Ca Houndsmen

Ca Houndsmen

CHC is an organization dedicated to the protection and promotion of the use of dogs as an effective

CHC was established in 1972 by Professor Sam Baker of Fresno, California. As founding President, Mr Baker passed over the recommended name of California Bear Hunters for the broader name of California Houndsmen for Conservation. This not only established a comprehensive community of interests, but set forth a worthy focus that CHC has steadfastly adhered to since its inception many years ago. CHC


Merry Christmas to all and may all your hounds run hard and true!

Photos from NoTellum Outfitters's post 08/12/2023


ALMIGHTY GOD, we know that You do not dwell in temples or buildings made with human hands, for even creation itself - the beautiful fields, hills, and valleys all around us, cannot contain your splendor, majesty, and glory.

BLESS THE HUNTERS. May each person finish this hunt with good health, an appreciation for Your creation, and gratitude to You for the bounty and sport they have enjoyed.

BLESS THOSE OVER WHOSE LAND we walk and hunt - and may we cause them no hurt or trouble by something we say, do or forget.

BLESS THESE HOUNDS that bring us much joy. They, too, are creatures of Your creation and You have entrusted them to us for our use and pleasure. May their run be swift, their scent be keen, and may they bring glory to You even as You have created them.

BLESS THE GAME WHO GIVES US SPORT. May he be swift and sly as You have created him, so that he may escape to run yet another day. Help us all to understand the worth of all Your creatures and in doing so understand Your worth as well.

IN YOUR NAME, may each person that has gathered here share in a spirit of sportsmanship, respect, and mutual care. Amen.


From our house to yours 🦃


 Juanita 9 years old. singing the national anthem at the Tulare California Houndsmen for Conservation dinner.


We had our first banquet ever in the southern part of the State last night. It was a great time had by all. Randy Marquez was the chair and did a fantastic job!

I am so happy with the team that I have to work with right now in this club, as far as I'm concerned you aren't going to get any better officers or board members. I always say that I keep doing it for the future generations and there is no one that works harder at keeping the kids in the woods than my Vice President Michael Ewing. Whenever you see Michael you can just about bet that he is going to have a young man with him teaching him about our tradition ❤️. Last night at our banquet one of these young men won a lifetime membership to California Houndsmen for Conservation, couldn't have been more fitting 😊

Lori Jacobs


Long time CHC member Buddy Crook has a litter of Walker Pups
6 Males and 3 Females
The mother is Hickory Nut Harry /Trackman breeding she is a great coon/bobcat dog
The fathers breeding is Thunderbirds Black Goose who is grandfather to the pups He won the World Champion C**n Hunt in 2021
He would like them to go to hunting homes He is asking a small rehoming fee.
Buddy Crook 530-391-3098


We will be raffling a 200I and TT15 at our banquet in Tulare on the 28th. Don't miss out! Tickets will be $20 each or 6 for $100.


Posting for a friend:

Walker puppies, 8 weeks on the 16th of October. Looking for good hunting homes. For more information call 530-391-3098 ask for Buddy.

We urgently need YOUR SUPPORT today! Contact Governor Newsom's office and urge him to VETO AB 28!!! 12/09/2023

We urgently need YOUR SUPPORT today! Contact Governor Newsom's office and urge him to VETO AB 28!!! If you want to maintain YOUR OUTDOOR TRADITIONS for your children, your grandchildren and generations to come - YOU MUST GET INVOLVED NOW!!! If we all unite...

Photos from Ca Houndsmen's post 18/08/2023

It's going to be an awesome time, come join the fun!


Good Afternoon Members!

Your newsletter IS coming. Had some time management issues on my part, so I apologize. Too many projects on my plate lol. Hoping to have them out by the end of the week.

The next meeting has been moved from June 10th to May 27th at the CCSDA Swim Race. Meeting will start after Saturdays finals. Any questions on that please message us.

This newsletter will have your current 2023 legislative and F&G Commission update from Bill Gaines, flyers for the July 15th dinner and the 2024 52 gun draw.


It's not too late to get tickets, we can have them at the door for you, just let us know.


NEVADA — Animal Extremists Push Tethering Bill, Hearing Tomorrow April 4

Take Action:

Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 4, at 3:30 p.m., the Senate Natural Resources Committee is scheduled to hear Senate Bill 269 that will amend existing law to prohibit the tethering of dogs for all hunting and training activities. Under current law, such activities are exempt, but none of the remaining exemptions will apply to these sporting activities if the bill passes. As always, the animal extremists simply want to end the use of dogs while hunting and in the sporting community.


2023 eastern Oregon field trials


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to California Houndsmen for Conservation’s president Lori Jacobs. We appreciate everything you do for the Houndsmen!


