Three Bears Family Wellness

Three Bears Family Wellness

Personal health coaching that's just right. Better health. Better Life. What's In A Name
We've all heard the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Why?

Three Bears' Mission
Empower families to eat well, get well, and live better through guidance, support, and accountability. After that juvenile delinquent, Goldilocks, broke into the bear's cottage, she discovered that they had made a pretty good life for themselves. Because they understood that everyone is unique. That philosophy is how I approach each client. Knowing that while some things will

Frozen Food Fan? As Sales Rise, Studies Show Frozen Produce Is As Healthy As Fresh 22/05/2018

Buying fresh produce for a household of one or two people, often times means wasted food when it spoils. Help your budget without hurting your health by choosing frozen. Most of the nutrients are locked in because the freezing process happens within hours of harvesting.

Frozen Food Fan? As Sales Rise, Studies Show Frozen Produce Is As Healthy As Fresh The uptick is new after a multi-year sales slump. Among the benefits of frozen produce: it packs as much nutrition as fresh, but with less waste if you don't eat it right away.

KidsEatRightMonth 16/08/2017

August is Kids Eat Right Month. Get some back-to-school lunch ideas and other tips for parents at

KidsEatRightMonth This Kids Eat Right Month, support your local communities and schools by becoming a Kids Eat Right campaign member and taking action locally.

USDA secretary announces halt on school nutrition standards 10/05/2017

They cut physical education and serve lunches high in salt, sugar, and trans fats. What message does that send to our children?

USDA secretary announces halt on school nutrition standards The rollback of Obama-era nutrition standards would allow schools to serve higher-sodium foods as well as fattier and flavored milk to students.

20 No-Added Sugar Snacks for Kids - Mom to Mom Nutrition 01/01/2017

20 No-Added Sugar Snacks for Kids - Mom to Mom Nutrition This list of no-added sugar snacks is a great reference of nutritious snacks for kids and parents looking for lower sugar options.

Why Good Nutrition is Important | Center for Science in the Public Interest 24/09/2016

Good nutrition can save your life.

Why Good Nutrition is Important | Center for Science in the Public Interest Unhealthy eating and physical inactivity are leading causes of death in the U.S. Unhealthy diet contributes to approximately 678,000 deaths each year in the U.S., due to nutrition- and obesity-related diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.1 In the last 30 years, obesity rates...

Giant introduces free fruit program for kids 11/09/2016

You know who else can encourage children to eat fruit? You can.

Giant introduces free fruit program for kids All 169 Giant-Landover stores will now offer a free piece of fruit for children under 10 during each shopping trip, the retailer announced.

How to prevent obesity without encouraging eating disorders 22/08/2016

American Academy of Pediatrics offers 5 guidelines to prevent child obesity without encouraging eating disorders.

How to prevent obesity without encouraging eating disorders Even though their weight now is in the normal range, these individuals have medical and psychologic findings similar to those with classic anorexia nervosa. They may present to the pediatrician with severe bradycardia or orthostasis, signs of medical instability.

Mind your mind: Self-care is hard 28/05/2016

An open and honest take on the tough challenges faced while practicing self-care. Instant gratification or long term health & wellness.

Mind your mind: Self-care is hard What self-care looks like is different for everybody, but one of the most empowering forms of self-care is responsibility.

Health & Wellness: Don’t just sit this summer — be fit 26/05/2016

Don't take a break from wellness, this summer. Eat well, stay active, and train your brain.

Health & Wellness: Don’t just sit this summer — be fit With Memorial Day on the horizon, that means one thing -- summer vacation is on its way.

Changes to the Nutrition Facts Label 23/05/2016

Improvements to nutrition labels include added sugar and more realistic serving sizes.

Changes to the Nutrition Facts Label The FDA finalized the new Nutrition Facts label for packaged foods to reflect new scientific information, including the link between diet and chronic diseases such as obesity and heart disease. The new label will make it easier for consumers to make better informed food choices.


Knowing how to store your produce can help it last longer.

Lunch box wars: How to get kids to actually eat their lunch 09/05/2016

Is your kid's lunch coming home untouched? Here's a few tips to help. You can also sign up for my newsletter and get a free e-guide with more useful info.

Lunch box wars: How to get kids to actually eat their lunch I GET it: packing a lunch box that comes home untouched is exhausting (not to mention deflating).

