HousePaws Austin Mobile Vet

HousePaws Austin Mobile Vet

HousePaws Austin is a mobile veterinary service providing wellness services such as vaccines, and tr

HousePaws Austin is a mobile veterinary service providing wellness services such as vaccines, and treatments for minor illnesses and injuries.


I am slowly starting to see some appointments. Last week, I tried to stay close to home, and see very simple appointments. I ended up having to cancel afternoon appointment on 2 days and still ended up in the ER on Thursday night. UGH! But, I feel better this week and will fortunately, be 100% weight bearing on my surgical leg on Wednesday! Yay! Thank you so much for your patience. I'm trying to catch up as quickly as possible, but I also am trying to stay out of the ER this week. I have been blessed with a fabulous doctor with incredible technology, as well as great support from my family, and the absolute best clients ever! I am looking forward to getting back to seeing everyone soon!


Thank you for all the well wishes. I am in a regular room now and hope to go home tomorrow. I have been blessed with a fabulous doctor that was able to remove the clots in my leg. He also used fabulous new technology that helped dissolve the clots in my lungs so my heart is already better today. I came to the right place and I have felt all the love and prayers. My recuperation will be longer than I hoped. But I promise to get back on the road as soon as the time is right. I have the best clients ever! I want to get back to seeing you and my patients!


UPDATE: Dr. Hunt had a successful surgery. Was able to remove the clot that was from her ankle to her groin, in the Cath lab. Is still on blood thinners to continue dissolving the remaining clots in her chest. Her leg already feels better. Thank you to everyone for the prayers and well wishes! - from Dr. Hunt's family.

As some of you know, I had a meniscal root repair on my left leg 3 weeks ago. I have been non-weight bearing on that leg since. It started swelling yesterday and it turns out I have an extensive blood clot, throughout almost the entire leg. I also have multiple clots in my lungs, and hopefully will have a procedure this afternoon to remove the clot in my leg. Unfortunately, we will be closed for a bit more. I am trying to get back to work ASAP but need to work through these complications. Allison will be monitoring emails, and we will let you know when I can get back to work.


If you know anyone interested in adopting 2 male 9 month old guinea pigs let me know. I can connect you with the owner.


Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to all our clients and patients. We have been blessed to help you keep your pets healthy this year. We will not be seeing patients Dec 23rd through Dec 26th to spend time with our families. I will be available by email the morning of the 23rd and 26th. We hope all of you have a joyous, restful, holiday.

TFP Nutrition Expands Voluntary Recall of Dry Dog, Dry Cat, and Catfish Food Due to Potential Salmonella Health Risk. Recall Includes Dry Dog, Dry Cat, and Catfish Foods Manufactured in Nacogdoches, TX Facility 18/11/2023

A pet food supplier in Texas has expanded its voluntary food recall including some Signature ( not Kirkland Signature) , and HEB Hill Country Fare pet food. Here is an article with the list. Be sure to check your bags for the lot numbers if you feeding these foods.

TFP Nutrition Expands Voluntary Recall of Dry Dog, Dry Cat, and Catfish Food Due to Potential Salmonella Health Risk. Recall Includes Dry Dog, Dry Cat, and Catfish Foods Manufactured in Nacogdoches, TX Facility TFP Nutrition is expanding their voluntary recall that was initiated to include all dry dog, dry cat, and catfish formulas manufactured in their Nacogdoches, Texas, facility. The recall of these production codes is being conducted due to the potential for Salmonella contamination.


Update: I also am very thankful for my husband that works so hard behind the scenes these days to keep on the technology working, helps me load and unload each day, creates our SOAP sheets and enters all my invoices for supplies. Again, I'm blessed to have the 4 of them helping me each day.

This week is Vet Tech Week. I have been fortunate to work with so many wonderful vet techs that have a true passion to help animals. I am currently blessed to have Allison, Judy, and Jenn. Jenn is back after moving out of state. Allison has decided to keep working with us even though she recently purchased a home with her husband and has quite a commute. Judy is continuing on our limited Saturday appointments. They all work so hard to make our visits with your pet as stress free as possible. But they also work hard to keep me organized and efficient. I couldn't do it without them. Help me thank them for doing such a wonderful job.

