Happy Home Therapeutic Services

Happy Home Therapeutic Services

Information, resources, and inspiration for living your preferred life and improving your relationships from a Relationship Expert.

Welcome to Happy Home Therapeutic Services! At Happy Home Therapy, we are a team of dedicated professionals located in Plantation, FL who address your individual, couple, group, and family therapy needs in a comfortable setting. We genuinely believe in the power of therapy and the strengths it elicits from our clients. We understand that for therapy to work, the relationship between therapist and


Two things can be true at once https://bit.ly/3OPrhmZ


The next time you are sitting next to your partner and are tempted to look at your phone, turn towards your partner instead and initiate a conversation. Even if it is just a check in about how your day was, it can have a positive impact on your relationship.

Nicole Schiener (Peace and Possibility) is a Registered Psychotherapist, Certified Gottman Bringing Baby Home Educator and Certified Compassion Fatigue Professional in Ontario Canada. In this latest article, she shares 6 reasons why people turn to tech and how to turn to each other instead. Learn more here: https://bit.ly/467ruJY

Timeline photos 18/03/2023

This! Abuse is incompatible with love. It is so important that young people learn true healthy relationship dynamics.

✍️: Mohamad Safa

Timeline photos 21/08/2021

For a relationship to succeed, you must be able to trust each other.

Building trust with a partner is really about the small moments of connection that allow you to feel safe, truly believe that your partner will show up for you, and has your best interests at heart.

One of the hardest things about trusting someone is learning to have confidence in your own judgment.

Consider this: In most cases, your partner is not solely responsible for creating mistrustful feelings. Creating an atmosphere of safety and security in your relationship is a team effort. To begin the process of overcoming mistrust, ask yourself:

What stories am I telling myself about trust?

Is my mistrust coming from something that is actually happening in the present, or is it related to my past?

Do I feel comfortable asking for what I need and allowing myself to be vulnerable?

Do I bring my best self to my interactions with my partner?

Trust opens the door for a deeper connection with your loved one and gives you the motivation to endure challenging times together. Discover trust-building tools today by starting Gottman Relationship Coach: All About Love: https://bit.ly/3lkGJL2


An important mantra to say to yourself when you’re having trouble managing your anger. Cruelty involves hurting someone on purpose, maybe even enjoying their pain.


Very good points about trust.

I frequently drive myself nuts with this chicken or egg question of which comes first—risk or trust. I think of the Catch-22 posed by trust researcher : “Can we take risks without trust? Or is it the act of risk-taking that allows us to develop trust?”

We all need both security and adventure, but some of us can tolerate the lack of security better..and others better tolerate the lack of freedom. Which one is true for you?

One of the important things I’ve learned in my life is that if I wanted to build trust in myself, my career, in the world, or in my partner, I had to take risks—and that didn’t mean being more in control. Rather, what it meant is that I had to be able to accept uncertainty and live with the unknown.

Taking risks is not the same as being reckless. Like I said before, we all need both security AND adventure in this life. It’s okay to stop at the edge of the dock and assess the dark waters below… but it’s just as important to take the leap of faith.

To explore the relationship between risk and trust further, visit estherperel.com/blog.



Becoming something greater than yourself, transformation, can be scary. It requires letting go of what’s familiar.

When water meets the sky...I lose all fear. I lose myself in you.
Accompanied by a poem on Fear by Kahlil Gibran


It is said that before entering the sea
a river trembles with fear.

She looks back at the path she has traveled,
from the peaks of the mountains,
the long winding road crossing forests and villages.

And in front of her,
she sees an ocean so vast,
that to enter
there seems nothing more than to disappear forever.

But there is no other way.
The river can not go back.

Nobody can go back.
To go back is impossible in existence.

The river needs to take the risk
of entering the ocean
because only then will fear disappear,
because that’s where the river will know
it’s not about disappearing into the ocean,
but of becoming the ocean.

Our Story

Welcome to Happy Home Therapeutic Services! On this page, you can find useful information to help with issues that individuals, couples, and families face, as well as daily inspiration. Contact us today for more information and for a free phone consultation at 954-797-7512 or [email protected]
