Treasured Ministries

Treasured Ministries

This is the page for Treasured Ministries. For more info, visit

We exist to give women a faith-based approach to heal soul hurts by unlocking timeless truths throughout scripture, that reveal the steps we can take today to make a difference for our tomorrows. If you are looking to deepen your relationship with the Lord, find community, and gain unlimited access to our biblical resources, then look no further than the Treasured Tribe! The Treasured Tribe helps


Seeking perfection in life and in others is a depressing and dividing pursuit. Disarm shame through the light and love of Jesus.


Share this with a friend who may need to hear this today.


Even if you answer this question to yourself, it is still SO helpful to really put things into perspective.

Maybe you know this answer immediately, maybe you need to take a minute to pray and really think on the answer.

Ask God to reveal to you today what the false standard is, release it and measure your worth in God.


How easy is it to forget this truth?

When we carry shame, we aren't thinking of others.

We aren't thinking how we affect others when we are so wrapped up in shame.

Confront your shame, with God's help, and THRIVE


Trust in Him today and move forward in confidence!

We don't have to face shame alone.

God's got us.

Photos from Treasured Ministries's post 20/06/2024

Which one of these truth statements resonates with you most? Share your thoughts below. 💗


Let's learn this verse together and go about our day with this truth in mind!

Photos from Treasured Ministries's post 18/06/2024

Do you wonder where shame comes from?

Watch our newest YouTube video "Where Does Shame Come From?" to hear what we have to say about the topic.

DON'T FORGET! We will be going LIVE on YouTube next Tuesday, June 25, to answer YOUR questions about this week's video. Make sure you comment your questions below so we can answer them for you. No worries - all questions are anonymous.

▶️ Watch on YouTube by following the link below! 👇


When we embrace each person as individual masterpieces, numbers lose their value and the hearts of these people become the focus.

No time given to loving a masterpiece of the creator is ever wasted, love on!


Our God is the ultimate provider, and it is in our moments of greatest need that HIS attributes are amplified in our lives.

When we are in need of anything, empty-handed with nothing, we learn just how good Jesus is as our everything.


“Your God-given authentic identity flows from listening to the Holy Sprint so that the Voice of Truth becomes louder than the labels others have given you to wear.”

You are treasured by God. But often the words others say, our self-deprecating thoughts, or labels from the World about women clamor for our attention. This draws our hearts away from our authentic core identity.

We will live what we believe. Let Jesus' words over you be the loudest in your life. Pause from the hustle to pray. Seek Jesus in the still of the morning and watch the Holy Spirit write his words on your heart in such a way you will forget those false labels God NEVER intended you to wear in the first place.


When we live our lives at the feet of our teacher, learning who he is teaches us who we are. When we become sure of who we are from the point of view of the creator we are able to love and influence those around us.


We worship an intentional God.

From the way that he loves to the way that he protects to the way that he allows circumstances into our lives is filled with meaning. Know that the season you are in or the pain you are feeling is not without eternal significance. Take heart in knowing you are not hurting alone and you are not hurting in vain.


You are a wise woman – oh yes you are – because the Lord has given you the mind of Christ. Lean in and listen to Jesus, brave heart. Reasoning can create worry as our minds churn to understand. But the Lord calls you to walk by faith and light up the darkness one step of faith at a time!


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do; and He will show you which path to take.” Proverbs 3:5-6


Share this truth with 3 friends today. You never know who will need to hear His promise 💗


Who needed to hear this truth today?


Finding courage to confront shame comes from this truth... He will meet us there!

God wants to be there for us, allow Him in and FLOURISH


Are you struggling with shame?

Watch our newest YouTube video "How Am I Covering My Shame?" to learn more on how to overcome shame, God's way!

Here's the link:


Say SO LONG to the days of trying to fight your battles on your own.

Go to God! Let Him help you through it all.


You deserve to be free from shame. Heart work is hard work, but your heart is worth it

Photos from Treasured Ministries's post 04/06/2024

Do you want to discover ways you're covering your shame?

Watch our newest YouTube video "How Am I Covering My Shame?" to hear what we have learned ourselves.

▶️ Watch on YouTube by clicking this link below👇


When we are willing to surrender our everything, it is in that place that we find Jesus to be sufficient as our everything.

What is it you are holding to so tightly? The cross is not where dreams or desires go to die, it is where they are redirected to eternity and come to life.

Surrender boldly!


There is no person Christ would rather us be than HIS.

His heart rejoices when its truth is reflected in ours and we find our identity in the love He has for us.


Bring your pain to Jesus and watch him turn your weeping into something wonderful.

Honesty before God and healing walk hand in hand.


Pressure can be positive when it pushes us towards Jesus. There often comes a turning point in life when you finally realize that the goal of pleasing others is impossible. Often this awakening is ushered in by a person who could not love you. That was not your fault.

With great gratitude you forgive your offender, let them go and give thanks for what they taught you: freedom flows from seeking to pursue Christ alone and becoming the woman God created you to be.


Without agape love we cannot fill our purpose and we will never be satisfied, but often we create our own strategies like people-pleasing, proving ourselves, perfectionism, performance to gain this love and we remain thirsty weary and worn out because people could never give us this love our hearts are thirsting for.

Authentic agape is not something we manufacture through our mechanisms. It’s something we receive from our Maker and release to others. So, open your arms wide to Gods love for you today. Receive His love for you so that you can give this to others.


When God is at the center life is balanced and we live in freedom as he intended. To worship God is to live in freedom.


“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask Him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.” James 1:5-8


Before God can build his dream, he must build your faith and often the pauses in life prepare our hearts to depend on the Dream Builder and not the dream.

Are you experiencing a Holy Pause in your life? The Holy Pause is the time in between when God gives us a dream and when God causes the dream to pass. The Holy Pause can either build or break our faith.

Waiting can make you wonder am I not worthy enough to carry God’s dream? Or did I really hear from him? When this happens double-mindedness can creep in making our faith unstable….. ahhh but when we see Holy pauses as PROVISION to push us to depend on the Lord, we find that the pause was not a “stop” but a season of preparation for our purpose.

God is preparing you in the pause. Rejoice in that today! Can I get an amen?

Videos (show all)

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Life can often feel like a challenging battleground that leaves us breathless. However, our amazing God is always there ...
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Exciting Opportunity Announcement!!!!
On Saturday, April 6, 2024, Aliene will be leading a one-day retreat in Beavercreek, OH.   All are welcome and encourage...
What or Whom Are You Afraid of Releasing?
What are you holding on to?
On Saturday, April 6, 2024, Aliene will be leading a one-day retreat in Beavercreek, OH. All are welcome and encouraged ...
Calling all Midwestern friends!
Let us pray for you today 💖🙏#biblestudy #Codependency #Boundaries #Jesus #Christian #Bible #nourishyourheart #hope #comm...
Do you find it hard to trust God's plans? We all struggle. You are not alone here. Through trusting HIS plan, we can liv...
What is a way you can show someone you love them today? Share with us in the comments and tag a friend! 🤍#biblestudy #Co...
