Nā Kālai Waʻa o Kauaʻi

Nā Kālai Waʻa o Kauaʻi

The Non-instrumental navigation, also called Wayfinding, is an integrated skill, requiring decisions to be made based upon a collection of data.

Hawaiian Voyaging Canoes are built to explore the seafaring heritage ("Wayfinding") and the voyaging routes of our ancestors...and to apply the knowledge by travel overseas. The navigational tools that also remain: stars, sun, moon, ocean swells, clouds, wind and weather patterns. http://www.forkauaionline.com/article/Cover/Cover/Namahoe_Kauais_voyaging_canoe/80449



http://hokulea.org/, http://twitter.com/namahoe_kauai, http://nakalaiwaaokauai.tumblr.com/