LuKeisha Carr Ministries International

LuKeisha Carr Ministries International

An Apostolic, Healing, & Deliverance Ministry bringing The Father, The Son, & The Holy Spirit to Wra


Keep , for you never know who may from 1 or more of your .


You can be a today by leaving Pettiness & Pranks behind you!



It to that you don’t need to always be .

For, in , you’re still by many others! Because tho the Wrong people for you may not like you, for you you!



is when you can be that you can & not need to have anyone else do it for you. It’s also when you cannot do them for yourself, while having someone to them for you.


can be to the & , which in turn can bring us all . This is my for you all, .


It can be difficult to draw with a people who are dead set on being unwilling to accept what is actually what they claimed they wanted but instead prefer to continue to be hostile.


What happens in the , happens in the . I’m that many that’d bring to your will .


, be , there are some out there with the to & who I have been to your for a lifetime, because they are to your & .


There are nefarious forces trying to prevent & people from getting they need. If it’s in your to do so, know there are many who any you can continue to those in need, & thus are to to you.


It’s my for you, , for you to the unfolding of that’s on the inside of you.


To some who are wrongly accused of “Demonizing” others; know, you don’t need to personally internalize inappropriate guilt sent to you, just to relieve insecurities of those who cannot openly accept who they are & what they practice, and thus, define themselves.


You destroy your own when you keep dredging up problems that require you to for its , when you and other people do not have the to move things in your desired .

You have the .


Denial stymies .

So, pls ponder deeply that exist that many people are of & in. Interconnected, wirelessly to pertinent often activities that are not in our Limited capacity.


What is will a long way. What is Starved will away.


The more is pushed away, the less it’ll be & by the one pushing.

To any doing the pushing, you deserve of being to yourself by letting in ways you can it.

For, hatred & cannot exist in the same space.


I Kill the Negativity being spoken over your , ! May every evil intentioned spoken over you about you by anyone be permanently failed!

In Name!


is .


Perhaps, what some are doing is being for what they want, because much of its is dependent on ’s .


Evil Spirits at the of !!!😱



by is not always .


Want ? Know, you can the in your own by taking to do that needs to be done, completed, without waiting & getting overly frustrated because someone else is perceived as not doing it in your timing.


Soon, if not already happening, some of you my , can be the ones who receives begging for from the very enemies who’ve been so merciless to you.


looks on anyone who & it out in . Thus, it you to the that’s avoids being Petty. It’ll on you!


It’s to that is not, nor does it need to be, Self-Deprivation.


Hiding has its place when its anonymity is to of or to our . In other cases, often Truth is needed instead, to the same. Done these can foster .


May you find the in you to get your opponents’ feet, both known & unknown, off your neck! My , may be on your side & to you all!


No one should feel obligated, nor be coerced, to Wait & Suffer to Death, if the delay is not conducive to their own , &/or the victory of those they’re helping to obtain over challenges, when it’s within the delegated to them to what is needed.


If you want , you have to be in your own way, in which you are to do, because the may not come if you’re implementing strategies coming from those who, even attempt secretly, want you to lose.


One notice is ability to , regularly. So, to can be ours to when we’re willing to for our , &/or & .


It’s not always to offers that are ** **, because some may not be geared to our as as we need, and , in order to actualize our .


No one should be so quick to pretend to be ; it may Embarrass them.


When it’s your to , you will Live!


, tho often hated in this world, isn’t a waste. It can keep you from Waiting unto your own demise when it’s in your to do something else that you don’t need to wait for.


Those of you who are , , & to are to be by His !

We all now that we’ve given !


Some have to :

“What is this really about?”

May all in need of the , be …


What seems to be are not caused by the of the problem being between different , as much as the conflict is a that bares the reflective weight of within each individual involved on each side.


I kill all Evil Entrapments that lure from & of ; as well as any harmful control mechanism; & I command every damaging anointing to leave them. please over their Children.

In ’ Name! !


The can be when you to what you want to !


Over controlling other people only shows weakness in those doing the over controlling, tho, oft thinking it . The and most & is ; where one controls themselves in ways that they no longer feel compelled to over control others.


Just because an was made, it never means you’re stupid.


Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00