Alison M. Eddings, CPA

Alison M. Eddings, CPA

Individual Income Tax Preparation and Planning
IRS Representation
Corporate Income, Sales and Payroll


Did you just get a notice from the IRS? Don't freak out. Look in the top right hand corner. Does it say CP14? Did you pay the balance due when you filed your return? The IRS acknowledges that they just sent out a bunch of these notices erroneously. Meaning, no tax was due, even though the letter says it is. Take a breath, take a peek at your bank statement to be sure the amount was drafted and then set the notice aside once you confirm the notice was wrong.
Unless it wasn't wrong....
If it wasn't wrong, call us.


Have you gotten a phishing email like this? How do you know it's authentic or not?

Pfishing alert!
Have you gotten an email like this?


If you have heard BOI reporting regulations were ruled unconstitutional...
Hold up!
This ruling only applies to members nsba at the time of the ruling. It is a VERY narrow ruling.
If you own a business and don't know what BOI is, call us, please! The penalties for not filing are HUGE!


Will IRS be shutting down if the government shuts down tomorrow?
Yes, but it's not expected to last through the weekend per AICPA breaking news this afternoon.


New review! If you work with a small biz, consider making a google review, not only does it help others find the business, it might just make someone's day!


Didn't pass - but we still have pending retroactive legislation....🙈


What an encouraging review! This really is the goal of the whole team, to make the process easy and to give insight.

This beautiful recommendation made our day yesterday!


I am grieved at how often I've had to say to a taxpayer this year, "it's an election year, this is likely to change". It's like horrid parenting. Kids can't know what to expect when the parents change the rules all the time. Taxpayers can't know what to expect when legislators change the tax code all the time (currently before Senate, legislation that changes code reteoactive to 1-1-23)


This ACTUALLY happens.
But more often, you don't realize the mistake until you get the IRS letter.
Or you don't GET a letter because the mistake is in their favor.
Do yourself a favor, hire a professional. And not just a big box clerk, a real professional who can help you achieve the financial goals you have.

(This taxpayer realized what happened and went to a peer of mine to fix it out of fear of jail time)


Are you in an installment plan with the IRS? If so, you probably got a notice from them this week. Don't panic! But DO open it to be sure. If it looks like this it's just a notice, not a bill.


Please open your mail from taxing authorities. It's not always bad news. Some of it is informative, and important to send to your tax preparers.

Tis the season for tax correspondence. If you are an employer in NC, you will get this notice. It only serves to inform you what your employment insurance rate is. Send it to your payroll tax provider, it's nothing to be worried about.


20,000 ERTC claim denials due to
1- not being in existence during the pandemic
2- nor having employees
These super aggressive ertc mills have caused substantial delays of legitimate claims.
When you are taking Tik Toc Tax advice you are falling for these kinds of traps. Talk to a trusted tax advisor.


An insightful observation this week by my teen:

She overheard someone talking to me this week about being 'just a tax preparer'. The individual couldn't comprehend how things were so busy in November! My daughter said, "it's more than numbers, it's more like law". Which I agree with, my work is more about proper application of the IRS regulations and case law than adding up numbers. As Piper continued to muse, she said, "she's kind of like a civil rights attorney for your money". Spoken like a future libertarian! Well said! You can go to any old tax preparer, but do you want someone working proactively to protect your financial resources?

, have you filed an extension? 04/04/2023

, have you filed an extension? Here's instructions if you aren't sure Filing Extensions ***If you aren’t my client you are getting this email because you asked Dave Ramsey for a tax pro in your area*** Here's how to file your own e


Thank you for inviting me and for the the beautiful gift!

Report finds IRS threw away 30 million information returns 10/08/2022

Report finds IRS threw away 30 million information returns Local tax experts debate its impact

Report finds IRS threw away 30 million information returns 10/08/2022

What I have to say on IRS disposing of your records...

Report finds IRS threw away 30 million information returns Local tax experts debate its impact

IRS Statement on balance due notices (CP-14) | Internal Revenue Service 28/07/2022

Look who is finally acknowledging they were sending notices in error...
"The IRS is aware that some payments made for 2021 tax returns have not been correctly applied to joint taxpayer accounts, and these taxpayers are receiving erroneous balance due notices (CP-14 notices) or notices showing the incorrect amount."

IRS Statement on balance due notices (CP-14) | Internal Revenue Service July 27, 2022 — The IRS is aware that some payments made for 2021 tax returns have not been correctly applied to joint taxpayer accounts, and these taxpayers are receiving erroneous balance due notices (CP-14 notices) or notices showing the incorrect amount.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday 09:00 - 19:00