Jewish Federation of Greater Portland

Jewish Federation of Greater Portland

Strengthening the Jewish Community Locally, Nationally, Overseas, and in Israel, in accordance with Jewish values.

The Jewish Federation for Greater Portland funds and supports a community-wide network of organizations that care for people in need here at home, in Israel and around the world. The work of Federation nurtures and sustains the Jewish community today and for future generations. 🟦


'A labor of love' opens at Kesser

Families enjoy Congregation Kesser Israel's expanded playground area during an ice cream social held to mark its opening Sunday, July 14. (Rockne Roll/The Jewish Review)

The Jewish Review

"Congregation Kesser Israel’s facility has undergone significant changes in the last year – a new perimeter fence, a new gathering tent, and other upgrades. The latest is likely the most fun of all – a playground.

The Orthodox synagogue staged a grand opening ice cream social for their playground expansion Sunday, July 14, with families coming out in force to enjoy the new facilities.

Even a glancing inspection of the new structure reveals that this is no ordinary playground.

“It’s a little taste of Israel right in our backyard,” Kesser Israel President Charles Elder said."

Read the complete July 17th Jewish Review Article here:

Photos from Jewish Federation of Greater Portland's post 22/07/2024

Thanks to all who came out and participated in Pride PDX 2024!

We'll see you next year!


To address the mental health crisis in Israel, which has been exacerbated by Oct. 7 and the ongoing conflict, are partnering with the Israeli Health Ministry to establish 16 community-based mental health centers.

For more information:


On the occasion of the 30th yahrzeit (anniversary of passing) of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, z"l, known around the world as The Rebbe, host Rockne Roll talks to Chabad of Oregon's Rabbi Motti Wilhelm. They discuss the growth of Chabad, how The Rebbe's vision still shapes Chabad's work today, and the sense of urgency that is integral to everything Chabad does.



Jewish Pride Greater PDX is TODAY!

Show your support by standing alongside the Portland community for Pride. It's a great way to be a voice for tolerance and basic rights.

For more information, please visit:



WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich sentenced to 16 years for espionage by Russian court.

Read the CNN Report from July 19th here:


Marc's Remarks for July 19, 2024
From President/CEO of JFGP Marc Blattner

Kerosene or Hydrogen

"It is the middle point of the summer, a bit slower, so please indulge me…

I recently celebrated my 55th birthday, which means tomorrow, July 20, will be 55 years since we first landed on the moon. I always remember the date because that is also my daughter’s birthday.

The space program really started in earnest in 1959, a little more than 10 years after the Holocaust. Wernher von Braun, a former N**i SS officer who engineered the first ballistic missile for Germany during World War II, had come to the United States and was in charge of NASA’s flight center in Huntsville, Alabama. Abraham Silverstein, a Jew from a poor family in Indiana, worked his way to be NASA’s flight chief. They were America’s best rocket engineers trying to get the United States into space.

Think about this odd collaboration – a former N**i and a Jew working side-by-side (and there were many other N**is and Jews at NASA). One commentator noted, “The two groups were able to work side by side suggests a level of reconciliation, or at least acceptance, that would seem a near impossibility in today’s fractious social and political climate. It was an era when moral judgments took a back seat to a deeply held commitment to the future of space travel and support of national goals.”

Apparently, the biggest disagreement between the two men was what type of fuel should be used to get the rocket to space."

To read the full post - please visit:


Jewish Pride Greater PDX is THIS SUNDAY!

Show your support by standing alongside the Portland community for Pride. It's a great way to be a voice for tolerance and basic rights.

For more information, please visit:


On the occasion of the 30th yahrzeit (anniversary of passing) of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, z"l, known around the world as The Rebbe, host Rockne Roll talks to Chabad of Oregon's Rabbi Motti Wilhelm. They discuss the growth of Chabad, how The Rebbe's vision still shapes Chabad's work today, and the sense of urgency that is integral to everything Chabad does.




The Jewish Review for July 17th is NOW LIVE!

Inside this issue:

* 'A labor of love' opens at Kesser
* Pride Parade returns July 21
* Rensin assumes chaplaincy
* Plan ahead for NSGP grants - Security Corner


Read at the link below:

Subscribe Here:


Welcome to the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland Team!

Jakob Rich-Levin | Campaign Administrator

Jakob recently joined us after moving from Gainesville, Florida.

