Rachel Erazo

Rachel Erazo

Rachel's priority and purpose in life are to empower tarot readers and magic practitioners, from beg I'll be back to you within a few hours.

Welcome to Modron Lotus Garden, Spiritual Readings and Crafts for the Magical and Mundane. I first created this business as a way to be a spiritual coach and advisor for those looking for happiness and success in their lives. This can be done through spiritual readings, informative articles, and so much more. Feel free to message or email me for any questions or concerns you may have! Sending all

Photos from Rachel Erazo's post 01/11/2019

Haven’t had a reading with me recently?


Within the next week or two, I’ll be taking a small hiatus to have a baby. To guarantee that you’ll get a reading slot + the clarity you need, it’s best to book a session NOW before the holidays hit.



1️⃣ Shoot me a message on this page to set up a 1-1 reading! We’ll book a time that works for you (as soon as Monday, November 4th for available appointments). $97 for 30 minutes, $167 for 60 minutes.

2️⃣ Hop over to my Keen profile - ModronLotus1221 (www.keen.com/love-relationships/modronlotus1221/12457393) - to chat with me most days after 8 pm MST for $3.99/minute.

You can also book a phone or chat appointment with me through Keen; however, the availability will vary more so than personally chatting with me.

Hope to chat with you soon!


Resharing the Money on a Deadline Emoji spell, for those who may need some extra funds for Halloween activities tonight 😘

Credit to Nathara of “We Witches Three”


For when you need to manifest money on a certain date or time.


Likes charge it. Shares or Copy/Paste Cast it.


Perfect explanation for those who agree with the Abraham Hicks teachings on how readings work.

It’s all about reading where everything is sitting for you in that exact moment. As decisions shift and people change, the cards and lines on your palm will as well. Very simple and effective.

Q: My other two questions are about face and palm reading. Does that have any merit to it?

A: Give us a little more.

Q: I'm not sure, I just was thinking about going to get one, and I think they read your face to see, like, your future, like, how many children you'll have if you get married...

A: Well, here's the thing - as you've been living your life experience, you have created a Vibrational Reality that some who are in vibrational alignment can catch a glimpse of. And in different ways with different ones of them, they can interpret what they see or feel or sense. And so, with the processes they use, like reading your palm or reading cards, they're not getting the information from the palm or from the card, they're getting points of focus that cause them to tap into the Energy that give them clarity or impressions that then they can express.

But this is always true: Some of what they have going on sometimes is mixed in. And clearly, how you feel is mixed in. So if you go in all uptight and insecure, your insecurity is going to serve as a sort of veil or fog that's going to make it more difficult for them to present things in a way that you can hear or trust them. So again, we're back to the same conversation - can they read the Energy? Yes they can, and some of them are very, very good about it. Is it of value to you? It can be. But if it smacks of you being insecure, so you're looking for someone else and their connection in order to give you information, then it's not such a good idea. If you go for fun, that's different than if you go with need.

Q: If I go in a high vibration just for, like, an example, to aspire to from the information that they give me, would that serve me in any way? Or...

A: Esther, after Jerry died, was walking through Balboa Park with friends, and some of them said "Oh, there's a palm reader - you should go there." And Esther said "Have you lost your frickin’ mind? Why would I go to someone else to interpret Energy when I have Abraham?" And they said "I just thought you might have fun." And Esther thought "You guys have lost your minds." (Fun) So they roamed around for a couple of hours, and Esther couldn't stop thinking about this lady. (Fun) And so then she told herself "If when we leave, that lady's still there, I will give her $10 and see what she has to say." And when they got over there, the lady wasn't there, and Esther realized that she felt just the smallest element of disappointment. And then they turned the corner, and there she was, and Esther realized she felt just the smallest element of enthusiasm that she was still there. (Fun) So she took out her $10 and sat down, and the woman began to turn over cards.

