TLC Tarot

TLC Tarot

What's in the cards for you? Tarot is a powerful way to gain insight to your most thoughtful questions.

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Norwalk, Ridgefield, Greenwich, Westport

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203.856.9566 Unlock the door to the fascinating and magical world of tarot and grant yourself a greater and more enriched understanding of your life. The answers you receive will illuminate the path you are on, making visible your challenges and ways t


Beth's TLC Tarot Card of the Day
The Star

Meditation Musing:
When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are...The Star illustrates spiritual and creative expression. With this card comes enlightenment and peace, illumination of your soul's purpose and recognition of your talents and potential. Plant the seed of positive influence, bringing light to some altruistic or humanitarian idea or finding the proper channels through which to begin pursuing your life's work. In this way potential becomes actuality and dreams do come true.

To Connect:
Make a wish. Plant a seed.

“Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground." - Theodore Roosevelt

How is your life being divinely guided in the direction of your hopes and dreams?

Sing It: The Beatles' 'And I Love Her'... "Bright are the stars that shine, Dark is the sky. I know this love of mine, Will never die. And I love her..."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Mary-el Tarot Deck


Beth Leas's TLC Tarot Card of the Day:
The Lovers

Meditation Musing:
Relationships mirror your inner balance. You must decide with your whole heart, without rancor - and without keeping an escape route open. It is only when we can come to an uncompromising decision to stay with it that we can find the path to a deep and fulfilling experience. While the whirlwind of passion is delightfully delicious - it's not enough to build a solid foundation. Trust, respect, devotion, commitment, compatibility and compassion are needed to temper the quick burning of passion.

To Connect:
Love yourself up!

“At any moment we have the opportunity of choosing love or fear." - Louise Hay

What choice do you need to make to be in relationship?

Sing It:
The Lovin' Spoonful's 'Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind'..."Did you ever have to make up your mind? And pick up on one and leave the other behind? It's not often easy and not often kind. Did you ever have to make up your mind?..."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day
3 of Pentacles

Meditation Musing:
There is power in collaboration. Alone we are limited by our weaknesses. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It is important to have a vision, coupled with the discipline and tenacity to carry it through - and the formation of alliances with kindred souls who can assist you in moving toward your goal. As a result, you will see the outgrowth of your efforts and enjoy the satisfaction of share achievements with friends and coworkers. Through working together, goals will be accomplished. Success through synergy!

To Connect:
Work collaboratively. Cooperate with others.

“Individually we are one drop. Together we are an ocean." - Ryunosuke Satoro

Where in your life would working together in collaboration with others offer you more success for your efforts?

Sing It:
The Beatles' 'Come Together': 'He wear no shoeshine, he's got toe-jam football. He got monkey finger, he shoot Coca-Cola. He say, "I know you, you know me". One thing I can tell you is you got to be free. Come together, right now, Over me..."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day:
The Moon

Meditation Musing:
That which is hidden from you should not remain so. The Moon is a harbinger of mystery and change - ruling the subconscious and offering messages through dreams and prophetic vision. The cyclical nature of the Moon and its gravitational influence are also highlighted here. Just as there are phases of the moon, situations and relationships are shifting and evolving. Or perhaps you are finding yourself inexplicably drawn to something or someone in a game of intrigue. Creativity, psychic ability and imagination intensify, and your desire to explore the unknown leads you to all kinds of new opportunities. Allow your heightened intuition to serve as a guide through the enchanted night.

To Connect:
Dream BIG and act on your most secret possibilities. Isn't it time?

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." - Carl Jung

What natural rhythms are calling you to bring in harmony?

Sing It:
Van Morrison's 'Moondance'..."Well, it's a marvelous night for a moondance, with the stars up above in your eyes. A fantabulous night to make romance, 'neath the cover of October skies..."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas’ TLC Tarot Card of the Day
The Star

Meditation Musing:
When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are...The Star illustrates spiritual and creative expression. With this card comes enlightenment and peace, illumination of your soul's purpose and recognition of your talents and potential. Plant the seed of positive influence, bringing light to some altruistic or humanitarian idea or finding the proper channels through which to begin pursuing your life's work. In this way potential becomes actuality and dreams do come true.

To Connect:
Make a wish. Plant a seed.

“Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground." - Theodore Roosevelt

Question: How is your life being divinely guided in the direction of your hopes and dreams?

Sing It: The Beatles' 'And I Love Her'... "Bright are the stars that shine, Dark is the sky. I know this love of mine, Will never die. And I love her..."

