Together in Birth

Together in Birth

Birth and fertility specialist doula with postpartum, belly binding and reiki services as well as birth education and virtual assistance.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Gwyneth Paltrow talk postpartum depression: 'It was terrible and lonely' 28/02/2020

No one is immune and we should be talking about this🙌🏻💕

Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Gwyneth Paltrow talk postpartum depression: 'It was terrible and lonely' Actresses Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Gwyneth Paltrow both spoke candidly about their struggles with postpartum depression on the latest episode of the Goop podcast. 27/02/2020




Were you told to avoid all sorts of food while breastfeeding? I was😐. Again, another hurdle to mess with your nursing journey as well as being handed misinformation. Tell me some of the things you were told to avoid!!🥰More great info in the blog highlighted at the bottom of the post. Thanks Sacred Sage Birth Services

Have you ever been told you need to limit caffeine to basically none? Or eat a really bland diet to breastfeed? Avoid spicy food or food with a lot of flavor, certain foods? Some feel so restricted they decide not to breastfeed and or decide to switch to alternatives. We really need to stop telling birthing people this! Not only are these myths but can be harmful to a breastfeeding relationship.
👇🏼 more here with the facts and how your breastmilk is made and what actually enters it!

Evidence on: Inducing for Due Dates - Evidence Based Birth® 26/02/2020

Evidence on: Inducing for Due Dates - Evidence Based Birth® Here we discuss the evidence on inducing for due dates! What are the Pros/Cons of induction when you are approaching or passing your estimated due date?

Maternal Mortality - Spinning Babies 26/02/2020

Maternal Mortality - Spinning Babies Racism, poverty, and modern schedules add a stress to pregnancy that can’t be overlooked. Spinning Babies® may offer benefits to birthing families.


Thank you Sacred Sage Births, this is wonderful! I agree, language needs to change, these biological needs are part of the neonates biology and benefit them down the road. It is not nor should it be a luxury or an extra benefit!! Well said!🙌🏻❤️

I’d like to change this conversation.
🚨 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 🚨

We always talk about the benefits of leaving the umbilical cord attached after birth. We say it gives a baby all these extra things (like the infographic here)

Leaving a baby attached to their lifeline (cord and placenta) does not give them EXTRA things. It gives them the biologically normal components that are apart of the 1/3rd of their blood volume still circulating at birth. We often hear birth advocates talking about benefits of optimal cord clamping and all the extra a baby gets. But in reality we need to be changing the language to reflect the facts that not doing this, comes with risks and deficiencies.

🗣 All of these “extra” benefits are actually the normal amounts a neonate is intended to have. Immediately cutting a cord and depriving them of their blood volume and all the biologically normal components that come with it (the benefits in the infographic), take away these important factors and makes them deficient in these areas.

🗣 Immediately clamping and cutting a cord comes with risks. Risks of oxygen deprivation, low iron levels, low blood cell and white blood cell count (because they are missing a 1/3rd of their blood volume) and low levels of stem cells.

Often times when we are trying to change a routine practice, we want to make it seem like there are all these benefits and convince people of why it should be done by glorifying it. When in reality, we need to talk about the risks and issues that come with not changing the practice because the current practice is damaging.

I’d like to see memes and info graphics say these points 👇🏼

▶️ If you immediately clamp and cut the cord 👉🏼 The baby is deficient of 60% of THEIR blood cells.

▶️ If you immediately clamp and cut the cord 👉🏼 The baby does not receive all of their iron stores how nature intended and will not have adequate levels through the first year.

▶️ If you immediately clamp and cut the cord👉🏼 They do not get all of THEIR white blood cells they are intended to receive at birth and this can lead to being more susceptible to infections and unable to fight them off as adequately.

▶️ If you immediately clamp and cut the cord 👉🏼 They do not receive all of THEIR antibodies in their blood volume and are lacking the adequate antibodies to protect them.

▶️ If you immediately clamp and cut the cord 👉🏼 They do not get all of THEIR intended stem cells, this will effect their bodies natural function that helps repair their bodies and can be damaging.

But I’d take changing it to this at the very least🔻

▶️ Instead of “if you delay cord clamping for 90 seconds they get 60% more blood cells” 👉🏼 If you leave the cord intact as it should be, the baby receives 60% of THEIR blood cells.

▶️ Instead of “they get enough iron to last them through their first year” 👉🏼 They received all of their iron stores how nature intended and will have adequate levels through the first year.

▶️ Instead of “they get white blood cells to fight infection” 👉🏼 They get all of THEIR white blood cells they are intended to receive at birth that leads to fighting infections more adequately.

▶️ “They get antibodies” 👉🏼 all of THEIR antibodies are transferred in their blood volume to protect them.

