Sarah Geissinger

Sarah Geissinger

I teach simple, holistic, natural shifts to support women struggling with hypothyroidism. My simple Hi! I'm Sarah and


So, I won an IG giveaway a few weeks ago that was packed with $1300 of RV living goodies, including:

-a pop up screen room
- an outdoor carpet
- solar charged lights
- a solar charging battery pack from
- a camping rocking chair from
- a propane fire pit
- keyless entry lock from .it
- a Coleman cooler
- Thermacell bug repeller
- a collapsible wagon

Like… wow.😲

Right now we stashed everything in our storage unit while we sell our house, but we can’t WAIT to put all these things to use when we hit the road in June.

And, check out these awesome families account who are doing what my family will be doing in a few short weeks…. They teamed up to sponsor this giveaway…. Thanks again. ♥️


This salad reminds me of fall, but it still hits pretty well this close to spring. Check out mary ✨] for the awesome details.

Repost from mary ✨]

hiii! just want to put this salad back on your radar because it is 😍 and a blog favorite!! glow from the outside AND within. ever since going vegan yeeears ago, that’s been my mentality. i fuel my body with plant-based, nutrient dense foods and in return, glow! Vegan Autumn Glow Salad is a dish that will nourish your body and tastebuds♥️ link in my bio for the recipe!

Photos from Sarah Geissinger's post 07/03/2022

What goes ON your skin, goes INTO your body.
Ingredients matter.


We have some form of burrito bowls or Buddha bowls or some sort of bowl once a week.

This recipe from helps make it easy. Check it out👇👇

Repost from


I make this dependable and easy pulled chicken recipe regularly. Having a simple slow cooker chicken recipe in your back pocket can save so much meal planning stress. This recipe is super versatile so my family never tires of the leftovers. We serve it taco-style the first night, and then the second night, we enjoy it on rice bowls. We usually have enough leftover for lunch too—it’s great served warm on top of salads or in a simple quesadilla.

✨GET THE RECIPE: link in Stories


Your environment impact your health… full stop.
And the more research that is done on the subject, the more it confirms that statement.
The products that we use to clean our homes, put on our bodies, take care of our kids, make things smell good, etc. contribute to the risk of development of chronic disease.
This is why I’m so passionate about this topic… because the little choices add up to big health impacts.
Double if you agree!!


The Pistachio Project]] has an awesome post on kombucha… are you on the kombucha bandwagon yet?

One of the four pillars that I am ALWAYS talking about in terms of both overall health and thyroid health is GUT HEALTH.

There’s a lot that can support healing your gut, but the lowest hanging fruit is to get a diverse range of probiotics into your body.

The more diverse the population of good bacteria that’s hanging out in your micro biome, the healthier your gut will be.

So, get those probiotics wherever you can— yogurt, kefir, kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut, as well as taking a probiotic.

Build that army of good probiotics however you can!

Here’s some kombucha instructions from The Pistachio Project]]

Repost from The Pistachio Project]]

Have you jumped on the kombucha wagon yet? It’s no longer the drink of crazy hippies but it may be the drink of hipsters.. hmmm.
In any case, kombucha has become a popular drink of choice and so many ways to flavor kombucha, it never gets boring!
To save you the hassle of hunting down different flavoring options... I've compiled a list of 52 ways to flavor kombucha. That's one new flavor each week for an entire year!
Click the link in my profile to go to the list!

Photos from Sarah Geissinger's post 04/02/2022

Ugh. You don't think your sense of smell or taste is that big of a deal until it's gone.
BUT- swipe through to see the protocol that has worked for TONS of people and then CLICK the link in my bio for your "Get My Smell Back" sample pack.
Also, see my stories for some olfactory retraining "wins" from people who've tried it, as well as links to the studies that support olfactory training.


It’s the comfort foods calling to me these days. Real Food RN ~ Kate]] has the right idea, don’t you think?

Repost from Real Food RN ~ Kate]]

This is not your average Shepherd’s Pie! It’s a lower-carb version that is also much tastier! I called this a “cheesy” Shepherd’s Pie because not only do I add grated cheese to the cooked meat, but I add it to the mash too. Then, I top it with more cheese! This is really a “cottage” pie because a traditional “shepherd’s” pie usually calls for lamb meat – which is equally delicious! You will also notice that I did not top it with mashed potatoes (but you can if you want to), instead I made a mash from cooked cauliflower – keeping those carbs really low!