Rules For Owning a hunting Dog

1. Spend time with them each day. You are their everything.

2. Don’t hide your excitement, let them see the kid in you.

3. Your expectations of a hunting dog are high but their expectations of an owner are higher.

4. Don’t sleep on it take them to the vet.

5. Go hunting with them at least one time just the two of you.

6. Tell your new friends about your old dogs.

7. Their falses aren’t the only ones in the field.

8. Judge your hunting friends by how they treat their dogs.

9. Always stop to pet them.

10. Stop walking, sit down you will see how much they love you. Enjoy it.

11. Treat puppies like puppies and treat your 12 year old like they still are one.

12. Know when to retire them and give them everything they want. They gave you everything they had.

13. Have patience when they are hard of’s the games fault.

14. Show your boys and girls that there’s reasons to be gentle in this world, dogs are just one of them.

15. You helped them down the stairs when they were young now help them up them when they are old.

16. Take the picture every single damn time. It’s worth it.

17. Enjoy their determination even when it’s not after what you expect.

18. When it’s time to say goodbye don’t leave their side. Hold them .They know what’s happening and they're happy you are with them.

19. Remember them, visit the places that made you both so happy. Think about her while you stop walking and sit down with her daughter on an October afternoon. (Dixie & Gemma)

20. Understand that you can not fill the hole they left in your heart but remember them and they will be with you every step of the way. 🐾❤️


Since it’s Field trial and swim race season here’s a article by CHCs vice president Michael Ewing!

Field trials are a competition to see which
dog can follow a scent drag the fastest to the tree. Each dog will have a different color ribbon attached to their collar in order for the judges to identify each dog. All dogs in each race will line up at the starting line and will be released at the same time. There will be three line judges about 100 yards from the tree the first dog to cross between the judges and head towards the tree wins first line, and the second dog wins second line. There is a 15 foot circle painted around the tree where there will also be three judges. The first dog to bark up the tree inside the circle gets first tree. The Second dog to bark inside the circle gets second tree.
The first race will determine what division the dog will be in. The fastest dog will be in the A division. The next goes into the B division then the C division. Sometimes there will even be a D division depending on how many dogs are entered in the race. This will ensure that the dogs are racing against dogs around the same speed. First line, second line, first tree, and second tree dogs will move onto the finals in their respected division. Swim races are the same except that the dogs will race across a pond.
Field trials are a lot of fun for the whole family. It's a place where you can meet with fellow Houndsmen from all over California and surrounding states. It is a place where you can compete with your hounds and give them exercise as well. Most Houndsmen clubs give out belt buckles to the fastest dogs. It's a fun way to support the houndsmen clubs. These clubs need all the help that thay can get to raise money to fight for our hunting rights, and to keep putting on events such as field trials, swim races, and dinners. Hopefully everyone is not only a member of California si Houndsmen for Conservation, but also a member of your local Houndsmen Club. These avid members will help keep this family and historic tradition alive.
Here is a few tips to get your hounds read for the trials and swim races. Exercise to get your hounds in shape. You should practice and lay some drags for your hounds. Furthermore, allow them to train running drags that way they will know what's going on when competing in a field trial. Hydration is key make sure the have water before and after the race to compete at a high level. Also, walk your dogs around before the race so they can clean out and be more prepared. The dogs are not going to run or swim very well if they have to go to the bathroom. If you're dog shakes it's own head during a swim race that will slow them down. Swim your dog with a hood sock that covers their ears so water does not get in there ears. You can make your own by cutting about a foot of the leg off of a pair of stretchy yoga type pants. During the warmer sunny days, make sure you always provide shade for your dogs. The sun will take a lot out of them. Bring some pop up canopies or find a place to tie them with shade. Doing all of these simple things will help your dog in the race. I hope to see everyone at the upcoming field trials and swim races. Good luck to everyone!
Keep the tradition alive!
By Michael Ewing


New Date for the Mendo-Lake field trial,
Due to conflicting houndsmen events we are moving the field trial out one week to April 22nd and 23rd. We are looking forward to a great event. We will have the kitchen trailer onsite with BBQ ribs and potluck Saturday night. Bring your kids, grandkids there will be lots of activities and games to keep them occupied. We would like to thank all those members and friends that help us put this on every year. We will again be serving Sunday breakfast.


Tyler representing CHC. This kid loves hunting with the hounds! Take a kid hunting every chance you get. Let’s keep the tradition alive!


Our dinner in Yuba City is being moved to Oregon House.
It will be held at the Alcouffe Community Center July 15th.


We will be having our dinner in Ripon on April 22nd, tickets will go on sale soon.


If you’re a youth sign up or renew your membership with CHC. anyone under 18 will be automatically entered in a hunt with NoTellum Outfitters. Your choice of a hog hunt or a gray fox hunt with hounds! Come sign up at the CHC booth at the Sacramento international sportsmen expo. Booth 325.


Come by our booth and say "Hi" at the Sacramento Sportsman's Expo #325. We will be there the 19th - 22nd 😊

Videos (show all)

 Juanita 9 years old. singing the national anthem at the Tulare California Houndsmen for Conservation dinner.
Long time CHC member Buddy Crook has a litter of Walker Pups6 Males and 3 Females The mother is Hickory Nut Harry /Track...
If you’re a youth sign up or renew your membership with CHC. anyone under 18 will be automatically entered in a hunt wit...
