UU Class Conversations

UU Class Conversations

UU Class Conversations works with Unitarian Universalists congregations and organizations to create a more class-inclusive denomination.

We provide tools and information to build class awareness and dismantle classism. UU Class Conversations facilitates workshops, provides consultation and offers resources to help congregations and organizations develop language, concepts, and strategies to bridge class differences and expand membership. Working with us, you will also explore the intersection between class and race and other issues

How Inflation Has Made the 1% and the Middle-Class Richer - New Trader U 15/07/2024

Inflation like most things is worse for people with less class advantage.

How Inflation Has Made the 1% and the Middle-Class Richer - New Trader U Inflation, often viewed as an economic villain, has surprisingly played a role in enriching both the wealthiest 1% and the middle class. While the effects of


Summer Service Support & Still Time for Some GA Cohort Sessions - https://mailchi.mp/7e88601b86b7/summer-support-uucc-at-ga

Cross-class coupling • Inside Story 14/06/2024

While the article references Australia, these are the same cross-class coupling issues you will find in the United States, Canada and elsewhere.

Cross-class coupling • Inside Story What can cross-class relationships tell us about Australia’s semi-visible inequalities?

The Cost of Coming Out: LGBT Youth Homelessness | Lesley University 05/06/2024

Happy Pride Month.

I know you know that lgbtq+ prejudice adversely affects the lives and livelihoods of lgbtq+ community members. But did you know how much?! Here is just one of many examples of how it intersects with social class.

The Cost of Coming Out: LGBT Youth Homelessness | Lesley University Human services professionals should have a clear understanding of the unique needs, risk factors, and challenges facing LGBT homeless youth.

Steady 54% of Americans Identify as Middle Class 24/05/2024

What do you think is behind the differing views on one's class by political party?

Steady 54% of Americans Identify as Middle Class Americans downgraded their "social class" after the Great Recession, and that assessment still hasn't recovered.

Yellen Voices Concern Over Escalating Living Costs in the US, Reports Financial Times 24/05/2024

Don't you have these concerns, also?

Yellen Voices Concern Over Escalating Living Costs in the US, Reports Financial Times U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently expressed deep concern over the substantial surge in living costs, echoing sentiments shared by many Americans grappling with the palpable effects of i…


I first learned about at the U.N. race conference in South Africa in 2001. That's when I learned that like so much injustice, people with less class and race privilege are suffering the effects of climate change at an exponentially higher rate than those with more life advantage. And that was more than 20 years ago! It hasn't gotten much better.

A Class Apart: Prime Ministers’ origins profoundly impact their political worldviews 17/04/2024

While this is an article about English PMs, it beautifully lays out UUCC's premise that your earliest experiences in life shape your worldview in profound ways. This is true for each of us, and we need leaders -- whether in our local UU spaces or in the wider community/country -- that represent all class backgrounds.

A Class Apart: Prime Ministers’ origins profoundly impact their political worldviews The background of our Prime Ministers hugely influences the judgements they make. Yet our leaders are drawn from an astonishingly narrow slice of society: every PM who attended an English universit…

California Fast Food Workers Union 03/04/2024

Some facts about supporting the working poor and working class that might surprise you.

California Fast Food Workers Union Build power for fast food workers

How The Wealthy Gaslight America 03/04/2024

Thanks Joyce D. Eye opening for many.

How The Wealthy Gaslight America Thanks to Betterment for sponsoring this video! Sign up in minutes, get started at https://www.betterment.com/tfdIn our latest video essay, Chelsea dives int...

What is intersectionality and why does it make feminism more effective? 18/03/2024

What do you already know about ? Why does it matter when we think about social class?

What is intersectionality and why does it make feminism more effective? The social categories that we belong to shape our understanding of the world in different ways.

Are Millionaires Considered Middle Class in Today’s Economy? Here’s What Experts Say 14/03/2024

OK, All, we REALLY want to hear your response to this. And, hey, aren't we all the experts on this one, as people navigating our own "income and lifestyle."

Are Millionaires Considered Middle Class in Today’s Economy? Here’s What Experts Say Is it possible to be a millionaire and still be part of the middle class? It's a question that may seem ridiculous to some--and totally reasonable to others, depending on who you ask. "I'm often...