Grab the recipe here:

There’s also a clickable link in my profile 👉🏻Real Food RN ~ Kate]]

Photos from Sarah Geissinger's post 01/02/2022

Phones are seriously disgusting.
Gross little hands.

Gross big hands.

Sneezes. Swipes. Taps.
I love these wipes to give the devices in our house a quick swipe, as well as a million other things that have gross germs hanging out on them.
….like shopping carts, steering wheels, public toilet seats, door k***s, etc.
Ew. Ew. Ew.
(Did the pandemic make anyone else more aware of all the gross things in all the gross places??🙋‍♀️)
These little wipes are non- toxic, which is always important to me, but the power of OnGuard has been demonstrated to keep nasty funk (like MRSA and other gross things) from growing on surfaces for up to 7 days.
Swipe for the study abstract >>
Yeah. Essential oils are that good at killing the funky, nasty stuff without the chemicals. 🙌🙌


Honey and maple syrup are two of our favorite sweeteners as we try to keep the refined sugar to a minimum.

Check out this info from Real Food RN ~ Kate]

Honey has been considered a potent ally in traditional medicine for hundreds of years. Raw honey especially contains a wealth of health benefits, from antioxidant power to antibacterial properties. Regular cane sugar? Not so much. This sweet treat isn’t just a great addition to your tea, though—honey can be swapped for sugar in lots of recipes, to add a little more micronutrition and flavor to your favorite meals.
When you substitute honey for sugar, you still get the sweetness you need for most dishes, including desserts. It may feel a bit tricky to figure out how much honey you use instead—after all, it’s a thick liquid, not the fine grains we are used to. No worries, I’ve got you covered, crunchy mamas. It’s well worth looking at your favorite recipes and asking yourself if you can make the honey for sugar substitute work for you and your family.
Read the full post here:
There’s also a clickable link in my profile 👉🏻Real Food RN ~ Kate].

Photos from Sarah Geissinger's post 20/01/2022

Stress is more than a mental health issue. (Swipe for a pic of all the ways stress impacts your body)
You know it’s true…. You feel it in your tense muscles, your racing heart, your digestion issues.
It’s so easy to just brush off stress… because, aren’t we all stressed??!!
But- not only does constant stress negatively impact our mental health there are also TONS of ways that stress impacts our PHYSICAL health.
Left unchecked, living in constant fight or flight mode creates long lasting damage on your adrenal system, which is critical for maintaining balanced hormones.
The adrenals produce a number of hormones, but the most important is cortisol.
Cortisol is the one that gets released when our body senses stress— like, if you were to nearly get hit by a car, you experience a spike in cortisol and adrenaline to give you the burst of energy to dodge out of the way.
But when we live in constant stress from social media, constant texts, loud noises, global pandemics, crazy kids, and so on and so on, our body keeps sending out the cortisol every time it senses stress because it can’t tell the difference between that constant background stress and life threatening stress.
And eventually, the adrenals are just done.
Managing stress is CRITICAL to healthy, balance hormones, which are CRITICAL to good physical health.
So- take a walk, play with your puppy, do some yoga, journal, pray, meditate, sleep, laugh, turn the music up, sit in the sunshine, take some deep breathes, rubs some oils on yourself, etc.
Stress needs to be managed everyday.
Not just on the weekends. Not just on vacation.
What do you do to keep stress in check??
(📸 2,3,4 from Google via healthline & executive health)

Photos from Sarah Geissinger's post 19/01/2022

We often assume that if it’s on a store shelf as a household cleaner, air freshener or personal care, then it’s safe.
We assume that surely SOMEONE ran some tests to make sure the ingredients don’t have adverse effect on our bodies.
But NO.
There is basically nothing that requires companies to insure that their products are safe.
Except the companies who have started to respond to respond to consumer demand for safer products and hold themselves to higher third party testing standards.
Which means that you MUST do some research on the products that you’re using.
No one’s looking out for you in this area, and all the research demonstrates that the more chemicals you’re exposed to, the more health problems you will have.
This is why our family ditched most household products in favor of natural, safe, plant- based alternatives.
Have you started making swaps?


