Joyful Warrior

Joyful Warrior

International School for Shamanism based on the life and teachings of Holly Baade, The Joyful Warrior

Shaman School & Shaman Studio
Healing, Training and Certification


Healing is an evolving of soul capacity.
We are each meant to find our full potential and share our gifts.
When one person's light is put out, we all suffer as we don't receive their gifts we are meant to cherish.
Life Knows Life and lets it Live.


"There are many moments when you know you are doing the right thing and yet it is hard to trust that you will be ok. We are given moments like this to build our faith."
- ⁠The Joyful Warrior

A moment of freedom and joy
Credit: Federica Dall’Orso, Virgin Beach Bali Indonesia


You can't turn off the light, but you can put your hands in front of your eyes and pretend that it is dark. This is why we are wise to practice opening our hearts. ❤️


"Song will be the source of healing and our capacity to bring our souls into our story." JW Journals 2005 //

Photo 2024 Credit: Federica Dall’Orso, Virgin Beach Bali


What do you think being a shaman is?
It is the same as a human?

It is my experience that to be a shaman is to be a pioneer into the next evolutionary cycle or phase of humanness where the soul of everything can be heard, seen, felt, tasted and even "smelled" just as easily as the aspects of our beings that have form and substance. Something about my nature needs to stand for this.

Photo credit: Federica Dall’Orso, Virgin Beach Bali


I am holding a vision close to my heart. A world where the soul is seen as stronger than the wounds that break it apart and our wholeness that comes from our essence is felt sure enough to let it come through. I am a shaman and your Holy Spirit is one too. Are you ready to break through? ❤️✨


After years of living in service of my tremendously beautiful children, I am reconnecting with my inner maiden - the young girl who lost a bit of her ability to fly for the need of tending a nest in a situation: a geography, a community, a co-parent, that did not always see or support my angelic origins and heavenly purpose. I am finally flying once again and thanks to my children I now have the inner wisdom to be of true service. Life is a daring adventure. I'm holding on to love and letting that be who I am to all I meet. Bali suits me. So many pilgrims seeking to connect with their soul and open their hearts. I am having the time of my life. Feels as if I've been born a new. Retreats are coming... soon.


Daydreaming swimming in a sea of dolphin energy.
Open to all the possibilities.
Staying in tune with life's wondrous generosity.
All things ebbing and flowing, effortlessly.


Joyful Warriors please hold a vision with me in your hearts of liberation and healing for the people of Palestine and all people suffering under misguided oppression in our externalized world fear and feelings of separation. Peace on Earth, Good Will to All Beings and Joy to the World


Freedom comes not from doing what we want to do. It comes not from forcing others to do what we would have them do. It comes not from taking something that does not belong to you.

Freedom comes from the feeling of being free within our heart and experiencing the expansiveness of no conflict within our soul when our actions align with goodness and the greatness of the human spirit when in connection with Love.

There is an ideal land that is wanting to be born right now in our world but it comes not from thinking a certain people are more deserving of God's grace and abundance. It certainly comes not from any harm to others in thought, word or deed. I can never come bloodshed - zionist or n**i, fascist or communist ideology and pirating.

Freedom, and Heaven on Earth, comes from giving our Will in freedom to the Will of God's Love.

God's love only and always leads to generosity of spirit and abundance of the physical things we all need to feel safe and supported.

Each life that is given is a gift to all.
Each soul that is born brings with it a gift to humanity that we all need.

As long as any one of us suffers in oppression, injustice, slavery and racism, we all remain in bo***ge and are prisoners of war.

How do we make a difference in this spiritual war where humans who have lost their minds and closed their hearts to their true identity as spiritual loving beings seek to demonstrate that they can destroy what God creates and create artificial life to challenge the natural world's inherent importance and immortal causation connected to grace.

Those of us who have a modicum of freedom to speak openly and move about with some level of safety and seeming-freedom (which gets more eroded everyday), we are meant to network - now - like imaginal cells within the chrysalis of the butterfly.

We are meant to recognize one another and trust each other, and learn how to build Heaven on Earth, a true sacred golden age, where peace resides throughout the land as a natural externalization of what we feel in our hearts and extend into the fabric of reality as we know it.

It's not too late. The journey begins by noticing what needs to end on a very personal level and what is ready to begin, as well, as very personal action, devotion and prayer in motion.

May all beings be peaceful, happy and free.


