Attraction Unlimited Marketing

Attraction Unlimited Marketing

In-demand digital marketing to help small businesses thrive. Learn exactly what you need to know to increase sales through digital marketing!

Attraction Unlimited Marketing provides business services unique to your small business needs. We manage your website, SEO, website updates, social media marketing, email marketing, and more. Let us save you time and expense so you can focus on your dream!

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Enhancing User Experience: A Client Success Story 🌟

My client was stuck on how to improve her website.

A family member created a website for her, but she wanted it improved and completed.

We reviewed her site together.

She agreed to have my team and I build a new website.

She is a professional and deserves a professional website.

For her new site, we used website factors that keep visitors on the site and eager to read more. πŸ“Š

She had a better photo than the one on her old website, so we used it. πŸ“Έ

We created a header that was consistent throughout the site.

She had created a logo but it was too big, so we reduced its size and placed it in the header.

We created a beautiful site with lots of white space.

We used of the green and mauve that she chose. They are soothing colors and appropriate for her business.

She had a good contrast between the text and the background on her old site but we changed the font to be more legible and modern.

Her old site needed more text and we added it to the new site. πŸ“

On the new site, we used top-notch navigation, layout, and consistency.

Now that we have worked together, it is a rockin' user-friendly website! πŸš€

User experience has many factors.

Plus, they evolve. πŸ”„

How do you know what your website needs? πŸ’‘

I offer a low-cost website evaluation in which I check 20+ factors affecting user experience.

Let's chat to see if this service is right for you. Click on the link in the comments. πŸ’¬


Discover the secret to creating a website that grabs attention, and encourages your visitors to read more!

What is that secret??


Yes, that's right.

Imagine visiting a website with tiny font sizes or hard-to-see text. Frustrating, right? 😫

Can your visitors easily read your website? πŸ€”

Don't let your audience strain their eyesπŸ‘€, lose interest, and leave!

Be sure your headings and text are easily read for an ideal user experience. πŸ˜ƒ

This keeps visitors engaged and encourages them to explore further. ✨

Legibility can also impact your website's SEO.

Readability increases the likelihood of visitors staying longer on your site, reducing bounce rates, and improving overall engagement.

This can boost search engine rankings. πŸ“ˆ

So, how can you be sure that your headings and text are easily read?

Start by selecting appropriate fonts, sizes, and spacing that support a clear and legible presentation. πŸ–‹οΈβœ…

Create a strong contrast between your text color and background. Look at the color contrast and busyness of the background.

Also, make sure the background is not overpowering the text and headings.

Breaking up long blocks of text into smaller paragraphs can make a significant difference. πŸ‘€

Subheadings allow readers to skim and locate the information they need quickly.

Remember your goal for your website.

Step back and assess your website from a user's perspective.

Is it easy to read?

Is it enjoyable?

Making simple adjustments will not only benefit your visitors but also contribute to the success of your website. πŸŒŸπŸ’―

Which step will you use to start improving user experience today? πŸš€


It was wonderful to work with Marina! 😊

She is an RN who provides methods to heal the nervous system, which is important for people who have been through trauma. 🌿

Marina's family members tried building her a website themselves, but they became stuck.

It was proving to be too time-consuming. ⏳

Marina is a professional and deserves a professional, user-friendly, attractive site that reflects her personality and keeps visitors on the site longer.

That is what my team and I delivered. 🌟

Here are some factors that made Marina's new website user-friendly and professional:
- A lot of white space ⬜
- A simplified menu πŸ“‹
- Consistent color and font throughout the site 🎨
- A logical flow of information πŸ”„
- A visual representation of Marina's certifications πŸ“œ
- Forms for clients embedded and fillable on the site πŸ“

We created the site to reflect Marina's personality by using:
- Colors that Marina likes that are attractive and peaceful 🎨
- Fonts that represent her vibe
- A photo of Marina that looks professional yet friendly and matches the site's primary colors πŸ“Έ

In an ideal world, what factors would you have on your website?

Please comment.

I will include the URL to Marina's site in the comments. πŸ”—


I once audited a pediatric dentist's website.

I asked who was in his target market.

