

I help new African immigrants navigate life in America in the areas of relationships and money. Hi there! My name is Kamga, and I was born in Cameroon.

I'm what we call "un bami anglo." I moved to the US in 2018, and things went differently than planned.

-My marriage ended before I turned 30.
-I didn't get a job with my University degree.
-I faced culture shock and fear that I had made a mistake in moving.
- I feared I was going to have to be deported.
- I restarted from scratch, realizing that everything I had accomplished was a "waste." Betwe

Photos from Kamga's post 11/09/2023

“Prayer works. Praise is better.”

I’ve paraphrased what my teacher said. Here’s what I got:

Stop making requests, focus your energy on giving thanks. When you have an attitude of gratitude, you don’t need to ask.

To be genuinely grateful, you must find the blessings in your life. It’s a muscle to be exercised:

Giving thanks each morning you get to see. Each night you have shelter. Every time you eat. Every time you arrive at your destination.

With an attitude of praise, you realize that you have so much already. Stuff you prayed for. Stuff you didn’t even pray for but you got anyway.

It’s hard to feel dejected when you focus on praising God.


It’s so easy to get tripped up by vision.

Once you know where you’re going, you must reign the enthusiasm in to begin the work.

Don’t get lost in vision boards, or meetings, or calendars or plans.

Take the next necessary step.


Why should you read?

1. Combat malnutrition: Books are like a full meal. Blog posts and articles are like appetizers.

You can eat appetizers all you want - you’ll always be malnourished.

2. Strengthens your mind: In a world where attention span is rapidly declining, reading is a form of mental exercise.

You need to sit and focus on the page for hours - days even. By so doing, you’re building your focus muscle.

3. Cheap experience: A book would contain the key findings of a PhD or expert of some sort.

For less than the price of a meal, you can gain 40 years worth of experience in those 200+ pages.

That’s a bargain!

4. Improved communication: You’ll come across new words and new concepts. You’ll learn the meanings of the words and how to use them.

Not only will you have more things to talk about, but you’ll also be a lot more capable (and confident) to talk about them.

5. Leave a reason in the comments!


What’s ONE skill that if you acquired, would really improve your life?


Discernment is key.
If you keep falling for the same lie, they’re no longer the problem. 🫣


If you’re still breathing, your story isn’t over.

Don’t give up.


What's something you'd like to know about life in America?🤔

Photos from Kamga's post 01/07/2023

What do you wish your parents had done differently?

I’m not a parent. Not biologically, anyway. But in many ways as the first child, I’ve found myself morphing into one over the years.

Now, I’ve learned to catch myself in that space and remember I’m a child too. And if anything, I’m my own parent - working with the child in me whose needs I believe weren’t met. Not because my parents were “bad” but because they were human.

Like we all are. Having a child changes your life instantly. Having them for a lifetime comes with its costs: emotionally, mentally, financially, physically.

There’s a lot I’ve learned to forgive my parents about. A lot they’ll never even know I held against them.

That’s why I often say “You can’t blame your parents forever”.

Life is too wonderful to spend the energy on the past. As I’m reading this, I’m seeing my childhood in some aspects, and also understanding how my parents did their best.

More important than that though, is that I’m learning what I need to keep in mind, what I need to unlearn, if I want to continue the legacy of love my parents started.

Because I know they loved and love me - in their own way. Doesn’t mean it was the way I wanted. Doesn’t mean it was any less powerful.

I’m still reading this and I’ll share more quotes as I continue. 

What about you? Have you read this? Will you be reading it? Which quote did you like? Let me know.


It sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it? But hear me out: what does it look like to do what you must do to take care of yourself when your identity is rooted in Christ?

The podcast will be moving to its channel ( on YouTube only), so watch out for that. You can still continue to hear it on Spotify and Apple Podcasts ( or wherever you listen to your podcasts)

Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/d/5120587442159616


There's this trend where people of different ages say they have no friends. I have said in my videos that I have very few friends too. In a previous episode, Leslie mentioned why being a friend that can be counted upon was important.

This "short" episode addresses this a little more. In addition, I have an announcement for the podcast.

Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/d/5120587442159616


Have you watched my most recent video? The link is in the first comment below 😁


"He's my friend," "She's my friend," "We're not friends like that," "He thinks we're friends, but I don't know" "How could a friend say that to me?"