*excerpted from Beth Leas book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland’s The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leass TLC Tarot Card of the Day

Meditation Musing:
The old gives way to the new. The Death card portrays symbolic death - releasing the old and moving out of your comfort zone. When the old concepts, ideals and emotional patterns no longer fit, you are at a threshold - crossing into a new phase, Assess what changes you need to make in attitudes, thoughts, worldly possessions as what has served you in the past gives way to the needs of the present. Embrace the future by letting go of the past. Honor what once served you by being willing to let it go.unbounded by the past.

To Connect:
Mark a new beginning. Move on. Clear the clutter - on your desk or in your mind. Extra credit if you do both.

“The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live." - Norman Cousins

What old outmoded ways of being do you need to leave behind so you can move forward?

Sing It:
Kansas' 'Dust in the Wind': 'I close my eyes, only for a moment, and the moment's gone. All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity. Dust in the wind, All they are is dust in the wind..."

*excerpted from Beth Prins Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day

Meditation Musing:
Alchemy is called for. It's time to combine opposing elements in order to form something of greater value. This may require you to take control of volatile factors in your current situation. - combining skills with another to get something accomplished. Or this may refer to your inner world as well. Face and manage your desires and fears in order to forge a new consciousness. Moderate your impulses and behaviors. Slow down and examine where you stand in your current situation. Every moment today has the potential to be changed.

To Connect:
Be patient.

“Use what seems like poison as medicine. Use your personal suffering as the path to compassion for all beings." - Pema Chodron

In what ways do you need to temper yourself with wisdom and restraint?

Sing It:
Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton's 'Islands in the Stream': 'Islands in the stream, That is what we are. No one in between. How can we be wrong. Sail away with me, To another world. And we rely on each other, ah ha. From one lover to another, ah ha..."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day
6 of Cups

Meditation Musing:
Ahhhh. The innocence and joy of childhood! The 6 of Cups leads to the past. It shows memories awakening within us which we dwell upon with romantic dreaminess or yearning nostalgia. Time slows and life and love become simple and undemanding. Lighten up and slow down. Allow yourself to be flooded with the sweetness of a slower pace and simple unconditional love.

To Connect:
Turn to your dreams and unlived fantasies. Feast on those images. Go to an art exhibition, watch an old film or read a suspenseful book. Your soul lives from these images.

“The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be." - Marcel Pagnol

Who or what from your past do you pine for?

Sing It:
Barbra Streisand's 'The Way We Were'..."Memories, Light the corners of my mind, Misty watercolor memories, Of the way we were..."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day
4 of Swords

Meditation Musing:
Time out! This is a time of non-action. It's time to withdraw from all activity in order to rest and repose. The external chaos of life may rage all around us, but if our emotional and mental boundaries are firmly established, we can remain calm in the midst of a storm. Anchor yourself, reclaim your center and renew your body, mind and spirit. Recharging our batteries is essential to living a full life. You can't give from an empty well. Remember, it's not selfish - it's self-full. Take some much needed 'me time' and then you can return feeling refreshed and renewed.

To Connect:
Take it easy. Give it a rest. Just relax.

“Nowhere can min find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul." - Marcus Aurelius

Question: How can you best recharge your batteries?

Sing It: Simon and Garfunkel's 'The Sound of Silence': 'Hello darkness, my old friend. I've come to talk with you again. Because a vision softly creeping. Left its seeds while I was sleeping. And the vision that was planted in my brain. Still remains. Within the sound of silence...."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day
6 of Swords

Meditation Musing:
You are surrounded by the forces that aid your progress. A test, a trip or a rite of passage will lead to new beliefs and directions. You have weathered the storm. The coast is now clear. But remember that no matter where you go there you are. Put the mental clarity of the 6 of Swords to use before you chart a new course. Take a look at where you've been and where you're going. This will serve to smooth the way ahead and make the passage from negative to positive as peaceful as possible. Bon Voyage!

To Connect:
Take a trip. Let someone else drive - literally or metaphorically.

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." - Marcel Proust

What are you in the midst of transitioning from and toward?

Sing It:
Johnny Nash's 'I Can See Clearly Now': 'I can see clearly now, the rain is gone, I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind. It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) Sun-Shiny day...."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC TarotCard of the Day:
7 of Swords

Meditation Musing:
There are times when change is called for - and times when the urge for change is really a desire to head for the hills. Be sure you aren't running away from your problems - but rather running toward a solution. Acting with positive intention is a transformational move.

