Elite Physiques

Elite Physiques

Dedicated to making healthy your habit and getting you in the best shape of your life. Fitness isn’t about running endless laps on a treadmill.

It's about feeling healthy and energized. It’s feeling good about your body and giving your mind the confidence needed to be your best. Join Mychael Shannon at Elite Physiques for a comprehensive, exciting approach to fitness. You’ll work harder than you’ve ever worked and feel better than you’ve ever felt. Elite Physiques is a revolutionary way to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Through our proven w


If you’re willing to keep trying and don’t give up, a defeat is never the end. It’s a lesson learned.
You’ve simply found a way that doesn’t work… keep looking until you find the way that does!


If the people you have surrounded yourself with aren’t making your life better and encouraging you to be the best person you can be, it’s time to find a new group to hang out with.


Nothing meaningful comes from taking the easy road. You need the challenges to learn, to build character, to get stronger.
Doing the right thing is harder, but you become a better person.


Who and what do you need to give up to lighten the load on your journey to success?


Celebrate all your small wins along your road to success! Not only will it help you recognize your wins and movement in the right direction, It makes the journey much more fun.


There’s no such thing as the “perfect time” to start anything new.
Start Now! Start wherever you are, with what you have, and keep getting better.
Don’t wait for the perfect time or you’ll never achieve your potential.


3 days apart! This country has a lot of amazing options for places to play.

Photos from Elite Physiques's post 29/12/2022

Lot of snow, but it makes everything look amazing

Photos from Elite Physiques's post 21/10/2022

Last weekend was the last long race of the season; BWR Kansas l, and it was the perfect day for a ride.
I got into a group early, but at about 8 miles there was a punchy, steep climb… and I quickly found out the others in my group were much better climbers.
Kansas had surprisingly steel hills and while they weren’t long each “climb” was at about 8-14% grade. So you were either bombing 35 mph down that hill. Or going 6 mph up the hill.
The climbs took a toll on the legs, but overall it was an amazing day and a great course.
We hit a lot of great gravel, took a off-road adventure through a snake farm, and ended the day on some single track through the woods.
I can’t thank engorge for letting me ride with them again and all the support they gave for the race, and the team events around the race…and of course the amazing product!
Already looking forward to next year and getting in a few more races… starting much earlier in the year!

Photos from Elite Physiques's post 05/10/2022

This was my second race of the year (I know, late start), but after feeling pretty good at the last race two weeks ago, I wanted to try something new.

The only two gravel “races” I’ve ever competed in before were closer to a training ride. I rode by myself pretty much the entire course either passing or being passed by riders along the way. No real hurry, no real pushing the limits in terms of effort. The goal in those first two races was to enjoy the ride and finish. That’s all!

My goal for this race was to find a pace line and work with a couple of people for at least the first half of the race. Push myself a little and see what I might possibly be able to do next year with a proper training plan and race strategy.

The first half of the race was mostly uphill, meaning the last half was mostly downhill. I figured if I was able to work with a small group of people for the first 33 miles, the worst that would happen is I would implode…but be able to coast down hill for most of the second half of the race if necessary.

After a 5 mi neutral start, we were under way. At mile 8/9 I was able to find about 8 guys that were riding together. We got a little organized with 4-5 of those riders working well together and we eventually wound up in a group of 4.

It was a fun new adventure working in a group and a new mental game to stay on wheels while navigating through the terrain to find the best lines through the gravel; making sure to put in a good pull at the front, but not overdo it. It was the first time of being hit in the face with small pebbles and breathing in dust for miles and miles. And while it was pretty gross to be chewing sand with every drink l, it somehow felt like an accomplishment.

At about mile 30 the group fell apart during the last, steep climb.

My legs were tired at the half way point. I’d put in some long pulls and pushing 25% more watts than usual working up hills. I was also not used to fueling in a group, with more focus on wheels than eating, so my nutrition was less than it should have been. But I still felt ok for the first half and ready to tackle the end.

With all the downhills on the second half I was feeling pretty good. Our group of 4 gradually rejoined during the fun decent. At mile 55 there was a short, steep climb where my legs just couldn’t hang anymore. The other 3 kept going and I was dropped.

But!! I still finished. My watt output was 125% of what I had done in previous training and races. My speed was faster. I felt more accomplished.

Overall, it was a great day. The town was great, the course was beautiful and fast, with a few sketchy washboard sections to keep you alert. I really had fun working with other riders and pushing myself more than when riding alone.

My legs were a lot more tired at the end of the race, and my teeth had a lot more grit, but the experience, and that feeling that I was actually competitive were major take aways.

