Laibel Schwartz Photography

Laibel Schwartz Photography

Connecting with your inner essence so you can connect with your ideal client!! 📸🎥 Laibel & Chana Schwartz


Portable headshot kit!!!

This is incredible… can’t believe we didn’t think of First :)

CLEAR + Laibel I think we might be on your something!!!

P.S. What’s up with delayed flights these days? Is it just me or it’s more common than not?


Should we do more of this?

There is an element of this fun/impromtu/inspirational adventure that I believe touches the world in a genuinely true way…

I also believe that it is exactly what the world needs right now…

The challenge?


Time: Thankfully we are rocking full speed on multiple projects that I literally could have never dreamed I would even known about…

So any time spent on this more ‘fun’ content…could be more easily justified spent on ‘real work’ :)

Energy: The projects we are blessed with these days are wildly focused in scope, purpose and execution… so much of that creative energy that we would invest in these adventures are thankfully being fully executed daily!!

Resources: When we originally set out on these projects we were working on brand partnerships/sponsorships and educational roadmap so the projects were fully sponsored and leading towards a potential revenue stream…

Today it would just be a self funded adventure to try to brighten the world just a touch…

I literally do not have a preferred outcome to this question and I would love to hear your thoughts… bearing in mind all of the factors!

Should we dedacate some time/energy/resources in playing with projects like this at this stage of the game?

We appreciate your time and hope you enjoy this dream we put together a few years ago with Adorama and V-Flat World with over 60,000 views on YouTube!!! :)

LAIBEL 12/07/2024

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Photos from Laibel Schwartz Photography's post 10/07/2024

A professional headshot isn't just a picture; it's a carefully crafted representation of your professional self...

So why do professional headshots matter when everyone has a camera in their pocket?

A headshot sends a clear message about your commitment to quality and attention to detail. It shows that you're willing to invest in your professional image! ⬇️

Reach out today to book your session:


I will tell this story for the rest of my life… and still smile :)

What you may not know is….

I spent the first eight and a half years of our married life in Kollel (Post graduate study of Talmudic law)

My wife is an interior design major from Parsons, a top design school in the city.

I knew, given our chosen life goals, that if she was going to be purchasing $40,000 couches for her clients and then come home to our $40 craigslist couch, it just was not going to work.

I suggested “Why don't you become a photographer? And we will work together… It'll be a fun team building exercise.”

She disagreed, “No, you have your passion, I have mine.”

Yet, we decided that we were going to try it…

For the next six months, I trained her in all the technical aspects of photography, as she naturally had all the innate skill sets of an artist.

As a brand new couple, we wanted the team building exercises, learning how to work together and communicate in many time sensitive and very high pressure environments.

What happened was, she developed into an amazing photographer, and she built, over the years, an incredible boutique wedding studio.

We built the business together, and for 8 and a half years she kicked me out every morning to build our family’s spiritual foundation. Meanwhile, she designed and laid the bricks of what our business is today :)

That was our world and I couldn’t be more proud of where we came…

I am even more excited about where we are going!!! :)

I wrote this post many years ago and while wiping up spilled cereal and crushed blueberries together this morning I remembered it and thought…

Still so true and even more excited!!! ;)


ENAV (Everyone Needs A Video .com) is alive and rocking!!! Wanna see? 🙂So here is our new brand video…For EveryoneNeedsAVideo .com Because…It’s true…Everyone needs a video… Even us 😉

Photos from Laibel Schwartz Photography's post 21/06/2024


After you leave a headshot session that’s one of the many emotions I hope you leave with!

At the end of the day a headshot with the Laibel Schwartz Photography team is meant to bring out your true essence!

Your headshot is more than just a picture…

It’s an investment in your personal brand, a boost to your confidence, and usually the first thing someone sees before making a professional connection!

Can you afford not to put your best face forward? ;))


Hello Arizona! 😉

Today and tomorrow we will be at eCap West alongside Global Tech Solutions providing complimentary headshots…

ECap Summit is one of our favorite events to be part of!

The energy is always a 10/10…

If you’re here make sure to stop by…

Let’s get you a new LinkedIn headshot! 😉


These days we’re spending a wild amount of time in the behavioral health space…

Here we are working with Portum Behavioral Health an incredible, revolutionary, company in the behavior health field that is pushing the envelope in the most caring and genuine way!

To see them care in a true and real way is refreshing…

It reaffirms our belief in humanity!!

One of the fun things we created with them are these video profiles of their therapists…

Have you ever seen anything like this?

Now when you make a decision on a therapist you have a video card on the provider you are choosing!

Putting their therapists front and center and building trust…

These are just one of the many assets we are creating for them as their story grows! :))


This one photo is a perfect piece of content…

It can be used for their website, social media, and marketing material!