If I have a bag, I for sure have roller bottles in it.
In a roller bottle, you have a small amount of essential oil and a larger amount of carrier oil to help to evenly disperse the oil and have it act as a “slow release” into your circulatory system.
Because in case you didn’t know…. Everything that you put on your skin ends up in your bloodstream.
That’s a little alarming to me, which is why we’re so careful to choose non-toxic products whenever we can.
If the things on my skin are heading into my body, I want to make sure that they’re helping, not hurting.
Like that Adaptiv roller right there.
That thing is just a little bottle of calm…. And let me tell you….
Calm is welcome in my bloodstream any day of the week. 💆‍♀️💆‍♀️💆‍♀️


If you like recipes for smoothies, The Pistachio Project] has this tasty one on her blog.

Usually I just sort of wing it when throwing together a smoothie (with admittedly mixed results 😬)

….There ain’t nothin’ I won’t hide in a smoothie.

But every now and then I want a recipe that’s packed with nutrition and is sure to taste good.

This one delivers.

Repost from The Pistachio Project]

Smoothies are a great way to get lots of healthy food into your (or your kid’s) diet. This carrot cake smoothie is no exception.
Don’t let the name fool you; this smoothie is all of the good in carrot cake but without all the unhealthy parts.
Click the link in my profile to get the recipe!

Photos from Sarah Geissinger's post 13/01/2022

Pollution isn’t just in the environment… it’s in our bodies too, and it’s wreaking havoc.

Swipe to read about the implications >>>>>


Dr. Tara] comes through with a fabulous breakfast (or lunch. Or snack.) idea!

Also- is there anything that isn’t made more tasty by everything bagels seasoning? ♥️♥️
Repost from Dr. Tara]

SWEET POTATO TOAST with guac & a soft-boiled egg
(df, grain-free/gf, paleo)
This has got to be one of the world’s best combos. Just do it.
On my plate:
Japanese white sweet potato toast (see website for recipe, link in profile) + chunky guacamole + 7-min soft-boiled egg + EBTB seasoning.
Side note: I like my eggs at 6 to 6 1/2 min but hubs prefers his a bit more cooked like this. The ice water bath is key when making jammy eggs. DM for directions if needed!


One of the things that made me choose doTERRA when I was aligning with an essential oil company was the sourcing model for how we obtain our essential oils.
In the world of essential oils, the supply chain is often murky- filled with middle men and brokers who cut corners and rip off the farmers and harvesters and growers.
These are often people in the third world, in economically under developed regions without many options.
Many times brokers pay growers well below market value for essential oils, then add things to the oil to give them more “oil” to sell, and then mark up the product to companies who buy them.
doTERRA is different.
With the intention from the beginning to source the best, highest quality essential oils and do the most good for the growers, harvesters and farmers in the process, our supply chain reflect that.
We pay more for the raw materials.
We invest and teach farmers more sustainable growing practices so they can have this sustainable income source for generations.
We will not bring oils to market that cannot be sourced in an environmentally sustainable way.
We invest deeply in the communities around the world where growers and harvesters live and work by building schools, insuring clean water and building hospitals and healthcare clinics.
These oils have blessed my life in how they have empowered me to be able to care for my family’s basic healthcare.
I love knowing that somewhere on the other side of the globe, there is a mama who’s family is supported as well because they have the economic stability that comes from a partnership with doTERRA.
How we spend our dollars matters… it’s a vote for what we think is important.
And I vote for sourcing that does good in the world.
How about you?


So true.
I've always hated the idea of tracking calories or tracking anything. That requires a level of discipline and organization that I simply do not possess.
But moving out the processed, pre-packaged food and focusing on whole foods... that's something that I can do.
More veggies, wherever we can add them or sneak them in.
Healthy fats and easily digestible carbs (like sweet potatoes and whole grains).
Proteins and whole fruits.
Limited sugar, even the "good kinds".
And rather than buying sweet treats, we try to make them from scratch (which means, it requires more thought, planning and effort... and dishes- some helpful barriers to limiting those sorts of things)
These are our family's basic guardrails for food. Nothing is totally off limits and we try to eat within these lines 80% of the time, giving us the freedom to eat whatever the rest of the time.


It’s chili night for us, and Ann Fulton] has a great recipe to offer.

We actually do some version of chili at least one night a week.

Do you rotate through certain meals? What are they?