He answered "infants, children, and teens."

I then asked who the decision-makers were.

He answered that they were primarily moms.

His website had a lot of navy blue and brown.

What do you think - would those colors appeal to most moms?

What colors would you use instead?

🌈Colors influence your audience's emotions.

For example, if you want to bring out calmness use lighter blue.

Blue is a popular color, so it's a good one to consider.

🌈If you want to evoke creativity in your viewers use green.

Green is also an earthy tone.

🌈Also, make sure your colors are popular with your target market.

Look up the generally preferred colors by gender.

🌈Keep your website clean-looking by using plenty of white space.

🌈Be sure to save this post before it goes away!


Did you know?πŸ€”

1️⃣ For sites that are listed in the first spot on search engine results pages for desktop, the average click-through rate is 27.6%. (Backlinko)

This means that, on average, for every 100 desktop searches, about 28 users click on the top-listed result.

This demonstrates the value of securing the top spot in search rankings.

2️⃣ The average keyword is about 3-4 words long. (Semrush)

This means that users often search using specific phrases rather than single words.

Try using multi-word keywords in your SEO strategy.

3️⃣ Long-tailed keywords get 1.76x more clicks in organic SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). (Backlinko)

Long-tailed keywords are specific and are often longer phrases rather than 1 or 2 words.

They receive almost twice as many clicks compared to shorter, generic keywords.

This suggests that users searching with detailed phrases are more likely to select relevant content that matches their specific intent.

Using long-tailed keywords that are specific is a super SEO strategy.

4️⃣ Page titles that ask a question have a 15% higher CTR (Click-through rate) than titles without. (Backlinko)

This suggests that users are more drawn to content that sparks curiosity or addresses their queries directly.

So think about using a question in some of your page titles for your SEO strategy.

5️⃣ 50% of consumers in the U.S. use voice search every day. (UpCity)

This indicates that many users prefer to speak their queries rather than type them.

Consider optimizing your website content for voice search.

(Facts from Hubspot)

If you liked this post, drop a heart❀️


πŸ€” Ever wondered how fast an idea can be developed into a live website? Let's take you through the process:

1️⃣ Dream It: Start with your website idea. Brainstorm it, do a brain map, whatever sparks your creativity. Take your idea and zero in on what your concept is.

2️⃣ Plan It: Define your vision, target audience, and features.

3️⃣ Design It: Be creative. Make it reflect your brand, including your values, personality, mission, and story of why you started your business.

4️⃣ Develop It: Turn designs into functional pages that capture attention, attract visitors to stay, are easy to navigate, easy to read, and have consistency.

5️⃣ Populate It: Add blog posts, products, and video and audio recordings.

6️⃣ Launch It: Go live with hosting and testing.

7️⃣ Grow It: Keep updating and promoting your site.

The time it takes varies by project complexity. Simple sites of fewer pages can be up in days; complex ones may take months. Remember, it's about quality and patience! 🌟πŸ’ͺ

(Adapted from ChatGPT)


Why Should I Care About UX?

Good UX, or user experience, is essential for the success of your website.

Here are 3 important reasons why you should care about the UX of your website:

1. Visitor satisfaction. 😊

Make visiting your website a pleasurable experience and positively influence the visitor.

Your site is easy to use by all visitors.

It is beautiful and not overwhelming.

Good UX helps build trust in you as a personal development or spiritual coach. 🌟

2. Stand out from the crowd. πŸš€

A superior UX on your site will set you apart from the competition.

It will help brand awareness, impressing visitors with the ease of navigation, attractiveness, legibility, and clean look of your site.

Additionally, if your site is accessible to the disabled, you will have an increased customer base, plus word-of-mouth marketing for your business by excited disabled people. 🌍

3. Increased conversions. πŸ’Ό

β€œBounce rate is a metric that measures the percentage of unengaged sessions on your website or app. Meaning the session didn’t last longer than 10 seconds, trigger a conversion event, or include a second page view or screen view.” (Semrush dot com/blog/bounce-rate)

Visitors who enjoy your website will stay longer, click on a button or link, or visit a second page, which leads to increased conversions.