My goal for riding and racing as has always been to have fun on the bike. And while that goal will never change, the plan for future races is to travel for work less in order to create a better training plan, so I am able to ride more races with this fun and competitive group fashion instead of the all alone training style “races”… and see what might be possible when fun and better preparation combine.

Photos from Elite Physiques's post 21/09/2022

This has been a long time coming…my first long race of the season (I know, the season is almost over and I am just starting).

This summer has been crazy with family travel and work travel (over 120 days on the road this year) and there just weren’t any races that lined up with my crazy schedule. So if felt great to finally get back out and “compete”.

With such a hectic travel schedule and spending as much time with my 2 year old a possible when I am home, the training has been significantly lacking this year. So…the goal for this race? Just go out and have fun. Enjoy being back on the bike with many other people who also love being on bikes.


This was probably one of the most scenic races I’ve ridden (or maybe it was my lack of preparation allowed for more observation!) Salida is amazing. The weather was perfect.

The legs felt tired with over 7K of climbing, but overall I really enjoyed the race and look forward to doing it again next year…with more preparation.

The biggest take away from the weekend? Not all “races” have to be at race pace. Sometimes, life gets too busy, just getting out on the bike and doing what I love to do, ride bikes, is an accomplishment in itself.

Two more races this season…two more opportunities to get out and ride with other bike lovers. Two more chances to live my best live, even at a slower pace!


Some great gravel info in here for all of you who are new to gravel, or have been riding for a while now!

This is the kind of insight and knowledge we receive all of the time with our coaching at and .

Paul Thomas is a denizen of the BWR community. He has been an overachieving endurance athlete for more than 40 years, running under 5-minutes for the mile as a 10 year old, winning duathlons, stage races, time trials and any kind of race you can imagine over four decades. Today, Paul's favorite thing is championing young talent and helping riders of all stripes to achieve their goals and set new ones. Paul serves as the head coach of Team Hyland’s cycling team. Hyland's Powered Naturals is the Official Cramp Relief sponsor of the Belgian Waffle Ride, and its products are available pre-race and on-course at aid stations. Stop Your Cramp, Not Your Ride!

Paul shares some vital wisdom today, which we believe everyone should review for their own edification and entertainment...


Photos from Elite Physiques's post 06/07/2022

So many amazing views on this ride around the hitting CO & UT! The first half of the ride took twice as long with all the stops to take in the scenery.
Cliffs, rivers, rock formations, etc…this place was beautifully spectacular!

Photos from Elite Physiques's post 21/06/2022

Longest days of the year are here. Riding past 9 and watching the sun set.

Photos from Elite Physiques's post 24/01/2022

It’s about to go down! Good eats shortly!


Putting this snowman on a building phase. Time to start getting bigger and working on “dem gainz”!

Photos from Elite Physiques's post 17/12/2021

Purple asparagus! Rare find at the store. Tastes the same, but looks a lot more interesting on your plate.

Photos from Elite Physiques's post 13/12/2021

Some snow in the mountains, but nothing has stuck down here yet. Beautiful day for a ride, even found some mud and ice to play on!

Photos from Elite Physiques's post 07/11/2021

Out on the trails at sunrise.
No one else around. Finding deer, ice and amazing views!
Lovin’ Colorado Life!

Photos from Elite Physiques's post 02/10/2021

Waffles, ice cream and beer. Best awards for finishing a race ever.
I’d take these over a medal any day!


All the miles, all the smiles!

I will probably never win a bike race. But I WILL be smiling the entire time.

Photos from Elite Physiques's post 18/04/2021

Headed out on a nice little ride today.

Apparently I unknowingly rode a poo emoji! I thought the route was much better than that 🤷🏼‍♂️

Dedicated To Making Healthy Your Habit

Fitness isn’t about running endless laps on a treadmill. It's about feeling healthy and energized. It’s feeling good about your body and giving your mind the confidence needed to be your best. Join Mychael Shannon at Elite Physiques for a comprehensive, exciting approach to fitness. You’ll work harder than you’ve ever worked and feel better than you’ve ever felt.

Elite Physiques is a revolutionary way to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Through our proven workouts, nutrition education and positive motivation every step of the way, you will look and feel your best. Because being healthy is not about a quick fix; It’s about transforming your body and your thinking.

Join the many of satisfied clients who have set goals, and with the help of Elite Physiques, obtained those goals. Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle mass, become more athletic, or general health and fitness...We've got your back

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Find Your Strength
Total body workout anywhere...nothing but bodyweight for resistance.
Keep Your Shoes Dry