Repost from Ann Fulton]

With its flavor-packed, quick-cooking, crowd-pleasing appeal, this meatless recipe defies traditional chili logic and is 100% worthy of the weekly dinner rotation. Good enough for game day, too! 🏈


Its true.
Everytime you take a bite, you're making a choice. And regardless of what you're eating, it's important to make that choice with eyes wide open.
Unpopular opinion: the food you eat matters to how your body feels. There are foods that serve and nourish your body and foods that don't.
Does that mean you should never eat the foods that don't?
Well, maybe. But not necessarily.
That's up to you and how it makes you feel. It's your responsibility to pay attention and choose the foods that serve you.
And sometimes foods serve us in different ways.
For example, I will always choose birthday cake with the people I love. It nourishes my soul, even if the ingredients don't necessarily serve my body.
But I know that going in and I make my choice. And without guilt, I choose to nourish my soul and celebrate my people.
And then I choose foods that serve my body, too. (hello piles of veggies and healthy fats.)
Our choices impact every part of our health. And every part of our health is important.
Are there foods that you choose to nourish your soul? Are there foods that you know don't serve your body well?

Tell me below👇👇


I am big time fan of sourdough English muffins, And this recipe from is one of my favorites!
Make up this dough the night before and let it rise. In the morning, basically just scoop it out and cook ‘em on a griddle.
It’s awesome. It’s easy. And they are so much better than store bought English muffins – you will literally never go back!
Here’s the recipe:
he night before you want sourdough English muffins, stir the following in a glass bowl:
2 1/2 cups flour
1 cup water
1/2 cup fed sourdough starter
Cover it with a towel and let it sit at room temperature for 12- 24 hours.
After it has fermented, add to the mixture:
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
Preheat your cast iron skillet on low and add a little coconut oil.
Mix the ingredients together until they are fully incorporated. You will probably have to use your hands for this, as the dough will be pretty thick. If the dough feels runny, add a bit more flour. It should be workable, yet not stiff. If the English muffins turn out flat like pancakes, it is a good indication they needed more flour.
Divide the dough into 12 equal parts and drop it in a hot cast iron skillet.
Reduce the heat to low for about 10 minutes so the dough has a chance to rise.
Let them cook until doubled in size. Turn the skillet up to about 3 or 4 (not quite medium) and continue to cook until they are browned slightly on the bottom.
Don’t try to flip them until they come up easily from the pan. The goal is to only flip them one time.
Cook them on the other side until browned.


Double tap if you wish you could talk to the version of you from a few years back….
I was on a call this week with a new business partner who is just starting to build a revenue stream with doTERRA.
And she's feeling all the things that you feel when you're starting something new... excitement, fear, possibility, nerves.
All of it. Because it's NORMAL to feel all the feels when you're starting something new.
And she asked me what I’d tell myself if I could talk to myself when I was just starting to work with doTERRA…
Oh my. So many things. I have so many things to say to that version of me.
But probably the biggest thing I’d say to that girl is that success in doTERRA is more than possible.
The money is real, it is so very doable to create an income that is sustainable and growing with this business.
When I first started, I looked at the income statements and the ranks and all these things that were markers of success in our business, and I was just like “pfffttt, that’s a joke.”
That isn’t really real. No one is ever going to buy that many essential oils from me.
Nope. But I was wrong. It IS real.
Now don’t get me wrong– doTERRA is not some get rich quick scheme….like, at all.
All the normal business rules apply.
But if you invest time and learn the skills and you build a business, it is absolutely possible to have it be a source of income for your family or even an additional revenue stream for your current business.
I wish I would have believed that earlier.
It took me quite some time to get it and see it and understand that this was going to be income that shows up month in, month out because the products work, the business works, and I continue to show up to do the work.

Photos from Sarah Geissinger's post 31/12/2021

The ripple effects of gut and liver health are seemingly never ending.

Swipe through for more>>>


We've been in quarantine for about a million and one days.
Well not quite that many, but I'm fairly certain that quarantine days are like dog years and each one counts for seven times more than a regular day.
Our first positive test came the day before Christmas and moved pretty quickly through everyone in our house.
Our symptoms were tolerable, with each of us having about a day and a half of fever, and then just a lingering stuffy nose.
I'm mostly grateful, albeit going a little stir crazy. But if that's the worst that we have to navigate, then I'll take it.
In the meantime, we're cleaning out drawers and closets that have been on the to-do list far too long. Watching so many movies and playing games and cooking good food and taking lots of walks by ourselves.


