Rep. Jack Bergman

Rep. Jack Bergman

Official Page for Jack Bergman, Rep. of Michigan's 1st District, 3-Star Lt. General, USMC (ret)


So far in 2023, our District Team has cut through federal red tape and recovered over $7 MILLION from bureaucracies for First District constituents.

This is money that was owed to constituents from agencies like the VA, IRS, or Social Security.

From Iosco to Ironwood - we will never stop fighting for the incredible constituents that call home.


Back in D.C. today for votes, debate on bills, and meetings.

Stopped by to check out the gingerbread Capitol. I hope everyone is having a good start to the Christmas season. 🎄

User Clip: Bergman Leads Special Order on Qatar 01/12/2023

The State of Qatar poses the gravest and most profound threat to the national security interests of the United States in the Middle East. This was true before October 7th, but it is now undeniable in the aftermath of the unspeakable horrors of that day where at least 32 Americans were brutally murdered, and another 12 Americans were taken hostage.

Last night, I led Members of the House in a Special Order to emphasize the dire threat that Qatar poses to our country and to implore Congress and the White House to reassess our relations with them.

User Clip: Bergman Leads Special Order on Qatar Bergman Leads Special Order on Qatar

Bergman Voices Support for Rural Healthcare Efforts 30/11/2023

Yesterday, I joined my colleagues in the Bipartisan Rural Health Caucus on the House Floor in support of rural healthcare providers across rural and remote areas of Michigan's First District.

Healthcare providers face unique struggles in maintaining financial stability while providing the best possible care – struggles unlike anything facing those in urban or suburban regions.

See my full speech here —>

Bergman Voices Support for Rural Healthcare Efforts


Today, I joined with my colleagues to pass two resolutions – H. Res. 793 and H. Res. 888 – affirming our unyielding support of our closest ally, Israel, and expressing our commitment to ensuring every hostage is released from the clutches of evil Hamas terrorists.

It’s abhorrent to think that Israel’s right to exist could be questioned by some so-called ‘leaders’ in our country, or that some in the media could downplay the inhumanity of Hamas holding innocent civilians captive.

Sympathy for terrorists and neglect of our ally has no place in Congress or our country, which is why today’s resolutions should reverberate throughout the Free World as an expression of our undeterred stance on the side of Israel and of freedom.


This sums up the Department of Education perfectly.

Reagan: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.’”

Secretary of Education: “I think it was President Reagan who said ‘We're from the government. We're here to help.'" 🤦‍♂️


As we gather together with family and friends, we give thanks today to God for his many blessings.

Cindy and I wish all across Michigan’s First District a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Jack Bergman: Redirect money from Ed Dept. to schools 21/11/2023

As President Reagan once remarked, “Our leaders must remember that education doesn't begin with some isolated bureaucrat in Washington. It doesn't even begin with state or local officials. Education begins in the home, where it is a parental right and responsibility.”

Parents must be empowered to steer the educational wellbeing of their child without heavy-handed federal government involvement. It’s time to cut back the tentacled arm of bureaucracy which snakes into every aspect of our daily lives, and especially into our children’s lives.

Read my latest in the Detroit news or here ➡️

Jack Bergman: Redirect money from Ed Dept. to schools Instead of bankrolling the bureaucratic efforts to indoctrinate America’s kids, this legislation will transfer that money directly to the states.

Bergman, Dingell, Bost, Brownley: Improve Care and Access to New Technologies for Veterans with Spinal Injuries 16/11/2023

The Veterans Spinal Trauma Access to New Devices Act (Veterans STAND Act) will help improve care for Veterans with spinal cord injuries/disabilities (SCI/D) and expand their access to personal exoskeletons and other assistive devices that promote independence and mobility for those who are clinically eligible.

Thankful for the support of my colleagues Rep. Debbie Dingell, Congresswoman Julia Brownley, and VA Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Bost on this important legislation.

Bergman, Dingell, Bost, Brownley: Improve Care and Access to New Technologies for Veterans with Spinal Injuries


The time honored tradition of opening day of rifle season is here!

While I’m here in DC and can’t be out in the woods, I hope each hunter across the state has a safe and fun hunting season.

Photos from Rep. Jack Bergman's post 14/11/2023

To those who wish to test our resolve and support of our allies: take note. We The People will ALWAYS stand with Israel.

Photos from Rep. Jack Bergman's post 14/11/2023

Team Bergman was proud to present a Congressional Record and join the community honoring Charlie Puzjak as this year’s Ogemaw County Veteran of the year.

Thank you for our freedom! 🇺🇸


To all who have served our great Nation, thank you for our freedom.

Happy Veterans Day!


Happy 248th Birthday, U.S. Marine Corps!

Semper Fidelis!

Rep. Bergman Condemns Antisemitism, Calls for Censure of Rep. Tlaib 07/11/2023

Congresswoman Tlaib’s words and actions are abhorrent and beneath her office.

Rep. Bergman Condemns Antisemitism, Calls for Censure of Rep. Tlaib

Photos from Young Marines's post 07/11/2023

Congratulations Young Marines of Traverse City!

