Moving Mountains with Melissa

Moving Mountains with Melissa

I am on my own health & fitness journey, and I’d love to help you along the way! There’s no ‘quick fix’ for your health. It’s a lifestyle change!


Waiting... 😁😁😁

Timeline photos 13/07/2018

Today I’m grateful for: air conditioning 😓 An amazing local ER staff and Nurse Practitioner who were able to take care of my knee very quickly and let my daughter do her thing while they stitched my knee up And my outstanding husband that works his t**h off every day and also ordered me my favorite dish from Blues Family Restaurant after we got home from the ER!

Timeline photos 11/07/2018

When we were in Indianapolis, our keynote speaker said we should acknowledge 3 things every day that make us grateful! He said there is research to back that this makes us happier! So here goes...
😎My 🕶 especially on this bright and hot day My white vehicle And - our daycare provider! While in training for my new job this week, she has been extremely considerate and forgiving of my extremely long days! She knows this situation won’t be forever, and I am ever so thankful! ❤️ 💧

Timeline photos 11/07/2018

Sometimes life kicks you in the 🍑. Sometimes things happen that you have zero control over, and it knocks the wind out of your sails. Sometimes it takes a while to recover and get back to your normal. Sometimes that happens all at the same time as accepting a new job and beginning training. Life is messy folks! Don’t let times of trial ruin you. Take all the time you need and then get back up and keep pushing forward! I hopped back on the wagon this week and forgot how good it feels! Give me all of the tight and tired muscles because it means I’m getting back in the driver’s seat! Happy Wednesday - go kick ass!

Timeline photos 08/07/2018

And some ice cream for the ride home!

Timeline photos 08/07/2018

Bloody Mary to start this Sunday out right!

Timeline photos 28/06/2018

When your daughter picks out ever piece of clothing she’s wearing... pineapple swimsuit, pink tutu, and a turquoise zip up hoodie

Timeline photos 28/06/2018

My mint is loving this weather!!!

Timeline photos 27/06/2018

Broccoli is ready to go in the oven!!! I used to only used the crowns, I’m not sure why 🤷🏼‍♀️ now I use as much as I can!!! Roasted broccoli (aka little trees) is definitely a favorite in this house!

Timeline photos 27/06/2018

With being gone to Indy, I became run down BIG TIME. Not enough sleep, too many drinks, and definitely not enough water. Since being home, I’ve been a lazy pile! I’m ready to take hold of my life and my house again! But maybe only one load of laundry...still leery of our water emergency warning the other night! I do not want to deal with 💩 in my basement!!!

Timeline photos 23/06/2018

10,000 by 1pm!!! Indy definitely keeps you moving!

Timeline photos 23/06/2018

Super Workout!!! We get 20 minutes with each B.B. super trainer!

Timeline photos 22/06/2018

Happy hour at the hotel!

Timeline photos 22/06/2018

You know you worked out with Autumn and are walking all over Indy when you have almost 7,500 steps at 9:15am!!!

Timeline photos 21/06/2018

I wish I was as sassy as D!!!

Timeline photos 21/06/2018

Timeline photos 21/06/2018

Just got our workout in! Do you workout when in a hotel? We fit FOUR people in our room to get our blood pumping!!!


My little goat lovin’ farm girl 💗🐐

Timeline photos 06/06/2018

This is a face of pure happiness 😍


Now, I haven’t been the greatest at following 2B Mindset (thank you long, holiday weekend!). But when I do, I notice great things!

👉🏼 my skin looks better
👉🏼 I feel better
👉🏼 more energy
👉🏼 the scale goes down

Seriously. It’s not rocket science. It’s not difficult. I’m not watching the clock to make sure I get all 5-6 meals in before 7pm. This is seriously the simplest nutrition plan I’ve ever seen, and it’s helping me in ways I couldn’t have imagined. I had a beer with my husband last night, and I was STILL down 1.5 pounds this morning. Why haven’t you signed up yet?!

Timeline photos 29/05/2018

2B mindset is simple. I always have foods on hand that follow the plan, so if I don’t have a meal planned, I still stay on track!

