Dr. Tracy Hutchinson

Dr. Tracy Hutchinson

Dr. Tracy Hutchinson is a professor, author, psychotherapist, consultant and clinical supervisor in the field of mental health counseling.


7 Ways Mentally Strong People Deal With Life Changes 23/05/2024

Going through major life changes? Please read my latest article in Psychology Today for tips and ways mentally strong people deal with the many ups and downs of life!

7 Ways Mentally Strong People Deal With Life Changes Going through major changes? Learn how mentally strong people successfully navigate changes.


Happy to be featured in Women's World Magazine this week on how to recover from setbacks or "failures" in your life. Often, this requires changing your mindset or reframing the disappointment. For example, the universe may be trying to guide you in another direction with a better opportunity, relationship, or place to live that better suits you at this time in your life. 😀


Online version

Different Personality Disorders Cause Different Types of Harm 28/03/2023

Harmful relationships aren't always "narcissistic", though this term is widely misused. Other types of behaviors can be toxic in relationships such as emotional neglect, too much passivity (not standing up for what is right), avoidance (not addressing relationship issues), or too emotional drama. For example, parents who display these behaviors chronically with their children can cause long-term ruptures in relationships. Please read my latest article in Psychology Today for more information...

Different Personality Disorders Cause Different Types of Harm It isn't always "narcissistic" behavior that does damage.


Happy to be included in this weeks issue of Women’s World “ Ask Americas Experts” that covers a variety of mental health topics. Be sure to check it out on your newsstand this week!

7 Ways Mentally Strong People Bounce Back From Failure 01/02/2023

Do we really "fail" in life? Mentally strong people may view failures differently. Please see my latest article in Psychology Today on
7 ways mentally strong people bounce back from failure.

7 Ways Mentally Strong People Bounce Back From Failure Want to bounce back faster from disappointments? These 7 tips may help you.

8 Ways to Recover From Being Ghosted 11/01/2023

"Ghosting" is becoming more and more common as a way to terminate a relationship, romantic or otherwise. Please read my latest article in Psychology Today for 8 ways to help you.

8 Ways to Recover From Being Ghosted Getting ghosted may be more about the other person than it is about you.

7 Signs of Mentally Strong People 10/09/2022

Are you mentally strong? Please read my latest article for more....Mental strength is linked with resilient traits that include emotional maturity and the ability to see reality clearly.

7 Signs of Mentally Strong People Research finds that mental strength is linked to resilient traits.

Are You Mentally Resilient? Why Some of Us Flourish and Some Don't 19/08/2022

Please read my latest article on mentally strong people and why some flourish and transcend in face of adversities. Mental strength is correlated with emotional maturity and the ability to see reality clearly.


Are You Mentally Resilient? Why Some of Us Flourish and Some Don't Inherent traits help some people flourish in face of hard times.

7 Ways to Deal With High-Conflict Personalities 07/07/2022

How to recognize emotionally immaturity (previous Psychology Today article) in high conflict personalities is important.

Dealing with them if you choose to takes a different skill set and approach. Please read my latest article to learn effective strategies and how to deal with high conflict personalities in your life whether personal relationships or at work.

7 Ways to Deal With High-Conflict Personalities Attempting to reason with someone unreasonable? These 7 strategies can help.


May is mental health awareness month.

It’s ok not to be ok and to ask for help. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-pulse-mental-health/202203/its-ok-not-be-ok-4-ways-manage-difficult-times

It’s also time to reassess those things in your life that are causing your mental health to suffer. This could be too much work, not enough work life balance, or toxic relationships, to name a few.

It's OK to Not Be OK: 4 Ways to Manage Difficult Times 11/03/2022

Please see my latest article in Psychology Today... It is okay, not to feel okay during these stressful times AND particularly the cumulative collective trauma over the last 2 years.

These 4 techniques will help you that are research based and easy to apply.

It is also important to know the difference between feeling ok and actually doing well. You may be doing better than you think...

It has been two years since the onset of the Covid-19 in the US and when the world shut down. If the ups and downs of the global pandemic and variants over the last 24 months and weren’t enough, there were a myriad of simultaneous socio-political events that prevailed over this time period. Stressors such as civil unrest, political dissension, domestic terrorism, natural disasters, global warming, inflation, and impending wars are unsettling for most people. Then add what happened in your personal life.....

It's OK to Not Be OK: 4 Ways to Manage Difficult Times Learn the skills mentally strong people use to manage stressful times.

Spotting Emotional Immaturity in High-Conflict Personalities 06/03/2022

Please see my latest article in Psychology Today....
Recognizing the signs of emotional immaturity may help you navigate both personal and professional relationships in your life.

Spotting Emotional Immaturity in High-Conflict Personalities Knowing the signs of emotional immaturity may help you navigate relationships.

5 Things to Know When Dealing With Emotional Drama 05/02/2022

Please read my latest article in Psychology Today to learn more about dealing with disturbed personalities in your life and the emotional rollercoaster inherent in these relationships. Pathological personalities create "dramas" due to biological deficits in their own personalities. This is the way they relate in relationships because of their personality structure. Learning how to accept, approach, and manage expectations of these relationships may help you deal with difficult people in your life.

5 Things to Know When Dealing With Emotional Drama What you need to realize when dealing with dark personalities in your life.