Jakob previously worked at a non-profit, animal rescue, where he and his wife adopted their two dogs and two cats.

He received his BA at the University of Florida in Jewish Studies and Political Science, and previously served on the Board of Directors for the UF Hillel.

Jakob is passionate, caring, and always looking out for those less fortunate.



The Jewish Federation of Greater Portland (JFGP) is dedicated to enriching and sustaining Jewish life in Portland, Oregon and around the world. We connect the community through social services, educational programs, and cultural events, and promote Jewish values and heritage. We are seeking a passionate and organized Director of Jewish Life & Learning to join our team and enhance our communal educational offerings.

View the complete job description/application process here:


Hey Jewish Teens! Want your voice to be heard? We're researching the experiences
of Jewish teens like you. Share your thoughts in this 3-minute online survey & help shape the future.

Click Here to Participate: #?


Looking for books written by Jewish authors with Jewish protagonists?

Look no further:

(Image by Elizabeth Karpen for Unpacked)


Countering Active Threat Training (CATT) - ONLINE BY ZOOM

Wednesday - July 17 - 7PM

The goal of CATT is to provide participants with a better understanding of active threats and potential response options. This course subscribes to the national Run, Hide, Fight model and SCN developed CATT with a singular goal: national delivery of a strategy to teach what to do during a threatening situation, wherever it may occur. The training will last approximately one hour with time available for questions.

Please contact Regional Security Advisor Jessica Anderson at [email protected] to schedule a follow-up session with your staff or community so the concepts can be applied to the specifics of your facility.

Register Here: #/registration


How did you cool off during the recent Portland heatwave?


Marc's Remarks for July 12, 2024
From President/CEO of JFGP Marc Blattner

Supporting Special Projects In Israel

"I hope everyone is managing in this heat. If we can help, please reply to this email. We appreciate those synagogues who have been serving as cooling centers.

Every year at this time I share information about our allocations to special projects in Israel. These are funds beyond last year’s Israel Emergency Campaign. And to be clear, no funding from the Jewish Federation goes to the government of the State of Israel or the Israel Defense Force.

We have been funding special projects in Israel for nearly 20 years, reaching all sectors of Israeli life. This year is a bit different as the war necessitates these smaller organizations play an even larger role in Israeli society. We are proud to offer our support to the following:"

To read the full post including all the funded special Israel projects - please visit:


Supporting Elderly in the North of Israel

Since October 7th, residents on the frontline, both in the south and north, have been uprooted from their homes. This is especially difficult for the elderly, as displacement requires adjusting to unfamiliar routines, navigating new surroundings which are not always adapted to their needs, while seeking to ensure their fundamental rights are upheld. Aviv for Holocaust Survivors, a non-profit organization dedicated to safeguarding the dignity and well-being of Israel's elderly and Holocaust survivors, launched an innovative Emergency Aid Program to extend their existing vital support system to the displaced elderly population of northern Israel, ensuring their needs are met.


On this day in 1947, the SS Exodus set sail with over 4,500 Jewish passengers, most of whom were Holocaust survivors. One week later, they were forced to return to Europe. As we honor them, take a look at how works with Holocaust survivors today:


Portland has a NEW Community Chaplain!

Rabbi Sarah Rensin will be serving as the Portland Jewish Community Chaplain.

Rabbi Sarah brings with her a wealth of experience and a compassionate heart, having been ordained in 2015 at the Academy for Jewish Religion California.

Rabbi Rensin's background includes working as a Rabbi and Chaplain at Evergreen Hospice in Washington, where she played a pivotal role in providing spiritual care and support during the challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic. Her dedication to serving those in need and creating programs for spiritual-care support make her a valuable asset to our community.

Visit our webpage for more information and to contact Rabbi Rensin:


The Big Picture of Bias


I’ve spent several of the last few articles talking about different aspects of incidents – reporting, collection, and sharing. This installment will share with you a message from the Portland Police Bureau and provide a link to a PPB flyer and its collection of bias crimes and incidents. It’s not a well-known source of information but PPB has dedicated itself to increasing awareness about the site as well as its processes investigating these incidents.

Read Jessica's full column here:


You can also follow The Jewish Federation of Greater Portland on Instagram to see more!

Help us reach 1000 followers by Friday!!


Jewish Pride Greater PDX is July 21!

Show your support by standing alongside the Portland community for Pride. It's a great way to be a voice for tolerance and basic rights.