The term is very common. I feel it's loosely used, especially when Facebook tells you you have thousands of them.

What does it mean to be a friend? How do you know you have one? How do you know if you are one?

Les and I would discuss this, pulling a lot from Proverbs 18 and our personal experiences.


Whether it's a project or your walk of faith, there comes a point when you question what you know and your identity now.

When the euphoria is diminished, and the trials show up, you start to wonder if you are genuinely this new creature you thought you were.

Doubt starts to muddy your clear waters, and you feel uneasy as you think of the future - what this means about you and everything you've believed until now.

"Am I ready for this?" "Is this really what I was meant to be doing?"

This is the feeling I've had for a few days now, and I have some perspective for you if you're in a similar spot.


Trevor and I clicked the moment we met in 2012. At least, that's how I remember it. He was a cool dude, who played video games, watched anime, and was a graphic design whiz.

After we graduated journalism school, he left from skinny cool dude to buff cool dude - spending more time at the gym than at the screen.

A few years ( or was it months?), I noticed Trevor sharing scripture on his Whatsapp status and sounding like one of those "Christian" people.

Little did I know his walk of faith planted seeds in me that eventually wound up in the conversation we will have today.


Today's conversation covers thoughts and realizations from some parts of scripture.


"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me."1 Corinthians 13:11 NIV

At what point do you become an adult? Who decides when you are? Is this a choice you make by your actions/behavior? Or are there societal milestones you must accomplish to claim this label?

Gina and I would talk about our different journeys and the various experiences that have shaped our "adult" lives. The struggle to be independent when parents want your safety and how to asset oneself while still honoring our fathers and mothers.


Mafor has dealt with loss from a young age. We've been friends for many years, and when I lost my sister last year, she was one of the few people I knew who would understand what it felt like.

We've discussed loss, grief, depression, and many other things. She's a writer who has poured her heart into the page and uses her gift with words to continue to forge a career and build community.

This would probably be a heavy one.


Futi and I had a private chat after yesterday's live stream, and I felt we needed a longer conversation.

Today, we'll dive more into prayer, studying the Word, the path of one seeking to know the Lord, and much more.


A conversation with Sammy about Genesis led us here. I brought up the servant who was sent to find Isaac a wife. Sammy shared about the importance of specificity in prayer, and how the people in the Bible tended to know what to pray for, and how to know God had answered.

Listen to our conversation as we explore this further.

We are both at different levels of our Christian journey. Anything you believe is dumb is our fault. Anything you believe is true is from God.


I've never particularly appreciated the term "Adulthood is a scam." I was going to call this podcast in a way that expressed this.

I know my interests will change, and I'd like this podcast to change with them.

So, today's episode will be a chat with my friend Les about this.


Courage is a mindset, not an outcome.

When you choose between what's convenient vs. necessary, your choice is not the end. It's not the outcome. You could be wrong. And you're still at the starting point.

But by making the courageous choice daily, you strengthen that muscle.

Ten years doesn't go any faster than 5. In the same way, a day is still a day, no matter how upset or excited you are.

This, of course, is objectively speaking.

Relatively though? You've experienced time fly swiftly or dredge along.

That's why what you choose to focus on is essential.

Would you instead zoom into what you need to do today and master it calmly? Or be anxious about an unknown future and stretch the pain?

Build courage with your daily choices.


There is no nobility in holding on to old ideas when it's time to give up.

You're allowed to change your mind. To regroup. To use new data and make new choices.

Don't let who you were stand in the way of who you could be.

What you did, let you here. What you do next will lead you there.

With or without intention, our daily actions propel us into an uncertain future.

We can cry about it. Complain and be upset. Or we can accept this, abstain from poor decisions and be content with our available options.

I think it's possible to be content and still unsatisfied. You can be grateful for what you already have and want better.

Making new choices is one way to do that.


Behind every strong man or woman is a family: by blood or choice.

A brotherhood. A sisterhood.


A group that fans their flames and dries their tears.

You can’t do this life alone. You’re not that special.

You can find, earn, or create one.


Don’t outsource your education.

Don’t outsource your self-esteem.

Don’t outsource your identity.