"Resignation kills the soul and withers the inspiration for living so that all that is left is the will to fight because nothing feels, right. Proving a-point stabs the heart of the one holding the sword from the inside. Judgement is what we cannot digest. Ultimately, it is judgement that kills all of us and takes what is immortal and distorts it so that it does not know or cannot see itself. The path from resignation is letting go of the fear of humiliation - the thought that others may judge your decisions and call you less than smart, wise, beautiful or intelligent. But this fear is just an illusion, designed by a deeper fear than humiliation - which is the fear of letting your true self be seen fully without apology. For behind the fear of humiliation is the fear of isolation. But the funny thing is that when you stay in resignation - you are alone anyway even when you are in a sea of people who praise and appreciate the way you are showing up in their dream - for them. The only way to really feel connected, is to follow the soul's direction out of the mind's willingness to settle for something ... less." - JW 🦋 Dec 21, 2019


"When the wind blows and the sun grows from the expression
in my heart made of the wolf's cunning and the eagle's knowing, I will rise, I will run, I will return, to the grace that once was stirred
up by the dream of you, and me, and this pretty planet. Change is coming." - Joyful Warrior Journals 2021
Virgin Beach, Bali May 2024


A new chapter is opening through the portal of this beautiful drum and my willingness to listen ❤️
Aho to the road ahead that I have seen in my dreams and welcome with an open heart. Life knows Life.


What is there besides bliss? We are strength of spirit and warmth of soul dancing as forms of light slowed down to just the right speed for saying hello and embracing one another's beauty.
Hello ☀️

Virgin Beach, Bali
Something New is Emerging within me to share with humanity.

Home in Tampaksiring · ★New · 1 bedroom · 1 bath 30/04/2024

Renting my home in Bali for a month while I am back in California. Great price and energy! DM me for a friend rate ❤️

Home in Tampaksiring · ★New · 1 bedroom · 1 bath Enchanting Villa Penhouse View


In the Bali Full 🦂 Moon is see myself in you ❤️
Yes it is a time of transformation, dissolution and rebirth. Those with love in our hearts and eyes to see what is happening can feel the portal ✨ Heaven to Earth ✨ opening. We are so blessed to witness the shift in our world we are about to begin witnessing 🌿💙🌏


I am not what you think I am. I am the presence of something wonderful moving through a form that is beautiful seeking to express the joy I feel that is natural. We are not so different, you and me. We are all something much more than we can even begin to conceive, and we are magnificent beings. 🐝
- Joyful Warrior


Shamanic Healing Circle with The Joyful Warrior April 2
Shared Joy & Celebration, from top to bottom and left to right: Yevgeny, Holly, Shelley, Tommy, Niki, Lucas, Paco, Dia… not pictured but much loved, Shaheer & Tamara 💙 Next Shamanic Healing Circle | April 9, 10:00 - 14:00 🏵️ If your in Bali... reach out and get the details.


Shamanic Healing Circle with The Joyful Warrior April 2
Shared Joy & Celebration, from top to bottom and left to right: Yevgeny, Holly, Shelley, Tommy, Niki, Lucas, Paco, Dia… not pictured but much loved, Shaheer & Tamara 💙 Next Shamanic Healing Circle | April 9, 10:00 - 14:00 🏵️ If your in Bali... reach out and get the details. The circle is building 🕊️


Beginning Tomorrow, Tuesday March | 19 10 AM - 12 PM
Join me for a new class in Ubud, downtown at the football field.
We will explore the inspiration behind Chinese Martial Arts and have an experience with mystical moving Qi (Chi) as well as explore martial conditioning and learn sophisticated forms from Tai Chi, Xing Yi Quan and Baguazhang. All Are Welcome. 150K.

Photos from Joyful Warrior's post 22/02/2024

Guidance Comes.... 🩷
When the mind is clear and the heart opens.

UNTOUCHED SOUL, by Holly Baade 22/01/2024

For a friend who may need some inspiration for going deep into reconnection with the soul.

UNTOUCHED SOUL, by Holly Baade 10 track album


First you are the animals
Then you are the elements
Then you are no thing

Photos from Joyful Warrior's post 11/01/2024

My situation at my 6am ❤️ Training in Taiwan

Photos from Joyful Warrior's post 11/01/2024

And so the global life begins… Training, Writing & Teaching …. First 3 weeks in Taiwan then on to Bali ✈️🦋🪶

Joyful Warrior Music & Meditations

Power is not found by forcing ourselves but rather by finding our self. If you want to improve the state of your being and the state of the world you’ve got to go on a journey. A pilgrimage to the center of your soul where awaits your total empowerment and joyful enlightenment. Holly is your guide. She is a shamanic healer and sacred storyteller, a singer of spirit songs and way shower to the soulful world of the shaman’s territory. She is in service of helping humanity awaken the vision of the heart to see and taste all of reality as vibration, as song.

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