How to teach kids to eat better 09/05/2016

Here are some good tips for nurturing your child's healthy relationship with food.

How to teach kids to eat better Five tips from a nutritionist and mum-of-three who knows how much of a difference happy mealtimes can make.


Want quality time with your kids? Ask them to dinner.

GMOs? BPA? Bad carbs? A parental primer for kids' nutrition questions 03/03/2016

Need some help talking about nutrition with your kids?

GMOs? BPA? Bad carbs? A parental primer for kids' nutrition questions When I was a kid, we used to play the "Ever wonder ... ?" game on road trips, in which everyone in my family would come up with the funniest, most obscure questions to ask one another. A few I remember include "Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the glue bottle?" and "C…

Mental health gets a boost from healthy eating 05/02/2016

Can an apple-a-day keeps the psychiatrist away?

Mental health gets a boost from healthy eating Mental health gets a boost from healthy eating Rachel Velishek • Today at 12:00 AM To complete the series on dieting, I think it is relevant to put aside the techniques and focus on the overall mental health benefits of healthy eating. A study conducted in the UK reports that nearly two-thirds of th…

Should You Partner with a Health Coach in 2016? 07/01/2016

It's 2016! How are you planning to set and achieve your new health & wellness goals?

Should You Partner with a Health Coach in 2016? If over 80% of preventable disease risk factors are influenced by our behaviors like smoking, chronic stress, poor diet orlack of exercise, why are we so unsuccessful at changing these behaviors? ...

Cartoon characters could help children embrace fruits & veggies, study finds 07/01/2016

Make healthy options more appealing to children, by adding a little fun!

Cartoon characters could help children embrace fruits & veggies, study finds The same marketing tactics used to sell sugary cereal and junk food to children could just as effectively sway youngsters to want more fruit and vegetables, a recent study suggests.

Neal Barnard Black Bean Brownies Recipe 06/01/2016

I've made these and they are delicious!

Neal Barnard Black Bean Brownies Recipe Black Bean Brownies Recipe Makes 16 brownies

The 9 Most Common Regrets People Have At The End Of Life 04/01/2016

Among being happier and taking more risks, people regret not taking care of themselves.

The 9 Most Common Regrets People Have At The End Of Life The six years I spent working in hospice care were some of the most profound and meaningful of my life. I sat at the bedsides of dying men and women as they tried to make peace with their time spent

How to Make Healthy Habits that Stick 01/01/2016

Happy New Year! If you're making any resolutions for 2016, I've made something to help you succeed.

How to Make Healthy Habits that Stick Every New Year’s resolution comes with good intentions, but the truth is that only a mere 8% of resolutions are successful. Why are these statistics so dismal? One reason might be that we& #82…

Try something new for 30 days 01/01/2016

I help my clients make lasting changes with small steps. What's one positive change you'd like to accomplish in 2016?

Try something new for 30 days Is there something you've always meant to do, wanted to do, but just ... haven't?


10 tips to jumpstart healthy eating habits in 2016

Reducing Adult and Child Obesity 30/12/2015

I want to help you help your children. I'll work with you to become a role model for good health.

Reducing Adult and Child Obesity Readers discuss the role of marketing and how best to promote healthy eating.

Shed That Sweet Tooth | TIME For Kids 29/12/2015

The World Health Organization is advising people around the world to cut down on the amount of sugar they consume each day.

Shed That Sweet Tooth | TIME For Kids New health guidelines advise less sugar in our diets


We've seen a lot of diet trends this year; Paleo, Mediterranean, Ketogenic, Gluten-free, Sugar-free ... heck there's even a banana diet! I'm curious if any of you have jumped on the bandwagon and what results you experienced.

If Doctors Learned To Cook, They Might Give Better Advice 28/12/2015

Nutrition isn't taught in medical school. I offer healthy recommendations, support, and accountability that compliments your doctor's advice.

If Doctors Learned To Cook, They Might Give Better Advice Most doctors have no training in nutrition, but that's starting to change. Medical schools want future doctors to be able to communicate the value of cooking and eating healthy food.


Make healthy eating a good experience for your children.

Toronto Star #/article/life/parent/2015/12/25/worried-about-your-childs-weight-stop.html


Looking for some healthy Thanksgiving alternatives? Here's an entire menu w/recipes.
