Food, Family, and Finance with CSU Extension, Gunnison County

Food, Family, and Finance with CSU Extension, Gunnison County

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We help people achieve a higher quality of life by providing the latest information on food safety & preservation, health & nutrition, personal finance, family relationships, and a wide range of other important topics. This Facebook account is officially recognized by Colorado State University; however, the views and opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the University. For


The Wild Game Taste Testing Fair is right around the corner, and we've added another way to register! For those who would rather not use Eventbrite, then you may simply pay at the door. First, you'll need to call Tina Haney at 970-641-7629 to RSVP. Please call by January 25th to reserve your spot. Hope to see you there for some great, interesting wild game sampling!


Want some fresh ideas for cooking wild game? Join us on January 26th to sample some great meals and walk away with new recipes to liven up your elk and deer cuisine!


Come join our team! We are now hiring for our Extension Director and Agent, Agriculture/4-H Youth Development position in Gunnison County, Colorado. Details can be found at
Apply by December 27th for full consideration.


Not sure how to stay busy through the cold winter months? How about learning everything you need to know about gardening and preparing for next summer? Check out CSU Extensions Green School! Get yourself signed up and you'll be ready to go come summer!


Please join us tonight to learn how to process wild game correctly. Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Homestead Hut, and CSU Extension
will show you how to break down a field dressed animal into different cuts of meat, and how to package the meat for safe keeping as well as how to make different types of special meat products, like jerky!
You don't want to miss this and it's FREE!
Join us at 6:00pm at the Fred Field building, tonight, October 4th.


Please join us for the second annual Fermentation Fest on September 11th!! Learn how to make delicious sauerkraut and fermented vegetables, then take some home!! See below for details.

Keep Kids Healthy and Happy this Summer - Live Smart Colorado 23/05/2022

It's summertime....are you ready?

Keep Kids Healthy and Happy this Summer - Live Smart Colorado School is out and your kids are "bored". Time to help find activities for the summer that will keep them healthy and happy.

Preparing the Garden Bed - Live Smart Colorado 16/05/2022

It's time to start gardening! Here's a blog from Live Smart Colorado and CSU Extension on how to get those garden beds in shape.

Preparing the Garden Bed - Live Smart Colorado Preparing the garden bed can be broken down into a few simple steps: deciding what to plant, and laying out the bed.

Invest in our planet with small steps for big impact - Live Smart Colorado 22/04/2022

Happy Earth Day! Follow this link to find some ways to take care of Mother Earth.

Invest in our planet with small steps for big impact - Live Smart Colorado Every small step we take can improve the planet's health. Earth Day is April 22, but our work will require more than one day.


Don't forget this Saturday! Come get your plants and compost!


Coming soon!!!


Have you been diagnosed with diabetes, or have been living with diabetes but are not completely confident with cooking and following diabetes guidelines for living a healthy life? Then this is your class!
The purpose of Dining with Diabetes is to help participants understand diabetes, make healthy food choices, find healthy versions of familiar foods, learn proper cooking techniques with products like artificial sweeteners, and learn some exercises that will help with living with diabetes.
This is a 4-week course, meeting once a week. The program titles are:
Session 1-Living Well with Diabetes
Session 2- Carbohydrates and Sweeteners
Session 3- Fats and Sodium
Session 4-Putting it all together
If interested, please call Tina Haney, Family and Consumer Science Agent at CSU Extension. She can be reached at 970-641-7629

NEAFCS Living Well - Intellectual Wellness 2022 04/03/2022

Intellectual wellness is part of living a whole healthy life. Watch this short video for thoughts on intellectual wellness.

NEAFCS Living Well - Intellectual Wellness 2022

NEAFCS Living Well - Emotional Wellness 2022 03/03/2022

Extension initiatives in nutrition, healthy lifestyles, food safety, financial management,
parenting, and environmental health enable citizens to gain knowledge and skills to lead
full and productive lives. March is Extension Living Well month! Today watch a video on Emotional Wellness.

