Achieve Wellness Chiropractic Center Videos

Videos by Achieve Wellness Chiropractic Center. We are dedicated to helping you determine what the cause of your problem or condition is, and not ju

Other Achieve Wellness Chiropractic Center videos

Eggs actually are immune - PROTECTIVE. How about that?

My new superSONIC primalLife tooth polishing kit. #primallife

I've received 200 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. šŸ™šŸ¤—šŸŽ‰ Let me know what else you want to know about , or If youā€™d like me to entertain the idea of a ā€¦ ā€œCOFFEE AND CHAT WITH THE DOCā€ Love and many blessings to all of you. Enjoy your family this Holiday Season!

What are we doing in our office this week? Working on BALANCE. šŸŽÆ Increasing ā€œPROPRIOCEPTIVEā€ awareness. This is how your muscles and joints send signals to your brain about where you are in space. Itā€™s an unconscious awareness of your surroundings. You can increase your athletic ability, reduce risk of injury and improve BALANCE by standing on this disc for just a few minutes a day. Iā€™m having everyone do this . Itā€™s fun and a bit of a challenge. What do you do to work on balance? Dr. MaryAnn

Rustic adjustment- We get it done! Travel- table . How long does it take to help someone feel better? Strong, focused, relaxed, grounded. Minutes. #nervoussystem #activatormethods #ans #chiropracticadjustment #leychiropractic #naturaltherapy #brainsupport #adjustment #bodywork #ilovechiropractic

Whatā€™s a good quick way to increase oxygen levels and boost mitochondrial function? Think High Intensity Interval Training, think metabolism, think ENERGY! Yes can spend time exercising, eat more beets OR do this easy , 4 minute series of 4 movements- anytime You want some energy and mental clarity! You can do this 3-4 times in a day. Do it with your mouth closed for optimum outcomes. Go at your own pace but pick it up once you are comfortable. 1. Squats 2. Jumping Jack arms 3. Alternating Arm swings out front 4. Overhead presses Do 4 sets of 10 each You WILL feel tingly and energized! Itā€™s good for the heart, itā€™s good for the brain, its good for reducing age- related muscle loss, itā€™s good for your soul! In our recent heart health class, I demonstrated and everyone joined in. Good stuff! Dr MaryAnn #exercise #nitricoxidedump #hearthealth #antiaging #oxygen

Happy VALENTINEā€™S Day, everyone ! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø Today we are sharing a few in office treats with our patients: : Stress teas with kava and lavender, dark chocolate and a positive quote all in our little gift bags. Come on in for a HUG, a smile ( take off that silly mask), some dark chocolate . ..... any other day, you would want to pay attention to your sugar gram totals for the day- average is around 70 grams. Recommended is 25 grams. Can you do that? Limit your consumption of sugar every day? Boost your immune system, help with sleep, digestion, acne, weight, inflammation..... My husband asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner tonight or get a new kitchen knife instead šŸ¤Ŗ What did I choose? The Rhineland chopping knife, of course. After 36 years of marriage, I learned the definition of VALUE! And all my knives are dull. I actually tried it out and it fit beautifully in my hand. It will become an heirloom piece. Yes, Iā€™m still making dinner- getting some steaks from our local farmer @grandviewfarms. Whatever you do and whomever you spend today with, make it memorable and protect your heart.... in more ways than one. Upcoming in person class on Heart Health - all you need to know, this Thursday at 7 pm Achieve Wellness Chiropractic Center. #hearthealthy #sugarisnotyourfriend #lovequotes #valentinealternative

The KEY to succeeding in your goals is to have a plan and BE PREPARED. Also , have a PURPOSE. Iā€™m participating in an annual 21-Day Purification program with 2000 others through Standard Process. I love cleaning up my diet , detoxing my liver and other organs without the harsh detox SO many out there mistakenly do, re-setting my metabolism, improve hormone delivery and sleep status. Join me if you want to challenge yourself. See what you can do! Yes, YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO! No DAIRY will be the toughest for mešŸ˜‰ Also no alcohol, sugar, nuts, caffeine. šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ Starting Monday, the 17th! Letā€™s do it! #standardprocesspurification #mindset #leychiropractic #achievewellness #changeyourlife #commit #livercleanse #bestrong #healthylifestyle #naturalhealthtips #spcleanse

Start the new year off right! Don't stop with just cutting out the toxic people... cut of the toxins you're consuming/exposed to in your environment. Join us for our annual purification/cleanse lead in to a healthier you. For more info join us on Monday Jan. 10th at 8pm on zoom. Topic: Achieve Wellness Chiro & Nutrition Purification Time: Jan 10, 2022 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 889 3904 0347 Passcode: wellness

Morning sun is the best for our constitution. Here I caught the sun rising - the rhythmic splash of the waves as well as my footing gave me the meditative energy to start my day #sunisgood #mornings #sunrise #bewell #healthylivingjourney