Timeline photos 26/05/2018

When I went to bed late last night (thank you Law & Order:SVU) I knew I wouldn’t get up at 4 to start my day. But, I naturally woke up at 5:30 (definitely got that from Dad). Thanks to an early summer, Morgan didn’t crawl into bed til 2. I still got my workout in before Morgan and B woke up! What a great start to Memorial Day weekend!

Timeline photos 24/05/2018

I’m going to be honest. When I finished 80 Day Obsession on March 14, I was feeling lean and fierce. I was ready to take on the world. Then we went on vacation, and ate and drank WAY too much, and did NOT work out enough. When we got home, I felt tired and incapable of starting up again. My nutrition sucked, and I didn’t wake up early like I had before to work out. I felt much more stressed out, and to top it off, I tweaked my back. The only thing that felt good was to lay down or sit, only to have next to zero strength when I needed it to stand. I finally MADE myself workout. After a week of intentionally moving, I feel strong again! 10,000 steps a day is not a goal, I’m making it happen. I’m not telling you this for sympathy. I’m telling you this because YOU and only YOU are responsible for your success, and your lifestyle. Take charge of it!


Every day, I set my alarm to get up at 4. I know. It’s early. But it’s MY time. No one can take it from me. I do whatever I want. I drink some water, read in my personal development book, drink my liquid sunshine, make my to-do list of the things I will accomplish today, enjoy the silence, and of course, get my workout in for the day.

But this morning? This morning was hard. I won’t lie, the first 10 minutes of my day usually sucks. Plus, the power went out shortly after I woke up. It’s like the world was telling me to go back to sleep! I pushed forward, and have already accomplished a few things on my to-do list (and several things that weren’t!).

Take control of YOUR day. Do something every day that is purely for yourself. It gives you something to look forward to, and something to remember the day fondly.

Timeline photos 23/05/2018

Whaaaat??!!!!!???!! I stepped on the scale this morning, and I was down 1.8 pounds from yesterday! I also had seconds at supper last night! I think I’ll keep this 2B Mindset...

Timeline photos 21/05/2018

Cauliflower rice, turnip fries, and honey lime tilapia!

Timeline photos 21/05/2018

2B mindset off to a great start! Turkey burger, Ezekiel bread, a little mustard, a smidge of mayo (yes mayo!!!) and all the veggies 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


I need to bring up a topic that everybody and nobody wants wants to talk about... THE SCALE!

Why do we do it to ourself? The number on the scale means everything right? WRONG. SO WRONG.

I know all too well the feeling of not seeing the scale move when I think it should. In the first phase of this program, I shed 10 pounds extremely fast. Then, two weeks ago (halfway through the second phase), I stepped on the scale, and it hadn't moved. "WHAT??? How could it not have moved?!?" Then, the trainer, Autumn, posted a video about how the scale may not be moving right now.

This second phase is a build phase. I'm lifting heavy weights. Think - 15lb hammer curls, lots of plank workouts, 40lb squats... I'm building lean muscle. I'm probably losing fat, but muscle takes up less space than fat. Sunday I will weigh myself and measure myself (Sunday marks the end of Phase 2). I'm not getting my hopes up for the scale moving, but I'm really looking forward to seeing how my inches have moved!

There are so many things that are way more important than the scale...
❤️ Your mood (my anxiety level has decreased greatly)
❤️ Increasing weights
❤️ Clothes fitting better
❤️ Clearer skin (my skin has NEVER looked this good)
❤️ More sound sleep

So, put that freaking scale away. The number on it does not define a person. Happy Friday! 💪👍👌❤️💖

Photos from Moving Mountains with Melissa's post 06/03/2018

I don’t know about you, but getting all of my servings of veggies in a day can sometimes be difficult! Every morning when I wake up, I drink my daily shake that is full of amazing things, and I always put a serving of spinach in. I blend it up and cannot taste it! Well, between me not planning for the snow storm of the year, and not wanting to take Bonnie out of the house yesterday, I don’t have any spinach! Enter: Power Greens. One scoop of this powdered magic equals a serving of veggies. Again, I can’t taste it, but even better - I don’t need a blender! Which is really a great thing when you are at high risk for the power going out!

Videos (show all)

Waiting... #notpatient #pink #30thbirthdayconcert #18weekspregnant #omaha 😁😁😁
My little goat lovin’ farm girl 💗🐐