Now, all that day, Jerry had been with Esther. In other words, he's dead, but that makes no difference whatsoever. And Esther had noticed that with Jerry, quite often when she could feel him around, she could feel him on her skin, and she would say "Oh, I have my Jerry legs on." In other words, she could feel the presence of Jerry; it's something she's very aware of, and had been for the months that he had been dearly departed. And so, she sits down and the woman takes the cards, and the woman looked at Esther, and then looked at Esther, and then tried to look away, and looked at Esther, and she said "Have you got a man on your mind? (Fun) Because you have a man on the surface of your skin."

Well, there was no denying that - Esther had never heard anybody say anything like that, and that woman didn't know Esther or know about Jerry making his transition. But she was reading the Energy, and Jerry certainly was present. And while she had these cards, she also had intuitive knowing, and what she said was right on about that. So Esther thought "What else do you have?" (Fun) So she turned over a card - Esther doesn't know anything about the Tarot cards; she'd never even seen a deck before, she didn't know what any of it meant while this woman proceeded to tell Esther the most wonderful things. And she said "And the money! All the money!" And Esther's thinking "Well, she has that one right, too." (Fun)

And when Esther walked away, she said to the people who were with her "Well, that's probably the kind of reading that she gives everyone." And all of them said "No, no, not so much. That's pretty much the most good news that I've ever heard anyone get, and you seem to get it all." And Esther thought "Well, that's about right. (Fun) That's how it should go. If I create my own reality, then wouldn't it be right that someone would read the reality that I'm creating?"

And so, let's say that there are people who could read your cards; let's say that there are people that could read your palm. Let's say that there are people that could read your relationship with your Vortex. Let's say that they can tell you what you have going on. Let's say that they really can tap in, and they really can tell you what's going on. Well, the thing that we want to ask you is do you really want to replace your own Guidance with someone like that? Do you really want to be roaming around Balboa Park looking for somebody who doesn't even stay in the same spot? (Fun) She moves around - one day she's there, and one day she's over there, and then she's over there. Sometimes she doesn't even come - what if you need to know?? "Where did you go?"

Q: But sometimes I feel so disconnected, it's hard to, like, get a tap, get a feel about what...

A: Well, here's the thing - when you feel disconnected, you don't want a reading; you don't want somebody to say "Ohhhh, things are not good for you," because it's only temporary anyway. Why not use your own Guidance System? That's like driving around in your car and the gas gauge says you're out of gas, and you just go into deep and utter depression. "Ohhhh...ohhhhh...I wish I hadn't looked. (Fun) Does anyone have a happy face sticker? I shouldn't have looked over there - now I can never go anywhere again." (Fun) Of course it's not like that.

~Abraham speaking in Long Beach, CA on January 19, 2019

Tarot and Palm Reading: https://youtu.be/s_vUiWpmxzg

Bitchins from a Witch: A Collection of Work for the Modern Witch 01/10/2019

It’s finally here!!

One of this year’s publications that I’ve been working on - “Bitchins from a Witch” - is officially available on the Kindle store!!

➡️ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X993HXZ?ref_=pe_3052080_397670860

I’m beyond freaking excited for this 😍 thank you so much to everyone who’s preordered the publication and to my fabulous Patreon contributors. Your free copies of the book will be heading your way this week ❤️

Stay tuned over the next few days as “Bitchins from a Witch” becomes available in paperback!

Bitchins from a Witch: A Collection of Work for the Modern Witch SYNOPSIS:This is a collection of poems, ten-minute plays, and short stories from my experiences as a modern day witchcraft practitioner and metaphysical business owner. The content is raw, unfiltered, and touches on a variety of subjects - from spiritual bypassing and elitism to race to trauma to...


I don’t often look at my reviews but when I do, it helps to know how sweet some clients absolutely are ❤️

Grab a reading now at www.keen.com/love-relationships/modronlotus1221/12457393


Who's ready for the spooky season? I know I am!

In preparation for this year's Halloween offers, I've decided to reopen my Etsy reading shop with new branding and new offers.

A few options have already been posted and are available for your selection - such candle wax reading, mediumship offers, and the ever popular shufflemancy readings! - just in time for you.

As always, the majority of readings are delivered within 48 hours or less and will always include photos, mp3s, or videos for your continual viewing pleasure.