▶️ “They get stem cells to repair the body” 👉🏼 They get all of THEIR intended stem cells that will help repair their bodies and greatly benefit them.

🔹Post words, information and credit Cari Samuelson, Sacred Sage Births
🔹Image information Dr Alan Greene 🔹Creator of image Moomysmilk

68 students forced to remove underwear to prove they weren't on period after warden complains 25/02/2020

This is disgusting 🤯😐

68 students forced to remove underwear to prove they weren't on period after warden complains The shocking incident took place in India, where women who are menstruating are not allowed to enter temples or kitchens.


I’ll post every time!! You are so much more than a “stick”!🥰❤️

It is National Infertility Awareness week. Thinking of all those who struggle with fertility. ❤️

My heart goes out to you lovely people who are struggling in this area. You are loved! You are important! And I hope soon, you see those two lines!!
Image credit Dalton
Creator/owner Mom After God's Own Heart

It’s Time to Start Talking About Menopause at Work 24/02/2020

Annnnd the other end of the spectrum needs to be spoken about as well!!

It’s Time to Start Talking About Menopause at Work It often intersects with a critical stage of a woman’s career.


This is a thing and it works! Rhianna is amazing 🥰

My clients have added stress relief and having the ability to choose their thoughts rather than get run over by them. Are you ready to try this easy and natural option?


When in doubt, always tell a parent that they are doing great! Chances are they don’t feel it. ❤️

Tell them. ❤️

Timeline photos 23/02/2020

Just in case😉

"Every woman who’s not planning a home birth has thought about it: What if I end up giving birth in the parking lot? Or worse—in the car?! The thought certainly crossed my mind, and the second time around my fears were almost realized: As we were driving to the birth center on the day of my daughter’s birth, I very nearly instructed my husband to pull over so I could deliver our little bundle right there in the Volkswagen. Fortunately, we arrived just in time—I was “complete and +2” in case you’re wondering—and very nearly delivered my baby on the gurney. Despite these totally normal, entirely understandable fears, however, it is extremely rare that a first-timer will wait too long to head to the hospital. In fact, it’s much more likely that you’ll arrive too early, only to find out you’ve barely begun to dilate. (A good rule of thumb: if you’re able to be super-chatty during contractions, you’re probably not even close to delivering that baby.) Worst-case scenario? Plenty of women have given birth in transit—google “birth in car” if you don’t believe me—and things worked out for them just fine. So, in the highly unlikely scenario that baby starts coming fast and furious, here’s what to do: Remain calm. Believe it or not, when babies come this fast, all is usually well and birth tends to proceed smoothly. Pull over. The last thing you and your partner need is to get into an accident on the freeway. Call 911. The operator will remain on the phone with you (or preferably your partner) until the baby arrives, and he or she can provide valuable instruction specific to your circumstances.
Be ready to “catch” the baby. His head will come out first, and then there may be a pause (as your body prepares for another contraction) before his body emerges. No need to do any fancy maneuvers here—certainly don’t pull the baby out. Just let nature take its course, and make sure baby doesn’t slip out of your grasp when he pops out.
Do not pull on the head, the body, or the umbilical cord (if you happen to notice it wrapped around baby’s neck). Instead, carefully unwrap the cord once baby has been delivered. As soon as baby makes his debut, place him skin-to-skin on your body (your legs or belly are fine if you can’t get access to your chest) and cover him with a blanket, shirt, or jacket. (You also might want to note the time. Ya know, for the birth certificate.) If he doesn’t breathe or cry right away, don’t panic—he’s still receiving oxygen from the umbilical cord. Vigorously dry him off (wiping his nose and mouth) to help stimulate breathing. A gush of blood and fluid will follow his birth, but it’ll seem like more (volume-wise) than it actually is; part of this “gush” is just amniotic fluid.

It may take anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes to expel the placenta. By then, emergency services should have joined you. In the meantime, do not pull on or cut the cord. Make your way to the hospital by ambulance (so that everyone can be checked out by a doctor) and congratulate yourself on one heck of a memorable birth story!" By MAMA NATURAL

Hungary will plant 10 trees for every baby born as part of new climate plan 23/02/2020

Amazing 🙌🏻

Hungary will plant 10 trees for every baby born as part of new climate plan Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced that 10 trees will be planted for every baby born.

Doulas are key to curbing maternal mortality — but they’re drastically underpaid 23/02/2020

Doulas are key to curbing maternal mortality — but they’re drastically underpaid Doulas for low-income women fight rising maternal mortality rates, but are often not compensated for their work

How Men’s Bodies Change When They Become Fathers 22/02/2020

I love this! Any dads experience any of this?❤️

How Men’s Bodies Change When They Become Fathers Hint: They don’t just get ‘dad bods.’


