Gentle Roots Birth

Gentle Roots Birth

Welcome! Gentle Roots Birth offers doula services for pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum peri

Do I Need a Doula if I’m Planning a Homebirth? 16/04/2016

Written by one of our wonderful local homebirth midwives!

Do I Need a Doula if I’m Planning a Homebirth? So you’ve heard of the advantages of having a doula with you if you’re planning a hospital birth. The positive aspects include such things as: continuous support that doesn’t change shift, possibil…


From my recent reading, A Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth, "...these studies also show that women who have a doula experience less pain and anxiety in labor, express greater satisfaction with the labor, feel that they coped better, have a heightened appreciation of their bodies' strength and performance and themselves as women, breastfeed longer and experience less difficulty in mothering."
Exactly my intention as your doula!

Best of our Pregnancy Posts 01/04/2016

A fun post for the pregnant mamas!

Best of our Pregnancy Posts Pregnant Moms: It'll be fun to learn that we're all in this together! We've all been asked the same ...

Which cloth diapers should I buy? 22/03/2016

Curious about cloth diapers?

Which cloth diapers should I buy? Cloth diapers are gaining in popularity. The problem is that there are so many choices when it comes to choosing a cloth diaper - which do you buy? Here's a cloth diaper primer to help you sort out your cloth options.

Healing Birth, Healing the Earth 01/03/2016

Another Sarah Buckley post, her book is one of my favorites.

Healing Birth, Healing the Earth @ Dr Sarah J. Buckley 2005 Previously published in Living Now, Winter 2002, supplement Women Now and reprinted in Living Now in May 2009. An updated version is published in Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor’s Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting...


"A woman's satisfaction with her birth experience is related more to her involvement in decision-making than to the outcome." -Sarah J. Buckley

The Evidence for Doulas 16/02/2016

Why not start off with a post about doulas and why to hire one?

The Evidence for Doulas What is the evidence for doulas? Why should I hire a doula? Can a doula help me prevent an unnecessary C-section? Why are doulas effective?