Photos from Rep. Jack Bergman's post 06/11/2023

Enjoyed spending time in D.C. with 8th graders from Rudyard this week. I always appreciate the opportunities to hear from our next generation of leaders on issues they care about and discuss the work we are doing in D.C.

House Press Gallery needs to expel propaganda organ Al Jazeera now 02/11/2023

On Friday, I sent a letter to newly-elected Speaker Mike Johnson to request that the Speaker revoke the press credentials of Al Jazeera (the media conglomerate owned and operated by the emirate of Qatar) to the U.S. House of Representatives Press Gallery.

The network is essentially a public relations agent for the government of Qatar operating on U.S. soil.

Read my full op-ed today in The Hill ➡️

House Press Gallery needs to expel propaganda organ Al Jazeera now Amidst the welter of political news last week, including new House speakership and its implications for the escalating conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, one significant development went almost entirel…


I urge my colleagues to support the resolution I introduced on October 11th, to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib.


Cindy and I are keeping Commandant Smith in our prayers and wish him a full and speedy recovery.

These are unprecedented times in our Nation and around the globe, and the Corps must continue moving forward to keep our Nation and Allies safe.

I have full confidence the men and women who wear our great Nation’s uniform will stay steady in our missions as those around General Smith step up to the plate to help lead during this time.


Congratulations to my friend, Speaker Mike Johnson!

The House is in goods hands. It’s time to get to work.


Speaker-Designate Mike Johnson and I came to Congress together in 2017 and I consider him a close friend. Mike is a principled conservative leader who has what it takes to bring our conference to the next level and help get us back on track.

I was proud to support Mike in conference yesterday and I am proudly supporting my classmate - and office next door neighbor - Mike Johnson on the House floor today.


The House needs to elect a Speaker - and Republicans need to get to work. We have no time to waste.

As I said before the vote, I’ll support our Speaker Designate on the House floor. We shouldn’t leave conference until we are confident we have 217 votes. We need to get to work for the American people.

Bergman Ready to Serve As Speaker to Save House from Continuing Dysfunction 20/10/2023

My hat is in the ring, and I feel confident I can win the votes where others could not.

I have no special interests to serve; I’m only in this to do what's best for our Nation and to steady the ship for the 118th Congress.

Bergman Ready to Serve As Speaker to Save House from Continuing Dysfunction


17 days without a Speaker, 28 days until the CR runs out.

Republicans should stay in conference until we pick our next Speaker.

Then Congress should be in session every single day until we properly fund the government.


President Biden spoke a good deal of leadership tonight, which is ironic. It was precisely the lack of leadership on his part which emboldened our enemies across the globe, and contributed to the conditions that led to Hamas’s horrific terrorist attack on Israel.

Americans deserve a secure Nation and a clear vision of our involvement in conflicts across the globe, defined by our essential national interests.

Ukraine and Israel have endured immense suffering at the hands of evil actors, and it is imperative we provide assistance to secure democracy against tyranny and terrorism.

Throwing billions of dollars, with no accountability, at foreign Nations isn’t the answer. In fact, it’s a large part of the problem: the Biden administration has given large amounts of aid, sometimes covertly, to Iran, Qatar, and Palestinian authorities--regimes that fund terrorism with the stated goal of the destruction of the United States and Israel.

Any aid must have strong safeguards - to secure taxpayers dollars - ensuring every dollar spent across the globe is used for its intended purpose and for the cause of good.

Biden failed to provide that plan. Congress must immediately elect a Speaker who is ready to lead this fight for the American people.


16 days without a Speaker, 29 days until the CR runs out.

Republicans should stay in conference until we pick our next Speaker.

Then Congress should be in session every single day until we properly fund the government.


Today Leadership Fellows Christina Schauer and Eric Hall lead a meeting with Rep. Jack Bergman to discuss the future of veteran advocacy and top priorities of 's veteran members. Great to talk with you, General!

Bergman 10.16.23 16/10/2023

Allies don’t harbor terrorists.

Bergman 10.16.23

Qatar needs to arrest, not ‘mediate’ with, Hamas leaders 16/10/2023

There’s only one acceptable approach. Every single Hamas leader living in Doha needs to be arrested and all their assets frozen. Immediately.

The U.S. must give an ultimatum to Doha: You can be an arsonist or a firefighter. You cannot be both.

More ➡️

Qatar needs to arrest, not ‘mediate’ with, Hamas leaders While there is no doubt that Hamas could not exist without Iran’s backing—as Secretary of State Antony Blinken has acknowledged—the simple truth is that the brutal and depraved Hamas attacks on Israel were ultimately overseen by terrorist leaders who openly live in a supposed ally of the Unite...


With a funding deadline looming, Hamas terrorists waging war on Israel, a national debt and deficit spiraling entirely out of control, and a porous Southern Border, the U.S. House must get to work again to continue addressing these critical challenges. That’s what the American people elected us to do.

The House Republican Conference has selected Jim Jordan to take the role as Speaker and I will be supporting him on the floor this Tuesday.