CHECK IT OUT HERE >> https://www.etsy.com/shop/CronesPsychicShop


Officially available for pre-order on the Kindle store and soon to be available for paperback!!!

I'm beyond excited for this collection of work - Bitchins from a Witch - to be available to the public.

A very special thank you to my Patreon members for help with editing and proofreading so far. As promised, you'll receive complimentary copies of the work once it's released October 1st >> GRAB YOUR COPY HERE -> https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X993HXZ

This is a collection of poems, ten-minute plays, and short stories from my experiences as a modern-day witchcraft practitioner and metaphysical business owner. The content is raw, unfiltered, and touches on a variety of subjects - from spiritual bypassing and elitism to race to trauma to realistic looks at romance for our modern community.

The point of this collection is to challenge the perspective of what a “witch” is and means in the 21st Century. Among the metaphysical community, there’s a number of issues that are seldom addressed that leave a mental, physical, and spiritual scar on practitioners around the world. These works bring the terrifying and honest reality of these issues to the forefront and show the reader that they aren’t alone in feeling isolated like this.


A number of pieces within this collection have strong language and give references to psychological trauma, racism, suicidal thoughts, animal abuse, sexual favors, murder, and other forms of abusive practices. One specific piece is from a child's perspective on these issues. No people or species of animal, mythical or otherwise, were harmed in the creation of this piece.

>>> GRAB YOUR COPY HERE -> https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X993HXZ

Timeline photos 16/07/2019

We’ve all got a flow that shifts and changes depending on what’s happening in our lives. Just shows whatever is inspiring us at the time!
Funny enough, the flow I’ve gotten myself into these days has been listening to “That’s What I Like” by on repeating and a LOT of Dragon Ball Z fan fiction 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 it’s made the rough days fly by faster, the editing go smoother, and the tarot readings come out clearer.
❓What’s inspiring you right now? I’d love to know in the comments below ⬇️⬇️

Timeline photos 10/07/2019

Who’s into podcasts?

This week I chatted with Lauren Runck, owner of From a Fable and creator of The Good Witch Project, about how this year’s transformations and shifting energy has changed our lives AND our advice for dealing with it.

Check it out ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/2s9g0xnvBROvBOC8RC7U4W?nd=1

Timeline photos 06/07/2019

You know it’s getting nuts with editing when the work that’s already color coded gets tabbed too 😂
Definitely slicing and dicing this piece apart like the Knight of Swords today. Even down to going back into acting roots and giving characters objectives for each dialogue that happens.
What does the Knight of Swords mean to you today?

Timeline photos 05/07/2019

Are you a member of the or a member of my Facebook group, Crone’s Magic Corner?
I put a VERY important announcement up today in the group ❤️ when you have a moment, take a look at it.

Photos from Rachel Erazo's post 03/07/2019

Been spending this week doing readings, finishing up the Ritual by Adam Nevill, and revising my own book - Letters from June - from last year’s NaNoWrMo.
These books are NUTS. Definitely worth a read. Even though you’ll have to wait until later this year for mine 😘 The Ritual is definitely a Devil book (in a H.P Lovecraft kind of way) and mine’s a 2 of Wands vibe.

Timeline photos 01/07/2019

Back in February, I got the feeling of being pregnant with fraternal twins during meditation. I could feel them rolling around in my womb and everything. Once I came out of it, i saw it was snowing outside.
The next day, I had a dream that I was at the doctors office and they said “let it be known today at your 19 week appt that you have fraternal twins”. I woke up to snow coming down.
The day I took a test and it came back immediately positive? Snowing outside.
Our first appt and ultrasound? Snowing outside.
Today we have our second ultrasound to see the official gender of our new magical baby. The weather has been horrendously rainy all week and, even though I’m almost 21 weeks, I still have a feeling I’ve got twins. Then I saw this while making breakfast this morning ⬆️⬆️⬆️ TWO YOLKS IN ONE EGG!!!
I think it’s twins y’all 😂😂 let’s see if my suspicions are confirmed as the day goes on...