Kissing Bugs and Chagas Disease in the U.S. | Texas A&M University 07/10/2023

During the last 2 weeks, we have had 2 patients test positive for exposure to a parasite called Trypanosoma Cruzi. This parasite is carried in a specific bug called a Kissing Bug. Kissing Bugs have orange stripes on their body and long heads. The parasite is passed to dogs, and rarely cats, through the Kissing Bug's p**p. If the dog eats the bug, or has contact with the bug's p**p, the parasite enters the dogs body. The parasite, T. Cruzi, then travels to the dog's heart through the blood stream. Eventually, the dog develops right sided heart failure. There is currently no treatment for a T Cruzi infection, and a dog infected with T Cruzi will likely die from heart failure. They call that disease process, Chagas disease. One of my patients that tested positive was tested as a screening process for a clinical trial for a new drug at A&M. She has no symptoms of infection. This dog is very well cared for and lives in NE Austin. The 2nd dog was tested because I actually found 2 Kissing Bugs on my deck 3 weeks ago. I sent pictures to the Kissing Bug lab at A&M and they confirmed they were Kissing Bugs. I have sent the bugs to A&M for testing to see if they carry the parasite. They were dead, but as a precaution, I tested my daughters' 4 dogs as they have spent time on our property. 1 of my daughters' dogs has tested positive. That doesn't mean she was exposed here on our property, but it is a possibility. Most of the time we discover a dog is infected with T Cruzi and has Chagas after the heart disease develops, not before. So we are still looking at what the prognosis is for these 2 dogs. But I think it is very important that my clients know what a Kissing Bug is and keep an eye out for them. Here is a good webpage for more information and pictures of the bugs. The bugs I found were under a spider web ( THANK YOU spider). I never would have known they were there. If you find a kissing bug, don't touch it. Use a bag over your hand to collect it and put it in the freezer until it dies. I do recommend sending pictures to A&M for confirmation.

Kissing Bugs and Chagas Disease in the U.S. | Texas A&M University Texas A&M research on kissing bugs and chagas disease in the United States with the help of citizen scientists to uncover the distribution of different species of kissing bugs, their infection prevalence over time, and their interactions with host species.

Mid America Pet Food Issues Voluntary Recall Due to Possible Salmonella Health Risk 06/09/2023

There is a recall on a Texas based dog food called Victor. If you have some in your pantry check your lot numbers.

Mid America Pet Food Issues Voluntary Recall Due to Possible Salmonella Health Risk Mid America Pet Food, Mount Pleasant, Texas, is voluntarily recalling one lot of Victor Super Premium Dog Food, Hi-Pro Plus produced at its Mount Pleasant, Texas production facility because it has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. Salmonella can affect animals eating the products and

Photos from HousePaws Austin Mobile Vet's post 15/08/2023

Some days end better than others! Fortunately my Dad and husband taught me enough about cars that I knew not to drive it when it appeared the radiator emptied into the street. Figuring out transportation for the rest of the week. But it just needs a new radiator not a new engine.

Pet Disaster Preparedness Kit | Healthy Pets, Healthy People | CDC 09/08/2023

We are praying for everyone near the fire in Cedar Park tonight. The fire danger in our area is going to last for quite some time. The CDC has a list of things to prepare in a "Go Bag" to be ready to evacuate quickly. I have one packed near the front door so I can grab it quickly, but I packed it a year ago. I should check and see what needs to be updated. Everyone be careful out there.