To Connect:
Do something daring!

"The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out." - T.B. Macaulay

Question: What will you dare to do today?

Sing It:
Jimi Hendrix' All Along the Watchtower..."There must be some kind of way outta here, Said the joker to the thief, There's too much confusion. I can't get no relief..."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"@

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas TLC Tarot Card of the Day:
Knight of Pentacles

Meditation Musing:
Who’s the ‘Man with a Plan? The Knight of Pentacles, that’s who! His word is his bond and reminds us that when we take on a task we must be sure it is done and done well. Dot your i’s and cross your t’s and stay true to your commitments. Call on this Knight to keep your resolve. Patient, persistent and at times even stubborn in his approach, the Knight of Pentacles keeps his eye on the prize and there is no doubt he will grab it. His steadfast and trustworthy nature will inspire you to strive for your own goals with a similar energy and to concentrate on the details of the task at hand. Go forth and conquer!

To Connect:
Keep your eye on the prize. Move forward one step at a time.

"It's not the work that's hard, it's the discipline."
~ Vincent Lombardi

Where can you go the extra mile today to ensure you will see the rewards of your work?

Sing It:
Bachman Turner Overdrive's 'Takin' Care of Business'..."Taking care of business every day, Taking care of business every way. I've been taking care of business, it's all mine, Taking care of business and working overtime, Work out."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day
8 of Cups

Meditation Musing:
It is time to move on. It is human tendency to cling to the familiar, to want to stay in warm and well-known patterns and relationships. It is difficult to leave even those places that have become stagnant and stale. But we must learn to move with the flow of events rather than fight against them. It is always time to move into the present, to leave the past behind, carrying only what we need to sustain us. It's time to make a new way, find a new direction, new relationship, a new life. This is the way of nature - to change and evolve.

To Connect:
Go somewhere new. Seek that which is worth finding.

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what they had to teach; and not, when I cam to die, discover that I had not lived." - H.D. Thoreau

Is the grass greener on the other side of the mountain?

Sing It:
Led Zeppelin's 'Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You': 'Babe, baby, baby, I'm gonna leave you. I said baby, you know I'm gonna leave you. I'll leave you when the summertime. Leave you when the summer comes a rollin'. Leave you when the summer comes along...."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day:
10 of Swords

Meditation Musing:
It's time to release yourself from battle mode - surrendering the constricting concept of struggling and melting into the one-ness of the Divine Order of nature. You have been mentally and emotionally overwhelmed by a situation which has possibly been made worse by hanging on long past an appropriate finale. Exhaustion followed by fear of change, feelings of loss and regret all create a convincing portrait of devastation. But this is a symptom - not the disease. The drama is over. Now is the moment to let go and allow time and space to heal the wounds of this struggle.

To Connect:
Leave it alone.

"The journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday." - Steve Maraboli

Are you sick and tired of the drama?

Sing It:
Rolling Stones' 'It's All Over Now' - "Well, baby used to stay out all night long. She made me cry, she done me wrong. She hurt my eyes open, that's no lie. Tables turn and now her turn to cry. Because I used to love her, but it's all over now..."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day
4 of Cups

Meditation Musing:
It's not what you look at, but what you see. Move past resistance and form to receive you heart's desire. Open your eyes and arms to embrace a golden opportunity. It is there for the taking. The danger is that you will spend too long being self-obsessed and absorbed in your comfort zone that you will miss out. Wake up! All you need to do is look around and receive what is being given. Open to the magic, mystery and infinite possibilities that surround you in order to live fully.

To Connect:
Try saying "YES!" today.

“Boredom is your fuller life calling you, and your fear of hearing that call" - Gary Zukav

Are you too wrapped up in your comfort zone to actualize your dreams?

Sing It:
Jimmy Buffett's 'Margaritaville': 'Wasted away again in Margaritaville, Searching for my lost shaker of salt. Some people claim that there's a woman to blame, But I know it's nobody's fault..."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day:
King of Pentacles

Meditation Musing:
Call upon the King of Pentacles as you take up the vast challenges of conquering the material world. Give generously of your time and resources because it is by giving more that your receive more - and making more money is this King's passion. Let him inspire you to success so you can inspire others in return.

To Connect:
Invest in a worthwhile cause.
“Not what we have, but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance." - Epicurus

Question: What is your greatest and highest ambition?