Timeline photos 01/07/2019

Late night reading with the + + (not pictured) as some journaling was done in my newly bound book.
General consensus? The rest of 2019 will be healing from the traumas that’ve happened this past month. Some things will take longer than I want but it’ll be for a better outcome. New outlook and focus on my business will flow more, take care of any living concerns I have, and be more fulfilling for me.
As for the cards shown? Tomorrow’s gonna be a doozy. But just get the s**t over with, don’t focus on everything that’ll have to be thrown away, and just start focusing on what I’m passionate about again. This is going to be a dark healing period for awhile so it’s time to just manage what I’ve got and move forward. Spring will come soon (metaphorically).
Also interesting as my 20 week ultrasound is tomorrow and every time something new happens with the baby it snows. So sorry in advance Colorado if it does! I’ll take full responsibility for it ❤️

Timeline photos 28/06/2019

Last night I had a long talk with my friend about where to go from here in my business. I’ve been tempted for a few days - especially since the writing bug hit me again - to just take time off and get all of my work that I have sitting around published. Be with my family and continue channeling that creative part of myself that’s been put on the back burner, you know?
Today’s seems to be all about doing that exact thing. Hermit, Emperor, 3 of Wands, and 4 of Swords on the underside of the are emphasizing the need to just retreat, regroup, and take the plunge into something peaceful.
Peace sounds nice after everything that’s happened this year. ❤️ Especially as we’ve had some things manifest in good but surprising ways in the past 48 hours.

Timeline photos 27/06/2019

Universe is funny today. Pulled this for my from the + creativity cards + relationship deck and this popped up.
The general theme seems to be work can be play and play can be for a living, especially if you love it. Just find what you love, evaluate each side, and find the middle ground.
And almost immediately after this draw? “Be Like That” by came on 🤷🏻‍♀️ funny day indeed.

Timeline photos 20/06/2019

I want to talk to YOU!

A big part of being the headmistress of the Crone Academy is giving you the support needed for both your divination practice + your business (whether you sell magical products, coaching sessions, or reading packages).

If you haven't yet, I'd LOVE to get to know you over a 1:1 discovery call. For 30 minutes, we'll talk about what you've tried in your practice, what's not working, and how to start filling in the holes so you get consistent income every month and bust out of that UNFUN and UNEASY 9-5!

GRAB A TIME ON MY CALENDAR NOW >> https://bit.ly/teachat-with-rachel



Emoji spell for getting a house (with a garden!) quickly!

Likes and hearts to charge, shares to cast!


Sharing from the fabulous We Witches Three:


For when you need to manifest money on a certain date or time.


Likes charge it. Shares or Copy/Paste Cast it.

Photos from Rachel Erazo's post 16/06/2019

Hey everyone!

My family and I have hit a rough financial spot so I'm reaching out to everyone here for help. All of the offers you see here are HEAVILY discounted to make it easy for you.

Here's some details about what I'm offering...

You'll receive a video recording of your reading within 48 hours of purchase. Limited to 1-3 questions of your choosing. For palm readings, please include photos of your hands clearly, with good lighting, and showing everything from your fingers tips to below your wrist. If you have questions, feel free to comment below about it.

BOOK NOW ➡️ www.paypal.me/ModronLotusGarden/47

We'll meet live over Zoom for an hour of relaxation and energy realigning. We'll start with assessing where your energy's at currently in a brief questionaire and then move into your session. This can be done over long distance easily and you'll be provided with a video replay once completed.

BOOK NOW ➡️ www.paypal.me/ModronLotusGarden/97

On June 21st I'm hosting a LIVE group class to remove your Root chakra traumas, clear your energy, and realign you in a safe, non-judgemental space. Think of it like a meditation circle with people from all around the world!

SIGN UP ➡️ https://croneacademy.thinkific.com/courses/reclaim-your-root-masterclass

Need some 1:1 guidance about your business and life? Let's have a session going over where you feel blocked in your energy and I'll teach you how to effectively and easily clear it!

BOOK NOW ➡️ www.paypal.me/ModronLotusGarden/197

Once you grab it, please DM me so we can set up your delivery method and/or meeting time.