Pet Disaster Preparedness Kit | Healthy Pets, Healthy People | CDC


Thank you everyone for your patience during the entire month of April. April was a very challenging month for HousePaws. The van was in the repair shop for 2 weeks getting a new timing chain. Fortunately, Mercedes of Georgetown worked hard and got it covered under an emissions recall warranty! I worked solo the entire month except for 6 days. Allison will be back tomorrow and we will be back to normal schedules! And this week is an anniversary for HousePaws. I started the business 7 years ago this week. I am blessed to have to best clients around and enjoy taking care of all my patients. Here's to a fabulous May!


Congratulations to my assistant Allison as she is off to Florida to get married this Saturday! I wish her the best weather, most special wedding and safe travels for everyone. I will be working alone for the next 12 days, so there may be delays in responding to texts and emails. I will do my best to catch up between appointments and at the end of the day.


Duncan's waiting for Easter and has his rabbit ears ready! What fabulous ears!


Amplify Austin is today. If you aren't familiar with it, non-profits get matching funds for donations during this 24 hour online event. We work with 2 non-profits that are participating in Amplify Austin. Catnip Casa and Texas Veterinary Medical Foundation Leap/PALS Program. Through TVMF/Leap/PALS, we see Meals on Wheel's clients pets 1 morning a month. Catnip Casa has taken in cats from social service referrals when the owner passes or goes into a nursing home. We see their crew once a month. If you are looking for a pet charity to donate to today, both organizations would appreciate your help, large or small.


Our power just came back on about 4:30 AM, so we will be back on the road today. Hopefully, we can get all the cancelled appointments rescheduled in the next few days. Thanks for you patience! We've missed seeing everyone!


Thanks for everyone for your patience during the ice storm. I'm very protective of the van during ice because I can't afford to have it in the body shop. The power at my house went out at 6 am this morning. We have the generator on the van running a space heater and some lights in the house. Bluebonnet electric has recommended people prepare to be without power until tomorrow. As soon as the power comes back on, we will be back on the roads. I hope everyone is safe and warm!

Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Feline Renal Support F, 6.6 lb (3 kg) bags 31/01/2023

Royal Canin has recalled some of their feline dry renal diet. The bags are mislabeled and may contain a different product. Check your lot numbers!

Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Feline Renal Support F, 6.6 lb (3 kg) bags Royal Canin recalls one lot of Feline Renal Support F diet, 6.6 lb (3 kg) bags, due to mislabeling, with some bags possibly containing a different product.


Happy New Year to all our clients and friends! 2022 had its challenges and blessings for the business. In February, we added Allison to the team, when Greg went back to his world of data management. She is a fabulous addition to the team. We are fortunate that Judy is still working Saturdays. However, the challenges I've had this year have given me great appreciation for our wonderful clients. In March, I had to take some time off to clear up tornado debris when the Elgin tornado gave us a glancing blow. Everyone was so understanding. Then when Greg fell and was in the ICU for 26 days and a regular room for 4 more, everyone was so understanding. I have never closed the business for 5 weeks. Then we had to have a limited schedule until his first recheck, but everyone was very very understanding. In November, the van decided it needed a lot of attention and was in and out of the Mercedes Sprinter Service, Fleet Maintenance for a generator repair that took a couple of trips and then needed new tires. Having to reschedule appointments around the van issues was so challenging. Allison did a fabulous job and I am fortunate to have her. Now with a new fuel pump on the generator, a new transmission and almost new EGR system on the van, we look forward to a less complicated 2023. Thanks for allowing us to see your wonderful pets and showing us so much understanding in 2022! HousePaws truly has the best clients that make our job so much more fulfilling!


Merry Christmas to all our patients, clients and friends. We are so blessed to have such wonderful clients. May you enjoy the holidays with your pets, family and friends! We will be back to work on Tuesday Dec 27th.


I want to thank everyone for your patience and understanding over the last 5 weeks. Allison and I were talking on the way home yesterday, and it is clear that we have the BEST clients ever! We are humbled by your patience with our schedule and your concern for Greg. Fortunately, Greg is at home and continuing to improve. We have an incredible family that is taking turns staying with him while I start a limited schedule. Hopefully, after his rechecks next week, I'll be able to get back to a full schedule. In the meantime, we are trying very hard to schedule our appointments in very close proximity to each other so we can see more appointments, with less driving, and can catch up sooner. Thanks again for your patience. Allison and I look forward to seeing you and your pets very soon.