Create a positive UX on your website, to provide ease of use, attractiveness, legibility, mobile responsiveness, and accessibility.

This will win over visitors and convert them into clients. πŸ“ˆ

If this post is helpful, show it some ❀️


Not happy with the volume of visitors to your website? πŸ™

Your site may have hidden factors that create a low volume of visitors. πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

Here are some things to consider:

1. Page speed. People don't usually wait more than a couple of seconds for a website to load. Test your page speed at Page Speed Insights for both desktop and mobile. ⏰

2. Keywords/keyphrases on your site might not be optimal for your site or help you to stand out from the competition. πŸ”

3. Meta descriptions are what search engines use when listing your site on the search engine results page (SERP).

4. Relevant content to the reader. Search engines will more likely show content that is relevant to the viewer.

5. Not having enough words per page. Too short of a page will decrease your chances of being ranked high on the SERPs. πŸ“‰

These are just a few of the many factors affecting site visitor traffic that I audit a website for. βœ”οΈ

Schedule a free consultation today to find out if your website would benefit from a low-cost site audit. Click on the link in the comments. πŸ”πŸš€


How can a life coach or other healer use testimonials on their website to build trust?

Client Testimonials: Display testimonials from happy clients on your website. Ideally, testimonials would include:
- what they initially wanted to gain from your coaching 🌟
- what it was like working with you
- the benefits they gained from your services

Testimonials can be written, spoken to you directly, or conveyed in videos.

Encourage satisfied clients to leave ratings and written reviews with these free services, then display these reviews on your website:
- Your Google Business Profile
- LinkedIn
- Facebook and other social media
- Yelp πŸŽ‰

Video testimonials create stronger connections, so they are powerful and build trust.

Visitors to your website will relate well to the person in a video testimonial.🌿

I encourage having a few testimonials on every page rather than keeping them separate on a testimonials page.

When viewing or reading a testimonial, the visitor to your website will then be more motivated to take the action you ask for. This can be to
- click on a button for more information
- fill out a contact form
- email you
- contact you 🌞

Contact Nate to find out the best way to ask for testimonials. Click on the link in the comments for a free 15-minute consultation.


New Day.

New Look.

New Clients!✨

A LOT of new business! πŸš€

Every day!

Client Success Story #2

In marketing your business, the possibilities are endless. 🌈

Nothing is unattainable if you put your mind to it and have a good marketing team behind you.

Aaron J. Lodge, Attorney at Law had a website that was 20 years old.

He came to me for a new website focused on divorce mediation, his passion.

Mr. Lodge helps divorcing couples avoid courtroom litigation. βš–οΈ

As a result, they save a lot of money. πŸ’°

They also finish mediation with a more amicable relationship. 🀝

Mr. Lodge and I worked together on the content of his new website.

I brought out his personality, strengths, and values.

Mr. Lodge's new website also conveyed the benefits of mediation:
-saving money πŸ’Έ
-less stress 😌
-improved relationships 🀝

He serves the community by helping couples stay out of court with fair results for both parties.

Mr. Lodge's new website is now bringing him requests for mediation literally every day! πŸ™Œ

I focus on empowering clients who benefit the community.

They make life better for individuals.

One person at a time they are helping to change the world. 🌎

Or in Mr. Lodge's case, 2 people at a time. πŸ‘«

Visit his site by clicking the link in the comments. πŸ”—


Enhancing User Experience: A Client Success Story 🌟

My client was stuck on how to improve her website.

She decided on a "Do it Yourself" consultation for her website optimization, which I was happy to do. πŸ”§

We discussed what website factors will keep visitors on a site. πŸ“Š

Her site was attractive.

Her photos were high-quality - clear and crisp. πŸ“Έ

She had a good contrast between the text and the background. The text was easy to read.

Her site had just enough text. πŸ“

And it has a good amount of white space.

It needed some work on the navigation, layout, and consistency. πŸ”„

Now that we have worked together, it is a rockin' user-friendly website! πŸš€

User experience has many factors.

Plus, they evolve. πŸ”„

How do you know what your website needs? πŸ’‘

I offer a low-cost website evaluation in which I check 20+ factors affecting user experience.