Sing It: Fiddler on the Roof's 'If I Were a Rich Man' ..."If I were a rich man, Yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum. All day long I'd biddy biddy bum. If I were a wealthy man."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day:
10 of Cups

Meditation Musing:
Wooohooo! Savor your success and the spiritual connection you have with family and friends. Acknowledge the efforts that you and those around you have made to create the joy and fulfillment you are now experiencing. To make your success last, share it! Bask in the glow of a life lived well.

To Connect:
Fully enjoy your life - with gratitude.

“Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude." - Denis Waitley

Question: What boosts your spirits and give you joie de vivre?

Sing It: 'Over the Rainbow'..."Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, And the dreams that you dream of, once in a lullaby, Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly, And the dreams that you dream of, dreams really do come true..."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

image credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day
Queen of Pentacles

Meditation Musing:
Engage all your senses as you open to all the amusements life has to offer. The Queen of Pentacles embodies the feminine side of the earth element and she loves the magic of nature and the spiritual fruitfulness of a life well lived. You have a good sense of what is feasible and useful. However, it could be that you have been too critical and set upon security. Let this Queen inspire you towards receiving all the sensual pleasures that surround you through your willingness to take risks. Embodying sensuality, she asks you 'What's your pleasure?' And you reply...?

To Connect:
Walk barefoot - in the grass - in the sand.

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life." - Henry David Thoreau

Question: What tickles your fancy and brings you pleasure?

Sing It:
Madonna's 'Material Girl': 'Cause we are living in a material world. And I am a material girl. You know that we are living in a material world. And I am a material girl.."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day
Wheel of Fortune

Meditation Musing:
What goes around, comes around. The karmic Wheel of Fortune is very auspicious. The message of this card is to think before you act, as everything you do comes back to you threefold. Luck and chance are also represented by the Wheel, as are cycles of life and death, fortune and poverty. This card portends a major turning point, an advantageous sequence of events, or a time for progress and advancement in any arena. Don't be afraid to take risks. Change is the only constant.

To Connect:
Be open to new and unexpected opportunities. Make the most of what is given to you.

“Happy the man who can endure the highest and the lowest fortune. He who has endured such vicissitudes with equanimity has deprived misfortune of its power." - Seneca

How do you stay centered when the only thing certain in life is change?

Sing It:
Blood Sweat and Tears' 'Spinning Wheel': 'What goes up must come down. Spinnin' wheel got to go 'round. Talkin' 'bout your troubles it's a cryin' sin. Ride a painted pony let the spinnin' wheel spin..."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day:
3 of Cups

Meditation Musing:
It's time to celebrate life and all it brings to us. You are surrounded by supportive friends and the possibilities to experience laughter, celebration and hospitality. It's time to be grateful for the gifts life has given you. You are called to join the dance. Unite the past, present and future by counting your blessings and celebrating good times. After all, life is short. In Joy!

To Connect:
Conspire with friends to create joy and happiness!

“From all who dwell below the skies, Let faith and hope with joy arise, Let beauty, truth, and good be sung, Through every land, by every tongue." - Earth Prayers

What are you willing to celebrate today?

Sing It: Kool & The Gang's 'Celebration'..."There's a party goin' on right here, A celebration to last throughout the years. So bring your good times, and your laughter too. We gonna celebrate your party with you..."

*excerpted from Beth Prins Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day
9 of Wands

Meditation Musing:
It's time to dig deep. You have what it takes to persevere. In being true to ourselves we release energies that will guide us forward toward our goals - bringing security and self-confidence. When you reach inside yourself with a heart that is unafraid and accepting, you will discover new reservoirs of strength and power. Rest assured, you have everything you need. It's time to face the future unafraid.

To Connect:
Carry on.

“Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him." - Aldous Huxley

Are you willing to stand strong and persevere?

Sing It:
Elton John's 'I'm Still Standing'... "Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did. Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid. I'm still standing after all this time. Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind..."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


TLC Tarot Card and Quote of the Day
Knight of Swords

"The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it."
~ Thucydides...

Actions speak louder than words. The Knight of Swords, although sometimes a bit impetuous, is driven to charge forward by a strong sense of righteousness. He is the truthsayer. Charismatic and outspoken, this young knight rides out into the world with righteous indignation and battle-ready zeal. He will no doubt provoke all kinds of movement in your life, in the form of events, people and ideas and encourage you to sharpen your own communication skills. No more talk. No more procrastination. No more meandering. The time for action is now. Get moving!