What else shouldn’t one outsource? 🤔

In a world flooded with information, being able to focus is a super skill.

It's soo easy to find the answer these days. But...the answer to what?

And why?

I think having good questions are a better way to navigate the info-fest we live in.

If there's no guidepost, how do you know you're on the right path?

If every scroll leaves you dumber than the previous, then why bother?

Sometimes I worry that the effects of this flood will only be felt down the road.

Then I look around and see how we're all filled up but looking so hungry for substance.

That's why I can't outsource my journey.

This is your life - you can't let anyone be more responsible about it than you are.


Some things you cannot "unknow."

They’ll gnaw at your soul till you die, or do something about them.

Be careful what you learn.

There's a reason why people talk about "not watching the news."

Or why you should avoid information that everyone seems to agree with.

Because everyone does it, it doesn't make it right. And even if no one does it, the right thing is still right.

(Who gets to decide what the right thing is? That's another story.)

On your journey to build a better life, you will discover knowledge that will change you. And it's not all bad.

The unease you feel when doing the "wrong" thing is a sign that you know what you should be doing.

Even if you don't know exactly what it is, you know what you should stop doing.

By listening to your gut and leaning into this, you can forge a path that is yours, a path that fills you with more joy and meaning.

Listen to the gnawing feeling. You can suppress it. Drown it. Scream at it.

But like a roach, it'll never die. On your deathbed, you'll feel it a thousandfold worse.

Just do something about it today, kay?


It is easy to wake up early when you have something you look forward to.

Give yourself something to look forward to. Start small. It doesn't have to be a monumental goal that scares you from your dreams lake a mental alarm clock.

It can be kind. It can be soft. It can be happy.

But it must mean something more to you than sleeping away.

Of course, listen to your body. Experiment. And by all that is good and kind GO TO BED EARLY so you can wake up earlier.


Friends for a season, reason, lifetime– we need them all; we are them all at some point.

Friends for a season, reason, lifetime– we need them all; we are them all at some point.

The older I get, the more I cherish friendships. Not just old friends - people I meet in a new city who are exceptionally lovely ( and by "exceptionally," I mean they're that way without trying to be).

Strangers on the internet who eventually hop on a call to talk about life and whatever.

I felt like I could not live without friends in my early twenties. Then in my thirties, during some of the most painful times in my life, I had no one around me: not by choice - living abroad has its...issues.

I've understood that friendships are neither hard nor straightforward. You show up for someone, invest in them, and hopefully, they do the same. If you don't feel that they give a s**t, you can choose to continue investing. Or stop.

Friendship is a choice. And you must decide how much someone stays in your life.

We've all known when it was time to leave and didn't. We've all regretted leaving too early. And we all have people we are grateful didn't leave or never stayed.

Choose your friends. And choose to be a good one. It's more in your control than you think.


Alive and grateful.

This is my default answer to "How are you?"

Mostly because I've come to accept that not everyone wants to know how I am when they ask ( and also because whatever I'm dealing with is my business, and I get to decide who I share with and how much)

But this statement, it's another reminder of what is and what I want to feel at any given point.

It's not meant to be a platitude: being alive means, I still got a shot at life. I can still seize the day.

Being grateful means as much as there's "stuff" I'd like, I must remember to look at what I already have, what I already won, and give things.

I pray that you remember you're alive and stay grateful for everything.


Yesterday is gone; you can't undo it. Tomorrow's not here and not assured.

Today's as good as any to start.

Everything you did brought you to this point in time. Wherever you want to go will depend on what you do next and now, this moment you have.

Carpe diem


It’s a good day to be kind.


Don’t teach children your fears in the name of prudence.

"Don’t teach children your fears in the name of prudence."

I love my parents, and I still see how the things they feared have crept into my life. I know others who have had worse experiences. Others we the reverse - beautiful, supportive families to this day.

All of us, at some point, had been tasked with the burden of undoing: of taking what we were told by the people who brought us into the world and re-writing it.

It makes sense if you consider it: we are all unique individuals. What may work for one could kill another.

The mistake I see is where we justify our fears - to ourselves and eventually to our children.

And I only say this because we assume becoming a parent would suddenly change us or that we will do better than our parents because we have the internet.