Let's chat to see if this service is right for you. Click on the link in the comments. πŸ’¬


People are looking online for services more than ever. πŸ’»

The benefits of a professional website:

Credibility and Professionalism: Potential clients tend to trust coaches who have a professional online presence, as it reflects their commitment to their work.πŸ’Ό

Increased Visibility: Expand your reach beyond your immediate network. By leveraging search engine optimization (SEO), your website will appear in relevant search results. This allows you to reach a wider audience actively seeking personal or spiritual development guidance.

Enhanced Engagement: By providing informative articles, blog posts, videos, or podcasts, you can establish yourself as a leader in your niche. As potential clients access this valuable content, they gain insights and knowledge. This builds trust and fosters a sense of connection, building potential clients' trust in you.πŸ‘₯

Showcasing Testimonials: Coaches can include testimonials from satisfied clients to help build trust and confidence in potential clients. πŸ“

Scheduling Convenience: Coaches can utilize online applications or plugins that allow clients to schedule appointments directly through the website.πŸ“…

Stand Out: Coaches who invest in maintaining an informative and engaging online platform position themselves ahead of the competition, attracting more ideal clients.πŸ†

Ready to experience the benefits of a professional website? Connect with me for an exploration call, and let's strategize how to unleash your coaching potential! πŸ“ž


No one wants a website that people leave before they decide to learn more.

As a Life Coach, you want visitors to stay on your site long enough to take action or at least remember your site and return eager to discover more.

Which of these would make a difference on your site?

**Clear Branding:** Effectively conveying your mission, values, and expertise.🌟

**Enhanced Services Page:** Compelling descriptions, with captivating images that draw your visitors so that they realize you have the solutions to their problems.πŸ˜€

**Improved Call-to-Actions:** Noticeable, clear, and compelling CTAs.πŸ“’

**Better Testimonials and Social Proof:** To build credibility and trust. Ideal reviews by happy clients. Stories about your clients' successes. The number of years you have been serving the community with coaching or the number of clients you've coached.🌟

**Streamlined Booking Process:** User-friendly experience with minimal effort for the visitor.⏳

**Enhanced Blog:** Providing value. Examples of solutions you provide. Establishing your expertise.πŸ“š

**Improved SEO Strategy:** Ranking higher on search engine results pages. Getting you noticed online and increased traffic to your site.πŸš€

**Mobile Optimization:** Adapting well to mobile devices while remaining easy to use.πŸ“±

**Appearance:** Beautiful graphics. Sharp, clear photos. Consistency in color, font, and layout.🎨

**Regular Updates:** Keeping the website updated with fresh content regularly.πŸ”„

Are you working on one of these? Please comment.πŸ’¬


🌟 Your website is like a business card expanded exponentially. 🌟

It can showcase your expertise, build trust, and attract new ideal clients.

The possibilities are unlimited!

**Appearance is Vital** ✨

Make a powerful first impression with your site with visual appeal.

Grab your web visitor's attention and curiosity. Engage them. Create a website that they will remember and return to.

Use beautiful colors that go together well. 🎨

Include attractive images that demonstrate the benefit of your services; photos of people smiling and/or looking peaceful, for example.

Notice the feelings evoked in this post's image of each version of the website. 😊

**Gaining Trust** 🀝

Trust can be built with:

- A message that conveys your mission and values well
-Consistency from page to page with layout, color, and font
- Easy navigation
- Buttons that are clear and true to the pages they link to

Also, use colors that evoke feelings that lead to the hope that your services will be of benefit. For example, you might want to use colors that bring about peacefulness, joy, or confidence. πŸ’‘

**Gaining More Ideal Clients** πŸš€

Make sure that your site is easy to use.

Include testimonials of your happy clients.

Tell client success stories.

Have a blog with posts that showcase your expertise. πŸ“

To gain more ideal clients, your website should:
-Engage your visitors
-Encourage them to stay on the site
-Motivate them to contact you, make an appointment, opt into your newsletter, etc. πŸ’¬

For more details, read "Business Success – A Professional Website." The link is in the comments.


Many blessings to all. For those who observe Ramadan, may it be a special time in your life filled with peace and love.πŸ’™


Who is leaving and why?