I’m sure you have seen photos similar to them but what makes this one stand out?

It’s not a stock photo!

This company can now use these photos of their own team in their branding.

So the next time you use a stock photo, consider having your OWN!


Video interviews, let’s talk about them…

It’s an authentic way to deliver an impactful message about your brand!!

They are an also a great way to connect you with your audience. :))

You can showcase just about anything and everything making it a timeless piece…

At the end of the day people are more receptive when the information comes directly from real people!


It’s a really big day!!

This piece for VRG is ready to see the world…

Them as a company, their amenities, what they do, and what they believe in is all class A!!

Everyone might remember us jumping in the pool…

One crazy day of filming…

This gives us the opportunity to showcase exactly who VRG is and the energy they possess…

It’s truly amazing to see what they are creating across their space!!

We want to shoutout the entire team from VRG!!

This is a dream to see it go live…

We almost didn’t want to leave! 😉


“My Journey with Microtia…and why it has become my super power”

Did you ever notice that I only have one ear?

and second…

Did you ever see it stop me?

We are blessed to rock with the most incredible companies in our world…

Teach at the highest level of our craft…

And revolutionize litterally every industry that we have stepped into over the past 13 years carrier…

Now.. It is EXTREMELY out of character for me to speak this way about our accomplishments…

But if it will give another person stength and inspire them into their potential…

I am ALL the way in :)

We often look to our shortcomings to messure our potential..

I have learned to flip that script…

Hyper focus on our super streanths…Microtia being one of them, and create a game that litteraly only I can win..

Because we made the game ;)

I invite you, and anyone that could draw strength from this message to join me this Tuesday night, May the 28th, as I share our journey with Microtia and how it had truly became our super power!!!


Renewal came to us to create a showcase for their swabbing events held in communities across the country...

These are a time for a community to get together...Learn more about the miracle work that Renewal is revolutionizing every day and for those in attendance that are interested... To swab and see if they are a perfect match to save a life!!!

For this type of event...there is more latitude to dive deep into the innerworking of Renewal and let the viewing audience into the nuances that are happening daily.

It is true that an over 5 minute piece might be a touch long for a typical use case but when you build intentionally and custom create for the unique setting... It might just be the perfect length!!!

And while you have it...Might as well use it for the campaign ;))

BTW...we are blessed to have a close family member who is a healthy/happy/thankful recipient of Renwal's miracle work...



Join us behind the scenes with Friendly Urgent Care!

They had 7 employees who did not want to take a headshot...

After the first person, it was contagious..

Each employee got their headshot and were ready for the group portrait!

Book your next headshot session today by emailing [email protected]


We just finished a WILD week all across the state of Florida…

I feel soooooooo blessed to spend my life with the most incredible team in the world and work with teams that are trully revolutionizing their industries… in the most beautiful and meaningful ways..

I feel blessed and I do not take it for granted!!

This is just the beginning :)


The chaos of group shots is what makes it more fun ;)

I can’t believe I haven’t shared this one!

Thank you to everyone at The Method Group…

Your reactions to each pose and willingness to try everything we suggested was amazing!!

That’s what made this shoot not only a shoot but an experience! :)

When was the last time your office had a group portrait taken?


The best sessions are the ones that take you by surprise…

We did something we never done before…

Taking random portraits of people we have NEVER met before, for FUN!

Each encounter, kept getting better and better.

I am truly truly blessed to be able to experience these moments, and share them with you all!

What would you do if you got a call we wanted to stop by ;)


We are blessed to be rocking incredible projects with incredible teams both up north and down south!

Can you guess where we’re headed next?


Understanding the personality, story, and emotion of the client!

I’m excited to share a piece from a series of videos with Faces of Orthodoxy.

Each piece is different bringing one thing to focus, the passion of what each individual does!

Marlon Sobol MT-BC, LCAT’s goal for this shoot brought out the true essence of who he is and what he does!!

WOW. ;)


What’s better than taking portraits of people…

PETS! ;)

We love rocking with our friends over at HHDESIGNERS.

It’s been a while, but I had to share this…

We were at the beautiful dog spa they designed in Linden!

The only way I can get into the spa was to bring a dog.

So you’ll never guess what we did…

Have you been there before


Lets get foundational!

Who are we? What are made of? What are we made for...?

Aish, founded by Rabbi Noah Weinberg, was created to show the Jewish people the power of Torah wisdom, no matter where in the world a person many be standing at that moment.

As many organizations, founded and led by strong, charismatic, driving visionaries, Aish experienced a serious existential challenge when Rabbi Weinberg passed and was no longer able to guide the mission/organization.

