenging circumstances! 🧜‍♀️

The horse designs are based off the bestselling Comanche kids book & coloring book by Nica and me. This books is all about my wild horse Comanche and tells the tale of him being a wild horse in Nevada, becoming a therapy horse, traveling to Hawaii and all of his adventures along the way! 🐎

📚 All my books are on sale too, you can get a signed copy!

📕 Grace, Grit & Gratitude: A Cancer Thriver’s Journey from Hospice to Full Recovery with the Healing Power of Horses

📕 Comanche the Wild Mustang book & coloring book 🐴

📕 Kaimana the Hawaiian Mermaid 🧜‍♀️

Part of the proceeds from the horse T-Shirts & Comanche books goes to the wonderful organization Wild Horse Protection Act Proceeds for the sale of my book, ‘Grace, Grit & Gratitude’ goes to The Wild Beauty Foundation for the preservation of the wild horses. I support my brothers brilliant organization Happywhale with the sales of my newest kids ocean conservation book, Kaimana the Hawaiian Mermaid.

All the shirts are created by the eco-company (made in the USA) BELLA+CANVAS & are screen printed by a local family here on Kaua’i, Hawaii. They are extremely soft, flattering & comfortable to wear!

Check them out! 🧜‍♀️🤍🐴


The light & the beauty
The pure unbroken gaze of a mustang
Gentled by grace

🐴 This is Comanche, my famous wild horse! Check out the book & coloring book version about him ‘Comanche the Wild Mustang’ that Nica Draws Nature and I created! (Link in comments) 📕

He’s got quite the fascinating story from being taken from the wild (Reno Nevada area) when he was a yearling, being trained by a wonderful woman, then being a Equine Facilitated Learning horse at Wind Horse Sanctuary, a powerful healing horse for me, then traveling 2,500 miles across the ocean with his buddy Blue to come to Kaua’i, Hawaii! 🐎

What an adventure!

Donate to Donate to help Chico get Surgery, organized by Scarlet Ravin 10/05/2024

A dear friend needs some help for her rescue horse that is needing some assistance recovering post complicated surgery. Please donate if you can, every little bit helps. Thank you for caring!

Donate to Donate to help Chico get Surgery, organized by Scarlet Ravin CHICO SUERTE Prayers and Help Requested Hello to all you horse loving, commu… Scarlet Ravin needs your support for Donate to help Chico get Surgery

Photos from Wind Horse Sanctuary's post 09/05/2024

We did another photo shoot recently, as I needed updated photos for publicity stuff. The lovely (on Instagram) visited with her magical camera that has been capturing my animals and myself so beautifully these last 4+ years! 🐴

I am so grateful for her artistic skill & the way she captures the evening light of my blessed boys, Comanche & Blue. 🌞

These boys hold my heart so beautifully and I’m grateful to know a photographer that can capture their resplendent glory! ❤️‍🔥

Having a photographer come who I trust with my horses is actually a big deal! I wouldn’t trust just around them, as they are large, at times skittish creatures if there is the rogue windstorm that blows through, it could be potentially very dangerous! I’ve learned to be HIGHLY AWARE when I have others around them. 💨 🐎

As she’s come to photograph us yearly, it’s been fun to walk the years with her. Mahalo Erica for your artistry over the years! ♥️🙏🏽♥️

Photos from Wind Horse Sanctuary's post 08/05/2024

Please join me for a very special personal & interactive Facebook live on Saturday, May 11 with Doc Tovah! 🌺

I am not doing many interviews or live presentations these days, so this is a rare occurrence! 🎉


Join us for an personal and interactive Q and A with Tara Coyote. Author and Cancer Thriver, bringing insights and knowledge for your healing and recovery! 🌟

USA edt - 2:00 pm USA pdt - 11:00 am Hawaii - 8:00 am Israel - 21:00

👉🏽 Direct FB Link in comments 👈🏽

Tara Coyote was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in September 2016. Through many ups and downs, she was recommended to Hospice in the winter of 2019 with cancer throughout her body: her breast, lungs, liver, spine, adrenal gland and throughout her bones. She made a miraculous recovery and was declared NED, ‘No Evidence of Disease’ in the fall of 2022. She attributes her healing to a complimentary blend of natural and allopathic medicine, tremendous inner work, the healing power of horses, the incredible mana of the Hawaiian Islands and the power of Aloha Ma – self-reflective love. Tara shares in her story in her best-selling memoir ‘Grace, Grit & Gratitude: A Cancer Thriver’s Journey from Hospice to Full Recovery with the Healing Power of Horses’. You can find her on her home island of Kaua’i, Hawaii swimming with her mermaid tail and happily scooping horse p**p while caring for her beloved horses! 🐴

If you miss the live, it will be posted on YouTube.

I look forward to seeing you there! ♥️🙌🏽♥️

👗 by my friend LeomDesigns - check out her super comfy eco clothes and use my name ‘TaraCoyote’ for 15% off your first order

Videos (show all)

🧨 While you watch fireworks tonight, please remember that animals hearing is EXTREMELY SENSITIVE & the noise is acutely ...
🎊 Want to the listen to the audiobook version of my book for free?! Listen to this video and reach out in a PM if intere...
NEW GRIEF PODCAST: Finding Courage in the Darkest Hour 🥀 This is a small clip from it sharing how it’s much harder to be...
🐴 HORSE HOLIDAY BOOK GIVEAWAY 🎉 Friend, I’m wanting to get ‘Comanche the Wild Mustang’ children’s picture book & colorin...
🎉 New book release soon! Ocean conservancy book! Help it become a bestseller. Thx for the support! 🧜‍♀️🐚🧜‍♀️ link in com...
🎉 SALE 🎊 From now until Tuesday, September 19 use code ‘25OFF’ everything in my clothing store for 25% off‼️This is the ...
🎻 This was such a beautiful, unique experience playing my fiddle with my horses with the marvelous film crew of Rescued ...
🎉My book ‘Grace, Grit & Gratitude: A Cancer Thriver’s Journey from Hospice to Full Recovery with the Healing Power of Ho...
📕 Book sighting at the awesome independent bookstore Harmony Books in Nevada City, CA‼️It’s wonderful to visit my belove...
🎉 ETSY SALE 🎊 From now until Sunday, April 16 use code ‘15OFF’ for everything in my Etsy store for 15% off‼️👉🏽 Link in c...
🎉AUDIOBOOK RELEASE 🎉Yes, friends, the LONG AWAITED DAY is here! The audiobook version of my award winning, 🥇 bestselling...
🎉 Flash sale 🎊 20% off all store items till midnight, Wednesday, February 22 ‼️ This means all men, women’s & kids T-Shi...