Wow, did you know? That first eye contact begins the bonding process and is vitally important!

Did you know that antibiotic ointment for your baby’s eyes at birth is normally NOT needed? It is only needed IF you are positive for a STI at the time you give birth. You will want to read this one! Most babies born do not need it, if their mother knows she doesn’t have chlamydia or gonorrhea, there is no reason to routinely expose an infant to antibiotics in their first hour of life. There are always reasons to look into routine practices. For example how I’ve posted previously about routine IV fluids effecting birth weight and loss. The same with the antibiotic eye ointment. We have to understand that anytime we interfere with physiological birth in any capacity, including but not limited to, 3rd and 4th stage of labor and newborn care- it will change how nature intended it to be. Sometimes, there is a need to intervene. But that is just the point, it should only be utilized when needed. ⤵️

What about cesareans? If a baby is born by Cesarean then it is extremely unlikely that the baby could develop Ophthalmia neonatorum (the complication that the ointment prevents if exposed to the STI at birth). But unless denied, every cesarean baby in the United States it routinely given this.

🔻 what are the facts?
The use of erythromycin eye ointment in newborns has its roots in the late 1800s. Even then, it effected 3% of infants. When we take a look at that, isn’t it very concerning that in 2019 we are still using a practice that came from the 1800s, where such a small percent of infants were affected over a hundred years ago. We have to realize we have come a long way in 130 years. First, antibiotics have made it possible to treat pregnant people who have sexually transmitted infections as well as any infants who contract bacterial ON, making blindness highly unlikely in developed countries.

Does the ointment prevent other infections, like staph? Non-gonorrheal and non-chlamydial bacteria in the newborns eye are not dangerous and do not progress to blindness. Next we ask is the antibiotic ointment effective?

After the use of prophylaxis, infectious ON still occurred in 13%, 15%, and 18% percent of newborns treated with povidone–iodine, erythromycin, and silver nitrate, respectively.

Compared to the group that received povidone-iodine, groups that received silver nitrate and erythromycin had overall rates of pink eye that were 34% and 16% higher, respectively. Erythromycin was first introduced in 1953 and by 1968, strains of Streptococcus bacteria had developed resistance. 50 years ago, strains were already becoming resistant and we still routinely use this.

What are the benefits?
1️⃣ Erythromycin prophylaxis may be helpful if the mother and her partner(s) did not receive adequate screening and treatment for gonorrhea/chlamydia during the pregnancy AND it’s not possible to test the mother at the time of birth and treat the infant as needed.

2️⃣ Erythromycin prophylaxis may help to protect a newborn from gonorrheal ON if the mother was infected after a negative screening result earlier in the pregnancy (for example, due to a partner’s infidelity)

What are the risks
1️⃣ Adverse effects can include chemical pink eye, or eye irritation. A study in Kenya found that 13% of infants who received erythromycin developed pink eye with no evidence of infection.

2️⃣ Blurred vision could potentially interfere with bonding by disrupting early eye gazing between the newborn and parents.

3️⃣ Erythromycin is not 100% effective at preventing gonorrheal ON – it had a 20% failure rate in the past and might be less effective now due to growing resistance.

4️⃣ Erythromycin may not be effective at preventing chlamydial ON or ON from other non-gonorrheal bacteria.

What other options are there? I’m glad you asked! ⤵️

Colostrum, or the first breast milk after the birth. Three randomized trials have looked to see if applying drops of the mother’s first breast milk into the newborn’s eyes can help to lower the risk of ON from non-chlamydial, non-gonorrheal bacteria. All three trials found that drops of the mother’s first milk can lower the risk of ON from non-sexually transmitted bacteria.

🤰🏽So. What do we do with all of this information? It is up to the birthing parents to discern the risk versus benefit and them safely declining the ointment should always be respected. I will also add that in my honest opinion, it should only ever been used when a birthing person has tested positive for the STI and it is truly needed.

The results 👉🏼 Newborns receive erythromycin eye ointment after birth to prevent pink eye in the first month of life, also called ophthalmia neonatorum (ON). The most common cause of ON is chlamydia, a sexually transmitted infection. A less common but more serious cause of ON and the reason FOR mandatory eye ointment is gonorrhea, another sexually transmitted infection, that now accounts for less than 1% of reported ON cases in the U.S. AND a newborn can only get ON from chlamydia or gonorrhea if the mother is infected at the time of the birth. The growing problem of antibacterial resistance means that erythromycin is less effective today. ON is treatable in all of its forms, including ON from gonorrhea, as long as antibiotic treatment is started immediately. Today, laws in many U.S. states still mandate the use of (remember this does not mean you cannot decline. This simply means the hospital has to routinely use unless declined) erythromycin with all newborns even though the erythromycin may not be effective and even though other options are available. Given the fact that other options can be used to safely prevent and treat newborn eye infections, the mandatory nature of these erythromycin state laws should be discontinued.