Roasted beets are one of my favorites, and this hummus from takes full advantage of their amazing color.

I mean—- just LOOK at it!

Packed with nutrition and still readily available at farm stands in my neck of the woods.

Do you like beets??

Repost from

Anytime I make this recipe I always go for the DOUBLE. If you double this recipe, you can even freeze the leftovers into individual portions for quick snacking. Thaw overnight in the fridge. ✨

Kid-approved by my finicky 3 year old who normally turns down all vegetables unless they’re orange (which limits us to carrots and yams). 😂

Find Don’t Get Beet Hummus on page 73 in Run Fast. Eat Slow. 🙌


May your day be filled with moments that make gratitude easy…

And pie. 🥧

I hope that it’s filled with pie,
too. ♥️

Grateful for you, friend.

Happy Thanksgiving.


While I’m chopping and prepping, I’m throwing good smelling scraps into a pot of water on the stove to add some moisture to the air and a delicious aroma.
Another simple, chem free way to make your home fresh, sans chemicals.
Because you know how I feel about chemicals…. 🤣🤣
There is a lot of research that demonstrates that, specifically, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, is an impairment of the body’s detox function.
The body just can’t keep up with the number of chemicals it’s exposed to on the regular.
So, things start shutting down.
This could be that the thyroid stops producing as much thyroid hormone.
It could be the liver is so bogged down in trying to detox that it can’t keep up with its role in producing over 60% of active thyroid hormone.
It could be that the chemicals and endocrine disruptors that you’re exposed to are clogging up the receptor sites for thyroid hormone, which you may have enough of, but your body can’t utilize.
There are lots of impacts, which is why when we start addressing toxins, many people start to see their thyroid issues resolve.
So, as you start to clean the gunk out of your body, the receptors are freed up to utilize and absorb thyroid hormone again!
And, if you DON’T have an issue with thyroid, please know that shifting away from chemicals in your home serves as preventative healthcare… because these things impact many different health factors over time.
So don’t miss making a positive impact on your whole family’s whole health.
(And if you need help, let me guide you♥️)


I mean, I AM pretty low maintenance except for these things…. 😂😂😂

Not sure where this meme originally came from, but I’ve seen it floating around and it makes me laugh every time.

Are you low maintenance too?


I’ve been working on teaching my youngest how to crack eggs. (Keep reading for my tips for teaching this skill with minimal disaster 😬👇)
She’s four, so as you can imagine… it’s a little messy.
But she’s getting there.
And I’m getting better at patiently teaching my kids kitchen skills.
(It’s only taken me four kids to say that🙄)
I do have to take some deep breaths and get myself in the right frame of mind before inviting a kid to help in the kitchen… especially for the messy parts.
BUT here’s the steps I use to demonstrate how to crack an egg…. I slow down the process for them … almost painfully slow.
Here goes:
🥚 Hold the egg firmly.
🐣 Tap it on a flat surface.
🐔 Crack right in the center of the long side of the egg.
🐥 Find the right pressure – better to start off too gently than the reverse, since you can always crack twice, but you can’t un-break an egg!
🎯 Look for the Bullseye. This is a circular break in the center of the eggshell that shows you where to put your thumbs.
👍 Put both thumbs on the bullseye.
🍳 Slowly press IN, then pull OUT.
🥣 Always crack into an empty small bowl, then dump the egg into the recipe
🥚 if you get a piece of egg shell in with the white/yolk, use half of the egg shell to scoop it out (it stick right too it)
Do you let you kids do the messy thing in the kitchen??
Give these egg tips a try and let me know if this works for your kiddos!

Videos (show all)

So, I won an IG giveaway a few weeks ago that was packed with $1300 of RV living goodies, including:-a pop up screen roo...
So, I won an IG giveaway a few weeks ago that was packed with $1300 of RV living goodies, including:-a pop up screen roo...
Copaiba essential oil is a cannabinoid, which means it is incredibly to CBD.Here’s a comparison of the two and why I thi...
Copaiba essential oil is a cannabinoid, which means it is incredibly to CBD.Here’s a comparison of the two and why I thi...
