American Caribbean Experience

American Caribbean Experience

Changing lives. Transforming communities.

With more than 30 years experience working in Jamaica and a deep understanding and passion for the country, ACE serves as a model for successful community outreach. Additionally, while making a direct, hands-on impact during their time in Jamaica, volunteers often return home with a new understanding and passion for service that results in continued ministry to those in need throughout the globe!

Photos from American Caribbean Experience's post 24/07/2024

Long-time ACE volunteer Tina Gerke first stepped foot in Jamaica almost 23 years ago, and she would have never believed all the changes and lessons she would learn along the way. Read her story on our blog as she shares her story of God’s patience molding and pruning her.

Photos from American Caribbean Experience's post 17/07/2024

Chelsea Peterson served on ACE’s iQuest internship program in 2014. But the journey to get there brought about its own set of challenges and need for dependence on God. Read her story on our blog as she reflects on the 10-year anniversary of her experience becoming an intern.


Where in your life have you harvested the most fruit from your actions?

Photos from American Caribbean Experience's post 12/07/2024

We are making headway removing debris and fallen trees but still can’t get to the Great House yet. We are also blocked from reaching the pastures on the other side of the road, the Spanish bridge, coconut walk, Bamboo Oasis, or the tree house.

In addition, we are moving cattle around while we attempt to repair fences. A lot of work is ahead, but God’s hand is guiding us and providing help.


This is your sign to use whatever skill sets God gave you and come help us. Age is all in the mind. 😎

Photos from American Caribbean Experience's post 05/07/2024

The power is out on the entire island and it could be weeks before it is restored. They are obviously focusing on airports and densely populated areas first. Our 15-year-old generator at the hotel has served us well but was damaged, so we are trying to source parts to fix it. Ideally, it's time to find a new or used 65 kw generator (or higher) that uses propane to replace it. Used will cost approximately $25-30,000US and new would be $40,000US plus shipping (cost TBD).

If anyone has a resource, please contact our Stateside office. If you can help us financially for parts or a new generator, we have set up a hurricane relief fund to meet these needs. You can donate at and put "Hurricane Relief" in the donation comments section.

Photos from American Caribbean Experience's post 04/07/2024

Beryl Update, Thursday morning:
There was substantial damage to our Green Life Llanrumney Farms property. The greenhouse is down, and other buildings are damaged. Our staff is safe, though, and the community will now begin to pick up the pieces. We pray for those who are in the future path of this storm.


Beryl update, Wednesday afternoon: Galina Breeze Hotel has weathered storms for almost 100 years, and with God’s grace and your prayers, we will get through this one! Our dining room roof is barely holding on, and we definitely will have a lot of clean-up work ahead. Repairs can be made; people are more important. Thank you for praying for the safety of our staff and community. 💨🌧️🌊🙏🏻♥


Beryl has arrived and we are ready thanks to our amazing staff! Thank you for keeping us in prayer as we weather this storm.


Happy Birthday, Allen! Your continued passion and dedication to the ministry is inspiring and admirable. May you have a wonderful day today and all year long!


UPDATE July 3 from USA Today: The NHC said Beryl, which weakened slightly Tuesday into a Category 4 storm with sustained winds of 145 mph, is moving toward the west-northwest at 20 mph and is expected to turn more toward the west Wednesday night or Thursday.


We are asking for prayer and support for the ACE staff and the St. Mary community in Jamaica as we prepare for a Category 5 hurricane. Jamaica has not experienced a CAT 5 since 1988, the year Marla arrived on the island, and this is the earliest CAT 5 storm on record. Many lives are at stake, and our staff has done all we can to prepare. We really need prayers that this storm will move south and diminish in intensity.


In St. Mary, clean water can be hard to come by, and we often have a huge shortage of drinking water. With your help, we can create better access to clean water for our entire community by digging wells on the farm. If you would like to designate your gifts to our clean water initiative, simply mention “digging a well” in the donation comments box at checkout.

Photos from American Caribbean Experience's post 26/06/2024

While it’s always been an issue, hunger has only continued to increase across Galina and the surrounding communities. Our latest team brought down rice packs with veggies to address the issue. We’re so grateful to have such wonderful volunteers striving to meet the physical needs of those in need here in Jamaica.


The mortgage on the Green Life Llanrumney property is due in just a few short months, and we are prayerful God will make a way! Will you consider helping us reach our goal to raise just $260,000 more by September so we can keep the farm, continuing growing our microenterprise program, and improve the overall sustainability of our organization and the St. Mary community? Learn more and see how you can make a difference:

Photos from American Caribbean Experience's post 21/06/2024

Many hands make light work. We have a lot of needs at ACE, including the need for more teams to come down and invest a week of their time with us to help us get more work done. Please join us in prayer as we seek more teams to come down this summer leading into fall. 🙏

Photos from American Caribbean Experience's post 18/06/2024

Last week, our staff was able to surprise our friends, Robin and Sue CrumEwing, to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary! ❤️


“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” – 1 John 3:1

Dad, we pray you feel the love of our Heavenly Father and know that the love you provide to your family daily is making a significant impact in the future of your children’s lives for generations to come. Happy Father’s Day!