We'll do the same thing if we don't address those fears—ad infinitum.

Photos from Kamga's post 04/04/2023

“We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.”

- Robin Williams (as John Keating in “Dead Poets Society”)

Art speaks. Good art compels. Great art exposes.

The first painting you see called me like a long lost friend. I just couldn’t get myself away from her. Finding the words to describe the feeling, I started contemplating what I loved so much about artists: a love for life, an obsession with observation ; an obstinate drive to keep getting better and sharing their gift with the world. This is what did through this piece for me.

Visiting was a relatively unplanned trip that opened up the valves of feelings I’d forgotten.

I didn’t get the chance to talk more with the maker of these pieces, but I know that time will come.

Overall, the color, joy, happiness and life the words exuded didn’t escape me.

Or maybe I was the one interpreting it this way. Blood is colorful. But it’s not always a sign of life Art, on the other hand, is a sign of life.

And I’ll cherish this life for as long as I have it.

PS: if you’re in the Detroit area, these and more can be found at the Norwest Gallery of Art - the people are super kind to strangers and very enthusiastic about their work and the underserved community they serve.

Visit them:

Works in photos are by :

Credits: yours truly,


Verb your way into the noun.

I think Austin Kleon once said: "Most people want the noun without doing the verb." It still hits me whenever I push my writing habit away or even speak of it.

It captures the idea that we all want to "be" something: writer, parent, husband, or business owner, without "doing" the thing.

We want to be called something we can't do.

This is a reminder that by doing, we become. So if you want to be a writer, write. Want to be a parent? Parent.

Want to be a business owner? Own a business.

The verb is all we need. The action of doing the thing brings forth the thing.

So...do the thing to become it.


Nothing will bring you greater peace than a mindful life full of gratitude.

Yay or nay? 🤔


Someone is dealing with something you’ll never understand.

You’re dealing with something no one will ever understand.

It doesn't take rocket science to realize that we all struggle for something - usually the same things in different formats.

We want to be loved and to love. We want to be healthy and our loved ones to be too. And ideally, we'd like to be able to afford a life we're comfortable with, together with our loved ones.

This may mean going to Mars for others, and it's acing that interview for a minimum wage job for some. The human experience is a spectrum spread across all of us.

It's important to remember that the pain we may be able to overcome easily could kill another. We don't have a monopoly on how people deal with loss and struggles.

However, we can be nice to each other, just in case.

Be nice, just in case.

Just in case. 😊


You will always offend someone.

Accept this, and live.

"You will always offend someone.

Accept this, and live."

You've experienced this at some point: looking back to an action you carried and wondering why on earth you ever bothered? Why did you act in a manner so unlike you just to "prove" something?

When I started writing online, no one read. It was so much fun. Even now, I still feel some of that fun when no one does. But the moment the comments come in? The moment I get questioned for my ideas? Boy do I feel instant regret.

This reminder is for me. It's something of a mantra I have to repeat to remember that if I keep doing this - writing for approval ( or doing anything for approval), I'll remain in this debilitating cycle of fear that'll hold me back.

Remember this, too: you will offend someone either way. Might as well live.


It’s one thing to deal with one’s emotions. It’s another thing to hide them.

You don’t need to hide what you’ve dealt with. It integrates the whole.

Hiding is temporary, leading to chronic consequences.

Dealing is acute (can be chronic, too), leading to long-term peace.


Here are two things I've been struggling with since my sister passed.

Videos (show all)

Have you been told “you’re too sensitive?” This one is for you. #selfcare #sensitive #vulnerability
My sister would have been 27 today.
Don’t know how to move forward? Don’t know where to begin? Here’s a good starting point. #selfcare #perspective. #identi...
Whenever you’re at a fork in the road, you get a chance to write the future. Don’t waste it.
If you don’t like the way things are, change them 😊
Ep 11 - Betting on Yourself (as a Child of God) - The Kamga Tchassa Podcast
Ep 10 - Are you a reliable friend? What do you do when a friend needs your help?
How do you know you're a good friend (or if you have one?) ft. Leslie Makendi
Ep. 8 You're NOT Ready -  and here's why that's good
Ep 7 What happens to your friends when you choose to change your life?
Ep 6: Walking in the Flesh vs the Spirit