For more information, please visit:


Song of Miriam brunch honors 18 volunteers - Jewish Women's Round Table

The 29th Annual Song of Miriam Awards Brunch honoring women volunteers was held on Sunday, June 9th, at Mittleman Jewish Community Center.

The event, put on by the Jewish Women’s Round Table, honored 18 women who volunteer for Jewish and community organizations. More than 260 people attended the brunch.

Marki Maizels, JWRT President and Toby Blake, a past honoree and JWRT member, presented the awards.

To read the full article that has the full list of the 18 honored volunteers - please visit:


Letters from camp:
Friends and Family, and the first days of camp

PHOTO: BB360 Chief Community and Jewish Life Officer Kim Schneiderman, top center, performs at the dedication of the expanded dining hall and performing arts facility at the organization's facilities outside Lincoln City during Friends and Family Day Sunday, June 23. (Courtesy BB360)

The Jewish Review

As temperatures warm and schools go on break, the focus of many Jewish families turns to camp.

At B’nai B’rith Camp on the Oregon Coast, the first busloads of overnight campers arrived Tuesday, June 25. But at BB Camp, there’s plenty of camp excitement to go around even before the first buses arrive.

The weekend before, the camp celebrated Friends and Family Day, opening their doors to the broader community, including those who would be starting their camp adventure just days later and those who had their first taste of camp long ago.

“As long as I can remember, we’ve done it,” BB360 Chief Executive Officer Michelle Koplan said. “Honestly, it’s been really fascinating to see how many alumni come and how many donors and supporters attend just to kind of spend the day in the magic of camp.”

Recent years have also seen the day’s bevy of camp activities expanded to include dedication ceremonies for new buildings popping up on the shores of Devil’s Lake as the camp grows and renovates. This year’s event was no exception, with the dedication of a performing arts space and extension of the facility’s dining hall.

Read the complete July 3rd Jewish Review Article here:


July 10 - 7-8 PM

Guardian seeks to empower people to be “Active Bystanders.” The goal is to provide individuals with the skillset to identify potential threats, protect institutions, and respond to situations from a safety perspective. Elements include how to react appropriately to possible threats, use of de-escalation techniques, and concepts from the Department of Homeland Security’s The Power of Hello program.

Register Here: #/registration


Dragging into summer: Eastside youth group caps first year with fundraiser

PHOTO: Portland Jewish drag sensation Polly Poptart hypes up the crowd at Jewish Teens of Portland's Drag Show fundraiser Thursday, June 27 at the Eastside Jewish Commons. (Rockne Roll/The Jewish Review)

The Jewish Review

"A year ago, Eastside parents and staff at Congregation Shir Tikvah set off to build a new Jewish youth program on the east side of the Willamette River.

Today, Jewish Teens of Portland is as vibrant and energetic as their recent fundraiser, a drag performance at the Eastside Jewish Commons headlined by Polly Poptart.
“It was kind of the hope that when I came into the position that I’m in now that we would be able to create an inclusive Jewish youth program,” explained Heather Laffitte, the Youth Program Lead at Congregation Shir Tikvah, which operates JTOP. “So we started from scratch.”

Read the full July 3rd Jewish Review article here:

Videos (show all)

#Shavuot is a time of rebirth and hope. As we celebrate this season of renewal, #JewishFederations are proud of our work...
Yom HaZikaron, a day to remember fallen soldiers in Israel, holds even deeper meaning after October 7th. Let's honor the...
When you bring hate to the protest, you bring more hate into the world.Don’t bring hate to the protest. Bringing hate to...
Passover Greeting
The Impact of Your Gift: OferMeet Ofer Baram, who dedicated his life to helping victims through The Jewish Agency for Is...
World Autism Awareness Day is April 2, and advocating for and with people with autism is a key part of #JewishFederation...
Learn about Alice Vaknin from Kiryat Shmona, who was shaken by the October 7th attacks, especially since she had recentl...
This Sunday - March 17 - volunteers in our community will be reaching out with an opportunity for you to empower change....
Alex Danzig is 75 years old. He’s a father and a grandfather. He’s a Holocaust historian and scholar. His older sister s...
Daniel Perez has been held hostage by Hamas since Oct. 7. We need and want him to come home. #BringThemHome #BlueRibbons...


Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday 08:30 - 17:00
Friday 08:30 - 16:00