Photos from American Caribbean Experience's post 14/06/2024

We have had a hard time getting back to where we were before the COVID years, but PRAISE GOD! We are seeing more wellness health providers signing up to help ACE with our wellness clinics. What a blessing and answer to prayer! 🙌


Please stop and pray with us! 🙏 Thanks to her sponsors, Amyiah is able to have eye surgery today. We are so grateful for their generosity. Please pray for a smooth surgery and a fast recovery!

Photos from American Caribbean Experience's post 13/06/2024

Photo dump of our first summer team with Sugar Hill Christian Academy and Church On The Hill! Will we see you this summer? Comment below and let us know which week you’ll be down!

Photos from American Caribbean Experience's post 10/06/2024

Our summer teams have officially kicked off! 🎉 To celebrate, we gifted our staff with ACE’s new crossbody bags filled with goodies to prep them for the summer!

Photos from American Caribbean Experience's post 08/06/2024

While Marla jumped into the famous bucket brigade slinging gravel onto ACE’s greenhouse floor with a team full of teenagers, she realized that she and ACE have aged about 36 years since the beginning! And yet we’re so blessed to watch the ACE staff take the lead and give Marla more time to build relationships with our ACE friends and family. It truly is an answer to prayer! Read our latest “Marla’s Minute” article for more updates on how we’re still seeing God hard at work 36 years later!


Last month, ACE Executive Director, Althia, and her husband, Foster, came up to the States for a much-needed break before our team hits the ground running with a summer full of mission teams. They spent their time resting, gathering essential supplies, and preparing for the busy season ahead. And now they’re ready to make this the best summer yet!


"Good fren betta dan packet money." This Jamaican proverb in Patois means a good friend is better than pocket money.

You’ll never reap a greater reward than when you invest in a good friend. ❤️


“The Sovereign Lord will show His justice to the nations of the world. Everyone will praise Him! His righteousness will be like a garden in early spring, with plants springing up everywhere.”
– Isaiah 61:11 NLT


One of our top priorities is protecting the gifts we receive from our donors. That’s why we want to encourage you to send your gifts electronically as we have recently faced issues with Atlanta USPS returning donor checks instead of delivering them to our office or delivering checks to our office several months after they were sent.

Get more details of the recent issues we’ve faced and the different options to give electronically on our blog:

Thank you for your understanding and continued support of our ministry!


We are nearing the end of yet another school year! 🎉 Please pray with us for all the schools and students preparing for testing and graduation, both in Jamaica as well as the U.S. 🙏

Photos from American Caribbean Experience's post 18/05/2024

After being away for six years, former ACE iQuest intern Audrey Renner recently came back down to St. Mary, Jamaica, with her husband and father. Read her latest experience as she beautifully connects the changes she has seen both in her family and at ACE with proverbial faith plants growing and maturing in the Lord’s garden.


We LOVE seeing our volunteers serve alongside their family members at ACE! What’s your favorite activity to do with your family?


We recently had a fire in the solar house where we keep all of our solar batteries. Marla’s son Kal was the first to notice the fire and alerted everyone to it. To thank him for being a major part of saving the solar batteries and helping ensure the fire didn’t spread, Kal was presented with an award. Praise God no one was hurt in the fire!

Videos (show all)

Volunteering at ACE
Beryl update, Wednesday afternoon: Galina Breeze Hotel has weathered storms for almost 100 years, and with God’s grace a...
Hurricane Beryl update!
Access to Clean Water in Jamaica
The mortgage on the Green Life Llanrumney property is due in just a few short months, and we are prayerful God will make...
Becoming self-sustaining has been an intentional part of the ACE mission from the very beginning! When we complete the p...
Say hello to our newest pet! Beauty has officially been named our Green Life Farms mascot. 🐮#GreenLifeFarms #Livestock #...
This is what we are getting ready to produce in Jamaica using our aeroponic towers! 🌱#Aeroponics #TowerGarden #VerticalF...
2024 ACE Men's & Women's Conference Recap
How do you move furniture? This is how ACE does it!#AmericanCaribbeanExperience #Jamaica #MovingFurniture #MissionTrip
We came across this question on Jeopardy and couldn’t help but share! Let us know in the comments which captain you thin...
In true ACE style, God had two wonderful employees waiting to tend the gardens that Mr. Myers did such a wonderful job p...