Greg is finally home! Today was day 30 and now he is home. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. Greg definitely felt the love. Although he is home, he can't be left alone until his recheck with the surgeon in 2 weeks. However, we have a large support system and I will be able to see some appointments on a part time basis very soon. As soon as we can we will be back at a full schedule. Thank you so much for your patience. I truly have the best clients!


Finally Great News! They started a new treatment for Greg last night at 10 PM and it has helped so much today he is officially on the list to leave ICU and will be moving upstairs when a room becomes available! He still has 2 days of this treatment, before discharge, but they finally have him on the path to recovery. I don't want to promise a return date, but we are finally glad to see him recovering!


Thanks for all your patience during this time. Greg is still in the ICU, but much more stable. I thought I had a plan for seeing a couple of appointments during the day. Just had 1 big hurdle of figuring out where to park the van at the hospital. But since this is a teaching hospital, he has a new attending physician every week. This one does things a little differently than the other ones, and my plan will not work. If you've had a loved one in the hospital, you know you only get to talk to the doctor when they randomly come into the room. If you aren't there at that time, you missed your opportunity to ask questions for the day. So, I was trying to plan to be here when the doctors come by, but just when I knew their pattern, they switched it up on me today. Greg is getting another chest tube placed tomorrow. Hopefully that will finally give his right lung the opportunity to heal. I am trying very hard to get back to seeing appointments, but Greg's lung needs to step up and heal as well! I never imagined he would still be in the ICU 22 days after he fell. But I'm thankful he was in the ICU when he had his 2 emergencies!


Greg is much more stable, but had to have his 5th chest tube placed today with imaging to be able to get the tube to where it needs to be. I hope this is the last procedure and it is just healing from here. He is still in the ICU, but I multi-tasked and attended an acupuncture conference in Florida via Zoom while in his room. I have a return to work date in my mind, but last week showed us not to count on discharge until it happens, so I'm going to keep it to myself until we see how he does this weekend. Thank you for your patience. It has been very important to me to be with him in the ICU to ask the doctors questions when they come into his room. Hopefully, we will be back on the road very soon. Hug your loved ones tonight. I have seen many families going through struggles during his stay. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.


We think we may finally be on the path to getting Greg home. He had another large emergency bleed in his chest yesterday afternoon and went to surgery. He is exhausted and sleeping, but hopefully, this will allow his collapsed lung to start to work again and allow all the bleeding in his chest to stop. I will be out a bit longer, but hopefully, the surgery finally put him on the path to healing.


Thanks for all the well wishes. Greg was able to come off the ventilator today and is doing overall better. Yesterday, they think one of his broken ribs damaged an important vessel in his chest, and it filled with blood in minutes. It took his trauma team 6 hours to stabilize him while I had to wait in the lobby. He is better today and is back to working on healing his collapsed lung. All of you have been so understanding. Being here for a moment like yesterday has been very important. I appreciate all of your patience and look forward to seeing you and your pets as soon as Greg is stable at home.


Greg took a turn for the worse today and had to be put on a ventilator. I will be out much longer than anticipated. If your pet needs care in the next 2 -3 weeks, it would be best for you to take them to another clinic. Please say a prayer for him.


Greg is healing, but had a minor setback today with his lungs. Hopefully, he will be home in the next 2 -3 days and we can get his care plan in place. Thank you so much for your patience. We will be back seeing appointments as soon as possible!


Update on our schedule. Greg is improving every day. He is off ICU status, but there are not any regular rooms available, so he is hanging out in ICU until one becomes available. We were given the parameters for him to be discharged and he isn't there yet, but hopefully, this weekend. I hope to see a limited schedule next week, but it all depends on his oxygen status. Thank you for your patience and I promise to be back at full schedule as soon as I can.

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Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 14:00