What is middle class? Gen Z see things very differently 11/03/2024

Definitely worth thinking about more, right?

What is middle class? Gen Z see things very differently Gen-Zers have shown that they have markedly different opinions on class to their parents and grandparents, new polling has found.

‘Work longer’ is no solution for working class 05/03/2024

Your thoughts?

Personally, I cannot imagine being in my 90s -- no matter how good my health is -- and needing to work.

I hope I can still volunteer. But having to work to have food and shelter is ridiculous when the CEO of Steward Healthcare buys yachts for 20 and 40 million dollars.

‘Work longer’ is no solution for working class In April 2023, Betty Glover, a 91-year-old grocery store clerk in Oregon, was finally able to retire after a GoFundMe campaign raised $82,000 for her. After seven decades in the workforce, Glover couldn’t save enough to retire and cover basic expenses ...

The inherence bias in preschoolers’ explanations for achievement differences: replication and extension - npj Science of Learning 22/02/2024

This is the reason our work to end the cycle of is so important. Children learn these negative lessons so young. Let's help them learn the lessons of and instead.

The inherence bias in preschoolers’ explanations for achievement differences: replication and extension - npj Science of Learning Two studies examined how preschoolers (N = 610; French) explain differences in achievement. Replicating and extending previous research, the results revealed that children invoke more inherent factors (e.g., intelligence) than extrinsic factors (e.g., access to educational resources) when explai...

How academic inequality has grown since the pandemic 14/02/2024

A study finds that children with less class advantage have yet to catch up from the educational losses caused by the pandemic

How academic inequality has grown since the pandemic The new analysis of reading and math test data comes from from 30 states and some 15 million students.

Social media and social stratification 07/02/2024

A new look at social media.

Social media and social stratification Social and economic divisions have existed as long as societies have. Social media is unique in that it accelerates and deepens these divisions.

Is the Heart and Soul of Trump’s MAGA Base Really the White Working Class? 17/01/2024

Time to stop beating up on the white work class for the many classist policies of today's radical conservative movement.

Is the Heart and Soul of Trump’s MAGA Base Really the White Working Class? The corporate media and all too many politicians are blaming working people for the rise of Trump and MAGA. Yet, if we open our (lying) eyes a bit more, we can’t miss the massive horde of lawyers and businesspeople who serve as Trump’s enthusiastic enablers.


Last Call: MLK Weekend Workshop - https://mailchi.mp/7d322d4083c2/hope-is-on-the-horizon-8866848


Glad to see our denominational organizations continuing to take a stand on onerous legislation. Read the letter sent to Congress.


What today's working class wants from political leaders | Brookings 17/11/2023

Are you part of today's working-class? Do your interests and values align with those discussed in this article. Would you explain why in the comments? Thank you in advance.

What today's working class wants from political leaders | Brookings Brookings senior fellow William Galson explores the nature of the American working class and its views on key issues.

Black Success, White Backlash 21/10/2023

As UUs, we pride ourselves on inclusion being a large part of who we are. Let's keep doing the work and learn from this author why it is so important. It is hard to read but worth every word.

Black Success, White Backlash Black prosperity has provoked white resentment that can make life exhausting for people of color—and it has led to the undoing of policies that have nurtured Black advancement.

Photos from UU Class Conversations's post 19/10/2023

Why is it that those with the LEAST class advantage suffer the MOST in times of strife?

Project identifies racial covenants in North Shore deeds 18/10/2023

It is scary to learn how many racial (and class-based) covenants have existed/exist in just one small community. Can you imagine how many there must be across the United States?

Read on and see how race and social class disparities have been used to keep people from prospering despite hard work and smart decisions:

Project identifies racial covenants in North Shore deeds BEVERLY — The deeds of several hundred properties in southern Essex County contain language that at one time prohibited the homes from being sold to people of color or certain


This is so powerful I had to share.

Videos (show all)

At Berkeley, California UU for workshop on class
Class Everlasting


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday 08:00 - 21:00
Friday 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday 08:00 - 21:00
Sunday 08:00 - 21:00