NEAFCS Living Well - Emotional Wellness 2022

NEAFCS Living Well - Physical Wellness 2022 02/03/2022

Physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally strong families provide strength for future generations. March is Extension Living Well Month! Learn more
from Extension starting with physical wellness. Watch this short video for ideas on how important physical wellness is for you and your family.

NEAFCS Living Well - Physical Wellness 2022


March is Living Well Month! Use this 31 Days of Healthy Living calendar to help you live
better today.

5 Ways To Teach Kids How To Save At Home | America Saves 25/02/2022

Want to instill a positive mindset around saving in your kids? Read 5 Ways To Teach Kids How To Save At Home. You’ll learn easy ways your kids can save! ,

5 Ways To Teach Kids How To Save At Home | America Saves We start kids young with almost everything— sports, school, so why not saving? We are always looking for new ways to in the America Saves community. The earlier that you have a positive mindset around saving, the easier it is to save successfully as an adult.

Tips To Help You Reduce Debt and Pay it Off For Good. | America Saves 24/02/2022

Becoming is a priority for many Americans. It can also be very overwhelming, especially if you have a lot of debt. Luckily, our friends has some great tips to help you reduce debt and pay it off for good. Read:

Tips To Help You Reduce Debt and Pay it Off For Good. | America Saves One of the greatest contributors to financial stress is debt. If you're having a tough time financially, it can feel isolating, but the truth is 80 percent of Americans have consumer debt. The only way to relieve financial stress is to make a plan and work your way through it. But to make that plan,...

Questions To Ask Yourself When Saving For Retirement | America Saves 24/02/2022

So you’re ready to get serious about saving for retirement! Congratulations. To make sure you are saving for the actual retirement lifestyle you’d like to have, be sure to ask yourself these questions: via

Questions To Ask Yourself When Saving For Retirement | America Saves Are you saving for retirement? For many of us, saving for retirement is simply signing up for our employer's 401K or Thrift Savings Plan, choosing a contribution percentage, and calling it a day.

Save for the Unexpected - America Saves Week 2022 23/02/2022

Meet Rachel B, an attorney, entrepreneur, and Mom of 5. She’s sharing her story of an unexpected health crisis that was the catalyst for her family working towards financial stability. .

Save for the Unexpected - America Saves Week 2022 AMERICA SAVES WEEK IS FEBRUARY 21 - 25, 2022America Saves Week 2022 has one single focus: Building Financial Resilience.Since 2007 America Saves Week has bee...

What's The Easiest Way To Save? Automatically | America Saves 21/02/2022

It’s ! Today we’re focused on the easiest way to save. What is it? To ! Check out this blog post to learn how to “set it and forget it!”

What's The Easiest Way To Save? Automatically | America Saves The easiest and most effective way to save is automatically. Think about it, this saving automatically is the exact same way that millions of employees save through 401(k) and other retirement programs at work. So, taking that same concept— that you can “set it and forget it” and adjust to mon...

How to ward off Alzheimer’s Disease? - Live Smart Colorado 20/01/2022

Check out the Live Smart Colorado blog by CSU Extension Agent, Sheila Beckley on How to ward off Alzheimer's Disease. Shelia provides some prevention tips to help improve brain health and possibly avoid the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

How to ward off Alzheimer’s Disease? - Live Smart Colorado Growing scientific evidence shows that following a healthy lifestyle may help with preventing memory problems as well as Alzheimer’s disease.

Live Smart Colorado 12/01/2022

To learn more about the benefits of the Mediterranean diet read this blog by Pueblo County Family and Consumer Science agent, Laura Krause. Great tips for eating healthy!!

Live Smart Colorado Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet for Your Family Research shows that following the Mediterranean Diet can help to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases such as: cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Additionally, the risks of cognitive decline and Parkinson’s disease are reduced. This...


ServSafe classes are being offered again through CSU Extension. If you or your employees are in need of management certification for ServSafe, call Tina at the Colorado State University Extension office to get signed up for the class and exam. 970-641-7629
Classes will be held on September 8th or September 15th from 10AM-6PM.


LIVE WEBINAR July 15th from 9AM-Noon

REGISTER NOW | Registration closes July 12th


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00