✅ You can also find me on Keen Psychics every evening (8 pm - 12 am) if you'd like a live text reading for $1.99 a minute instead ➡️ https://www.keen.com/love-relationships/modronlotus1221/12457393

⭐️ If you're not feeling any of these, I'd very much appreciate you sharing! Every little bit does help.


Timeline photos 11/06/2019

You've been in this group for awhile, right?

You've shared your thoughts and practices with others, participated in the workshops, and compiled your tarot journal.

You want to make money with your tarot reading skills...

But something's stopping you.

There's a vision of the kind of reader you want to be in your mind. This person...
Knows the energy in their body so well that the voice of their ego and their intuition are distinctly different
Knows their psychic triggers and can tune into their inner guidance in a snap
Wakes up in the morning at one with their psychic sense, takes care of their health, and has the vibe of a leader
Knows that reading tarot, palms, pendulums, and all other kinds of divination is a calling to them

But that fear of whether you're worthy enough to be a fantastic tarot reader sets in. That worry of interpreting the cards wrong paralyzes you. The thought of investing in your spiritual or psychic practice sends you running for the hills.

So you tell yourself that staying home, staring at the computer, and taking the "easy" route to unlock your intuition will make you happy.

I've got a harsh news flash for you...
That tenth, fiftieth, or hundredth deck isn't going to give you easier answers.
Searching Google for hours at a time for guidance isn't the right teacher for you.
Attending free workshops, which are meant to help you START your divination journey, will continue to frustrate you unless you invest the time, energy, and money in yourself

You need a study plan, a community of supportive readers, and a mentor that cares about you and your individual abilities to back you up.

✨What worries about you about your practice? What fears do you have? Sign up for a NO-OBLIGATION 30-minute chat with me! Just two psychic readers, having a cup of brew, and chatting about divination.


Photos from Rachel Erazo's post 08/06/2019

✨Come visit the Summer Fair at Mountain Metaphysical Shop from 10-5:30 pm today!

$20 for 20 minute readings PLUS amazing discounts on everything in store. Even a raffle 😱 😍

I’ll be doing single and couple’s tarot + palm readings all day!! See you soon ❤️

Timeline photos 08/06/2019

Part of owning an intuitive business, whether you sell sessions or packages or printables, is SHOWING UP.

Being there day in and day out and giving consistency provides trust to your audience. Because who wants to work with someone who's inconsistent, right?

It's when the going get's tough that we GROW and PROSPER as healing entrepreneurs.

So, how are you showing up today?


I challenge you to show up to a no-obligation discovery call with me! I want to know where you're struggling in your business (plus what you're trying that's SO not meshing with your gifts) so we can fill the gaps and start making some consistent income every month > https://bit.ly/teachat-with-rachel



On June 21st - just in time for the Summer Solstice - we'll be having our "Reclaim Your Root" Masterclass.

For this 3-hour interactive experience, you'll discover...
- Why you need to know about your chakras and specific why your ROOT matters when it comes to manifesting
- What traumas you've had in your life that have created an excessive or deficient Root chakra within your body
- Easy, everyday ways you can realign yourself without the need for multi-hour meditation sessions

You'll also receive...
☑️A group meditation session clearing your Root trauma in a safe, sacred space
☑️Replays of the 3-hour Masterclass + meditation circle
☑️Exclusive printables and goodies from the Crone Academy vault to maintain your new energy flow
☑️1:1 follow up after the class to see how you're adjusting (and not relapsing back into old thought patterns)

Pretty awesome, huh?


➡️ https://croneacademy.thinkific.com/courses/reclaim-your-root-masterclass

Clients, Referrals, and Reviews - "Not-So Love and Light" Episode 2 03/06/2019

"Not-So Love and Light" Episode 2: Clients, Referrals, and Reviews

We’ll be talking about everything from reading on the psychic hotlines, doing in-person fairs + events, selling physical products, working in customer service, and even what happens when you sell your own online programs.



This is will be the second video of my anger, angst, and completely authentic series called "Not-So Love + Light". In this series, I'll be coming on live in the Crone's Magic Corner group with my honest experiences and emotions about running an online metaphysical business full-time - along with being pregnant, a wife, the sole income for our household, and much more - without skimping on the good, bad, and ugly sides of this profession.