We need a fighter now more than ever and there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Jim is a staunch conservative fighter who has taken on some of the most important fights in Congress.

We need a leader to step up to unite the Republican conference, actually pass critical legislation, and move our Nation forward.

Jim has committed to that, and will have my support on the House floor on Tuesday.

Restoring fiscal accountability through budgetary oversight 16/10/2023

⏺️ The federal government lost $247 billion to improper payments in fiscal year 2022.

⏺️ President Biden has spent over $1.5 trillion without congressional approval through executive actions since taking office.

⏺️ Our debt-to-GDP ratio is on track to be triple the median ratio of nations holding AAA ratings.

House Budget Committee GOP is establishing an Oversight Task Force — a first of its kind initiative to provide transparency to the American public and restore fiscal responsibility throughout the federal government.

Read my full oped here —>

Restoring fiscal accountability through budgetary oversight Government doesn’t just spend too much of your money; it loses too much of it too. Far too often, Washington spends money on justified causes, such as emergency assistance after a natural disaster …


Happy Birthday to the United States Navy!


To all the farmers who work night and day to make the world go around, thank you!

Jack Bergman ~ All Talk with Jordan and Dietz 11/10/2023

Joined WJR yesterday to discuss a wide range of issues regarding Israel, Iran, Qatar, and the Biden Administration’s bad $6 billion deal with Iran.

Listen to the full interview here ➡️

Jack Bergman ~ All Talk with Jordan and Dietz October 10, 2023 ~ Congressman Jack Bergman (MI-1) joins Kevin and Tom to talk about the latest with Israel.

WSJ News Exclusive | Iran Helped Plot Attack on Israel Over Several Weeks 09/10/2023

Iran bankrolls and Qatar provides a safe haven for Hamas - and Iran gave the green-light on the horrific attack on Israel this week.

Yet, the Biden Administration continues taking a week-kneed approach and predictably capitulates to Iran.

Just two weeks ago, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers and I demanded answers from DoD regarding close ties between the Chief of Staff for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict, and the Iranian regime.

We need answers.

WSJ News Exclusive | Iran Helped Plot Attack on Israel Over Several Weeks The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps gave the final go-ahead last Monday in Beirut.


Israel is our closest ally in the Middle East and the scenes unfolding today are horrific and tragic.

Hamas are not militants - they are terrorists and entirely deserve a robust and swift response from Israel as they defend themselves from this evil.

These attacks must also be an immediate time of reckoning for the Biden Administration. Hamas is funded by Iran, and the Biden Administration’s weak-kneed cowardly approach to Iran - including recently releasing billions of dollars of funding to them - has only strengthened Iran, Hamas, and many others who wish to do us and our allies harm.


Secretary Mayorkas and President Biden have created an extremely predictable crisis by implementing terrible policies on our Southern border.

Unsurprisingly and expectedly, the crisis is now bleeding over to our Northern border as well.

Now, after selling off millions of dollars of border wall, Mayorkas is shockingly exclaiming that we have a crisis on our border.

He should resign immediately - and the Senate should send H.R. 2 to Biden's desk.
Secure our border, build the wall, and reform our broken immigration system.


You could ask Speaker Kevin McCarthy himself, and he would tell you that I don’t see eye to eye with him on a good handful of things. But, the fact of the matter is - working with a very small majority, the Speaker has ushered through some extremely challenging bills and has helped pass more conservative legislation out of the House in his short time as Speaker than any Speaker in recent history.

I have no allegiance to anyone other than the constituents who continue to trust me to represent them. I’m watching, but as of now, Speaker McCarthy has kept my support.

Republicans only have control of one chamber and it’s important that we use it to legislate and govern conservatively. I came to Washington to be part of the solution, not part of the dysfunction and problems. Speaker McCarthy has helped pass important legislation that directly benefits our District, has passed spending cuts, and focused on issues important to conservatives across America.

Enough of the political attention seeking and games. We need to get to work for the American people.


I had the opportunity to talk with United States Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall at the House Armed Services Committee hearing today to discuss PFAS cleanup at Wurtsmith, and push them to continue efforts to ensure clean and safe drinking water for constituents.

Watch my remarks here ⤵️

Videos (show all)

Censure Rep. Rashida Talib
We don’t have to see eye to eye on every issue - but we should all be able to agree that terrorists raping women, murder...
Bergman Hearing with USAF Secretary on PFAS Cleanup
Talked Soo Locks, Essential Air Service, and National Defense Authorization Act yesterday with UpNorthLive while in D.C....
Thin Blue Line
We are living in historic times, and the CARES Act takes targeted and temporary action to help American workers and busi...
Bergman And Wilkie Address Veteran Suicide Prevention
2019 was a great year traveling thousands of miles across the First District, meeting with constituents from all 32 coun...
Following the lead of Speaker Pelosi and House Leadership, Chairman Takano chose to turn a historically bipartisan commi...
Yesterday I asked for unanimous consent for the House to consider the bipartisan Born Alive Abortion Survivors Act, whic...
Preventing Veteran Suicide
LCS 19 Christening.