Makana Integrative Wellness

Makana Integrative Wellness

The Gift of Wellness. Food as Medicine. Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy. Herbs and Supplements. Sometimes you just can't put your finger on it.

In pain, low energy, trouble sleeping, stressed, worried all the time? Welcome to our crazy world.... so many of us are overwhelmed, overworked and just over it! Need change but not sure where to start? Maybe we can help. Through the practice of energy medicine, food as medicine, and the use of herbs or supplements, you can change your life! Makana means "gift" in Hawaiian. Give yourself the gift

Daughter‘s Story: family saved from COVID-19 virus with Vit C in Wuhan 08/03/2020

This interview tells about the success of vitamin C therapy for treatment of coronavirus for an immune compromised plus 60 year old woman. It also speaks to how vitamin C can aid in preventing family members from getting the coronavirus.
Please share

Daughter‘s Story: family saved from COVID-19 virus with Vit C in Wuhan Ms. N tells her family and her mother‘s fight against COVID-19 in a telephone interview with me

Google Traffic to Plummets by 99% Part 2 04/07/2019

Important to know what is behind google searches.

Google Traffic to Plummets by 99% Part 2 Google’s June 2019 broad core algorithm update and its updated quality rater guidelines have effectively removed from Google search results.

Healthy Paleo Coconut Bars Recipe | Elana's Pantry 26/06/2019

Doing research to prepare for my first series of food and health classes here on the north shore of oahu. Here's a great looking recipe that I will try out. This website is full of great resources as well as good recipes.
Check it out!

Healthy Paleo Coconut Bars Recipe | Elana's Pantry Moist Coconut Bars, gluten free, grain free, Primal, and Paleo. A coconut feast made with coconut milk, coconut oil, shredded coconut and a touch of honey.

#76: Mapping EMFs with Nick Pineault - 15-Minute Matrix 14/05/2019

A quick bite on the effects on EMF's plus some things you can do to alleviate this. Great interview

#76: Mapping EMFs with Nick Pineault - 15-Minute Matrix Nick is an investigative health journalist and advocate for safe technologies. He curates the budding research on the critical topic of electromagnetic pollution (or “electro smog”) with humour, insight and common sense. He’s keen on making connections between our electronic use and chronic di...

Photos from Teach Me To Grow's post 19/12/2017

For those of you who want some help with a do-able garden. Check it out!

Join me in the fight to end chronic disease. 15/11/2017

Root cause medicine is the answer - short and sweet book.

Join me in the fight to end chronic disease. The epidemic of chronic illness can be stopped, if patients and practitioners can adapt. This new book gives us a blueprint and hope for the future.

FDA Declares CBD 'Beneficial,' Wants Your Input ASAP | Leafly 19/08/2017

Myself and several clients have had good success taking CBD internally. Glad to see some progress is being made at the FDA.

FDA Declares CBD 'Beneficial,' Wants Your Input ASAP | Leafly The FDA just declared that 'CBD has been shown to be beneficial' in experimental use. Now the agency wants input about how the United Nations should schedule it.

Harness the healing power of the rainbow 18/08/2017

The food that may melt belly fat and boost your gut health

Harness the healing power of the rainbow LED light therapy has been shown to heal a myriad of pain symptom. Experience it yourself with a two for one special through September 15.

The Tapping Solution for Autoimmune disorders 09/07/2017

There is such a strong body/mind connection to our health (or lack of). End the criticism and start befriending your body with help from this free tapping exercise from The Tapping Solution

The Tapping Solution for Autoimmune disorders

Stop feeding cancer cells! This is the diet mistake you probably make that can cause cancer 09/07/2017

Stop feeding cancer cells! This is the diet mistake you probably make that can cause cancer Cancer cells lack the ability to adapt from using glucose to using ketone bodies, so when you reduce net carbs, you effectively starve the cancer.

The 10 Most Contaminated Foods in Your Fridge You Need to Trash Right Now—and Healthier Alternatives 27/06/2017

I know I am guilty of a few of these myself. Instead of changing everything all at once, try to make gradual changes like bringing your own glass container to a restaurant to take home leftovers or buy locally-made food with minimal ingredient lists.

The 10 Most Contaminated Foods in Your Fridge You Need to Trash Right Now—and Healthier Alternatives Reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals by replacing some of the toxic foods lurking in your fridge. As ubiquitous as chemical contamination is in our environment, we often don’t think about our food supply as carrying a high chemical load. But it can—and does. Much of this is added through indust...

Re-framing What We Give Up for Our Health 12/06/2017

Reframing is a powerful tool when making a big change like giving up a food or starting an exercise routine.

Re-framing What We Give Up for Our Health “I gave up eating sugar, but I guess that was the sacrifice I had to make to get healthy.” I hear a lot of talk about dieting and healthy eating in my day to day life and rarely ever is it instigated by me. I learned a long time ago that unless people want to hear what I have to say, they a

The reason you wake up in the middle of the night isn’t insomnia (and how to fix it) 10/06/2017

Do you experience middle of the night insomnia? Segmented sleep might be normal than you think.