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day
7 of Cups

Meditation Musing:
It's choice, not chance, that determines your destiny. The 7 of Cups reminds us of the limitless possibilities our imagination provides. Don't spend too much time trying to choose the perfect opportunity that you miss the right opportunity. Find constructive ways of manifesting your thoughts and energies into reality. You imagination can either be your ally or your enemy. You have the power to choose which it shall be. It's the choosing that's important - not the choice.

To Connect:
Don't dream it. Be it!

“It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny." - Jean Nidetch

Question: How decisive are you when it comes to crunch time?

Sing It: Eurythmic's 'Sweet Dreams': 'Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree? I travel the world And the seven seas, Everybody's looking for something...."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018


Beth Leas's TLC Tarot Card of the Day
3 of Wands

Meditation Musing:
You are surrounded by opportunities, both obvious and hidden. Breathe deeply into the mystery and ask 'How can I expand this experience?" The 3 of Wands represents a point of inner balance where it's time to be clear about the things you want to create in your life and to be confident about your ability to make dreams come true.. Out of this clarity arises a new quality of self-reliance and happiness. Cast aside your doubts and fears and refuse to fall back into old habits. Turn to face the future, trusting in your own power, making no compromises. Trust yourself and everything else will fall into place. Set out on a journey of self-discovery. There lies within us uncharted territories. Enlarge the lens through which you look at life - and let go of the outcome. Life is a journey. Enjoy it.

To Connect:
Practice seeing things as they are.

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." - Marcel Proust

When you look out at the horizon, where is your inspiration taking you?

Sing It:
Jimmy Cliff's 'I Can See Clearly Now': 'I can see clearly now, the rain is gone, I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind. It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) Sun-Shiny day...."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland's The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day
Page of Cups

Meditation Musing:
It's time to lighten up, Lucy! When the Page of Cups appears it's a sign that the time has come to play, to dream to have a little fun. Court the unexpected in the most unusual of places, embrace surprise, let your emotions be your guide and enjoy being the center of attention. Focus on maintaining an open heart. Enjoy life - make the most of living it to the fullest!

To Connect:
Do what delights you today.

“Love wholeheartedly, be surprised, give thanks and praise - then you will discover the fullness of your life." - David Steindl-Rast

What would you do if you only had a year to live?

Sing It:
The Beatles' 'Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds': 'Picture yourself in a boat on a river, With tangerine trees and marmalade skies. Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly. A girl with kaleidoscope eyes..."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland The Star Tarot Deck


Beth Leas' TLC Tarot Card of the Day:
Knight of Swords

Meditation Musing:
Actions speak louder than words. The Knight of Swords, although sometimes a bit impetuous, is driven to charge forward by a strong sense of righteousness. He will no doubt provoke all kinds of movement in your life, in the form of events, people and ideas and courage you to sharpen your own communication skills. No more talk. No more procrastination. No more meandering. The time for action is now. Get moving!

To Connect:
Get a move on. Talk is cheap. Just do it!

"The bravest are surely those who have the clearest of vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it." - Thucydides

What have you been holding in? What are you not comfortable expressing?

Sing It: Miley Cyrus's 'Wrecking Ball'..."I never meant to start a war, I just wanted you to let me in, And instead of using force
I guess I should’ve let you win..."

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Image Credit: Cathy McClelland The Star Tarot Deck


Beth's TLC Tarot Card of the Day
The Lovers

*excerpted from Beth Leas' book "Transformative Tarot: 78 Keys to Life"© 2018

Meditation Musing:
Relationships mirror your inner balance. You must decide with your whole heart, without rancor - and without keeping an escape route open. It is only when we can come to an uncompromising decision to stay with it that we can find the path to a deep and fulfilling experience. While the whirlwind of passion is delightfully delicious - it's not enough to build a solid foundation. Trust, respect, devotion, commitment, compatibility and compassion are needed to temper the quick burning of passion.

To Connect:
Love yourself up!

“At any moment we have the opportunity of choosing love or fear." - Louise Hay

Question: What choice do you need to make to be in relationship?

Sing It: The Lovin' Spoonful's 'Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind'..."Did you ever have to make up your mind? And pick up on one and leave the other behind? It's not often easy and not often kind. Did you ever have to make up your mind?..."

Image Credit: Mary-el Tarot Deck

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Tarot curious? Join me tomorrow, Friday evening 10/14, at TLC Norwalk for a Fun & Fabulous Tarot evening. Learn more abo...
Tarot curious? Join me on Friday evening at TLC Norwalk for a Fun & Fabulous Tarot evening. Learn more about the magic o...
Tarot curious? On a journey of self discovery and looking for a transformational tool? Want to expand your intuitive ski...