Blind people are bouncing off your website if you are not doing these three things.

How do blind people use websites? 🌐

I am often asked this question.

Some use a screen reader which is software that detects text on the computer screen. πŸ–₯

Then this information is read aloud πŸ—£ by the software or sent to a braille device.

However, the screen reader will not be able to describe images without alt text.

1. Add alt text when adding a photo to the website. πŸ“Έ

Then go back to the website’s library to add the alt text to previously added images.

Include in the alt text both a simple description and the intended information.

For example, an image of a dog πŸ• on a Frisbee website could be "a healthy dog getting exercise with a Frisbee"

This will allow a blind person to know what is included and intended in the photos.

Alt text is also important for charts πŸ“Š. The alt text should describe the contents and the rows and columns so that the information makes sense.

2. Use hierarchy in headings.

Headings on websites have the choice of H1 which is the largest and should be first.πŸ”

H2 is a bit smaller, and so on.

If they are not in a logical sequence or if there is more than one H1 heading, it can confuse the screen reader.πŸ”„

The blind person needs to be able to ask for the headings and find them in order.

If not, they will have to read each word, which is too time-consuming and they will leave.

3. Avoid Popups.

They are likely to block content that is behind them.

πŸ˜ƒGet a free accessibility review of your website.

Click on the link in the comments.πŸ”—


Two years ago I didn't know. πŸ’‘

I didn't know that there might be people bouncing off my site because it wasn't accessible to them. 🌐

I wasn't including everybody.

Before I got into web design, I worked with people with disabilities. πŸ‘«

I wanted to make life a bit better for them. 🌈

As a speech therapist, I helped children become better able to communicate. πŸ—£

One child with cerebral palsy (not the one in the stock image) had no means of communication due to physical limitations.

I'll call her Jodie (not her real name).

Jodie was always smiling when I saw her. 😊

I could see her brightness shining in her eyes.

Devices used to communicate weren't sophisticated enough to meet Jodie's needs at that time.

So I created a simple board with images of choices she could make.

I worked with her to look at the image to convey Jodie's choices.

Juice versus milk, for example.

I worked with both Jodie and her aide so that the aide could learn to read which image Jodie was gazing at.

Why am I telling you this story?

Because every person matters.

We now have the technology to be sure that all people can access our websites. πŸ’»

Is it worth the $470 one-time fee and the 5 minutes we spend together to put this tool on your website?

Yes! πŸ‘

You would make people's lives better.

That is worth making the small amount of effort that it takes to make your website accessible.

For a free website accessibility evaluation, click on the link in the comments. 🌺


I'm excited to announce that I was voted the Alignable Local Business Person of the Year for Soquel, CA! πŸŽ‰

I am grateful for all the support I receive on Alignable and several other great places, like Facebook, the Giver Marketing Network, my local Leads Club, and other networking groups, as well as from family and friends. πŸ™

Thank you all!!! 😊

We are not islands.

We are not meant to run a business by ourselves. πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ

This means reaching out for support from your community, networking groups, and social media.

Additionally, it means outsourcing what you can. πŸ’Ό

If we try to do it all ourselves, it waters down our efforts and we are not as effective.

I have an awesome team I rely on for bookkeeping, graphic design, part of my web development, and business coaching. πŸ’ͺ

As my business grows I will be adding more team members.

Behind every successful business owner is a powerful team and a network of positive, supportive people.πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘

I am so grateful for my peeps!πŸ™

Send me a DM if you want to learn more about Alignable.


Last Thursday I posted about the power of adding alt text to images on your website.πŸŽ†

Alt text not only makes your website accessible to people with vision challenges but boosts your SEO.

Both of those factors bring more visitors to your website.πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

For how to craft impactful alt text for website images, keep reading.πŸ–ΌοΈ

1. Be descriptive and concise. Include all the relevant elements in the image. Describe both the content and function of the image. Limit your alt text to 125 characters.πŸ˜€

2. Use powerful keywords, but only once per image. Using a particular keyword more than once in such short text would be "keyword stuffing" which would hurt your SEO.πŸ’‘

3. Use proper punctuation and grammar. Include all the small words we might want to omit for space, like "of, the, and, for," etc.✏️

Example: "A diverse group of individuals are listening attentively to a motivational coach during a coaching session."

