Come Up Higher Ministries

Come Up Higher Ministries

A ministry where we are saving souls and changing lives. Our mission is to help pave the path for all people to reach their God ordained destiny.

It doesn’t matter if you have never accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior or if you’ve been a Christian for over 20 years. Jesus said, “Blessed and fortunate and happy and spiritually prosperous (in that state in which the born-again child of God enjoys His favor and salvation) are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God), for they shall be completel


Wives, just because you're not the mother of your husband's children doesn't mean you can't celebrate him on Father's Day. Don't rely on the kids to call or send a card and think that's good enough. Sometimes that just doesn't happen, and although he may not say anything, he's hurt. My Daddy used to make sure my sister and I sent my biological dad a card and called on all the holidays, and I never understood why until I was an adult. Now that I am a bonus mom, I really understand why he had us do that. So girl you better celebrate that man like you birthed those children too! Trust me, he'll greatly appreciate it.


On this Father's Day I'm so grateful to have a Father that loves me unconditionally. One who. is a promise keeper, a provider, a waymaker. One who desires to spend time with me and attentively listens to me even when I'm whining. One who is more than willing to give me wisdom. One who is faithful to forgive me. The one who is the reason I have life, because He is the giver and sustainer of live. The one who calls me friend. Today I'm grateful to have the best Father ever, God. Abba Father, without you there would be no me.

On this Father's Day, the best gift you can give is to give your life to Jesus and you too will gain the best Father ever!


Inaction is the action that causes dissatisfaction. It's time to move.


It's Winning Wednesday! Up Higher Apparel is having a 50% off Flash Sale today only! Use code WIN50 at checkout.


Are you living or dying daily? For the believer, dying daily is necessary to truly live freely. Don't let your flesh, your emotions, your desires, your will, etc. keep you from truly living.

Photos from Come Up Higher Ministries's post 12/06/2024

Have you shopped Up Higher Apparel's summer sale? Be sure to check your account you may have some additional rewards to use too. Save 40% on the Spring Collection and 20% on New Arrivals!


Some of you are stressed out because you're trying to do things the way that makes sense to you. Logic is not required to walk by faith, obedience is. Do what God said and watch it make sense.


Happy Tuesday!


Wives, have you kissed your husband today?

7 Reasons to kiss your husband:

1. Strengthens Bond: Kissing releases oxytocin, also known as the "love hormone," which helps strengthen the emotional bond between partners.

2. Enhances Happiness: It increases levels of serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters associated with happiness and pleasure, thus boosting overall mood.

3. Reduces Stress: Kissing lowers cortisol levels, the stress hormone, promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety.

4. Improves Communication: It can be a non-verbal way to express love, affection, and passion, fostering better emotional communication.

5. Promotes Physical Health: Kissing can increase heart rate, improving cardiovascular health, and even help in burning calories.

6. Boosts Immune System: Sharing saliva can introduce new bacteria to the immune system, potentially strengthening it.

7. Increases Intimacy: Regular kissing maintains a sense of closeness and physical connection, which is crucial for a healthy and satisfying relationship.


"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:33. Prioritize your faith in every aspect of your life, including your fashion and food choices.


It's Faith Speaks Friday! Stop allowing fear of what could happen keep you from what God said would happen!


The Summer Kick Off Sale is here! Online save 40% on our Spring Collection and 20% on New Arrivals. Save 50% on the Spring Collection at the Pop-Up and Grow Waldorf. See you this weekend!

Photos from Come Up Higher Ministries's post 17/05/2024

It's Faith Speaks Friday! Did you know that you have power? As a believer, your faith activates the power of God within you.

Ephesians 3:14-20 NKJV

For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 16 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, 17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— 19 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.

We get excited about the first part of verse 20, but we need to understand that that if our hearts aren't filled with the faith of Christ, that God can't do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think.

So what is the faith of Christ? Jesus did whatever the Father said, even when He didn't want to, when He knew people would mock Him and even not believe Him. The short version is that He was obedient.

Philippians 2:8 NKJV

And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

Having our hearts filled with the faith of Christ means that we will be obedient enough to kill our flesh, so that we can please God.

Hebrews 11:6 NKJV

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

So today, activate the power within you. Read your bible and study the scriptures about Jesus so that you too can have a heart filled with the faith of Christ!

Happy Friday!


If your phone rang today and it was God, would you recognize His voice?

If you're not sure then you need to read your bible. Not sure where to start? Start with the book of John and then read Matthew, Mark and Luke. These are the called the gospels and give a good understanding who Jesus is. Then go to Romans and Ephesians as they help you know your true identity.

If you prefer a visual, check out my coach Shun Dennis Strickland's page she's been teaching about the importance of reading the bible, by going live and reading the bible.

No more excuses.

And if you're really serious about understanding the word and walking by faith, send me a message about my Soaring by Faith coaching program. It's time to soar!


It's Choose Day Tuesday! Today I'm choosing to not go down the rabbit hole of the past and press toward living the life that God has planned for me. What are you choosing today?


Let this be your perspective about Mondays! Have a great day on purpose!


Happy Monday! Wives with spouses that have children from a previous relationship, I just dropped by to remind you to never let anyone or anything make you believe you're less than who God created you to be.

Perhaps on Mother's Day you didn't receive a card, call or text-Know that you're still important.

Perhaps you've told a child "I love you" and the response was "thank you"-You're still loved and appreciated.

Perhaps you ended a pregnancy as a teenager to avoid becoming a statistic, and were never able to conceive again-You're forgiven.

Perhaps if someone asked if you're a mom before saying Happy Mother's Day, your response was "by marriage"-You're just as valuable as the birth mom.