The reason you wake up in the middle of the night isn’t insomnia (and how to fix it)

Ginger Fights Obesity 05/06/2017

As if ginger wasn't already amazing enough!

Ginger Fights Obesity Ginger is known as being protective against many chronic diseases, but recently it's been tapped for its effectiveness against obesity and metabolic syndrome.

Timeline photos 30/05/2017

Ever tried ghee as an alternative to butter or oils? Ghee is the result of a long clarification which removes all milk solids, moisture and impurities from the butter, so if you are dairy free this is a good option. Look for grass-fed, organic options online. Ghee may have great benefits for gut health (leaky gut, Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis).

Ghee’s Short Chain Fatty Acid (SCFA) content is highly praised by health experts and it possesses high levels of lipo-soluble vitamins that include vitamin A, D, E and K.

Avocado Uses and Health Benefits Infographic - 24/05/2017

Avocados and summer are meant to go together and with so many benefits, bring on the guacamole!

Avocado Uses and Health Benefits Infographic -

Are You Sleep Deprived? A Simple Test 20/05/2017

An easy enough test to perform that will tell you whether you are sleep deprived (which many of us probably are).

Are You Sleep Deprived? A Simple Test The sleep onset latency test serves to reveal - in 15 minutes or less - whether you're severely sleep deprived, slightly sleep deprived or well rested.

Magnesium - The Most Important Female Supplement | Blog | Kelly Brogan 18/05/2017

Another reason to eat your dark leafy greens! Magnesium is shown to intervene in depression, reduce PMS symptoms, regulate thyroid and reduce inflammation. Are you getting enough magnesium?

Magnesium - The Most Important Female Supplement | Blog | Kelly Brogan Supplementing magnesium is important due to its ability to participate in 300 enzymatic body functions, affecting depression, PMS, anxiety, migraines.

Kefir Maple Bourbon Panna Cotta with Strawberry Jam 13/05/2017

A lovely dessert for Mother's Day if you can tolerate dairy. Be sure to use grass fed gelatin.

Kefir Maple Bourbon Panna Cotta with Strawberry Jam This is an easy kefir maple bourbon panna cotta recipe. If you don't have homemade jam, just buy some. Don't skip the black pepper—it's a lovely addition.

This is the real reason behind your food cravings, according to a dietitian 11/05/2017

You are what you eat, or rather digest. Time to get your gut in a healthy balance!

This is the real reason behind your food cravings, according to a dietitian It’s not just a phenomenon reserved for pregnant women. It can happen to all of us.

Why fermented foods — sauerkraut, kimchi and yogurt — are good for your gut 07/05/2017

What fermented food and beverages do you love? Each fall we make a huge batch of kimchi to enjoy throughout the months; always sad when it is gone.

Why fermented foods — sauerkraut, kimchi and yogurt — are good for your gut The bacteria make food more digestible, add nutritional value and may boost immunity.

Four Ways Eating Clean Can Help You Become More Successful At Work 04/05/2017

Clean eating is going mainstream. Remove wheat and processed carbs from your diet; add in lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts and quality (over quantity) meats for two weeks and see how it affects your brain and body at work.

Four Ways Eating Clean Can Help You Become More Successful At Work What you choose to eat has more of an impact on your business than you think.

Brothers unlock power of spuds 03/05/2017

In our last blog we broke down the science behind resistant starches found in potatoes and other foods and why they are good for your gut.

This brother duo has been extracting the starch from potatoes and feeding to to hogs to increase their prebiotics and improve their digestion. It is now approved for human consumption and available in Canada.

Brothers unlock power of spuds Armed with positive results from a clinical trial conducted by the St. Boniface Albrechtsen Research Centre, a Manitoba company is now full speed ahead shipping a natural health product that can provide relief for people — especially seniors — with digestive issues. MSPrebiotics Inc. of Carberry has...

Does Fasting on Alternate Days Work? A New Study Weighs In 02/05/2017

Have you tried alternate day fasting? Fasting can be done in a healthy way and it is NOT a pass to eat junk food on non-fasting days.

Does Fasting on Alternate Days Work? A New Study Weighs In

Thai Chicken Soup | Gluten Free and Dairy Free Recipe 28/04/2017

Since winter hasn't left us quite yet, enjoy this gut-friendly, warming soup while watching the rain and snow come down.

Thai Chicken Soup | Gluten Free and Dairy Free Recipe Work this healthy paleo soup into your weekly meal plan as it works very well with leftover chicken.

Is Your Sunscreen Doing More Harm Than Good? 26/04/2017

Vital news

Is Your Sunscreen Doing More Harm Than Good? Sunscreens have been linked to skin cancer; among the most hazardous are those containing oxybenzone, synthetic fragrances and retinyl palmitate (vitamin A).

An Avocado a Day Keeps the Doctor Away 24/04/2017

Add avocados to your smoothies in the morning for an added boost or use in place of mayonnaise for many recipes.

An Avocado a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Timeline photos 22/04/2017

Have you gotten outside on this beautiful day? So grateful for all our earth provides us.
