Tri-County Pest Control Services

Tri-County Pest Control Services

Tri-County Pest Control is the one call you need to make for any of your pest problems!

We service Cumberland, Perry and Juniata counties, as well as parts of Mifflin, York and Dauphin Counties.


No matter how sealed up you think your house is, there are many different ways that ants can get inside. These include minuscule holes as well as plants that might be leaning against the house and provide a convenient bridge for the ants to get in.


Did you know that, according to the National Geographic News, bed bug complaints to pest control companies increased by 500 percent in the US between 2000 and 2004? Bed bug infestations have been reported in every state in the US.


Bees can travel a considerable distance in their search for food, but that is in their own terms. For us, they typically go not much further than a quarter of a mile. And they usually develop specific flight paths to the places they want. If you can avoid being in that path, moving the hive may be unnecessary.


Bedbugs bite and transmit diseases. In spite of their name, they ve been found in schools, hotels, hospitals and offices and can hide almost anywhere, including clothing, luggage and bookcases.


Even an immaculate home or business can suddenly be invaded by roaches. They can enter a building in grocery bags, with the laundry, or they may even simply drop in for a visit from the outside. Because they are prolific breeders, you should take steps to have them eradicated as soon as you see even one.


There are several steps you can take around your home to make it less attractive to mice and rats. Keep the grass around the foundation mowed, and do not let debris build up near the structure. If you keep birdseed for the wild birds, make sure it is in a securely sealed container.


Although bed bugs aren t known to carry dangerous illnesses like the West Nile virus, they can still get infected. It s smart to wash your bites thoroughly and treat with an antiseptic ointment.


The strong, unpleasantly-smelling Oriental cockroaches are almost misnamed, since they probably came from North Africa. They're known by a couple other names, including waterbugs (because they come out of drains) and black beetle cockroaches (because of their smooth, dark bodies).


Professional bee removal is the only way to guarantee the safe and thorough removal of bees. If not removed, bee nests will only continue to grow, exacerbating the problem. In fact, a small hive of fifty bees can become a huge hive of hundreds in a very short time.


Statistically speaking, one of the ways people most often get stung by insects is when they try to remove the nests themselves. Nothing angers a hive or nest faster than having their nest removed or destroyed, so it s always recommended that you leave this to the professionals.


Not only are roaches hard to live with, but they can possibly create health problems as well, which is why proper pest control is so important. They can carry diseases like salmonella and crawl over things like food and toothbrushes.


Bee removal is not something that is to be taken lightly. Many homeowners have learned this fact the hard way. Permanent bee removal is a profession for a reason: bees have stingers and venom, and can become aggressive when their hive is threatened.


Even though ants are societal and form colonies, that does not mean that they can all be attacked with the same insecticide. Each genus has its own habits and nuances, and identifying and understanding these is the first step in effective ant control.


Unfortunately, it's far easier to accidentally bring bed bugs into your home than it is to get rid of them. Since they can quickly reproduce, it's important to call us in as soon as you notice the problem.


Some of the pest control methods used to control rats in the Middle Ages were hardly scientific. For example, praying to saints or using religious incantations were common. Fortunately, today's methods are much more precise and are much better at controlling rats and mice.


Pests are living organisms that bother, injure, or cause damage to buildings, plants, humans, and pets. Pests can be animals such as rats, mice, and deer; or insects such as ticks, mites, snails, slugs, and nematodes. These can all be controlled with natural methods.


In the use of ultrasonic rodent repellents for pest control, it s important to understand that ultrasonic frequencies do not travel between walls. Thus, for the most effective rodent control, these units need to be placed in multiple rooms.


Is the thought of insects in your home keeping you up at night? With our professional pest control services, you can rest assured that all critters will remain outside where they belong.


Honey bees will only defend themselves if they are threatened. It s recommended that, if you encounter bees that are flying and appear to be out of control, you simply walk away slowly without swatting them, as this will only irritate them further.


Bees tend not to swarm unless their colony is strong and has enough population, which means that a swarm is a often a sign of a large hive. Fortunately, a pest control expert will be able to get rid of a hive, no matter how large it is.


Did you know that bees most often make nests in places that are half-hidden from sight? They do this as a protective instinct and so as to go unnoticed as much as possible. Chimneys, eaves, and vents are among bees favorite nesting places, making removal a difficult task.


Did you know that it s a myth that stinging insects can only sting you once before they die? While a bee might leave its stinger behind, a yellow jacket keeps it and is capable of delivering several stings at the same time when feeling threatened.


Did you know that according to a 2013 survey, bed bugs are the most difficult pest to treat? In fact, most pest control experts say that bed bugs, especially when there is a serious infestation, are more difficult to get rid of than roaches, ants, and even termites.


When it comes to rodent traps, one of the most important factors that ensures success is good trap placement in areas of high rodent activity. Quantity of traps is important as well, as the most common trapping mistake involves the use of too few traps.


Bed bugs can be hard to spot around your home. Full-grown adults get to be only about one-fourth of an inch long, and the younger ones are hardly visible at all.


Sometimes if you have been infested with bedbugs, it s best to cut your losses and buy a new mattress. Be kind to your neighbors and let them know of the infested mattress as you leave it on your curb for garbage pickup. All it takes is a quickly made sign and some slashes through the mattress to render it useless.


Did you know the fastest land moving insect is the cockroach? The tropical cockroach in particular can cover 50 body lengths in 1 second. That is on par with a sprinter being able to run 100 yards in 1 second.


If you re going to attempt to remove a beehive yourself and not call in a professional, be sure to wear multiple layers of thick clothing. All parts of the body should be covered when going anywhere near a beehive.


Roaches are averse to bitterness. Add some catnip and garlic to cucumber peels for a custom roach deterrent at their place of entry. Their entry point will stand out because of the droppings they leave behind.


Did you know that spring swarm clusters of European honey bees are extremely docile and it will take quite a bit of stimulation for them to sting? However, the same isn t true for Africanized honey bees, as well as for any swarm that has run out of food. These bees are very unpredictable and can even attack unprovoked.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00