Aish made a hardfast decision that if they were going to survive and forge into the future of the Aish mission, they would need to restructure into an organization run as a company and not continue out of sheer momentum and inertia (They are not the same seeing...we just looked it up ;)

Aish decided to invest into a bulletproof corporate structure, led by Rabbi Steven Burg (who inspires us more that we can express) with each department led by best in class professionals. Rav Yitzhak Berkovits as Rosh Yeshiva, Jamie Geller trailblazing Marketing/Media as she has so often in her carrier, but this time for Hashem and the Jewish People, Elliot Mathias heading operations (You may not know how I feel about my operation people...but they are the ones who actually do everything ;) and so so so many more.

Aish reached out to us in order to create a series of work, showcasing the multivarying initiates of Aish to fully sum up the vast international/interdisciplinary programs that make up Aish today.

The series was created to be showcased at an Aish Legacy Summit, aiming to reintroduce Aish to their current lead donor base and rekindle the flame (sorry I couldn't heap myself) as we move into the next steps of inspiring the future of our people though Jewish wisdom.

I feel blessed to have been a small part of the Summit's great success. And I am beginning to realize...

Sometimes being a small part of something truly great is really the best investment.

Thank you Rabbi Steven Burg, Elliot Mathias, Jamie Geller and especially Yonah Friedman for trusting us with sharing the miracle work that you bring to the world.

It is people/organizations like you that make this world just a bit more beautiful every day!!!

P.S. Aish is just launching their annual matching campaign, so if you happen to be super duper inspired by the end of the video...

Donation Link:



The longer we put off getting a new headshot…

The higher chance it will never happen!!

What are you waiting for? ;)) Book your headshot session on Monday, April 1!!

We will be in Lakewood from 10am-4pm. Now is the time. We look forward to seeing you!!


If we understand our clients and get them one step closer to their goal, we’re indispensable!

It’s about YOU. :))

It’s how can we get you to your goals through video...

( P.S We were fired up and inspired while giving speaking at Imperial Real Estate Agency!! )

Photos from Laibel Schwartz Photography's post 21/03/2024

BHASe Summit 2024 was a huge success!

Thank you to everyone who stopped by the Global Tech Solutions booth for your complimentary headshots!

Be on the lookout…

NOTE: Your headshots will be delivered to your email when they are ready!! Stay tuned… ;)


How do you recruit the perfect hire?


The more honest/transparent you can be before the relationship begins the better prepped you can be for success in the long run!

When we first stepped into Tech-Keys…our team was hit immediately with a fun, hip, passionate vibe from a team that seemed to expand into forever!!

As we began our deep dive into the Tech-Keys universe… we were tasked with creating a sales video, recruitment video and a highlight of 2023 for the year end holiday party…

Tech-Keys thank you so much for inviting us is and trusting us to show the world your brilliance in so many unique mediums!!!

He were go…

The Tech-Keys recruitment project :)


We love a good !

This is Peter Hurley Photography!

The man that taught us the art of the headshot and how valuable it could be Tibet world.

This picture was right before our very first podcast episode! ;)


A revolutionary new support for patients living with Crohn’s and Colitis…

A revolutionary new support for GI Doctors around the county as they treat said patients above :)

Belly / GITrak is the type of project that literally lights a fire under myself and the team!

Here you have a team of ambitious/passionate pros…

Who are pushing past the status que of their industry by caring, listening, and actively solving the problems that are faced daily…

Both on the Doctor and the patient side of the equation!

It is an honor to be a small part of your growth…

By showing the world that you are building…

For them :)


Can you see it?!?!?

It’s a tiny little/hard light at the end… (tell us if you see it :)

Thank makes all the difference in the world!!!

Diamonds are not our specialty…

Some projects push you past your current capabilities…

And it’s exactly those projects that bring you to who will will be tomorrow!

So tell us, do you see it?

Videos (show all)

It’s just a conversation…There is no right or wrong way to have one, especially when it comes to authentic interactions!...
Portable Headshot Kit 📸
What’s your favorite angle? A headshot is actually taken from an angle we rarely ever see ourselves from! It could just ...
Should we do more of this? There is an element of this fun/impromtu/inspirational adventure that I believe touches the w...
Today in collaboration with MOZART&CO. we were able to touch HH TV once more which is meaningful in so many more ways th...
Remember... You are the BEST you that has ever existed! ;) #behindthescenes #newyork #bts #headshotphotographer #laibel ...
Every encounter and every moment we spend with our clients tells a story…We might just share the final product, but thes...
A little Fourth of July fun! This is something I’ve been meaning to share and get back into…Vlogging!#laibel #video #hap...
There’s nothing like a day where we’re rocking headshots ;) #laibel #headshotphotographer #headshotphotography #headshot...
Everyone Needs a Video!
Getting your headshot taken by our team is like having a personal hype man ;)We’re here to help you relax and feel confi...
When you start something new, are you always successful on the first try? We recently were at a video shoot for one of o...


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 12:00