This alt text uses the keyword "motivational coach" once, which avoids keyword stuffing. It would be okay to include another keyword as well, using it once.

It is 107 characters long, a good length.πŸ™Œ

It is very descriptive of what is relevant in the images: Diverse group of individuals listening attentively…" Talking about the activity in the image is especially helpful. There is no need to talk about the location, clothing, etc.πŸ‘

This example includes perfect grammar and punctuation. Including the words "a" and "are" makes a complete sentence.

If you found this post helpful, please show it some ❀️.


Wondering why Alternative Text is important for Images?

Alternative text, or "alt-text," is a description added for any image or video in the coding of a website. πŸ–ΌοΈ

This description is essential for those who have a vision impairment, and who rely on a screen reader to get information on a website.

A screen reader reads the text that is on the screen but has access to the alt text for images and videos. πŸ“–

It reads the alt text aloud or transcribes it to Braille as it reaches the images or video.

Without the alt text, the image is essentially invisible to the blind person. ❌

Without the alt text, a video, even with sound, would be omitting key contextual information.

Imagine trying to understand and easily use a website with only text. πŸ€”

You would have none of the details that images convey.

When images are used instead of descriptions, such as clothing, jewelry, food, over-the-counter medications, and much more, essential information is missing when using a screen reader.

For example, I always look at the ingredient list of food items to buy online. The list is almost always in an image.

I would be lost without this information. 🀷

There is a context portrayed by images and video as well. Emotions, mood, etc. are often conveyed by images. 🎭

Maybe some photos or videos show how a product is used instead of a description.

Missing the context provided by alt-text can often mean the content of the website is not understood.

SEO Benefits: alt-text boosts Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by providing the needed context for images to be indexed and ranked appropriately. πŸ“ˆ

In website design, alt-text is an essential component of being completely inclusive.

All images and videos, whether informative or mainly decorative should have alt text.

Stay tuned. On Tuesday I will publish the best practices for writing alt-text for your website. πŸ“†

If you liked this post, please show it some love. ❀️


If your webpage is not loading quickly, this post is for you!

Last week I posted about why your website should load quickly.

Page speed affects the user experience, conversion, and SEO.

My secret weapon (which I disclose at the end of this post) does the following in making your WordPress page fast-loading: πŸš€

1. Reduces image file size without compromising quality.

2. Leverages browser caching. 🌐

According to CloudFlare, "To shorten page load times, browsers cache most of the content that appears on the webpage, saving a copy of the webpage's content on the device's hard drive."

3. Enables page caching. πŸ“„

"A cached page is a copy of a web page stored in temporary informational storage called 'cache'." -Ahrefs

4. Sets up gZip compression, which compresses some of the files on your webpage and restores their original size as needed. -StackOverflow πŸ’»

4. Minification. "Minification is the process of minimizing code and markup in your web pages and script files." -Imperva, Inc.

5. Removes all the unused CSS for each page. 🧹

6. Enables "lazy loading. Lazy loading means delaying loading parts of a webpage until they are needed. ⏳

7. Delays Javascript files: "This is delaying the loading of all JavaScript files and inline scripts until there is a user interaction. -WPRocket"

What is my secret weapon for WordPress page speed performance?

The plugin "WPRocket."

If this post is helpful, show it some love ❀️

Our Story

Learn exactly what you need to know to attract more clients through digital marketing! Attraction Unlimited provides business services unique to your small business needs. We manage your website, SEO, and website updates. We provide social media marketing, email marketing, and digital marketing consultation. Let us save you time and expense so you can focus on your dream!

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900% increase in 6 months!
900% increase in 6 months!
New Year, New Start!
I feed my spirit. I train my body. I focus my mind.
Share your values
YOU are the light, You ARE the light, You are the LIGHT
A single seed can turn into a
You change the world by being yourself."  Yoko Ono
When you do things from the soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.
You are amazing! You are unstoppable!
Unity is strength
When you really want it, you are unstoppable.


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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00