❗️Did you know all of the facts when your baby received the eye ointment❗️

Did you know you had a choice in the matter and could say no? In my personal experience and the experiences I hear all the time from other people, informed consent with the erythromycin ointment is very rarely given. If it was, the care provider would give the birthing family all of these facts I’ve given here and let them decide if they want it or not.

Information gathered from various places including evidence based birth and pubmed. Evidenced based birth lists all sources.

🔹Post words, information Cari Samuelson, Sacred Sage Births
🔹Images creator unknown
🔹Information from pubmed, medical journals, evidence based birth and Varney’s Midwifery textbook

Treat your Pet with Reiki - Reiki Rays 20/02/2020

Reiki is for your pets as well😩

Treat your Pet with Reiki - Reiki Rays Pets are an integral part of the family. They share the same home, the same family sometimes extending to eating part of the same favourite food. The emotional bond is so strong that if they are anxious or not keeping well, it becomes a concern for the entire family. A study has proved that pets …


Am loving this🙌🏻🥰

Things to come to terms with.

Multiple Miscarriage - RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association 20/02/2020

Such a heartbreaking deal all the way around. And women suffer in silence, this needs to change. I am a fertility doula and may be of some help, please reach out! You are not alone and are very much seen!’💕💕

Multiple Miscarriage - RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association A miscarriage can be absolutely soul crushing for those who experience that loss. When one miscarriage is heartbreaking enough (yet sadly not uncommon),


This puts things in perspective! We do need to get angry and demand more!!

"What’s very clear is that no one is coming to stand up for mothers if we don’t get angry and stand up for ourselves."
For the full article, "American moms: let's stop feeling guilty and start getting mad" by Katherine Goldstein:


Just a reminder ❤️

Report: Alabama has third-highest death rate of mothers 20/02/2020

This hurts my heart 😞

Report: Alabama has third-highest death rate of mothers “We’re losing a shocking number of mothers each year."

Research Review: Is Routine Induction at 41 weeks Better Than Expectant Management until 42 Weeks? 19/02/2020


Research Review: Is Routine Induction at 41 weeks Better Than Expectant Management until 42 Weeks? What are we to make of a new Swedish trial in which women were allocated by chance to either routine induction at 41 weeks or expectant management until 42 weeks (Wennerholm 2019)? The trial was stopped midway through because it had already shown a statistically significant increase, meaning unlikel...

‘I was risking my life’: why one in four US women return to work two weeks after childbirth 19/02/2020

These are the things ladies. We need soooo much more!!!

‘I was risking my life’: why one in four US women return to work two weeks after childbirth The US is one of only three of the most developed countries in the world not to offer statutory paid maternity leave, according to an analysis


Can you relate?😂😂

(Credit unknown.)


Some more really important facts to consider

Believe it or not, you can decline any and all cervical checks (and anything else) offered to you during pregnancy and labor. . .

As Earthley shared:

Most women are subject to routine pelvic exams during pregnancy...early, late, and during labor. But did you know these are often NOT necessary?

Early in pregnancy, cervical exams are used to "confirm" pregnancy. A simple, non-invasive urine test can do the same thing.

Late in pregnancy, cervical exams are used to "predict" labor. While a pelvic exam *may* benefit a woman who is pre-term and having signs of impending labor (via the "Bishop score"), there is no benefit to women who are full-term and simply wondering how many more days it will be!

During labor, there is also little benefit. Most providers use cervical exams for their own knowledge, so that they can try to predict when they'll be needed for delivery. It doesn't impact the progress of labor or improve the outcomes for mom or baby.

Pelvic exams can also introduce foreign bacteria and increase the risk of infection to both mother and baby. Some women find the exams extremely uncomfortable mentally and physically, especially if they are performed frequently or by different providers. They also immediately shift the vaginal flora, which can impact the baby's gut development (but no studies have been done to see what the long-term impact might be).

One situation in pregnancy where an exam may be advised is if a woman has had a previous second-trimester loss, or is having symptoms of very pre-term labor. Cervical shortening is highly predictive of early labor, and women can get progesterone supplements to help sustain the pregnancy until they are full-term. However, "repeated" exams do not improve outcomes with pre-term labor. (An ultrasound may also work to detect a shortening cervix.)

If you don't want a pelvic exam, you have the right to say NO (until or unless you change your mind or something goes wrong). You can also learn how to check yourself for dilation during labor, if you want to know. Whether or not you have an exam, baby *will* be born. 🙂




Photos from The Practising Midwife Journal's post 18/02/2020

Horrifying 😯 this is why we need education everywhere, not just this country!

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