I'm inspired to do this series purely to give my honest reactions and opinions about what it's like to be a business owner in the spiritual niche. There will be tears, profanity, and zero filter or BS. You've been warned. No sympathy needed or included: let's have a discussion about these rough as f*** topics!


Clients, Referrals, and Reviews - "Not-So Love and Light" Episode 2 "Not-So Love and Light" Episode 2: Clients, Referrals, and Reviews We’ll be talking about everything from reading on the psychic hotlines, doing in-person fa...


READY FOR ANOTHER “Not-So Love + Light” episode?

I’ll be going live this morning at 9 am MST (11 am EST) in the Crone’s Magic Corner Facebook group to chat about...

“Clients, Referrals, and Reviews”

We’ll be talking about everything from reading on the psychic hotlines, doing in-person fairs + events, selling physical products, working in customer service, and even what happens when you sell your own online programs.


➡️ JOIN THE GROUP - bit.ly/cmc-facebookgroup ⬅️

See you then!


This is will be the second video of my anger, angst, and completely authentic series called "Not-So Love + Light". In this series, I'll be coming on live in the Crone's Magic Corner group with my honest experiences and emotions about running an online metaphysical business full-time - along with being pregnant, a wife, the sole income for our household, and much more - without skimping on the good, bad, and ugly sides of this profession.

I'm inspired to do this series purely to give my honest reactions and opinions about what it's like to be a business owner in the spiritual niche. There will be tears, profanity, and zero filter or BS. You've been warned. No sympathy needed or included: let's have a discussion about these rough as f*** topics!


🔮🧙‍♀️⚪💦🌊🌦🌅⬛💧🐇🍀🎊✨💰💸🍀🌬🦋🐰🐰🐰🐚😍 🌀💃💵 🔮🎱👨‍👨‍👧‍👦⚪🧙‍♀️🔮

Emoji Spell for Abundance * Fertility * Flow
To manifest anything you desire with the fertile energy of abundance, ease, and flow.

Likes charge it. Shares cast it.

And so it is. So mote it be.


Need a Pick-Me-Up? Check this out super quick:

About Rachel Erazo

I aspire to help online coaches or readers (THAT USE DIVINATION) who struggle with making CONSISTENT money as a professional intuitive and wants to fill their schedule with HIGH-VIBE clients that are willing to PAY for their healing gifts.

By learning how to identify your psychic SOUL OFFERS and get ORGANIZED about the content you deliver, we're going to get you on TRACK!

That way you can make a living off of your practice without sticking to the UNFUN and UNEASY 9-5 rules of life and SECURE your life financially while staying soul-centered and authentic.

Pretty awesome, huh?

Videos (show all)

Need a Pick-Me-Up? Check this out super quick:
Reflect, Release, Renew Fall 2019 Retreat!Check out the details in the commented link below!
***‼️‼️‼️ TRIGGER WARNING ‼️‼️‼️***Let’s talk about something super important...(whether you’re trying to start a busine...
MY SUNDAY "AH-HA" MOMENT: Why it's So Hard as F**K to Celebrate Our Successes!
REPLAY: How I Made My First $1k Months Using JUST Passive IncomeCome join me in this replay recording from my Facebook g...
The 2 Things You Need to Keep in Mind When Making the RIGHT Investments in Your Psychic Practice + Biz (and how you can ...
My Truth about 2018 + When It's the RIGHT Time to Start Your BusinessStay tuned for some announcements and updates + you...
AN IMPORTANT, CHANNELED MESSAGE FOR MY COMMUNITY (replay) (please watch from the beginning to hear it all
What is Your SOUL Divination?
🔮❤️🍵✨Colorado Springs Pagan Pride, Witches New Year Goodies, and More!Check out the details >> https://bit.ly/samhainsoc...
Fear of Being Wrong
What it Means to Be Psychic and Read Tarot


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 13:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 13:00
Thursday 09:00 - 13:00
Friday 09:00 - 11:30