I want you to know, I've experienced all of the above. It was God's love for me that reminded me that despite never giving birth, I am loved, I am important, I am valued, I am second to none and so are you! Be encouraged and know that birthing children it's not the only way to be a mother. Think of all the one's you've mentored and nurtured along the way. You've provided a mother's love to some that never received it anywhere else.


Going live at 2PM EST on Up Higher Apparel.
40% off everything shown.


Happy Friday! Enjoy the weekend!

Photos from Come Up Higher Ministries's post 10/05/2024

Hey it's Faith Speaks Friday! Last week we shared about the importance of speaking this word. This week is inspired by my devotional from Joyce Meyer which talks about agreeing with the word.

Agreeing with the word is just as if not more important than speaking the word. You see I can say all day that eating fruits and vegetables is healthier than eating fried chicken to help lower blood pressure, but it's not until I agree with that statement and apply it that there will be a manifestation of lower blood pressure. It's the same concept with the word of God. I can quote Philippians 4:6-7 which talks about being anxious for nothing and taking everything to God in prayer, so that I will have unimaginable peace. However, it's not until I come into agreement with that word, that the anxiety will flee. Here's my last example. When two people get married there is normally an exchange of vows, whether traditional or they created their own. Agreement with those vows becomes evident when trials arise. The traditional vows say in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, until death do us part. But if there's no agreement, when sickness comes or the money gets funny, some people just roll out on the marriage.

The bottom line is this. In order for there to be a manifestation of God's promises in your life, you must not only speak the word but also agree with the word. Faith is demonstrated by speaking and agreeing. The more you speak the word out loud, the more you hear the word and the more your faith will grow.

What do you need to agree with God about today, so that you will see a manifestation of His promises in your life?

Let me know in the comments if this helped you.

Do two walk together except they make an appointment and have agreed? Amos 3:3 AMPC

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17 NKJV


It's Thankful Thursday! You're reading this post so make sure to give God thanks for another day of life! Let someone know you're grateful for them today.


Happy Wednesday! What's on your to do list for today?

Photos from Come Up Higher Ministries's post 08/05/2024

The Mother's Day Sale is here 30% off all dresses and jumpsuits. Giftcards also available.


It's Choose Day Tuesday! Today I choose to release fear, shame, guilt, pride, perfectionism, control, and anything that hinders me from being all God called me to be. What are you choosing today?

Photos from Come Up Higher Ministries's post 06/05/2024

Happy Monday! Make sure you put on love today as you're getting dressed!


Have you ever done a closet detox and gave something away or consigned it and then a few months later you went looking for that very item? Yeah, this was me today. A few months ago I worked with Erika M. Cartledge of The YCS Styling Agency to detox my closet. I convinced myself that since I didn't carry this specific handbag very often, I should consign it. Today it would have been perfect with my outfit. Of course they don't make it anymore, so I can't buy it again. Oh well, I guess I really didn't need it.

OAN, if you're looking for a stylist or need help detoxing your closet Erika is your girl. Also, if you're looking for a consignment shop in the DMV area I highly recommend New Digz Consignment.


It's Faith Speaks Friday! Every Friday I'll be sharing a message on faith to encourage you on your journey of faith. Leave me a comment and let me know how the message resonates with you.

Did you know that faith has a voice? Three of the four gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke remind us that we can speak to the mountains (the hard things, the things that seem impossible to move) in our lives and believe what we are saying, those mountains will move and what seemed impossible will become possible. Faith needs a voice. Will you use yours today?

Mark 11:22-23 MSG-“Have faith in God. I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart.”

Matthew 17:19-20 NKJV-Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?” So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

Matthew 21:21-22 NKJV-So Jesus answered and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ it will be done. And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

Mark 11:21-23 TPT-Peter remembered and said to him, “Teacher, look! That’s the fig tree you cursed. It’s now all shriveled up and dead.” Jesus replied, “Let the faith of God be in you! Listen to the truth I speak to you: Whoever says to this mountain with great faith and does not doubt, ‘Mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the midst of the sea,’ and believes that what he says will happen, it will be done.

Luke 17:6 TPT-Jesus responded, “If you have even the smallest measure of faith, it would be powerful enough to say to this large tree, ‘My faith will pull you up by the roots and throw you into the sea,’ and it will respond to your faith and obey you.”


Father in the name of Jesus, I lift up the person reading this right now. I thank you Lord for their very life. I ask now God that you would envelop them with your presence. For the one that feels alone, I thank you that you will never leave them or forsake them. As your word says in Deuteronomy 31:8, you will go before them and they do not have to be afraid. I thank you that the one who is seeking healing it has been settled for them on the cross, because your word says that by the stripes of Jesus we are and we were healed. You also said that healing is the children's bread, so as they eat and drink of your word let your healing virtue flow through their body from the crown of their head to the soles of their feet. I release the blood of Jesus over them now to heal, to deliver, and to protect. I thank you that the repairer of the breach is present to restore and reconcile finances, marriages and all that is broken. I thank you that this month is the month of Miracles. Show yourself strong on their behalf and do exceeding, abundantly above all they could ask or think. In Jesus name, amen!


Today is the National Day of Prayer. How can I pray for you today? Drop in the comments or DM me.


Hey did you just get my May newsletter? If not, then that means you're not on the list. Click the link in the comments to sign up to get all the tea!

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Pop Up! Put Some Respect On My Name
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Have you checked out The Faith Collection? Dresses, t-shirts & more all 20% off this week. Pick yours up today at
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Our BUY 2 get 1 Free Mother's Day Sale starts now! Save on Dresses/Jumpsuits, T-shirts, Accessories & Winter Clearance. ...
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